50 resultados para TOPEX


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Long-wave dynamics of the interannual variations of the equatorial Indian Ocean circulation are studied using an ocean general circulation model forced by the assimilated surface winds and heat flux of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The simulation has reproduced the sea level anomalies of the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon altimeter observations well. The equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves decomposed from the model simulation show that western boundary reflections provide important negative feedbacks to the evolution of the upwelling currents off the Java coast during Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events. Two downwelling Kelvin wave pulses are generated at the western boundary during IOD events: the first is reflected from the equatorial Rossby waves and the second from the off-equatorial Rossby waves in the southern Indian Ocean. The upwelling in the eastern basin during the 1997-98 IOD event is weakened by the first Kelvin wave pulse and terminated by the second. In comparison, the upwelling during the 1994 IOD event is terminated by the first Kelvin wave pulse because the southeasterly winds off the Java coast are weak at the end of 1994. The atmospheric intraseasonal forcing, which plays an important role in inducing Java upwelling during the early stage of an IOD event, is found to play a minor role in terminating the upwelling off the Java coast because the intraseasonal winds are either weak or absent during the IOD mature phase. The equatorial wave analyses suggest that the upwelling off the Java coast during IOD events is terminated primarily by western boundary reflections.


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We used fifteen years (1993-2007) of altimetric data, combined from different missions (ERS-1/2, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Envisat), to analyze the variability of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in the South China Sea (SCS). We found that the EKE ranged from 64 cm(2)/s(2) to 1 390 cm(2)/s(2) with a mean value of 314 cm(2)/s(2). The highest EKE center was observed to the east of Vietnam (with a mean value of 509 cm(2)/s(2)) and the second highest EKE region was located to the southwest of Taiwan Island (with a mean value of 319 cm(2)/s(2)). We also found that the EKE structure is the consequence of the superposition of different variability components. First, interannual variability is important in the SCS. Spectral analysis of the EKE interannual signal (IA-EKE) shows that the main periodicities of the IA-EKE to the east of Vietnam, to the southwest of Taiwan Island, and in the SCS are 3.75, 1.87, and 3.75 years, respectively. It is to the south of Taiwan Island that the IA-EKE signal has the most obvious impact on EKE variability. In addition, the IA-EKE exhibit different trends in different regions. An obvious positive trend is observed along the east coast of Vietnam, while a negative trend is found to the southwest of Taiwan Island and in the east basin of Vietnam. Correlation analysis shows that the IA-EKE has an obvious negative correlation with the SSTA in Nio3 (5A degrees S-5A degrees N, 90A degrees W-150A degrees W). El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects the IA-EKE variability in the SCS through an atmospheric bridge-wind stress curl over the SCS. Second, the seasonal cycle is the most obvious timescale affecting EKE variability. The locations of the most remarkable EKE seasonal variabilities in the SCS are to the east of Vietnam, to the southwest of Taiwan, and to the west of Philippines. To the east of Vietnam, the seasonal cycle is the dominant mechanism controlling EKE variability, which is attributed primarily to the annual cycle there of wind stress curl. In this area, the maximum EKE is observed in autumn. To the southwest of Taiwan Island, the EKE is enlarged by the stronger SCS circulation, which is caused by the intrusion branch from the Kuroshio in winter. Finally, intra-annual and mesoscale variability, although less important than the former, cannot be neglected. The most obvious intra-annual and mesoscale variability, which may be the result of baroclinic instability of the background flow, are observed to the southwest of Taiwan Island. Sporadic events can have an important effect on EKE variability.


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The four leading tidal constituents M-2, S-2, K-1 and O-1 in the South China Sea are simulated by using POM. The model is forced with tide-generating potential and four leading tidal constituents at the open boundary. In order to simulate more exactly, TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data are assimilated into the model and the open boundary is optimized. The computed co-tidal charts for M-2 and K-1 constituents are generally consistent with previous results in this region. The numerical simulation shows that energetic internal tides are generated over the bottom topography such as the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha Islands, the Zhongsha Islands, the Nansba Islands and the Luzon Strait.


