997 resultados para Temporal Parts


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A study was conducted on the dynamics of 2D and 3D Bose-Einstein condensates in the case when the scattering length in the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation which contains constant (dc) and time-variable (ac) parts. Using the variational approximation (VA), simulating the GP equation directly, and applying the averaging procedure to the GP equation without the use of the VA, it was demonstrated that the ac component of the nonlinearity makes it possible to maintain the condensate in a stable self-confined state without external traps.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A urbanização tem provocado variações locais em diversos elementos climáticos, dentre eles o aumento da temperatura do ar, provocando o aparecimento de porções do espaço com temperaturas maiores do que as áreas ao seu entorno, o que se chama de ilhas de calor urbanas. Dentre as causas do surgimento das ilhas de calor, a retirada da cobertura vegetal é o mais relevante. A finalidade deste trabalho foi identificar, através da técnica de sensoriamento remoto, as ilhas de calor urbanas e as ilhas de frescor urbanas na área continental do Município de Belém, assim como a variação da cobertura vegetal, comparando os resultados dos anos de 1997 e 2008, a fim de revelar uma possível relação entre a variação da cobertura vegetal e as ilhas de calor e ilhas de frescor urbanas. Para desenvolver esta pesquisa, recorreuse a imagens termais do sensor TM para determinação dos valores de temperatura, assim como dados de temperatura do ar observados nas estações: climatológica convencional de Belém (2o. DISME/INMET), meteorológica sinótica de Val-de-Cans e meteorológica sinótica automática de Belém (2o. DISME/INMET). A cobertura vegetal foi determinada também com uso das imagens do sensor TM, com as bandas 3,4 e 5. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que em 2008 houve um aumento das ilhas de calor urbanas, principalmente nos bairros localizados nas áreas da Avenida Augusto Montenegro e Rodovia Arthur Bernardes, e redução das ilhas de frescor em diversas partes da área continental de Belém, em decorrência da ausência da cobertura vegetal, em relação ao ano de 1997. Também foi possível identificar que na área de estudo, houve uma redução da cobertura vegetal existente em 2008 em comparação a 1997, redução essa que ocorreu principalmente na área que está além da 1ª Légua Patrimonial do município de Belém, no eixo compreendido entre a Avenida Augusto Montenegro e a Rodovia Arthur Bernardes, ampliando a área urbana e o aumento da temperatura, que favoreceu a expansão de ilhas de calor.


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The morphology and the deposition periods of egg capsules by the bruised nassa Nassarius vibex were investigated on two beaches located on the southeast coast of Brazil. The nassariids were associated with the charru mussel Mytella charruana, which forms beds on soft mud-bottoms. A total of 1558 capsules were collected, only from the fronds of the green alga Ulva lactuca, 859 for Camaroeiro Beach and 699 for Cidade Beach. The mean sizes of the egg capsules and numbers of eggs or larvae per capsule were similar on the two beaches, as were the periods of capsule deposition. At Camaroeiro Beach, capsules first appeared in May 2006, reached a peak in August 2006, and disappeared in December 2006. At Cidade Beach, the first capsules were recorded in July 2006, with a peak in August 2006. A second peak was also observed at this beach between January 2007 and April 2007. The two periods of deposition recorded at the latter beach may indicate two periods of recruitment in the same year for N. vibex. Regarding the influence of intertidal level on capsule deposition, there was a significant difference in the number of capsules between the levels at Camaroeiro Beach (F= 7.445, p<0.05), and for the second capsule-deposition peak at Cidade Beach (F= 6.382, p<0.05). This study revealed a selective pattern of capsule deposition, with individuals of N. vibex using only fronds of U. lactuca. This process was influenced by the morphodynamics of the two beaches, with the nassariids maximizing the survival of embryos by depositing more capsules and more eggs per capsule in better-protected parts of the mytilid beds.


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The spatial and temporal distribution of organisms is a fundamental aspect of biological communities. The present study focused on three remnants of arboreal Caatinga in northeastern Brazil between May, 2009 and April, 2010. A total of 627 euglossine males were captured in traps baited with artificial aromatic compounds. The specimens belonged to 14 species and four genera: Euglossa Latreille, Eulaema Lepeletier, Eufriesea Cockerell, and Exaerete Hoffmannsegg. Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (41.6), Euglossa carolina Nem,sio (15.3%), Eulaema marcii Nem,sio (13.6%), and Euglossa melanotricha Moure (12.8%) were the most common species sampled. The distribution of collected specimens per fragment was as follows: BraA(0)na (280 ha)-259 individuals belonging to 14 species; Cambui (179 ha)-161 individuals from eight species; and Pindoba (100 ha)-207 individuals represented by seven species. BraA(0)na had the highest diversity (H'aEuro parts per thousand= 1.91) and estimated species richness. The largest fragment was the main source of the observed variation in species richness and abundance, indicating a non-random pattern of spatial distribution. The analysis of environmental factors indicated that seasonal variation in these factors was the principal determinant of species occurrence and abundance.


