991 resultados para Tag ownership transfer


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The implementation of three-phase sinusoidal pulse-width-modulated inverter control strategy using microprocessor is discussed in this paper. To save CPU time, the DMA technique is used for transferring the switching pattern from memory to the pulse amplifier and isolation circuits of individual thyristors in the inverter bridge. The method of controlling both voltage and frequency is discussed here.


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With deregulation, the total transfer capability (TTC) calculation, which is the basis for evaluating available transfer capability (ATC), has become very significant. TTC is an important index in power markets with large volume of inter-area power exchanges and wheeling transactions taking place on an hourly basis. Its computation helps to achieve a viable technical and commercial transmission operation. The aim of the paper is to evaluate TTC in the interconnections and also to improve it using reactive optimization technique and UPFC devices. Computations are carried out for normal and contingency cases such as single line, tie line and generator outages. Base and optimized results are presented, and the results show how reactive optimization and unified power flow controller help to improve the system conditions. In this paper repeated power flow method is used to calculate TTC due to its ease of implementation. A case study is carried out on a 205 bus equivalent system, a part of Indian Southern grid. Parameters like voltage magnitude, L-index, minimum singular value and MW losses are computed to analyze the system performance.


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Benzocyclobutene (BCB) has been proposed as a board level dielectric for advanced system-on-package (SOP) module primarily due to its attractive low-loss (for RF application) and thin film (for high density wiring) properties. Realization of embedded resistors on low loss benzocyclobutene (dielectric loss ~0.0008 at > 40 GHz) has been explored in this study. Two approaches, viz, foil transfer and electroless plating have been attempted for deposition of thin film resistors on benzocyclobutene (BCB). Ni-P alloys were plated using conventional electroless plating, and NiCr and NiCrAlSi foils were used for the foil transfer process. This paper reports NiP and NiWP electroless plated embedded resistors on BCB dielectric for the first time in the literature


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any subset of k nodes within the n-node network. However, regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to an arbitrary subset of d nodes. It has been shown that for the case of functional repair, there is a tradeoff between the amount of data stored per node and the bandwidth required to repair a failed node. A special case of functional repair is exact repair where the replacement node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. Exact repair is of interest as it greatly simplifies system implementation. The first result of this paper is an explicit, exact-repair code for the point on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff corresponding to the minimum possible repair bandwidth, for the case when d = n-1. This code has a particularly simple graphical description, and most interestingly has the ability to carry out exact repair without any need to perform arithmetic operations. We term this ability of the code to perform repair through mere transfer of data as repair by transfer. The second result of this paper shows that the interior points on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff cannot be achieved under exact repair, thus pointing to the existence of a separate tradeoff under exact repair. Specifically, we identify a set of scenarios which we term as ``helper node pooling,'' and show that it is the necessity to satisfy such scenarios that overconstrains the system.


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Capillary pumped loop (CPL) and loop heat pipe (LHP) are passive two-phase heat transport devices. They have been gaining importance as a part of the thermal control system of spacecraft. The evaporation heat transfer coefficient at the tooth-wick interface of an LHP or CPL has a significant impact on the evaporator temperature. It is also the main parameter in sizing of a CPL or LHP. Experimentally determined evaporation heat transfer coefficients from a three-port CPL with tubular axially grooved (TAG) evaporator and a TAG LHP with acetone, R-134A, and ammonia as working fluids are presented in this paper. The influences of working fluid, hydrodynamic blocks in the core, evaporator configuration (LHP or CPL), and adverse elevation (evaporator above condenser) on the heat transfer coefficient are presented.


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This work proposes a boosting-based transfer learning approach for head-pose classification from multiple, low-resolution views. Head-pose classification performance is adversely affected when the source (training) and target (test) data arise from different distributions (due to change in face appearance, lighting, etc). Under such conditions, we employ Xferboost, a Logitboost-based transfer learning framework that integrates knowledge from a few labeled target samples with the source model to effectively minimize misclassifications on the target data. Experiments confirm that the Xferboost framework can improve classification performance by up to 6%, when knowledge is transferred between the CLEAR and FBK four-view headpose datasets.


