991 resultados para TR-PEEM, XMCD, ultraschnelle Magnetisierungsvorgänge, Permalloy, transiente raumzeitliche Domänenmuster, Spinwellenmode, Streufelder


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<p>The domain configuration of micron-sized permalloy ellipses was studied under the influence of an in-plane rotating magnetic field using magnetic force microscopy. The field amplitude was chosen such that when the field is applied parallel to the long axis of the ellipses they are saturated, but when the field is perpendicular to the long axis they exhibit multi-domain states. The rotation angle for nucleation and annihilation of domains was determined for different magnitudes of the applied magnetic field and for two different lateral sizes of ellipses, 6 Am x 2 Am and 3 Am x 1 Am. It was found that both nucleation and annihilation occur over a range of angles for both lateral sizes of ellipses. Saturated states are stable for a wider range of angles for larger values of the applied field.</p>


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<p>The magnetic domain structure of micron-sized elliptic permalloy elements has been studied by magnetic force microscope (MFM) measurements, and has been compared to results from micromagnetic simulations. The elements all have the same aspect ratio, whereas the inter-elemental distance has been varied. Both the zero-field states and in field domain configurations have been studied. In zero-applied field, two different stable flux-closure states were found in both the MFM measurements and in the simulations. The different stable domain states occur as a result of minute differences in the local magnetic environment occurring during the demagnetization process. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p>


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<p>The paper presents the calibration of Fuji BAS-TR image plate (IP) response to high energy carbon ions of different charge states by employing an intense laser-driven ion source, which allowed access to carbon energies up to 270 MeV. The calibration method consists of employing a Thomson parabola spectrometer to separate and spectrally resolve different ion species, and a slotted CR-39 solid state detector overlayed onto an image plate for an absolute calibration of the IP signal. An empirical response function was obtained which can be reasonably extrapolated to higher ion energies. The experimental data also show that the IP response is independent of ion charge states.</p>


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Dissertao de mest., Engenharia Biolgica, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Univ. do Algarve, 2009


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O tolueno tem uma vasta aplicao industrial e apresenta alguns riscos para a sade humana. A existncia de deficientes redes de infra-estruturas de saneamento bsico e de proteces ambientais adequadas promovem, com relativa facilidade, a poluio de recursos hdricos subterrneos com este tipo de composto orgnico voltil (COV). Legislao comunitria, recentemente publicada, exige que se cumpra a mdio prazo padres mnimos de qualidade apontando como limite mximo de concentrao de tolueno na gua destinada a consumo humano o valor de 1 miligrama por litro. O processo de arrastamento por ar em colunas com enchimento desordenado uma das tcnicas de remoo disponveis, embora ainda pouco implementada no nosso pas. Neste trabalho simulouse, laboratorial e numericamente, a remoo do tolueno da gua, em regime transiente, atravs desta tecnologia sob condies operatrias pr-estabelecidas.


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Ficino (Marsiglio). Livre de la vie saine, Livre de la vie longue, trad. par Jehan Beaufilz (1542, n. s.)