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The objectives of this study were to describe the spatio-temporal pattern of an epidemic of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Vietnam and to identify potential risk factors for the introduction and maintenance of infection within the poultry population. The results indicate that during the time period 2004–early 2006 a sequence of three epidemic waves occurred in Vietnam as distinct spatial and temporal clusters. The risk of outbreak occurrence increased with a greater percentage of rice paddy fields, increasing domestic water bird and chicken density. It increased with reducing distance to higher population density aggregations, and in the third epidemic wave with increasing percentage of aquaculture. The findings indicate that agri-livestock farming systems involving domestic water birds and rice production in river delta areas are important for the maintenance and spread of infection. While the government’s control measures appear to have been effective in the South and Central parts of Vietnam, it is likely that in the North of Vietnam the vaccination campaign led to transmission of infection which was subsequently brought under control.


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We investigated oxygen and carbon isotopes of bulk carbonate and of benthic freshwater ostracods (Candona candida) in a sediment core of Lago Piccolo di Avigliana that was previously analyzed for pollen and loss-on-ignition, in order to reconstruct environmental changes during the late glacial and early Holocene. The depth-age relationship of the sediment core was established using 14 AMS C-14 dates and the Laacher See Tephra. While stable isotopes of bulk carbonates may have been affected by detrital input and, therefore, only indirectly reflect climatic changes, isotopes measured on ostracod shells provide unambiguous evidence for major environmental changes. Oxygen isotope ratios of ostracod shells (delta O-18(C)) increased by similar to 6 parts per thousand at the onset of the Bolling (similar to 14,650 cal BP) and were similar to 2 parts per thousand lower during the Younger Dryas (similar to 12,850 to 11,650 cal BP), indicating a temporal pattern of climate changes similar to the North Atlantic region. However, in contrast to records in that region, delta O-18(C) gradually decreased during the early Holocene, suggesting that compared to the Younger Dryas more humid conditions occurred and that the lake received gradually increasing input of O-18-depleted groundwater or river water.


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A recurrent theme in the organization of vertebrate visual cortex is that of receptive fields with an associated "silent" opponency component. In the middle temporal area (area MT), a cortical visual area involved in the analysis of retinal motion in primates, this opponency appears in the form of a region outside the classical receptive field (CRF) that in itself gives no response but suppresses responses to motion evoked within the CRF. This antagonistic motion surround has been described as very large and symmetrically arrayed around the CRF. On the basis of this view, the primary function of the surround has long been thought to consist of simple figure-ground segregation based on movement. We have made use of small stimulus patches to map the form and extent of the surround and find evidence that the surround inhibition of many MT cells is in fact confined to restricted regions on one side or on opposite sides of the CRF. Such regions endow MT cells with the ability to make local-to-local motion comparisons, capable of extracting more complex features from the visual environment, and as such, may be better viewed as intrinsic parts of the receptive field, rather than as separate entities responsible for local-to-global comparisons.


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In broader catchment scale investigations, there is a need to understand and ultimately exploit the spatial variation of agricultural crops for an improved economic return. In many instances, this spatial variation is temporally unstable and may be different for various crop attributes and crop species. In the Australian sugar industry, the opportunity arose to evaluate the performance of 231 farms in the Tully Mill area in far north Queensland using production information on cane yield (t/ha) and CCS ( a fresh weight measure of sucrose content in the cane) accumulated over a 12-year period. Such an arrangement of data can be expressed as a 3-way array where a farm x attribute x year matrix can be evaluated and interactions considered. Two multivariate techniques, the 3-way mixture method of clustering and the 3-mode principal component analysis, were employed to identify meaningful relationships between farms that performed similarly for both cane yield and CCS. In this context, farm has a spatial component and the aim of this analysis was to determine if systematic patterns in farm performance expressed by cane yield and CCS persisted over time. There was no spatial relationship between cane yield and CCS. However, the analysis revealed that the relationship between farms was remarkably stable from one year to the next for both attributes and there was some spatial aggregation of farm performance in parts of the mill area. This finding is important, since temporally consistent spatial variation may be exploited to improve regional production. Alternatively, the putative causes of the spatial variation may be explored to enhance the understanding of sugarcane production in the wet tropics of Australia.