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A fine-grid model (1/6degrees) covering the South China Sea (SCS), East China Sea and Japan/East Sea, which is embedded into a coarse-grid (3degrees) global model, was established to study the SCS circulation. In the present paper, we report the model-produced monthly and annual mean transport stream functions and sea surface heights(SSH) and their anomalies of the SCS. Comparison to the TOPEX/Poseidon data shows that the model-produced monthly sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) are in good agreement with altimeter measurements. Based on the results, the circulation of the SCS, especially the upper layer circulation, is discussed. In the surface layer, the western Philippine Sea water intrudes into the SCS through the Luzon Strait in autumn, winter and spring, but not in summer. However, as far as the whole water column is concerned, the water intrudes into the SCS through the Luzon Strait all the year round. This indicates that in summer the water still intrudes into the SCS in the subsurface and intermediate layers. The area near the northern continental slope of the SCS is dominated by a cyclonic circulation all the year round. The SCS Southern Anticyclonic Gyre, SE Vietnam Off-Shore Current in summertime and SCS Southern Cyclonic Gyre in wintertime are reproduced reasonably. The difference between the monthly averaged SSH and SSHA is significant, indicating the importance of the mean SSH in the SCS circulation.


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The seasonal generation and evolution of eddies in the region of the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent remain poorly understood due to the scarcity of available data. We used TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry data from 1992 to 2007 to study the eddy field in this zone. We found that velocity shear between this region and the neighboring North Equatorial Current contributes greatly to the eddy generation. Furthermore, the eddy kinetic energy level (EKE) shows an annual cycle, maximum in April/May and minimum in December/January. Analyses of the temporal and spatial distributions of the eddy field revealed clearly that the velocity shear closely related to baroclinic instability processes. The eddy field seems to be more zonal than meridional, and the energy containing length scale shows a surprising lag of 2-3 months in comparison with the 1-D and 2-D EKE level. A similar phenomenon is observed in individual eddies in this zone. The results show that in this eddy field band, the velocity shear may drive the EKE level change so that the eddy field takes another 2-3 months to grow and interact to reach a relatively stable state. This explains the seasonal evolution of identifiable eddies.


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11-year satellite altimeter sea surface height (SSH) anomaly data from January 1993 to December 2003 are used to present the dominant spatial patterns and temporal variations of the South China Sea (SCS) surface circulation through Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. The first three EOF modes show the obvious seasonal variations of SSH in the SCS. EOF mode one is generally characterized by a basin-wide circulation. Mode two describes the double-cell basin scale circulation structure. The two cells were located off west of the Luzon Island and southeast of Vietnam, respectively. EOF mode three presents the mesoscale eddy structure in the western SCS, which develops into a strong cyclonic eddy rapidly from July to September. EOF mode one and mode three are also embedded with interannual signals, indicating that the SCS surface circulation variation is influenced by El Nino events prominently. The strong El Nino of 1997/98 obviously changed the SCS circulation structure. This study also shows that there existed a series of mesoscale eddies in the western SCS, and their temporal variation indicates intra-seasonal and interannual signals.


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Eddies are frequently observed in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS). However, there have been few studies on vertical structure and temporal-spatial evolution of these eddies. We analyzed the seasonal Luzon Warm Eddy (LWE) based on Argo float data and the merged data products of satellite altimeters of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and European Research Satellites. The analysis shows that the LWE extends vertically to more than 500 m water depth, with a higher temperature anomaly of 5A degrees C and lower salinity anomaly of 0.5 near the thermocline. The current speeds of the LWE are stronger in its uppermost 200 m, with a maximum speed of 0.6 m/s. Sometimes the LWE incorporates mixed waters from the Kuroshio Current and the SCS, and thus has higher thermohaline characteristics than local marine waters. Time series of eddy kinematic parameters show that the radii and shape of the LWE vary during propagation, and its eddy kinetic energy follows a normal distribution. In addition, we used the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) here to analyze seasonal characteristics of the LWE. The results suggest that the LWE generally forms in July, intensifies in August and September, separates from the coast of Luzon in October and propagates westward, and weakens in December and disappears in February. The LWE's westward migration is approximately along 19A degrees N latitude from northwest of Luzon to southeast of Hainan, with a mean speed of 6.6 cm/s.


