974 resultados para Temporal correlation


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Variety selection in perennial pasture crops involves identifying best varieties from data collected from multiple harvest times in field trials. For accurate selection, the statistical methods for analysing such data need to account for the spatial and temporal correlation typically present. This paper provides an approach for analysing multi-harvest data from variety selection trials in which there may be a large number of harvest times. Methods are presented for modelling the variety by harvest effects while accounting for the spatial and temporal correlation between observations. These methods provide an improvement in model fit compared to separate analyses for each harvest, and provide insight into variety by harvest interactions. The approach is illustrated using two traits from a lucerne variety selection trial. The proposed method provides variety predictions allowing for the natural sources of variation and correlation in multi-harvest data.


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Cation chloride cotransporters (CCCs) are critical for controlling intracellular chloride homeostasis. The CCC family is composed of four isoforms of K-Cl cotransporters (KCC1-4), two isoforms of Na-K-2Cl cotransporters (NKCC1-2), one Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC) and two the structurally related proteins with unknown function, CCC8 also known as cation-chloride cotransporter interaction protein, CIP, and CCC9. KCC2 is a neuron-specific isoform, which plays a prominent role in controlling the intracellular Cl- concentration in neurons and is responsible for producing the negative shift of GABAA responses from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing during neuronal maturation. In the present studies we first used in situ hybridization to examine the developmental expression patterns of the cation-chloride cotransporters KCC1-4 and NKCC1. We found that they display complementary expression patterns during embryonic brain development. Most interestingly, KCC2 expression in the embryonic central nervous system strictly follows neuronal maturation. In vitro data obtained from primary and organotypic neuronal cultures support this finding and revealed a temporal correlation between the expression of KCC2 and synaptogenesis. We found that KCC2 is highly expressed in filopodia and mature spines as well as dendritic shaft and investigated the role of KCC2 in spine formation by analyzing KCC2-/- neurons in vitro. Our studies revealed that KCC2 is a key factor in the maturation of dendritic spines. Interestingly, the effect of KCC2 in spine formation is not due to Cl- transport activity, but mediated through the interaction between KCC2 C-terminal and intracellular protein associated with cytoskeleton. The interacting protein we found is protein 4.1N by immunoprecipitation. Our results indicate a structural role for KCC2 in the development of functional glutamatergic synapses and suggest KCC2 as a synchronizer for the functional development of glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses in neuronal network. Studies on the regulatory mechanisms of KCC2 expression during development and plasticity revealed that synaptic activity of both the glutamatergic and GABAergic system is not required for up-regulation of KCC2 during development, whereas in acute mature hippocampal slices which undergo continuous synchronous activity induced by the absence of Mg2+ solution, KCC2 mRNA and protein expression were down-regulated in CA1 pyramidal neurons subsequently leading to a reduced capacity for neuronal Cl- extrusion. This effect is mediated by endogenous BDNF-TrkB down-stream cascades involving both Shc/FRS-2 and PLCγ-CREB signaling. BDNF mediated changes in KCC2 expression indicate that KCC2 is significantly involved in the complex mechanisms of neuronal plasticity during development and pathophysiological conditions.


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Since the 1980 s, laminin-1 has been linked to regeneration of the central nervous system (CNS) and promotion of neuronal migration and axon guidance during CNS development. In this thesis, we clarify the role of γ1 laminin and its KDI tripeptide in development of human embryonic spinal cord, in regeneration of adult rat spinal cord injury (SCI), in kainic acid-induced neuronal death, and in the spinal cord tissue of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We demonstrated that γ1 laminin together with α1, β1, and β3 laminins localize at the floor plate region in human embryonic spinal cord. This localization of γ1 laminin is in spatial and temporal correlation with development of the spinal cord and indicates that γ1 laminin may participate in commissural axon guidance during the embryonic development of the human CNS. With in vitro studies using the Matrigel culture system, we demonstrated that the KDI tripeptide of γ1 laminin provides a chemotrophic guidance cue for neurites of the human embryonic dorsal spinal cord, verifying the functional ability of γ1 laminin to guide commissural axons. Results from our experimental SCI model demonstrate that the KDI tripeptide enhanced functional recovery and promoted neurite outgrowth across the mechanically injured area in the adult rat spinal cord. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the KDI tripeptide as a non-competitive inhibitor of the ionotropic glutamate receptors can provide when administered in adequate concentrations an effective method to protect neurons against glutamate-induced excitotoxic cell death. Human postmortem samples were used to study motor neuron disease, ALS (IV), and the study revealed that in human ALS spinal cord, γ1 laminin was selectively over-expressed by reactive astrocytes, and that this over-expression may correlate with disease severity. The multiple ways by which γ1 laminin and its KDI tripeptide provide neurotrophic protection and enhance neuronal viability suggest that the over-expression of γ1 laminin may be a glial attempt to provide protection for neurons against ALS pathology. The KDI tripeptide is effective therapeutically thus far in animal models only. However, because KDI containing γ1 laminin exists naturally in the human CNS, KDI therapies are unlikely to be toxic or allergenic. Results from our animal models are encouraging, with no toxic side-effects detected even at high concentrations, but the ultimate confirmation can be achieved only after clinical trials. More research is still needed until the KDI tripeptide is refined into a clinically applicable method to treat various neurological disorders.


