984 resultados para TRANSPORT COSTS


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In this paper, based on the recent advances in the new economic geography (e.g., Fujita, Krugman and Venables [12]), we analyze impacts of transport costs on the spatial patterns of economic agglomeration. We first identify prototypes from the existing models, and explain the mechanism of how transport costs influence the balance between economic forces of agglomeration and dispersion. We then investigate the transformation of the agglomeration/dispersion patterns given gradually decreasing transport costs for different goods.


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It is well know that transport charges are not symmetric: fronthaul and backhaul costs on a route may differ, because they are affected by the distribution of economic acitivities. This paper develops a two-regional general equilibrium model in which transport costs are determined endogenously as a result of a search and matching process. It is shown that economies or diseconomies of transport density emerge, depending on the search costs of transport firms and the relative importance of the possibility of backhaul transportation. It is found that the symmetry of the distribution of economic activity may break owing to economies of transport density when the additional search costs are small enough.


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This paper presents a framework for an SCGE model that is compatible with the Armington assumption and explicitly considers transport activities. In the model, the trade coefficient takes the form of a potential function,and the equilibrium market price becomes similar to the price index of varietal goods in the context of new economic geography (NEG). The features of the model are investigated by using the minimal setting, which comprises two non-transport sectors and three regions. Because transport costs are given exogenously to facilitate study of their impacts, commodity prices are also determined relative to them. The model can be described as a system of homogeneous equations, where an output in one region can arbitrarily be determined similarly as a price in the Walrasian equilibrium. The model closure is sensitive to formulation consistency so that homogeneity of the system would be lost by use of an alternative form of trade coefficients.


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This paper examines the conventional assumption that bilateral transport costs are symmetric. We develop an economic geography model with transport sector in which asymmetric freight rates can occur as a result of density economies. Comparing this to models without density economies, we show that agglomeration of economic activities is more likely to emerge and that multiple equilibria can emerge for some parameters. Then we show the change in its bifurcation and stability of equilibrium and conclude that economies of density in transport flows can act as an agglomeration force.


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This paper applies an integrated modeling approach to the case of Spain; the approach is based on a random utility-based multiregional input-output model and a road transport network model for assessing the effect of introducing longer and heavier vehicles (LHVs) on the regional consumer price index (CPI) and on the transportation system. The approach strongly supports the concept that changes in transport costs derived from the LHV allowance as well as the economic structure of regions have direct and indirect effects on the economy and on the transportation system. Results show that the introduction of LHVs might reduce prices paid by consumers for a representative basket of goods and services in the regions of Spain and would also lead to a reduction in the regional CPI. In addition, the magnitude and extent of changes in the transportation system are estimated by using the commodity-based structure of the approach to identify the effect of traffic changes on traffic flows and on pollutant emissions over the whole network.


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The assessment on introducing Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) on the road freight transport demand is performed in this paper by applying an integrated modeling approach composed of a Random Utility-Based Multiregional Input-Output model (RUBMRIO) and a road transport network model. The approach strongly supports the concept that changes in transport costs derived from the LHVs allowance as well as the economic structure of regions have both direct and indirect effects on the road freight transport system. In addition, we estimate the magnitude and extent of demand changes in the road freight transportation system by using the commodity-based structure of the approach to identify the effect on traffic flows and on pollutant emissions over the whole network of Spain by considering a sensitivity analysis of the main parameters which determine the share of Heavy-Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and LHVs. The results show that the introduction of LHVs will strengthen the competitiveness of the road haulage sector by reducing costs, emissions, and the total freight vehicles required.


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The role of sustainability in urban design is becoming increasingly important as Australia’s cities continue to grow, putting pressure on existing infrastructure such as water, energy and transport. To optimise an urban design many different aspects such as water, energy, transport, costs need to be taken into account integrally. Integrated software applications assessing urban designs on a large variety of aspects are hardly available. With the upcoming next generation of the Internet often referred to as the Semantic Web, data can become more machine-interpretable by developing ontologies that can support the development of integrated software systems. Software systems can use these ontologies to perform an intelligent task such as assessing an urban design on a particular aspect. When ontologies of different applications are aligned, they can share information resulting in interoperability. Inference such as compliancy checks and classifications can support aligning the ontologies. A proof of concept implementation has been made to demonstrate and validate the usefulness of machine interpretable ontologies for urban designs.