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Empirical research available on technology transfer initiatives is either North American or European. Literature over the last two decades shows various research objectives such as identifying the variables to be measured and statistical methods to be used in the context of studying university based technology transfer initiatives. AUTM survey data from years 1996 to 2008 provides insightful patterns about the North American technology transfer initiatives, we use this data in our paper. This paper has three sections namely, a comparison of North American Universities with (n=1129) and without Medical Schools (n=786), an analysis of the top 75th percentile of these samples and a DEA analysis of these samples. We use 20 variables. Researchers have attempted to classify university based technology transfer initiative variables into multi-stages, namely, disclosures, patents and license agreements. Using the same approach, however with minor variations, three stages are defined in this paper. The first stage is to do with inputs from R&D expenditure and outputs namely, invention disclosures. The second stage is to do with invention disclosures being the input and patents issued being the output. The third stage is to do with patents issued as an input and technology transfers as outcomes.


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There are multiple goals of a technology transfer office (TTO) based in a university system. Whilst commercialization is a critical goal, maintenance and cleaning of the TTO's database needs detailing. Literature in the area is scarce and only some researchers make reference to TTO data cleaning. During an attempt to understand the commercial strategy of a university TTO in Bangalore the challenge of data cleaning was encountered. This paper describes a case study of data cleaning at an Indian university based TTO. 382 patent records were analyzed in the study. The case study first describes the back ground of the university system. Second, the method to clean the data and the experiences encountered are highlighted. Insights drawn indicate that patent data cleaning in a TTO is a specialized area which needs attention. Overlooking this activity can have legal implications and may result in an inability to commercialize the patent. Two levels of patent data cleaning are discussed in this case study. Best practices of data cleaning in academic TTOs are discussed.


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Tag release and recapture data of bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) from the Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project (HTTP) were analyzed with a bulk transfer model incorporating size-specific attrition to infer population dynamics and transfer rates between various fishery components. For both species, the transfer rate estimates from the offshore handline fishery areas to the longline fishery area were higher than the estimates of transfer from those same areas into the inshore fishery areas. Natural and fishing mortality rates were estimated over three size classes: yellowfin 20–45, 46–55, and ≥56 cm and bigeye 29–55, 56–70, and ≥71 cm. For both species, the estimates of natural mortality were highest in the smallest size class. For bigeye tuna, the estimates decreased with increasing size and for yellowfin tuna there was a slight increase in the largest size class. In the Cross Seamount fishery, the fishing mortality rate of bigeye tuna was similar for all three size classes and represented roughly 12% of the gross attrition rate (includes fishing and natural mortality and emigration rates). For yellowfin tuna, fishing mortality ranged between 7% and 30%, the highest being in the medium size class. For both species, the overall attrition rate from the entire fishery area was nearly the same. However, in the specific case of the Cross Seamount fishery, the attrition rate for yellowfin tuna was roughly twice that for bigeye. This result indicates that bigeye tuna are more resident at the Seamount than yellowfin tuna, and larger bigeye tunas tend to reside longer than smaller individuals. This may result in larger fish being more vulnerable to capture in the Seamount fishery. The relatively low level of exchange between the Sea-mount and the inshore and longline fisheries suggests that the fishing activity at the Seamount need not be of great management concern for either species. However, given that the current exploitation rates are considered moderate (10–30%), and that Seamount aggregations of yellowfin and bigeye tuna are highly vulnerable to low-cost gear types, it is recommended that further increases in fishing effort for these species be monitored at Cross Seamount.


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Transfer of resistance to the phosphorothioamidate herbicide, amiprophosmethyl (APM), from the P-tubulin mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia to the interspecific N, plumbaginifolia (+) N, sylvestris is and to the intertribal N, plumbaginifolia (+) Atropa belladonna somatic hybrids has been demonstrated. Transfer to the recipient species was accomplished by: (1) symmetric hybridisation and (2) asymmetric hybridisation using gamma-irradiation of donor protoplasts. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the hybrid origin of the hybrids obtained. It was established that most of them typically inherited no more than three donor chromosomes, although it was possible to obtain symmetric hybrids in the case of symmetric fusion. Immunofluorescent microscopy analysis has shown that protoplasts of the mutant, and of the N. plumbagini-folia (+) N. sylvestris and N. plumbaginifolia (+) A. belladonna hybrids, retained the normal structure of interphase microtubule (MT) arrays and mitotic figures after treatment with 5 mu M APM, whereas MTs of protoplasts of the recipients were destroyed under these conditions. It was also shown that hybrid clones contained an altered beta-tubulin isoform originating from the N. plumbaginifolia mutant. The selected hybrid clones were characterised by cross-resistance to trifluralin, a dinitroaniline herbicide with the same mode of anti-MT action. Some of the somatic hybrids which could flower were fertile. It was established that seeds of some fertile hybrids were able to germinate in the presence of 5 mu M APM. The results obtained thus support the conclusion that the technique of somatic hybridisation, especially asymmetric fusion, can be used to transfer APM resistance from the N. plumbaginifolia mutant to different (related and remote) plant species of the Solanaceae, including important crops.


