856 resultados para Tecnologie web, reingegnerizzazione, software aziendale
La tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un'applicazione web per comporre musica tramite la tecnica del "live looping" che fornisce anche la possibilità di effettuare lo streaming di ciò che si crea in tempo reale e in maniera peer-to-peer. L'applicazione in oggetto (chiamata WebLooper) fa uso di due tecnologie web emergenti in ambito multimediale: Web Audio e WebRTC, attualmente in attesa di diventare standard W3C.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è realizzare, in ambito web, un'applicazione client-server database-independent, ovvero un'applicazione il cui funzionamento non è vincolato da uno specifico tipo di base di dati.
La ricerca nel campo del cultural heritage management ha adottato negli ultimi decenni le tecnologie web quali strumenti privilegiati per stabilire i nuovi approcci e indirizzi nella valorizzazione della conoscenza. Questa tesi si colloca nell'ambito interdisciplinare tra le scienze umanistiche e informatiche e si fonda sulla consapevolezza del reciproco arricchimento che può derivare dal continuo confronto, le une disponendo di mezzi più espressivi e popolari per divulgare il proprio patrimonio e le altre usufruendo di “materia prima” autorevole (ossia dati strutturati di qualità e alto livello di fiducia) in fase di sperimentazione. Lo studio dei punti di tangenza tra le discipline muove da due ambiti precisi, ovvero le applicazioni informatiche nel campo dell'archivistica e gli sviluppi del semantic web nel settore delle digital humanities.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è dimostrare che è possibile effettuare in maniera proficua esami di tecnologie web all'università senza utilizzare carta e penna. Nello specifico si parla di ExaM Bin, piattaforma open-source creata come adattamento del tool di web playground JSBIN per fare esami di tecnologie web.
Studio sulle tecnologie web e realizzazione applicativo multi-piattaforma con tecnologie HTML e JavaScript
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quella di creare una interfaccia accessibile per il sito Web e software di creazione di percorsi urbani multimodali, denominato Open Trip Planner. L’obiettivo principale è rendere questo servizio di pianificazione di itinerari fruibile ad ogni tipologia di utente, rendendolo accessibile a persone con disabilità sensoriali e motorie, dando a queste ultime un aiuto, a volte indispensabile, per gli spostamenti all’interno delle città. Quello che il programma open source di Open Trip Planner deve fare dunque, è offrire le informazioni riguardanti i percorsi urbani e tutte le restanti informazioni presenti su di una mappa, come ad esempio punti di interesse, in maniera completamente fruibile per ogni utente che utilizza questo tipo di supporto alla navigazione. È stato d’aiuto nella tesi incentrare in un primo momento l’attenzione nei confronti delle leggi e le linee guida di accessibilità Web, studiando dunque come il Web deve essere accessibile per gli utenti, per poi concentrarsi sull’accessibilità delle mappe stesse. Un ulteriore scopo della tesi infatti è stato capire come i dati relativi alla navigazione che vengono prelevati dai satelliti, debbano essere presentati all’interno della mappa, fornendo un grado di accessibilità elevato, sia per gli utenti che per differenti hardware.
The notion model of development and distribution of software (MDDS) is introduced and its role for the efficiency of the software products is stressed. Two classical MDDS are presented and some attempts to adapt them to the contemporary trends in web-based software design are described. Advantages and shortcomings of the obtained models are outlined. In conclusion the desired features of a better MDDS for web-based solutions are given.
Contemporary web-based software solutions are usually composed of many interoperating applications. Classical approach is the different applications of the solution to be created inside one technology/platform, e.g. Java-technology, .NET-technology, etc. Wide spread technologies/platforms practically discourage (and sometime consciously make impossible) the cooperation with elements of the concurrent technologies/platforms. To make possible the usage of attractive features of one technology/platform in another technology/platform some “cross-technology” approach is necessary. In the paper is discussed the possibility to combine two existing instruments – interoperability protocols and “lifting” of procedures – in order to obtain such cross-technology approach.
La tesi analizza la problematica del monitoraggio ambientale a basso costo, cercando di approfondirne le caratteristiche e studiando le situazioni in cui questo vi si adatta bene. Lo studio ha permesso di realizzare due tipologie di stazioni di raccolta dati, una dedicata alla misurazione delle polveri sottili, e una dedicata alla misurazione dell’acidità delle piogge. Entrambe le stazioni condividono la logica di funzionamento, quindi il “core” rimane lo stesso pur lavorando con dati estremamente diversi, mentre si distinguono per i due sensori utilizzati. In fase di test i sensori si sono dimostrati sufficientemente precisi lasciando ben sperare per la realizzazione di applicazioni in contesti reali simili a quelli considerati durante l’analisi. Le stazioni sono in grado di fornire dati geo-localizzati consultabili attraverso un portale web, è possibile visualizzare ogni stazione su una mappa ricevendo aggiornamenti sulle ultime misurazioni, inoltre si possono modellare i dati e visualizzarli su una serie di grafici. Una delle caratteristiche fondamentali che ha guidato tutta la progettazione è stata l’estendibilità del modello, la logica di funzionamento della stazione può essere facilmente implementata su tecnologie hardware e software diverse.
Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Sicherheit von Web-Servern niedersächsischer Unternehmen aus dem Raum Hannover. Untersucht wurden vier Unternehmensgruppen, die sich aus Mitgliedern von Unternehmensverbänden und berufsständischen Körperschaften zusammensetzen. Insgesamt werden mehr als 1800 Unternehmen betrachtet. Als Indikator für die IT-Sicherheit wurden vier Sicherheitslücken herangezogen, die leicht überprüft werden können, ohne die Web-Server in ihrem Betrieb zu beeinträchtigen. Die Ergebnisse sind ernüchternd: Viele Unternehmen setzen keine Verschlüsselung ein oder die Web-Server-Software ist nicht auf dem neusten Stand. Bei ungefähr jedem dritten Unternehmen, welches Verschlüsselung einsetzt, enthält die Software seit mehr als einem Jahr bekannte Schwachstellen und sollte umgehend aktualisiert werden. Dies zeigt, dass das IT-Sicherheitsmanagement in vielen Unternehmen mangelhaft ist.
Authentication plays an important role in how we interact with computers, mobile devices, the web, etc. The idea of authentication is to uniquely identify a user before granting access to system privileges. For example, in recent years more corporate information and applications have been accessible via the Internet and Intranet. Many employees are working from remote locations and need access to secure corporate files. During this time, it is possible for malicious or unauthorized users to gain access to the system. For this reason, it is logical to have some mechanism in place to detect whether the logged-in user is the same user in control of the user's session. Therefore, highly secure authentication methods must be used. We posit that each of us is unique in our use of computer systems. It is this uniqueness that is leveraged to "continuously authenticate users" while they use web software. To monitor user behavior, n-gram models are used to capture user interactions with web-based software. This statistical language model essentially captures sequences and sub-sequences of user actions, their orderings, and temporal relationships that make them unique by providing a model of how each user typically behaves. Users are then continuously monitored during software operations. Large deviations from "normal behavior" can possibly indicate malicious or unintended behavior. This approach is implemented in a system called Intruder Detector (ID) that models user actions as embodied in web logs generated in response to a user's actions. User identification through web logs is cost-effective and non-intrusive. We perform experiments on a large fielded system with web logs of approximately 4000 users. For these experiments, we use two classification techniques; binary and multi-class classification. We evaluate model-specific differences of user behavior based on coarse-grain (i.e., role) and fine-grain (i.e., individual) analysis. A specific set of metrics are used to provide valuable insight into how each model performs. Intruder Detector achieves accurate results when identifying legitimate users and user types. This tool is also able to detect outliers in role-based user behavior with optimal performance. In addition to web applications, this continuous monitoring technique can be used with other user-based systems such as mobile devices and the analysis of network traffic.
Wing length is a key character for essential behaviours related to bird flight such as migration and foraging. In the present study, we initiate the search for the genes underlying wing length in birds by studying a long-distance migrant, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). In this species wing length is an evolutionary interesting trait with pronounced latitudinal gradient and sex-specific selection regimes in local populations. We performed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) scan for wing length in great reed warblers using phenotypic, genotypic, pedigree and linkage map data from our long-term study population in Sweden. We applied the linkage analysis mapping method implemented in GRIDQTL (a new web-based software) and detected a genome-wide significant QTL for wing length on chromosome 2, to our knowledge, the first detected QTL in wild birds. The QTL extended over 25 cM and accounted for a substantial part (37%) of the phenotypic variance of the trait. A genome scan for tarsus length (a bodysize-related trait) did not show any signal, implying that the wing-length QTL on chromosome 2 was not associated with body size. Our results provide a first important step into understanding the genetic architecture of avian wing length, and give opportunities to study the evolutionary dynamics of wing length at the locus level. This journal is© 2010 The Royal Society.
Health care systems are highly dynamic not just due to developments and innovations in diagnosis and treatments, but also by virtue of emerging management techniques supported by modern information and communication technology. A multitude of stakeholders such as patients, nurses, general practitioners or social carers can be integrated by modeling complex interactions necessary for managing the provision and consumption of health care services. Furthermore, it is the availability of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) that supports those integration efforts by enabling the flexible and reusable composition of autonomous, loosely-coupled and web-enabled software components. However, there is still the gap between SOA and predominantly business-oriented perspectives (e.g. business process models). The alignment of both views is crucial not just for the guided development of SOA but also for the sustainable evolution of holistic enterprise architectures. In this paper, we combine the Semantic Object Model (SOM) and the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) towards a model-driven approach to service engineering. By addressing a business system in Home Telecare and deriving a business process model, which can eventually be controlled and executed by machines; in particular by composed web services, the full potential of a process-centric SOA is exploited.
This paper addresses the problem of analyzing performance of WWW servers. The web has experienced a phenomenal growth and has become the most popular Internet application. As a consequence of its large popularity, the Internet has suffered from various performance problems, such as network congestion and overloaded servers. These days, it is not uncommon to find servers refusing connections because they are overloaded. Performance has always been a key issue in the design and operation of on-line systems. With regard to Internet, performance is also critical, because users want fast and easy access to all objects (i.e., documents, pictures, audio, and video) available on the net. Thus, it is important to understand WWW performance issues. This paper focuses on the performance analysis of a Web server. Using a synthetic benchmark (WebStone), we analyze three different Web server software running on top of a Windows NT platform and performing some typical WWW tasks.
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