984 resultados para Tectònica de plaques
Photo-interpretation of aerial stereopairs of the Sintra region on the approx. 1/32 000 scale together with field work allowed the production of the present Tectonic Map of the Sintra region. It is now possible to separate structures which resulted from two different tectonic events: one, corresponding to the intrusion of the Late Cretaceous Sintra igneous diapir, and the other the Miocene compressive event, the most important tectonic inversion phase of the Lusitanian Basin. The former are present to the south, southeast and east of the intrusion and within the intrusion itself, affecting the peripheral granites and their contacts with the gabbro-syenite core. These structures comprehend: i) faults and conical fractures striking parallel to the massif boundary, which were intruded by dykes, ii) vertical faults and fractures of two conjugate sets, dextral NNW-SSE and sinistral NNE-SSW. These faults are certainly associated with the E-W striking massif's northwards directed thrust and indicate a N-S oriented horizontal maximum compressive stress. The Miocene compressive event reactivated most of the inherited structures as follows. The NNWSSE faults located on the Sintra southern platform were reactivated as dextral strike slip faults and the E-W thrust along the northern boundary of the massif was also reactivated. This thrust propagated to the east. It also enhanced the asymmetry of the rim-syncline, uplifted the massif and reactivated the NNE-SSW faults as sinistral lateral ramps, which also accommodated vertical throw. The present Tectonic Map of Sintra together with the available geophysical data (MOREIRA, 1984, KULLBERG et al., 1991, SILVA & MIRANDA, 1994) allowed reassessment of the models proposed for the emplacement of the Sintra, Sines and Monchique igneous massifs, which intruded during Late Cretaceous times along the deep dextral NNW-SSE oriented strike slip fault (RIBEIRO et al., 1979; TERRINHA, 1998; TERRINHA & KULLBERG, 1998).
Geociências, Museu Nac. Hist. Nat. Univ. Lisboa, nº 2, 35-84
The existence of satellite images ofthe West Iberian Margin allowed comparative study of images as a tool applied to structural geology. Interpretation of LANDSAT images of the Lusitanian Basin domain showed the existence of a not previously described WNW-ESE trending set oflineaments. These lineaments are persistent and only observable on small scale images (e.g. approx. 11200000 and 11500 000) with various radiometric characteristics. They are approximately 20 km long, trend l200±15° and cross cut any other families oflineaments. The fact that these lineaments are perpendicular to the Quaternary thrusts of the Lower Tagus Valley and also because they show no off-set across them, suggests that they resulted from intersection oflarge tensile fractures on the earth's surface. It is proposed in this work that these lineaments formed on a crustal flexure of tens ofkm long, associated with the Quaternary WNW-ESE oriented maximum compressive stress on the West Iberian Margin. The maximum compressive stress rotated anticlockwise from a NW -SE orientation to approximately WNW-ESE, from Late Miocene to Quaternary times (RIBEIRO et aI., 1996). Field inspection of the lineaments revealed zones of norm~1.J. faulting and cataclasis, which are coincident with the lineaments and affect sediments of upper Miocene up to Quaternary age. These deformation structures show localized extension perpendicular to the lineaments, i.e. perpendicular to the maximum compressive direction, after recent stress data along the West Portuguese Margin (CABRAL & RIBEIRO, 1989; RIBEIRO et at., 1996). Also, on a first approach, the geographical distribution of these lineaments correlates well with earthquake epicenters and areas of largest Quaternary Vertical Movements within the inverted Lusitanian Basin (CABRAL, 1995).
Does carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), a surrogate marker of cardiovascular events, have predictive incremental value over established risk factors for stable coronary artery disease (CAD)? Prospective study of 300 patients, with suspected stable CAD, admitted for an elective coronary angiography and carotid ultrasound. The CAD patients had a higher cIMT, which showed a modest predictive accuracy for CAD (area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve 0.638, 95% confidence interval 0.576-0.701, P < .001). The cIMT was an independent predictor of CAD, together with age, gender, and diabetes. C-statistic for CAD prediction by traditional risk factors was not significantly different from a model that included cIMT, carotid plaque presence, or both. However, in women, it was significantly increased by the addition of cIMT or carotid plaque presence. Although cIMT cannot be used as a sole indicator of CAD, it should be considered in the panel of investigations that is requested, particularly in women who are candidates for coronary angiography.
