992 resultados para Telephone systems


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This paper presents a study based on bibliographic research on LTE technology, chosen for the fourth generation of mobile phones, and the current status of implementation of 4G network in Brazil. The change in user behavior, which now uses data over the voice services, requires transmission networks to be increasingly robust and fast to enable the viewing of videos and use of other platforms that require internet connection. The retrospective of the development of mobile technologies, from 1G up to 4G that is currently used, shows the long road until it came to appliances and how the phone is used nowadays. Finally, the popularity of smartphones and hence the growing number of people with access to 4G networks, demanded new researchs for the development of future generations technologies in order to achieve the demand for speed enabling significant changes in user experience


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This paper presents a study based on bibliographic research on LTE technology, chosen for the fourth generation of mobile phones, and the current status of implementation of 4G network in Brazil. The change in user behavior, which now uses data over the voice services, requires transmission networks to be increasingly robust and fast to enable the viewing of videos and use of other platforms that require internet connection. The retrospective of the development of mobile technologies, from 1G up to 4G that is currently used, shows the long road until it came to appliances and how the phone is used nowadays. Finally, the popularity of smartphones and hence the growing number of people with access to 4G networks, demanded new researchs for the development of future generations technologies in order to achieve the demand for speed enabling significant changes in user experience


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Este proyecto muestra una solución de red para una empresa que presta servicios de Contact Center desde distintas sedes distribuidas geográficamente, utilizando la tecnología de telefonía sobre IP. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de convertirse en una guía de diseño para el despliegue de soluciones de red utilizando los actuales equipos de comunicaciones desarrollados por el fabricante Cisco Systems, Inc., los equipos de seguridad desarrollados por el fabricante Fortinet y los sistemas de telefonía desarrollados por Avaya Inc. y Oracle Corporation, debido a su gran penetración en el mercado y a las aportaciones que cada uno ha realizado en el sector de Contact Center. Para poder proveer interconexión entre las sedes de un Contact Center se procede a la contratación de un acceso a la red MPLS perteneciente a un operador de telecomunicaciones, quien provee conectividad entre las sedes utilizando la tecnología VPN MPLS con dos accesos diversificados entre sí desde cada una de las sedes del Contact Center. El resultado de esta contratación es el aprovechamiento de las ventajas que un operador de telecomunicaciones puede ofrecer a sus clientes, en relación a calidad de servicio, disponibilidad y expansión geográfica. De la misma manera, se definen una serie de criterios o niveles de servicio que aseguran a un Contact Center una comunicación de calidad entre sus sedes, entendiéndose por comunicación de calidad aquella que sea capaz de transmitirse con unos valores mínimos de pérdida de paquetes así como retraso en la transmisión, y una velocidad acorde a la demanda de los servicios de voz y datos. Como parte de la solución, se diseña una conexión redundante a Internet que proporciona acceso a todas las sedes del Contact Center. La solución de conectividad local en cada una de las sedes de un Contact Center se ha diseñado de manera general acorde al volumen de puestos de usuarios y escalabilidad que pueda tener cada una de las sedes. De esta manera se muestran varias opciones asociadas al equipamiento actual que ofrece el fabricante Cisco Systems, Inc.. Como parte de la solución se han definido los criterios de calidad para la elección de los Centros de Datos (Data Center). Un Contact Center tiene conexiones hacia o desde las empresas cliente a las que da servicio y provee de acceso a la red a sus tele-trabajadores. Este requerimiento junto con el acceso y servicios publicados en Internet necesita una infraestructura de seguridad. Este hecho da lugar al diseño de una solución que unifica todas las conexiones bajo una única infraestructura, dividiendo de manera lógica o virtual cada uno de los servicios. De la misma manera, se ha definido la utilización de protocolos como 802.1X para evitar accesos no autorizados a la red del Contact Center. La solución de voz elegida es heterogénea y capaz de soportar los protocolos de señalización más conocidos (SIP y H.323). De esta manera se busca tener la máxima flexibilidad para establecer enlaces de voz sobre IP (Trunk IP) con proveedores y clientes. Esto se logra gracias a la utilización de SBCs y a una infraestructura interna de voz basada en el fabricante Avaya Inc. Los sistemas de VoIP en un Contact Center son los elementos clave para poder realizar la prestación del servicio; por esta razón se elige una solución redundada bajo un entorno virtual. Esta solución permite desplegar el sistema de VoIP desde cualquiera de los Data Center del Contact Center. La solución llevada a cabo en este proyecto está principalmente basada en mi experiencia laboral adquirida durante los últimos siete años en el departamento de comunicaciones de una empresa de Contact Center. He tenido en cuenta los principales requerimientos que exigen hoy en día la mayor parte de empresas que desean contratar un servicio de Contact Center. Este proyecto está dividido en cuatro capítulos. El primer capítulo es una introducción donde se explican los principales escenarios de negocio y áreas técnicas necesarias para la prestación de servicios de Contact Center. El segundo capítulo describe de manera resumida, las principales tecnologías y protocolos que serán utilizados para llevar a cabo el diseño de la solución técnica de creación de una red de comunicaciones para una empresa de Contact Center. En el tercer capítulo se expone la solución técnica necesaria para permitir que una empresa de Contact Center preste sus servicios desde distintas ubicaciones distribuidas geográficamente, utilizando dos Data Centers donde se centralizan las aplicaciones de voz y datos. Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas tras la elaboración de la presente memoria, así como una propuesta de trabajos futuros, que permitirían junto con el proyecto actual, realizar una solución técnica completa incluyendo otras áreas tecnológicas necesarias en una empresa de Contact Center. Todas las ilustraciones y tablas de este proyecto son de elaboración propia a partir de mi experiencia profesional y de la información obtenida en diversos formatos de la bibliografía consultada, excepto en los casos en los que la fuente es mencionada. ABSTRACT This project shows a network solution for a company that provides Contact Center services from different locations geographically distributed, using the Telephone over Internet Protocol (ToIP) technology. The goal of this project is to become a design guide for performing network solutions using current communications equipment developed by the manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc., firewalls developed by the manufacturer Fortinet and telephone systems developed by Avaya Inc. and Oracle Corporation, due to their great market reputation and their contributions that each one has made in the field of Contact Center. In order to provide interconnection between its different sites, the Contact Center needs to hire the services of a telecommunications’ operator, who will use the VPN MPLS technology, with two diversified access from each Contact Center’s site. The result of this hiring is the advantage of the benefits that a telecommunications operator can offer to its customers, regarding quality of service, availability and geographical expansion. Likewise, Service Level Agreement (SLA) has to be defined to ensure the Contact Center quality communication between their sites. A quality communication is understood as a communication that is capable of being transmitted with minimum values of packet loss and transmission delays, and a speed according to the demand for its voice and data services. As part of the solution, a redundant Internet connection has to be designed to provide access to every Contact Center’s site. The local connectivity solution in each of the Contact Center’s sites has to be designed according to its volume of users and scalability that each one may have. Thereby, the manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc. offers several options associated with the current equipment. As part of the solution, quality criteria are being defined for the choice of the Data Centers. A Contact Center has connections to/from the client companies that provide network access to teleworkers. This requires along the access and services published on the Internet, needs a security infrastructure. Therefore is been created a solution design that unifies all connections under a single infrastructure, dividing each services in a virtual way. Likewise, is been defined the use of protocols, such as 802.1X, to prevent unauthorized access to the Contact Center’s network. The voice solution chosen is heterogeneous and capable of supporting best-known signaling protocols (SIP and H.323) in order to have maximum flexibility to establish links of Voice over IP (IP Trunk) with suppliers and clients. This can be achieved through the use of SBC and an internal voice infrastructure based on Avaya Inc. The VoIP systems in a Contact Center are the key elements to be able to provide the service; for this reason a redundant solution under virtual environment is been chosen. This solution allows any of the Data Centers to deploy the VoIP system. The solution carried out in this project is mainly based on my own experience acquired during the past seven years in the communications department of a Contact Center company. I have taken into account the main requirements that most companies request nowadays when they hire a Contact Center service. This project is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction that explains the main business scenarios and technical areas required to provide Contact Center services. The second chapter describes briefly the key technologies and protocols that will be used to carry out the design of the technical solution for the creation of a communications network in a Contact Center company. The third chapter shows a technical solution required that allows a Contact Center company to provide services from across geographically distributed locations, using two Data Centers where data and voice applications are centralized. Lastly, the fourth chapter includes the conclusions gained after making this project, as well as a future projects proposal, which would allow along the current project, to perform a whole technical solution including other necessary technologic areas in a Contact Center company All illustrations and tables of this project have been made by myself from my professional experience and the information obtained in various formats of the bibliography, except in the cases where the source is indicated.


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Geography, geological conditions, meteorological peculiarities, fluvial system, animal and vegetable kingdoms, phenomena of the coast desert -- Historical sketch -- Financial conditions, settlement with foreign bondholders, railways and their proposed extension, navigation facilities, lines of transportation, Oroya Railroad, telegraph and telephone systems -- Minerals and mines, distribution of gold, silver, copper, lead, coal, tin and other metals, the petroleum wells -- Political divisions, cities and towns, government and constitution, weights and measures, currency -- Total commerce.