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In meteorology, observations and forecasts of a wide range of phenomena for example, snow, clouds, hail, fog, and tornados can be categorical, that is, they can only have discrete values (e.g., "snow" and "no snow"). Concentrating on satellite-based snow and cloud analyses, this thesis explores methods that have been developed for evaluation of categorical products and analyses. Different algorithms for satellite products generate different results; sometimes the differences are subtle, sometimes all too visible. In addition to differences between algorithms, the satellite products are influenced by physical processes and conditions, such as diurnal and seasonal variation in solar radiation, topography, and land use. The analysis of satellite-based snow cover analyses from NOAA, NASA, and EUMETSAT, and snow analyses for numerical weather prediction models from FMI and ECMWF was complicated by the fact that we did not have the true knowledge of snow extent, and we were forced simply to measure the agreement between different products. The Sammon mapping, a multidimensional scaling method, was then used to visualize the differences between different products. The trustworthiness of the results for cloud analyses [EUMETSAT Meteorological Products Extraction Facility cloud mask (MPEF), together with the Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (SAFNWC) cloud masks provided by Météo-France (SAFNWC/MSG) and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SAFNWC/PPS)] compared with ceilometers of the Helsinki Testbed was estimated by constructing confidence intervals (CIs). Bootstrapping, a statistical resampling method, was used to construct CIs, especially in the presence of spatial and temporal correlation. The reference data for validation are constantly in short supply. In general, the needs of a particular project drive the requirements for evaluation, for example, for the accuracy and the timeliness of the particular data and methods. In this vein, we discuss tentatively how data provided by general public, e.g., photos shared on the Internet photo-sharing service Flickr, can be used as a new source for validation. Results show that they are of reasonable quality and their use for case studies can be warmly recommended. Last, the use of cluster analysis on meteorological in-situ measurements was explored. The Autoclass algorithm was used to construct compact representations of synoptic conditions of fog at Finnish airports.


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Antenna selection (AS) provides most of the benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In receive AS, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. The "best" subset to be used for data reception is determined by means of channel estimates acquired using training sequences. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence, and are, thus, outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N, we highlight a new issue of "training voids", in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We present a "void-filling" method for fully exploiting these voids, which essentially provides more accurate training for some antennas, and derive the optimal subset selection rule for any void-filling method. We also derive new closed-form equations for the performance of receive AS with optimal subset selection.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) provides many benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In it, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas, which are required to determine the best subset for data reception, are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence. Consequently, they are outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is necessary and optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N , we highlight a new issue of ``training voids'', in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We then present new ``void-filling'' methods that exploit these voids and greatly improve the performance of AS. The optimal subset selection rules with void-filling, in which different antennas turn out to have different numbers of estimates, are also explicitly characterized. Closed-form equations for the symbol error probability with and without void-filling are also developed.