A possible relationship between C.pneumoniae (CP) infection, atherosclerosis and acute myocardial infarction is a debated matter. Now we performed the search of CP in histological segments of fatal ruptured plaques and of stable plaques by histochemistry (Macchiavello stain), immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques. Electron microscopy and confocal laser microscopy techniques were used in two additional cases. The semi-quantitification of CP + cells (0-4+) and quantification of lymphocytes demonstrated greater amount of CP + cells and more inflammation in the adventitia of vulnerable plaque vessel segments than of stable ones, larger amount of CP + cells in adventitia than in the plaque and high frequency of CP + cells in all groups studied. This preliminary study strongly suggests a direct pathogenetic involvement of adventitial CP in the rupture of the atheromatous plaque, development of acute myocardial infarction and also in the development of atherosclerosis.
OBJECTIVE: To verify the possible role of adventitial inflammation in atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability and coronary artery remodelling. METHODS: We compared the mean numbers of lymphocytes in the adventitia and in the plaque of ruptured thrombosed and stable equi-stenotic coronary segments of 34 patients who died due to acute myocardial infarction. We also analysed adventitial microvessels, adventitial fibrosis and the external elastic membrane. RESULTS: In the adventitia, the numbers of lymphocytes and microvessels/mm² were 69.5±88.3 and 60.9± 32.1 in culprit lesions and 16.4 ± 21.1 and 44.3±16.1 in stable lesions (p<0.05); within the plaques, the mean number of lymphocytes was 24±40.8 in culprit lesions and 10.9±13.2 in stable ones (p=0.17). The mean percent area of adventitial fibrosis/cross-sectional area of the vessel was significantly lower in unstable plaques (p<0.001). The confocal images showed holes in the external elastic membrane. CONCLUSION: Unstable plaques exhibit chronic pan-arteritis, accompanied by enlargement, medial thinning, and less fibrosis than in stable lesions, which is compatible with vessel aneurysm. Adventitial inflammation may contribute significantly to atheroma instability.
OBJECTIVE: To study atheromas, Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae), and Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae). METHODS: C. pneumoniae was studied with immunohistochemistry and M. pneumoniae with in situ hybridization (ISH), in segments of coronary arteries (SCA) as follows: group A - thrombosed ruptured plaques (TRP) of 23 patients who died due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI); group B - 23 nonruptured plaques (NRP) of group A patients; group C - NRP of 11 coronary patients who did not die due to AMI; and group D - 11 SCA from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or Chagas' disease without atherosclerosis. RESULTS: The mean number of C. pneumoniae+ cells/400x in groups A, B, C, and D was, respectively, 3.3±3.6; 1.0±1.3; 1.2±2.4; and 0.4±0.3; and the percentage of M. pneumoniae area was, respectively, 3.9±3.5; 1.5± 1.6; 0.9±0.9; and 0.4±0.2. More M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae were found in of group A than in group B (P<0.01). Good correlation was seen between the area of the vessel and the M. pneumoniae area in the plaque (r = 0.46; P=0.001) and between C. pneumoniae+ cells and CD4+ T lymphocytes (r = 0.42; P<0.01). The number of C. pneumoniae+ cells correlated with CD20+ B cells (r=0.48; P<0.01). CONCLUSION: M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae are more frequently found in TRP correlate with the intensity of the inflammation and diameter of the vessel (positive remodeling).