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The total time a customer spends in the business process system, called the customer cycle-time, is a major contributor to overall customer satisfaction. Business process analysts and designers are frequently asked to design process solutions with optimal performance. Simulation models have been very popular to quantitatively evaluate the business processes; however, simulation is time-consuming and it also requires extensive modeling experiences to develop simulation models. Moreover, simulation models neither provide recommendations nor yield optimal solutions for business process design. A queueing network model is a good analytical approach toward business process analysis and design, and can provide a useful abstraction of a business process. However, the existing queueing network models were developed based on telephone systems or applied to manufacturing processes in which machine servers dominate the system. In a business process, the servers are usually people. The characteristics of human servers should be taken into account by the queueing model, i.e. specialization and coordination. ^ The research described in this dissertation develops an open queueing network model to do a quick analysis of business processes. Additionally, optimization models are developed to provide optimal business process designs. The queueing network model extends and improves upon existing multi-class open-queueing network models (MOQN) so that the customer flow in the human-server oriented processes can be modeled. The optimization models help business process designers to find the optimal design of a business process with consideration of specialization and coordination. ^ The main findings of the research are, first, parallelization can reduce the cycle-time for those customer classes that require more than one parallel activity; however, the coordination time due to the parallelization overwhelms the savings from parallelization under the high utilization servers since the waiting time significantly increases, thus the cycle-time increases. Third, the level of industrial technology employed by a company and coordination time to mange the tasks have strongest impact on the business process design; as the level of industrial technology employed by the company is high; more division is required to improve the cycle-time; as the coordination time required is high; consolidation is required to improve the cycle-time. ^


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La inclusión financiera hace alusión al acceso y la utilización de los productos y servicios financieros por parte de todos los actores económicos de la sociedad, sobre todo los de aquellos sectores que han tenido poco acceso al sistema financiero formal o no lo han tenido -- Justamente por las características de alcance, interactividad, bajo precio y facilidad de uso, la telefonía móvil se promueve como una herramienta idónea para impulsar el acceso y el uso de servicios financieros, para permitirles a las entidades financieras ampliar el rango de la población atendida por su alto grado de penetración y mejorar la eficiencia y la experiencia con los clientes -- Este trabajo plantea una reflexión sobre los retos estratégicos que debe enfrentar la banca móvil para promover servicios financieros apropiados y asequibles para los diferentes grupos de la población


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Este estudio busca profundizar en los motivadores e inhibidores hacia el uso de una herramienta digital dirigida a jugadores de fútbol no profesional, que permita formar una comunidad para la convocatoria de partidos de dicho deporte, reserva de canchas en línea y reconocimiento del talento de los jugadores -- Se identifica la aceptación de dicha herramienta digital por parte tanto de los jugadores no profesionales como de los negocios de alquiler de canchas sintéticas -- Se aborda el estado del uso de internet y de teléfonos inteligentes en el área metropolitana de Medellín, Colombia, como factores claves de éxito que facilitan la adopción de la herramienta digital evaluada -- Se acudió a la investigación cualitativa de fuentes primarias con entrevistas en profundidad y encuestas, así como a la indagación en fuentes secundarias de la literatura relacionada con la situación en estudio -- El proyecto tuvo la finalidad de determinar si la herramienta digital sería aceptada o no y cuáles serían los contenidos e interacciones deseados por los posibles usuarios


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An Autonomous Line Scanning Unit (ALSU) for completely autonomous detection of call originations in the SPC Telephone Switching System is described. Through its own memories, ALSU maintains an up-to-date record of subscribers' statuses, detects call originations, performs 'hit timing check' and informs the Switching System of the identity of calling subscribers. The ALSU needs minimum interaction with the Central Processor, resulting in increased call handling capacity


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The use of the PC and Internet for placing telephone calls will present new opportunities to capture vast amounts of un-transcribed speech for a particular speaker. This paper investigates how to best exploit this data for speaker-dependent speech recognition. Supervised and unsupervised experiments in acoustic model and language model adaptation are presented. Using one hour of automatically transcribed speech per speaker with a word error rate of 36.0%, unsupervised adaptation resulted in an absolute gain of 6.3%, equivalent to 70% of the gain from the supervised case, with additional adaptation data likely to yield further improvements. LM adaptation experiments suggested that although there seems to be a small degree of speaker idiolect, adaptation to the speaker alone, without considering the topic of the conversation, is in itself unlikely to improve transcription accuracy.