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President’s Message AITPM President’s Message, July 2009 Hello fellow AITPM members, It’s now very early July so many Australians are going to experience a range of new, or increases in, fees, charges, and perhaps taxes by State and local governments. For example, Queenslanders are to be hit at the petrol pump, no longer living with the luxury of the State’s previous 8c per litre fuel subsidy, bringing general motorists’ fuel costs into line with the other States. A consolation is that they now don’t have to live with the real or perceived “price gouging” that has appeared in the past to make Queensland prices much closer than 8c to those in other States. Environmental lobbyists argue that this Government’s decision brings public transport costs closer to parity with private transport. However, my sense from sloppy petrol price elasticities is that the State’s motorists will get used to the reversal of what was a reverse tax pretty quickly, an amount which can be less than day-of-the week fluctuation. On the other hand, withholding this State revenue may help in some way the funding of the several major public transport infrastructure projects in progress; not to mention some of the cost of running the Transit Authority’s expanding service commitments. Other policy actions, such as a Federal Government review of taxation on employees’ package vehicles, which might discourage rather than encourage excess kilometres travelled, may have a greater environmental benefit. Of course, a downside is that many vehicles used so are Australian built, and discouraging fleet turnover may damage an industry which faces ever increasing uncertainty, and particularly at the present, is in need of some care and attention. I for one hope to this end that the new 4 cylinder (1.8L petrol or 2L diesel) so called “true Holden” Cruze and Toyota’s pending Camry Hybrid are both roaring successes, and will be taken up in droves as fleet and employee use vehicles. I’m not sure what drive-trains Ford and Holden plan to drop into their next full sized models but even if they’re not Australian sourced, let’s hope they coordinate the requisite performance expected by the “Aussie Battler” with suitable green credentials. I am also encouraged to see that already many Government fleet vehicles are smaller in size, but still fit for purpose. For instance, my local police station uses the Camry based Aurion as a district car. I close again in reminding everyone that AITPM’s flagship event, the 2009 AITPM National Conference, Traffic Beyond Tomorrow, is being held in Adelaide from 5 to 7 August. www.aitpm.com has all of the details about how to register, sponsor a booth, session, etc. Best regards all, Jon Bunker


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President’s Report Hello fellow AITPM members, It is interesting to follow the news at present, where transport costs are getting a significant airing. Treasury Secretary Dr Ken Henry has enunciated something Australians may have considered extremely radical just a few years back, but in the present time appears to quite a few to be a realistic alternative. That being a rethink of the way we are charged for using our vehicles. It appears that serious consideration is being given to congestion charging, perhaps in place at least to some extent, of fuel excise. As a transport professional I am pleased that the debate has elevated to the national level, and would look forward that AITPM might contribute appropriately to it. As a motorist though, I naturally have my concerns about being hit in the hip pocket. Not that I actually drive during congested periods very much. I am fortunate to live five minutes either side of two well serviced bus corridors, one of which will eventually become a busway, and work in the central business district, which is hub from all spokes in Brisbane. As such, bus and foot are my preferred commute modes. Ah but I should not gloat, as my smart card fare is about to increase by 20 percent in the New Year! And if the newspapers are to be believed, further substantial increments are proposed over the coming few years. This is reported to recoup some more of the costs of actually providing the quality public transport system that we enjoy in our region. So I expect it will be very interesting to see how transport economics will play out in reality in the coming few years, and how governments cater to Australians who either cannot afford substantial increases in transport costs or have no viable alternatives to those facilities whose costs will increase. The 2010 AITPM National Conference, “What’s New?”, still has the opportunity for authors to submit an abstract for consideration so please consider how you might contribute to the event. Best regards to all, Jon Bunker


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Current urban development in South East Queensland (SEQ) is impacted by a number of factors: growth and sprawl eroding subtropical character and identity; changing demographics and housing needs; lack of developable land; rising transport costs; diminishing fresh water supply; high energy consumption; and generic building designs which ignore local climate, landscape and lifestyle conditions. The Subtropical Row House project sought to research ‘best practice’ planning and design for contemporary and future needs for urban development in SEQ, and stimulate higher-density housing responses that achieve sustainable, low-energy and low water outcomes and support subtropical character and identity by developing a workable new typology for homes that the local market can adopt. The methodology was that of charrette, an established methodology in architecture and design. Four leading Queensland architectural firms were invited to form multidisciplinary creative teams. During the two-day charrette, the teams visited a selected greenfield site, defined the problems and issues, developed ideas and solutions, and benchmarked performance of designs using the Australian Green Building Council’s Pilot Green Star Multi-Unit residential tool. Each of the four resulting designs simultaneously express a positive relationship with climate and place by demonstrating: suitability for the subtropical climate; flexibility for a diversity of households; integrated building/site/vegetation strategies; market appeal to occupants and developers; affordability in operation; constructability by ‘domestic’ builders; and reduced energy, water and wastage. The project was awarded a Regional Commendation by the Australian Institute of Architects.