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Vitamin E is a well known fat soluble chain breaking antioxidant. It is a general tenn used to describe a family of eight stereoisomers of tocopherols. Selective retention of a-tocopherol in the human circulation system is regulated by the a -Tocopherol Transfer Protein (a-TIP). Using a fluorescently labelled a-tocopherol (NBD-a-Toc) synthesized in our laboratory, a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay was developed to monitor the kinetics of ligand transfer by a-hTTP in lipid vesicles. Preliminary results implied that NBD-a-Toe simply diffused from 6-His-a-hTTP to acceptor membranes since the kinetics of transfer were not responsive to a variety of conditions tested. After a series of trouble shooting experiments, we identified a minor contaminant, E coli. outer membrane porin F (OmpF) that co-purified with 6-His-a-hTTP from the metal affinity column as the source of the problem. In order to completely avoid OmpF contamination, a GST -a-hTTP fusion protein was purified from a glutathione agarose column followed by an on-column thrombin digestion to remove the GST tag. We then demonstrated that a-hTTP utilizes a collisional mechanism to deliver its ligand. Furthennore, a higher rate of a-tocopherol transfer to small unilamellar vesicles (SUV s) versus large unilamellar vesicles (LUV s) indicated that transfer is sensitive to membrane curvature. These findings suggest that ahTTP mediated a-Toc transfer is dominated by the hydrophobic nature of a-hTTP and the packing density of phospholipid head groups within acceptor membranes. Based on the calculated free energy change (dG) when a protein is transferred from water to the lipid bilayer, a model was generated to predict the orientation of a-hTTP when it interacts with lipid membranes. Guided by this model, several hydrophobic residues expected to penetrate deeply into the bilayer hydrophobic core, were mutated to either aspartate or alanine. Utilizing dual polarization interferometry and size exclusion vesicle binding assays, we identified the key residues for membrane binding to be F 165, F 169 and 1202. In addition, the rates of ligand transfer of the u-TTP mutants were directly correlated to their membrane binding capabilities, indicating that membrane binding was likely the rate limiting step in u-TTP mediated transfer of u-Toc. The propensity of u-TTP for highly curved membrane provides a connection to its colocalization with u-Toc in late endosomes.


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This paper explores situations where tenants in public houses, in a specific neighborhood, are given the legislated right to buy the houses they live in or can choose to remain in their houses and pay the regulated rent. This type of legislation has been passed in many European countries in the last 30-35 years (the U.K. Housing Act 1980 is a leading example). The main objective with this type of legislation is to transfer the ownership of the houses from the public authority to the tenants. To achieve this goal, selling prices of the public houses are typically heavily subsidized. The legislating body then faces a trade-off between achieving the goals of the legislation and allocating the houses efficiently. This paper investigates this specific trade-off and identifies an allocation rule that is individually rational, equilibrium selecting, and group non-manipulable in a restricted preference domain that contains “almost all” preference profiles. In this restricted domain, the identified rule is the equilibrium selecting rule that transfers the maximum number of ownerships from the public authority to the tenants. This rule is preferred to the current U.K. system by both the existing tenants and the public authority. Finally, a dynamic process for finding the outcome of the identified rule, in a finite number of steps, is provided.