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Aim: To determine whether telephone support using an evidence-based protocol for chronic heart failure (CHF) management will improve patient outcomes and will reduce hospital readmission rates in patients without access to hospital-based management programs. Methods: The rationale and protocol for a cluster-design randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a semi-automated telephone intervention for the management of CHF, the Chronic Heart-failure Assistance by Telephone (CHAT) Study is described. Care is coordinated by trained cardiac nurses located in Heartline, the national call center of the National Heart Foundation of Australia in partnership with patients’ general practitioners (GPs). Conclusions: The CHAT Study model represents a potentially cost-effective and accessible model for the Australian health system in caring for CHF patients in rural and remote areas. The system of care could also be readily adapted for a range of chronic diseases and health systems. Key words: chronic disease management; chronic heart failure; integrated health care systems; nursing care, rural health services; telemedicine; telenursing


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In this paper we propose and evaluate a speaker attribution system using a complete-linkage clustering method. Speaker attribution refers to the annotation of a collection of spoken audio based on speaker identities. This can be achieved using diarization and speaker linking. The main challenge associated with attribution is achieving computational efficiency when dealing with large audio archives. Traditional agglomerative clustering methods with model merging and retraining are not feasible for this purpose. This has motivated the use of linkage clustering methods without retraining. We first propose a diarization system using complete-linkage clustering and show that it outperforms traditional agglomerative and single-linkage clustering based diarization systems with a relative improvement of 40% and 68%, respectively. We then propose a complete-linkage speaker linking system to achieve attribution and demonstrate a 26% relative improvement in attribution error rate (AER) over the single-linkage speaker linking approach.


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Telephone and web-based technologies such as SMS, smartphone apps, gamification, online/mobile games, online quizzes and tools can be used in personal health interventions in two ways: health promotion or social marketing. In response to the Queensland government's call for submissions to the parliamentary inquiry, a social marketing and design submission from four of the faculties at Queensland University of Technology was submitted. There appears to be a great deal of confusion in government circles about the terms ‘social marketing’ and ‘health promotion’ and often they are used interchangeably when they are actually significantly different approaches. Social marketing is the science and practice of behaviour change and involves goods and services that offer a value proposition, and which incentivises citizens to change their behaviour voluntarily. However, social marketing is often mistakenly used to describe advertising and communication or social media marketing. This submission contains an overview of how technology interventions need to be implemented to be successful, provides examples of the evidence that telephone and web-based interventions can effectively influence public health outcome. This submission poses seven critical factors.


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Triggered by the very quick proliferation of Internet connectivity, electronic document management (EDM) systems are now rapidly being adopted for managing the documentation that is produced and exchanged in construction projects. Nevertheless there are still substantial barriers to the efficient use of such systems, mainly of a psychological nature and related to insufficient training. This paper presents the results of empirical studies carried out during 2002 concerning the current usage of EDM systems in the Finnish construction industry. The studies employed three different methods in order to provide a multifaceted view of the problem area, both on the industry and individual project level. In order to provide an accurate measurement of overall usage volume in the industry as a whole telephone interviews with key personnel from 100 randomly chosen construction projects were conducted. The interviews showed that while around 1/3 of big projects already have adopted the use of EDM, very few small projects have adopted this technology. The barriers to introduction were investigated through interviews with representatives for half a dozen of providers of systems and ASP-services. These interviews shed a lot of light on the dynamics of the market for this type of services and illustrated the diversity of business strategies adopted by vendors. In the final study log files from a project which had used an EDM system were analysed in order to determine usage patterns. The results illustrated that use is yet incomplete in coverage and that only a part of the individuals involved in the project used the system efficiently, either as information producers or consumers. The study also provided feedback on the usefulness of the log files.


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This paper discusses the Cambridge University HTK (CU-HTK) system for the automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech. A detailed discussion of the most important techniques in front-end processing, acoustic modeling and model training, language and pronunciation modeling are presented. These include the use of conversation side based cepstral normalization, vocal tract length normalization, heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis for feature projection, minimum phone error training and speaker adaptive training, lattice-based model adaptation, confusion network based decoding and confidence score estimation, pronunciation selection, language model interpolation, and class based language models. The transcription system developed for participation in the 2002 NIST Rich Transcription evaluations of English conversational telephone speech data is presented in detail. In this evaluation the CU-HTK system gave an overall word error rate of 23.9%, which was the best performance by a statistically significant margin. Further details on the derivation of faster systems with moderate performance degradation are discussed in the context of the 2002 CU-HTK 10 × RT conversational speech transcription system. © 2005 IEEE.