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Queensland pineapple production for the year ending 31 March, 1986, was 142000 t (ABS 1988). Pineapple juice provides the major processing outlet, accounting for about 70% of the State's fruit juice output. Most juice is concentrated by vacuum evaportion to reduce storage and transport costs. In recent years, reverse osmosis (R.O.) has found increasing application for concentrating food liquids, particularly dairy products (Schmidt, 1987). Advantages include lower energy consumption and better product quality retention. There have been a number of publications on fruit juice concentration by R.O. These have included apple juice (Sheu and Wiley 1984; Chua et al 1987; Paulson 1985), orange juice (Papanicolaou et al 1984), mandarin juice (Fukutani and Ogawa 1983, tomato juice (Robe 1983; Watanabe 1982; Gheradi et al 1986), grapefruit and lemon juices (Braddock et al 1988). However, information on pineapple juice concentration by R.O. is lacking. The aim of this research was to measure the effects of juice pre-treatment, operating temperature, membrane type, flow rate, pressure and degree of concentration on pineapple juice R.O.


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The long-term competitiveness of the both the Vietnamese feed and pig production industries are constrained and under pressure whilst the industry is dependent on the use of imported feed ingredients in diets for animal production. These cost pressures are a result of import taxes, transport costs, currency fluctuations and feed supply limitations. By undertaking studies on available resources which are currently under-utilised and with potential as local feeds, we can prove their suitability for use as feedstuffs in pig diets and as replacements for imported feed ingredients. In undertaking this process we can lower feeding costs for pig production in Vietnam by the use of local feeds which are cheaper, generate new industries in Vietnam harvesting or processing these feeds and increase the incomes of Vietnamese workers who are involved in producing these by-products. Our project has shown that rubber seed, when processed correctly to lower the hydrogen cyanide content, is a safe and suitable protein meal feedstuff for use in pig diets with the potential to replace significant quantities of imported soybean and fishmeal in Vietnamese pig diets as long as diets are balanced for any amino acid shortfalls. Our peanut studies have shown that use of binders can help alleviate pig production problems with aflatoxin content in peanut meals. Further work is needed to characterise the fate of the bound aflatoxin to see if there is any meat residue risk. Cassava residue is a resultant by-product from starch extraction in both large and small cassava processing factories. Sub-samples from these two mill types were collected and evaluated for residue HCN. Analyses has shown that the processing and sun drying results in a product with relatively consistent low HCN content. Chemical analyses also reveal that significant residual starch also remains in this by-product. Digestibility studies and pig performance feeding studies have shown that cassava residue can be included in diets at 30% with no adverse effect, although the higher fibre content of this product means that strategically, cassava residue is more suitably used in finisher and sow diets. Research has examined the digestible energy content of a number of sunflower meal types available in Australia and identified major differences in their energy value based on processing, additionally, amino acid analysis has shown a significantly lower lysine content than previous reported. We also examined the digestible energy content of a number of Australian stylo forage legume harvest batches and identified the differences in their energy value based on age/harvest time of the forage legume. Analysis results of various stylo cuts showed that the early cut stylo has a higher starch content and lower fibre fraction content than observed in late and recut stylo which were allowed to grow longer. As a result the faecal digestible energy content was higher for the early cut stylo than for the subsequent cut stylo material which had been allowed to become woody. The results have shown that feeding of stylo meal does provide some nutritive value to the pig with increased energy and nitrogen supply, with a portion of the nitrogen presented which the pig is able to retain. Based on nutrient and fibre content stylo could have a useful role in sow feeding and satiety under non-stall housing situations. With increasing Vietnamese investment in rubber production seen with larger areas under plantations the amounts of rubber seed available for animal feeding will grow significantly over the next 15 years and the importance of the by-product ie rubber seed meal as a protein source in diets for Vietnamese pigs.