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Land use and transportation interaction has been a research topic for several decades. There have been efforts to identify impacts of transportation on land use from several different perspectives. One focus has been the role of transportation improvements in encouraging new land developments or relocation of activities due to improved accessibility. The impacts studied have included property values and increased development. Another focus has been on the changes in travel behavior due to better mobility and accessibility. Most studies to date have been conducted in metropolitan level, thus unable to account for interactions spatially and temporally at smaller geographic scales. ^ In this study, a framework for studying the temporal interactions between transportation and land use was proposed and applied to three selected corridor areas in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The framework consists of two parts: one is developing of temporal data and the other is applying time series analysis to this temporal data to identify their dynamic interactions. Temporal GIS databases were constructed and used to compile building permit data and transportation improvement projects. Two types of time series analysis approaches were utilized: univariate models and multivariate models. Time series analysis is designed to describe the dynamic consequences of time series by developing models and forecasting the future of the system based on historical trends. Model estimation results from the selected corridors were then compared. ^ It was found that the time series models predicted residential development better than commercial development. It was also found that results from three study corridors varied in terms of the magnitude of impacts, length of lags, significance of the variables, and the model structure. Long-run effect or cumulated impact of transportation improvement on land developments was also measured with time series techniques. The study offered evidence that congestion negatively impacted development and transportation investments encouraged land development. ^


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The temporal variability of delta(13)C in suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and oyster Crassostrea gigas along a salinity gradient was investigated from May 1992 to September 1993 within the estuarine bay of Marennes-Oleron (France). During this period the mean daily discharge of the Charente River exhibited large seasonal variation, with a high discharge from November 1992 to January 1993. Contrary to that at the river mouth and the marine littoral, delta(13)C in POM and in oysters at mid-estuary was affected by the high flood period. The delta(13)C values of POM decreased in mid-estuary and remained at low levels during the high discharge period, indicating an increasing contribution of terrestrial inputs to the estuarine POM pool. At the same site, a remarkable decrease of delta(13)C in oysters occurred between December 1992 and March 1993 (after a time lag compared to the ambient POM), indicating incorporation of terrestrial organic matter in oyster tissues during the high flood discharge. The lag between the delta(13)C decrease in POM and oysters is attributed to the time needed for oyster tissues to incorporate enough newly terrestrial light carbon to be recognized by the delta(13)C measure (about 1 to 2 mo). This time interval depends on tissue turnover time. The delta(13)C POM decrease (i.e. 1.3 parts per thousand) cannot explain entirely the decrease observed in oysters (i.e. 2.3 parts per thousand). In fact, the pattern exhibited by mid-estuarine oysters can be explained by the increasing contribution of terrestrial organic matter to their feeding, and the inability to preferentially utilize specific components of the estuarine POM that are C-13-enriched.


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The organophosphate temephos has been the main insecticide used against larvae of the dengue and yellow fever mosquito ( Aedes aegypti ) in Brazil since the mid-1980s. Reports of resistance date back to 1995; however, no systematic reports of widespread temephos resistance have occurred to date. As resistance investigation is paramount for strategic decision-making by health officials, our objective here was to investigate the spatial and temporal spread of temephos resistance in Ae. aegypti in Brazil for the last 12 years using discriminating temephos concentrations and the bioassay protocols of the World Health Organization. The mortality results obtained were subjected to spatial analysis for distance interpolation using semi-variance models to generate maps that depict the spread of temephos resistance in Brazil since 1999. The problem has been expanding. Since 2002-2003, approximately half the country has exhibited mosquito populations resistant to temephos. The frequency of temephos resistance and, likely, control failures, which start when the insecticide mortality level drops below 80%, has increased even further since 2004. Few parts of Brazil are able to achieve the target 80% efficacy threshold by 2010/2011, resulting in a significant risk of control failure by temephos in most of the country. The widespread resistance to temephos in Brazilian Ae. aegypti populations greatly compromise effective mosquito control efforts using this insecticide and indicates the urgent need to identify alternative insecticides aided by the preventive elimination of potential mosquito breeding sites.


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Computer simulation programs are essential tools for scientists and engineers to understand a particular system of interest. As expected, the complexity of the software increases with the depth of the model used. In addition to the exigent demands of software engineering, verification of simulation programs is especially challenging because the models represented are complex and ridden with unknowns that will be discovered by developers in an iterative process. To manage such complexity, advanced verification techniques for continually matching the intended model to the implemented model are necessary. Therefore, the main goal of this research work is to design a useful verification and validation framework that is able to identify model representation errors and is applicable to generic simulators. The framework that was developed and implemented consists of two parts. The first part is First-Order Logic Constraint Specification Language (FOLCSL) that enables users to specify the invariants of a model under consideration. From the first-order logic specification, the FOLCSL translator automatically synthesizes a verification program that reads the event trace generated by a simulator and signals whether all invariants are respected. The second part consists of mining the temporal flow of events using a newly developed representation called State Flow Temporal Analysis Graph (SFTAG). While the first part seeks an assurance of implementation correctness by checking that the model invariants hold, the second part derives an extended model of the implementation and hence enables a deeper understanding of what was implemented. The main application studied in this work is the validation of the timing behavior of micro-architecture simulators. The study includes SFTAGs generated for a wide set of benchmark programs and their analysis using several artificial intelligence algorithms. This work improves the computer architecture research and verification processes as shown by the case studies and experiments that have been conducted.