[Este proyecto se propone] Profundizar el estudio del Basamento Cristalino del sur de la Sierra de Comechingones en temáticas no abordadas en detalle hasta el momento: a) Caracterización geoquímica de los tipos litológicos aflorantes; b) Determinación de las condiciones termobarométricas del metamorfismo. El mapa geológico-estructural de detalle obtenido en anteriores investigaciones servirá como marco de referencia para desarrollar los objetivos aquí planteados. El estudio geoquímico en roca total, se complementará con la química mineral, determinada con la utilización de microsonda electrónica. Integrando esta base de datos se pretende determinar la petrogénesis de cada una de las asociaciones litológicas de la región. Con el desarrollo de estas líneas de investigación, sumado a los resultados alcanzados en años anteriores por este equipo de trabajo, se intentará determinar un modelo de evolución geológico, tectonotérmico, de los dos terrenos definidos para el sur de la sierra de Comechingones. Además del aporte al conocimiento geológico básico de las Sierras de Córdoba en particular y Pampeanas en general, el progreso y los resultados de la investigación propuesta contribuirán a facilitar futuras tareas de evaluación de los recursos minerales no-renovables en este sector de las Sierras Pampeanas. Objetivos generales Incrementar el conocimiento del Basamento Cristalino en este sector, profundizando en temáticas que aún no han sido investigadas detalladamente, complementado la geoquímica con la química mineral, determinada esta última con la utilización de microsonda electrónica. Objetivos Específicos 1) Realizar la caracterización geoquímica de los tipos litológicos que constituyen el basamento del sur de la Sierra de Comechingones. 2) Determinar las condiciones del metamorfismo en variedades litológicas donde sea posible definir la evolución térmica de la secuencia cortical investigada. 3) [Con] El desarrollo de ambas líneas investigativas, con la complementación de los resultados ya alcanzados, se intentará determinar un modelo de evolución geológico tectónico en los terrenos que conforman el sur de la Sierra de Comechingones.
Background: The diagnostic accuracy of 64-slice MDCT in comparison with IVUS has been poorly described and is mainly restricted to reports analyzing segments with documented atherosclerotic plaques. Objectives: We compared 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) with gray scale intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for the evaluation of coronary lumen dimensions in the context of a comprehensive analysis, including segments with absent or mild disease. Methods: The 64-slice MDCT was performed within 72 h before the IVUS imaging, which was obtained for at least one coronary, regardless of the presence of luminal stenosis at angiography. A total of 21 patients were included, with 70 imaged vessels (total length 114.6 ± 38.3 mm per patient). A coronary plaque was diagnosed in segments with plaque burden > 40%. Results: At patient, vessel, and segment levels, average lumen area, minimal lumen area, and minimal lumen diameter were highly correlated between IVUS and 64-slice MDCT (p < 0.01). However, 64-slice MDCT tended to underestimate the lumen size with a relatively wide dispersion of the differences. The comparison between 64-slice MDCT and IVUS lumen measurements was not substantially affected by the presence or absence of an underlying plaque. In addition, 64-slice MDCT showed good global accuracy for the detection of IVUS parameters associated with flow-limiting lesions. Conclusions: In a comprehensive, multi-territory, and whole-artery analysis, the assessment of coronary lumen by 64-slice MDCT compared with coronary IVUS showed a good overall diagnostic ability, regardless of the presence or absence of underlying atherosclerotic plaques.
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’albedo lunar i els satèl•lits és un treball que relaciona l’enginyeria aeroespacial amb l’astronomia. El seu objectiu principal investigar si l’albedo lunar, els rajos de sol reflectits a la superfície lunar, pot modificar significativament la temperatura de les plaques solars d’un satèl•lit artificial que orbiti la Lluna i, en conseqüència, afectar-ne el rendiment. El segon objectiu del treball és calcular si seria possible fer un mapa d’albedo lunar, a partir de la temperatura d’un satèl•lit en òrbita al voltant de la Lluna, que permetria conèixer amb més precisió la composició de la superfície lunar. Després d’adquirir els fonaments teòrics necessaris per a realitzar el treball, del procés per a trobar la manera de dur a terme els càlculs i d’efectuar els càlculs en si, les conclusions del treball són que l’albedo lunar causa un augment de temperatura en els satèl•lits prou significatiu per afectar-ne el rendiment; i que amb les temperatures enregistrades per un satèl•lit en òrbita al voltant de la Lluna es podria crear un mapa d’albedo. Aquesta recerca ha estat feta per suggeriment i sota la supervisió del CTAE (Centre de Tecnologia Aeroespacial) per analitzar si els resultats són aplicables al satèl•lit que s’enviarà a la Lluna, Lunar Mission BW1.