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This paper considers the problem of receive antenna selection (AS) in a multiple-antenna communication system having a single radio-frequency (RF) chain. The AS decisions are based on noisy channel estimates obtained using known pilot symbols embedded in the data packets. The goal here is to minimize the average packet error rate (PER) by exploiting the known temporal correlation of the channel. As the underlying channels are only partially observed using the pilot symbols, the problem of AS for PER minimization is cast into a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) framework. Under mild assumptions, the optimality of a myopic policy is established for the two-state channel case. Moreover, two heuristic AS schemes are proposed based on a weighted combination of the estimated channel states on the different antennas. These schemes utilize the continuous valued received pilot symbols to make the AS decisions, and are shown to offer performance comparable to the POMDP approach, which requires one to quantize the channel and observations to a finite set of states. The performance improvement offered by the POMDP solution and the proposed heuristic solutions relative to existing AS training-based approaches is illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Acoustic feature based speech (syllable) rate estimation and syllable nuclei detection are important problems in automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer assisted language learning (CALL) and fluency analysis. A typical solution for both the problems consists of two stages. The first stage involves computing a short-time feature contour such that most of the peaks of the contour correspond to the syllabic nuclei. In the second stage, the peaks corresponding to the syllable nuclei are detected. In this work, instead of the peak detection, we perform a mode-shape classification, which is formulated as a supervised binary classification problem - mode-shapes representing the syllabic nuclei as one class and remaining as the other. We use the temporal correlation and selected sub-band correlation (TCSSBC) feature contour and the mode-shapes in the TCSSBC feature contour are converted into a set of feature vectors using an interpolation technique. A support vector machine classifier is used for the classification. Experiments are performed separately using Switchboard, TIMIT and CTIMIT corpora in a five-fold cross validation setup. The average correlation coefficients for the syllable rate estimation turn out to be 0.6761, 0.6928 and 0.3604 for three corpora respectively, which outperform those obtained by the best of the existing peak detection techniques. Similarly, the average F-scores (syllable level) for the syllable nuclei detection are 0.8917, 0.8200 and 0.7637 for three corpora respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silicose é uma doença pulmonar causada pela inalação de partículas de sílica, na qual vários são os mediadores inflamatórios implicados. Neste estudo investigamos o envolvimento do óxido nítrico (NO) nas alterações de função pulmonar e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, em camundongos estimulados com sílica por via intranasal. Foram analisados parâmetros como i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas ao aerossol com metacolina (3 27 mg/mL) através de sistema de pletismografia invasiva, e ii) alterações morfológicas, mediante técnicas clássicas de histologia e imuno-histoquímica. Verificamos que a instilação de partículas de sílica (10 mg) causou aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonar, bem como de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina, em tempos que variaram de 2 a 28 dias. Observamos uma correlação temporal com as alterações morfológicas no tecido pulmonar, que refletiram presença de resposta inflamatória e infiltrado celular intenso, seguidos de progressiva fibrose e formação de granulomas. Os tempos de 7 e 28 dias pós-estimulação com sílica foram selecionados para os ensaios subsequentes, por corresponderem às fases aguda e crônica da silicose experimental, respectivamente. Foram detectados níveis elevados de óxido nítrico (NO), bem como de peroxinitrito/expressão da enzima iNOS no lavado broncoalveolar e no tecido pulmonar de camundongos estimulados com sílica, respectivamente. Em outro grupo de experimentos, observamos que camundongos depletados para o gene codificante para a enzima NOS induzida (iNOS) apresentaram abolidas as respostas de aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonares, bem como da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina em comparação aos animais selvagens (C57BL/6). A inibição da resposta inflamatória e fibrótica granulomatosa foi também notada no caso dos animais nocautes para iNOS. O tratamento com 1400W, um inibidor da enzima iNOS, diminui de forma marcada as alterações de função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual verificadas nos camundongos silicóticos. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que o comprometimento da função pulmonar, representado pelo aumento na resistência/elastância e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, mostraram-se correlacionados à maior geração de NO e de peroxinitrito, assim como da expressão da enzima iNOS. A depleção do gene codificante ou, ainda, o bloqueio da enzima iNOS aboliram a resposta de comprometimento da função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual na silicose experimental. Em conjunto estes achados indicam que o NO parece ser um mediador importante no contexto da silicose, colocando-se como um alvo terapêutico em potencial no tratamento de doenças de caráter fibrótico.