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A importância do transporte aquaviário é dada pelos diferentes modos de navegação, podendo ser por meio fluvial, lacustre e navegação marítima. Para a logística e economia brasileira, este é um modal extremamente importante, haja vista a pluralidade de transporte pelo fato das relações de exportação e importação ocorrerem especialmente por este tipo de modal. No Brasil há cinco modalidades de transportes: o aquaviário, o rodoviário, o aeroviário, o ferroviário e o dutoviário. Serão descritas nos próximos capítulos as características de cada tipo de modal, especificamente dos modais rodoviário e aquaviário, em especial a cabotagem, objeto principal deste estudo. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a atual situação do transporte marítimo no Brasil, especialmente a cabotagem. Através de três parâmetros - custos, tempo de viagem e segurança -, procurar-se-á avaliar o nível de qualidade do modal, visando à identificação da existência de pontos críticos e sugerir possíveis soluções baseadas na logística e na tecnologia, ferramentas fundamentais para a busca da eficácia na redução dos custos de transportes, contribuindo para um melhor resultado dos custos logísticos finais. Para uma reflexão sobre o transporte nacional de mercadorias por via marítima através da cabotagem, serão apresentadas as características principais do transporte marítimo, com suas vantagens e desvantagens e sua importância para a economia brasileira. A crítica envolverá a questão do frete marítimo e suas interrelações, discutindo variáveis que compõem o preço do frete. Ferramentas tecnológicas fundamentais para a eficácia das operações também serão abordadas durante este trabalho. Serão descritas as características dos portos brasileiros, em especial as dos portos do Rio Grande (RS), Santos (SP), Suape (PE) e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), a distancia entre o porto do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e os demais, bem como o tempo de viagem relacionado entre eles. Explorado pela União diretamente ou mediante concessão (precedida de licitação), o porto organizado, construído e aparelhado para atender necessidades da navegação e da movimentação é administrado pelo Conselho de Autoridade Portuária - CAP -, contando ainda com a figura do OGMO Orgão Gestor de Mão de Obra que controla a força de trabalho nas áreas portuárias, organismos instituídos pela Lei n. 8.630, de 25 de fevereiro de 1993, chamada da Lei de Modernização dos Portos. Por fim serão analisadas as variáveis custo, tempo de viagem e segurança no intuito de contribuir para uma reflexão para o crescimento do transporte de cabotagem no Brasil, procurando identificar um ganho substancial na economia brasileira, através da economia de escala, observados todos os parâmetros necessários para o bom desenvolvimento da logística de transporte de mercadorias por via marítima. Este trabalho abordará a Gestão do Transporte Marítimo de Cargas no Brasil, em especial a cabotagem.


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Neste Trabalho, modelamos a redução de custos de transportes decorrentes de hipotéticas melhorias na qualidade da infraestrutura de transportes terrestres da economia brasileira. A liberação de recursos gerada por essas melhorias foram traduzidas, em nosso modelo, como ganhos de produtividade para dez setores selecionados. A escolha dessa modelagem possui a vantagem de deixar que os agentes econômicos decidam o que fazer após o choque na produtividade total dos fatores, sem que estes recursos estejam comprometidos com quaisquer incentivos de natureza específica, como seria o caso de um subsídio à compra de determinada matéria-prima, por exemplo. O comportamento do setor, em consequência da realização do experimento, fica condicionado às hipóteses iniciais do modelo referentes aos parâmetros de decisão da firma, das famílias e do governo. Para os cálculos dos impactos sobre a produtividade, utilizamos as matrizes de insumoproduto estimadas por Martinez(2013). Os resultados mostraram ganhos expressivos para o produto interno bruto, a Balança Comercial e o volume de produção setorial, dentre outras variáveis analisadas.


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Neste Trabalho, modelamos a redução de custos de transportes decorrentes de hipotéticas melhorias na qualidade da infraestrutura de transportes terrestres da economia brasileira. A liberação de recursos gerada por essas melhorias foram traduzidas, em nosso modelo, como ganhos de produtividade para dez setores selecionados. A escolha dessa modelagem possui a vantagem de deixar que os agentes econômicos decidam o que fazer após o choque na produtividade total dos fatores, sem que estes recursos estejam comprometidos com quaisquer incentivos de natureza específica, como seria o caso de um subsídio à compra de determinada matéria-prima, por exemplo. O comportamento do setor, em consequência da realização do experimento, fica condicionado às hipóteses iniciais do modelo referentes aos parâmetros de decisão da firma, das famílias e do governo. Para os cálculos dos impactos sobre a produtividade, utilizamos as matrizes de insumoproduto estimadas por Martinez(2013). Os resultados mostraram ganhos expressivos para o produto interno bruto, a Balança Comercial e o volume de produção setorial, dentre outras variáveis analisadas.