El projecte ha estat dedicat a l’elaboració d’una sèrie de recursos didàctics en format digital per a l’ensenyament de les matèries de Geologia Estructural i Tectònica en titulacions universitàries relacionades amb les Ciències de la Terra. L’objectiu és la millora de la formació i del rendiment dels estudiants mitjançant l’elaboració d’activitats de suport no presencials que fomentin l’autoaprenentatge i l’autoregulació per part de l’estudiant. Les activitats intenten aprofitar les noves eines informàtiques disponibles i fomentar l’accés mitjançant la xarxa. El material que s’elabora en el marc del projecte consisteix en: 1) un fons documental d’imatges relacionades amb la Geologia Estructural i la Tectònica amb explicació, disponibles en xarxa i accessibles per motors específics de cerca, 2) un conjunt d’exercicis i casos pràctics, alguns d’ells resolts, i 3) sortides de camp virtuals d’una regió geològica que permeten proposar activitats prèvies a una pràctica presencial de camp o desenvolupar la pràctica a nivell completament autònom. Per aconseguir aquests objectius, les tasques realitzades són: la compilació i digitalització de la base d'imatges d'exemples naturals d'estructures geològiques de deformació de que disposàvem, junt amb la redacció de material explicatiu (text i figures), la selecció d'un conjunt d'exercicis de la disciplina, i la preparació de dades de camp per a la realització de les sortides virtuals. Paral•lelament, aquest material s'ha estat processant per a la seva disposició en xarxa com un recurs lliure y obert, accessible en una website i domini específics (plataforma REDITEC).
The quantitative assessment of the age-dependent number of neuritic plaques is essential for the diagnosis of Alzheimer type dementia. This study reports the superiority of a modified Hortega-Globus stain compared to Bielschowsky and Bodian stains applied to samples obtained from ten brains of patients with a clinical history of progressive dementia. In two of ten cases only the modified Hortega-Globus stain allowed confirmation of the diagnosis of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). The counts of neuritic plaques in sections stained by other methods were not sufficient to establish the histological diagnosis of SDAT. These results indicate that the choice of the most sensitive staining method is critical for the correct histopathologic diagnosis of the Alzheimer type dementia.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this prospective study was to perform a head-to-head comparison of the two methods most frequently used for evaluation of carotid plaque characteristics: Multi-detector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA) and black-blood 3 T-cardiovascular magnetic resonance (bb-CMR) with respect to their ability to identify symptomatic carotid plaques. METHODS: 22 stroke unit patients with unilateral symptomatic carotid disease and >50% stenosis by duplex ultrasound underwent MDCTA and bb-CMR (TOF, pre- and post-contrast fsT1w-, and fsT2w- sequences) within 15 days of symptom onset. Both symptomatic and contralateral asymptomatic sides were evaluated. By bb-CMR, plaque morphology, composition and prevalence of complicated AHA type VI lesions (AHA-LT6) were evaluated. By MDCTA, plaque type (non-calcified, mixed, calcified), plaque density in HU and presence of ulceration and/or thrombus were evaluated. Sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), positive and negative predictive value (PPV, NPV) were calculated using a 2-by-2-table. RESULTS: To distinguish between symptomatic and asymptomatic plaques AHA-LT6 was the best CMR variable and presence / absence of plaque ulceration was the best CT variable, resulting in a SE, SP, PPV and NPV of 80%, 80%, 80% and 80% for AHA-LT6 as assessed by bb-CMR and 40%, 95%, 89% and 61% for plaque ulceration as assessed by MDCTA. The combined SE, SP, PPV and NPV of bb-CMR and MDCTA was 85%, 75%, 77% and 83%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Bb-CMR is superior to MDCTA at identifying symptomatic carotid plaques, while MDCTA offers high specificity at the cost of low sensitivity. Results were only slightly improved over bb-CMR alone when combining both techniques.