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This paper is about detecting bipedal motion in video sequences by using point trajectories in a framework of classification. Given a number of point trajectories, we find a subset of points which are arising from feet in bipedal motion by analysing their spatio-temporal correlation in a pairwise fashion. To this end, we introduce probabilistic trajectories as our new features which associate each point over a sufficiently long time period in the presence of noise. They are extracted from directed acyclic graphs whose edges represent temporal point correspondences and are weighted with their matching probability in terms of appearance and location. The benefit of the new representation is that it practically tolerates inherent ambiguity for example due to occlusions. We then learn the correlation between the motion of two feet using the probabilistic trajectories in a decision forest classifier. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated in experiments on image sequences captured with a static camera, and extensions to deal with a moving camera are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This dissertation that includes most of the P. PH.D research work during 2001~2002 covers the large-scale distribution of continental earthquakes in mainland China, the mechanism and statistic features of grouped strong earthquakes related to the tidal triggering, some results in earthquake prediction with correlativity analysis methods, and the flushes from the two strong continental earthquakes in South Asia in 2001. Mainland China is the only continental sub-plate that is compressed by collision boundaries at its two sides, within which earthquakes are dispersive and distributed as seismic belts with different widths. The control capability of the continental block boundaries on the strong earthquakes and seismic hazards is calculated and analyzed in this dissertation. By mapping the distribution of the 31282 ML:3s2,0 earthquakes, I found that the depth of continental earthquakes depend on the tectonic zonings. The events on the boundaries of relatively integrated blocks are deep and those on the new-developed ruptures are shallow. The average depth of earthquakes in the West of China is about 5km deeper than that in the east. The western and southwestern brim of Tarim Basin generated the deepest earthquakes in mainland China. The statistic results from correlation between the grouped M7 earthquakes and the tidal stress show that the strong events were modulated by tidal stress in active periods. Taking Taiwan area as an example, the dependence of moderate events on the moon phase angles (£>) is analyzed, which shows that the number of the earthquakes in Taiwan when D is 50° ,50° +90° and 50° +180° is more than 2 times of standard deviation over the average frequency at each degree, corresponding to the 4th, 12th and 19th solar day after the new moon. The probability of earthquake attack to the densely populated Taiwan island on the 4th solar day is about 4 times of that on other solar days. On the practice of earthquake prediction, I calculated and analyzed the temporal correlation of the earthquakes in Xinjinag area, Qinghai-Tibet area, west Yunnan area, North China area and those in their adjacent areas, and predicted at the end of 2000 that it would be a special time interval from 2001 to 2003, within which moderate to strong earthquakes would be more active in the west of China. What happened in 2001 partly validated the prediction. Within 10 months, there were 2 great continental earthquakes in south Asia, i.e., the M7.8 event in India on Jan 26 and M8.1 event in China on Nov. 14, 2001, which are the largest earthquake in the past 50 years both for India and China. No records for two great earthquakes in Asia within so short time interval. We should speculate the following aspects from the two incidences: The influence of the fallacious deployment of seismic stations on the fine location and focal mechanism determination of strong earthquakes must be affronted. It is very important to introduce comparative seismology research to seismic hazard analysis and earthquake prediction research. The improvement or changes in real-time prediction of strong earthquakes with precursors is urged. Methods need to be refreshed to protect environment and historical relics in earthquake-prone areas.


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One of the great puzzles in the psychology of visual perception is that the visual world appears to be a coherent whole despite our viewing it through temporally discontinuous series of eye fixations. The investigators attempted to explain this puzzle from the perspective of sequential visual information integration. In recent years, investigators hypothesized that information maintained in the visual short-term memory (VSTM) could become visual mental images gradually during time delay in visual buffer and integrated with information perceived currently. Some elementary studies had been carried out to investigate the integration between VSTM and visual percepts, but further research is required to account for several questions on the spatial-temporal characteristics, information representation and mechanism of integrating sequential visual information. Based on the theory of similarity between visual mental image and visual perception, this research (including three studies) employed the temporal integration paradigm and empty cell localization task to further explore the spatial-temporal characteristics, information representation and mechanism of integrating sequential visual information (sequential arrays). The purpose of study 1 was to further explore the temporal characteristics of sequential visual information integration by examining the effects of encoding time of sequential stimuli on the integration of sequential visual information. The purpose of study 2 was to further explore the spatial characteristics of sequential visual information integration by investigating the effects of spatial characteristics change on the integration of sequential visual information. The purpose of study 3 was to explore the information representation of information maintained in the VSTM and integration mechanism in the process of integrating sequential visual information by employing the behavioral experiments and eye tracking technology. The results indicated that: (1) Sequential arrays could be integrated without strategic instruction. Increasing the duration of the first array could cause improvement in performance and increasing the duration of the second array could not improve the performance. Temporal correlation model was not fit to explain the sequential array integration under long-ISI conditions. (2) Stimuli complexity influenced not only the overall performance of sequential arrays but also the values of ISI at asymptotic level of performance. Sequential arrays still could be integrated when the spatial characteristics of sequential arrays changed. During ISI, constructing and manipulating of visual mental image of array 1 were two separate processing phases. (3) During integrating sequential arrays, people represented the pattern constituted by the objects' image maintained in the VSTM and the topological characteristics of the objects' image had some impact on fixation location. The image-perception integration hypothesis was supported when the number of dots in array 1 was less than empty cells, and the convert-and-compare hypothesis was supported when the number of the dot in array 1 was equal to or more than empty cells. These findings not only contribute to make people understand the process of sequential visual information integration better, but also have significant practical application in the design of visual interface.