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La présente thèse se base sur les principes de la théorisation ancrée (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) afin de répondre au manque de documentation concernant les stratégies adoptées par des « agents intermédiaires » pour promouvoir l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche auprès des intervenants en éducation. Le terme « agent intermédiaire » réfère aux personnes qui sont positionnées à l’interface entre les producteurs et les utilisateurs des connaissances scientifiques et qui encouragent et soutiennent les intervenants scolaires dans l’application des connaissances scientifiques dans leur pratique. L’étude s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet du ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec visant à améliorer la réussite scolaire des élèves du secondaire provenant de milieux défavorisés. Des agents intermédiaires de différents niveaux du système éducatif ayant obtenu le mandat de transférer des connaissances issues de la recherche auprès des intervenants scolaires dans les écoles visées par le projet ont été sollicités pour participer à l’étude. Une stratégie d’échantillonnage de type « boule-de-neige » (Biernacki & Waldorf, 1981; Patton, 1990) a été employée afin d’identifier les personnes reconnues par leurs pairs pour la qualité du soutien offert aux intervenants scolaires quant à l’utilisation de la recherche dans leur pratique. Seize entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées. L’analyse des données permet de proposer un modèle d’intervention en transfert de connaissances composé de 32 stratégies d’influence, regroupées en 6 composantes d’intervention, soit : relationnelle, cognitive, politique, facilitatrice, évaluative, de même que de soutien et de suivi continu. Les résultats suggèrent que les stratégies d’ordre relationnelle, cognitive et politique sont interdépendantes et permettent d’établir un climat favorable dans lequel les agents peuvent exercer une plus grande influence sur l’appropriation du processus de l’utilisation des connaissances des intervenants scolaire. Ils montrent en outre que la composante de soutien et de suivi continu est importante pour maintenir les changements quant à l’utilisation de la recherche dans la pratique chez les intervenants scolaires. Les implications théoriques qui découlent du modèle, ainsi que les explications des mécanismes impliqués dans les différentes composantes, sont mises en perspective tant avec la documentation scientifique en transfert de connaissances dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation, qu’avec les travaux provenant de disciplines connexes (notamment la psychologie). Enfin, des pistes d’action pour la pratique sont proposées.


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Human D-2Long (D-2L) and D-2Short (D-2S) dopamine receptor isoforms were modified at their N-terminus by the addition of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or a FLAG epitope tag. The receptors were then expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 (Sf9) cells using the baculovirus system, and their oligomerization was investigated by means of co-immunoprecipitation and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). [H-3] Spiperone labelled D-2 receptors in membranes prepared from Sf9 cells expressing epitope-tagged D-2L or D-2S receptors, with a pK(d) value of approximate to 10. Co-immunoprecipitation using antibodies specific for the tags showed constitutive homo-oligomerization of D-2L and D-2S receptors in Sf9 cells. When the FLAG-tagged D-2S and HIV-tagged D-2L receptors were co-expressed, co-immunoprecipitation showed that the two isoforms can also form hetero-oligomers in Sf9 cells. Time-resolved FRET with europium and XL665-labelled antibodies was applied to whole Sf9 cells and to membranes from Sf9 cells expressing epitope-tagged D-2 receptors. In both cases, constitutive homo-oligomers were revealed for D-2L and D-2S isoforms. Time-resolved FRET also revealed constitutive homo-oligomers in HEK293 cells expressing FLAG-tagged D-2S receptors. The D-2 receptor ligands dopamine, R-(-) propylnorapomorphine, and raclopride did not affect oligomerization of D-2L and D-2S in Sf9 and HEK293 cells. Human D-2 dopamine receptors can therefore form constitutive oligomers in Sf9 cells and in HEK293 cells that can be detected by different approaches, and D-2 oligomerization in these cells is not regulated by ligands.


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Clients and contractors need to be aware of the project’s legal environment because the viability of a procurement strategy can be vitiated by legal rules. This is particularly true regarding Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) whose viability may be threatened by rules of property law: while the PBC concept does not require that the contractor transfers the ownership in the building materials used to the client, the rules of property law often lead to an automatic transfer of ownership. But does the legal environment really render PBC unfeasible? In particular, is PBC unfeasible because contractors lose their materials as assets? These questions need to be answered with respect to the applicable property law. As a case study, English property law has been chosen. Under English law, the rule which governs the automatic transfer of ownership is called quicquid plantatur solo, solo credit (whatever is fixed to the soil belongs to the soil). An analysis of this rule reveals that not all materials which are affixed to land become part of the land. This fate only occurs in relation to materials which have been affixed with the intention of permanently improving the land. Five fictitious PBC cases have been considered in terms of the legal status of the materials involved, and several subsequent legal questions have been addressed. The results suggest that English law does actually threaten the feasibility of PBC in some cases. However, it is also shown that the law provides means to circumvent the unwanted results which flow from the rules of property law. In particular, contractors who are interested in keeping their materials as assets can insist on agreeing a property right in the client’s land, i.e. a contractor’s lien. Therefore, the outcome is that English property law does not render the implementation of the PBC concept unfeasible. At a broader level, the results contribute to the theoretical framework of PBC as an increasingly used procurement strategy.