Introduction : la Sclérose en plaques (SEP) est le prototype de désordre auto-immun du système nerveux central. Avec environ 110 malades par 100'000 habitants, la Suisse est considérée un pays à haute prévalence. Chez environ 80% des patients, la maladie débute par la forme récurrente- rémittente (RR), où des poussées aiguës s'intercalent avec des périodes de rémission. Cette phase se conclut dans son évolution naturelle généralement en une phase secondairement progressive, pendant laquelle le déficit progresse en l'absence de poussée. Sur le plan physiopathologique, deux phénomènes interagissent : l'atteinte inflammatoire démyélinisante et l'atteinte neurodégénerative. La première est { l'origine des poussées aiguës, la deuxième se manifeste cliniquement par la progression irréversible du déficit neurologique. En Suisse les immunomodulateurs ont été utilisés comme thérapies de fond pour la SEP à partir des années 1995. Leur effet sur le taux de poussées a été largement démontré, tandis que leur efficacité sur l'évolution de la maladie à long terme reste ouverte. Le moyen le plus répandu pour quantifier le niveau du handicap neurologique est la Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Cette échelle évalue les troubles neurologiques en les classifiant de 0 (examen normal) à 10 (décès) avec des marches de demi-points. Notre recherche à voulu identifier des facteurs cliniques précoces { valeur prédictif sur l'évolution du déficit neurologique permanent, ainsi qu'analyser le moment d'introduction du traitement pour extraire des informations utiles { la décision thérapeutique. Méthodes : Exploitation de la base de données iMed-CHUV comptant 1150 patients SEP (dont 622 SEP RR) pour analyser rétrospectivement, dans la SEP RR, l'influence de différentes variables cliniques précoces (taux de poussées pendant les premières deux années de maladie, intervalle entre les deux premières poussées, sévérité et site anatomique de la première poussée, déficit résiduel après la première poussée) et de deux caractéristiques liées { l'instauration du traitement immunosuppresseur de fond (âge et délai d'introduction) sur l'évolution du déficit neurologique vers un score EDSS ≥4.0. Les variables ont été testées avec la méthode d'estimation de taux de survie Kaplan-Meier. Résultats: 349 patients avec SEP RR possédaient les critères nécessaires pour faire partie de l'analyse, le suivi moyen étant de 8.26 ans (SD 4.77). Un taux de poussées élevé pendant les premiers 2 ans (>1 vs ≤1) et un long intervalle entre les 2 premiers épisodes (>36 vs >12-36 vs ≤12) étaient significativement associés au risque de progression du déficit neurologique vers un score EDSS de 4.0 ou plus (log Rank P=0.016 et P=0.008 respectivement). Par contre ni le site anatomique de la première poussée ni l'âge d'introduction du traitement immunomodulateur n'avaient d'influence significative sur la progression du déficit neurologique (log rank P=0.370 et P=0.945 respectivement). Etonnamment une introduction rapide du traitement était associée à une plus forte progression du déficit neurologique (log rank P=0.032), montrant qu'une partie des patients a une évolution bénigne même en l'absence de traitement. Conclusions : L'activité inflammatoire précoce, dont le niveau peut être estimé par indices précoces comme le taux de poussées et l'intervalle entre les deux premières poussées, mais non le site de primo-manifestation prédit la progression ultérieure du déficit neurologique. Ces indices doivent être utilisés en combinaison avec les informations fournies par l'IRM pour l'individuation et le traitement précoce des patients à risque, indépendamment de leur âge. En raison des effets indésirables et des coûts élevés, les thérapies doivent cibler de façon spécifique les classes à risque, et épargner les patients avec évolution lente.