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This paper presents a tool called Gismo (Generator of Internet Streaming Media Objects and workloads). Gismo enables the specification of a number of streaming media access characteristics, including object popularity, temporal correlation of request, seasonal access patterns, user session durations, user interactivity times, and variable bit-rate (VBR) self-similarity and marginal distributions. The embodiment of these characteristics in Gismo enables the generation of realistic and scalable request streams for use in the benchmarking and comparative evaluation of Internet streaming media delivery techniques. To demonstrate the usefulness of Gismo, we present a case study that shows the importance of various workload characteristics in determining the effectiveness of proxy caching and server patching techniques in reducing bandwidth requirements.


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We propose a novel data-delivery method for delay-sensitive traffic that significantly reduces the energy consumption in wireless sensor networks without reducing the number of packets that meet end-to-end real-time deadlines. The proposed method, referred to as SensiQoS, leverages the spatial and temporal correlation between the data generated by events in a sensor network and realizes energy savings through application-specific in-network aggregation of the data. SensiQoS maximizes energy savings by adaptively waiting for packets from upstream nodes to perform in-network processing without missing the real-time deadline for the data packets. SensiQoS is a distributed packet scheduling scheme, where nodes make localized decisions on when to schedule a packet for transmission to meet its end-to-end real-time deadline and to which neighbor they should forward the packet to save energy. We also present a localized algorithm for nodes to adapt to network traffic to maximize energy savings in the network. Simulation results show that SensiQoS improves the energy savings in sensor networks where events are sensed by multiple nodes, and spatial and/or temporal correlation exists among the data packets. Energy savings due to SensiQoS increase with increase in the density of the sensor nodes and the size of the sensed events. © 2010 Harshavardhan Sabbineni and Krishnendu Chakrabarty.


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Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cell type in the brain. Although not apposite for long-range rapid electrical communication, astrocytes share with neurons the capacity of chemical signaling via Ca(2+)-dependent transmitter exocytosis. Despite this recent finding, little is known about the specific properties of regulated secretion and vesicle recycling in astrocytes. Important differences may exist with the neuronal exocytosis, starting from the fact that stimulus-secretion coupling in astrocytes is voltage independent, mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors and the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. Elucidating the spatiotemporal properties of astrocytic exo-endocytosis is, therefore, of primary importance for understanding the mode of communication of these cells and their role in brain signaling. We here take advantage of fluorescent tools recently developed for studying recycling of glutamatergic vesicles at synapses (Voglmaier et al., 2006; Balaji and Ryan, 2007); we combine epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging to investigate with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution, the stimulus-secretion coupling underlying exo-endocytosis of glutamatergic synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes. Our main findings indicate that (1) exo-endocytosis in astrocytes proceeds with a time course on the millisecond time scale (tau(exocytosis) = 0.24 +/- 0.017 s; tau(endocytosis) = 0.26 +/- 0.03 s) and (2) exocytosis is controlled by local Ca(2+) microdomains. We identified submicrometer cytosolic compartments delimited by endoplasmic reticulum tubuli reaching beneath the plasma membrane and containing SLMVs at which fast (time-to-peak, approximately 50 ms) Ca(2+) events occurred in precise spatial-temporal correlation with exocytic fusion events. Overall, the above characteristics of transmitter exocytosis from astrocytes support a role of this process in fast synaptic modulation.