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Anti-cyclonic eddies northwest of Luzon of the Philippines in summer-fall are identified in the merged data products of satellite altimeters of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and European Research Satellites. The generation and propagation of the anti-cyclonic eddies, which are confirmed by satellite ocean color data, are found to be a seasonal phenomenon that is phase-locked to the onset of the southwesterly monsoon and the relaxation of the cyclonic wind curl in the northeastern South China Sea. The eddies originate from northwest of Luzon in summer, move across the northeastern South China Sea to reach the China continental slope in fall, and propagate southwestward along the continental slope in fall-winter, inducing shelfbreak current variations in the western South China Sea in fall-winter. The anti-cyclonic eddy discovered by Li et al. (1998) in the northern South China Sea is found to originate from northwest of Luzon and carry primarily the South China Sea waters. It does not appear to be an eddy shed from the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait area as alluded by Li et al. (1998) and others.


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本文依据收集到的392个地面验潮站8个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)的调和常数,对现有7个全球大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果显示各模式在深海区域均达到了比较高的准确度,相互之间差别也不大。经验模式GOT00和CSR4.0、同化模式NAO99、反演同化模式TPXO7.0、数值同化模式FES2002和FES2004的M2分潮均方根偏差在3 cm左右,其它分潮(S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)大约在1~2 cm。本文还依据中国近海18个岛屿的调和常数对其中的5个大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果表明,M2分潮均方根偏差在6~14 cm,明显高于大洋部分的偏差,其中日本国家天文台的潮汐模式NAO99在中国近海的结果相对较准确。 我们利用1992年8月至2008年8月的TOPEX/POSEIDON和JASON-1(T/P-J)卫星高度计资料,对沿卫星轨道的302816个站点进行了14个分潮的潮汐调和分析,得到了全球大洋潮汐的8个主要分潮以及2个气象分潮Sa、Ssa的经验同潮图。主要结果有:(1)各分潮在卫星上升轨道与下降轨道的交叉点(约7000个)相关性分析表明:M2分潮的振幅和迟角的相关系数很高(分别为0.9965和0.9961);S2,K1,O1和Sa分潮也有较好的相关性(相关系数为0.94~0.99);(2)该结果与392地面个验潮站吻合较好,其中M2分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为:1.73 cm,2.340和2.93 cm;S2,K1和O1分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差为1 cm左右,5.250~7.270和1.5~2.1 cm,该精度与最近几年国际上的主要大洋潮汐模式的准确度相近;(3)首次通过卫星资料获得了Sa、Ssa分潮的同潮图。周期为1年的Sa分潮与大洋105个地面站相比,振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为1.50 cm、18.360和2.16 cm。在此基础上,进一步分析了构成Sa、Ssa气象分潮的两个主要因素(海水密度以及海面气压)在全球的分布。 在T/P-J等卫星资料无法覆盖到南大洋和北冰洋,本文利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM)进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与162个地面实测站(其中南大洋30个,北冰洋132个)的观测比较一致。基于卫星资料分析的结果和数值模拟结果合并得到了全球大洋的8个主要分潮同潮图。在此基础上通过全球潮汐能量耗散的计算得到潮能通量的分布,并得到全球M2、S2、K1和O1分潮的潮汐能量耗散率为2.431TW、0.401TW、0.336TW和0.176TW。 本文还利用卫星资料对南海潮汐进行了研究,在中国南海,获得了主要的半日潮、全日潮、四分日分潮和长周期分潮(M2,S2,N2,K2,K1,O1,P1,Q1,M4, MS4,Sa, Ssa)的经验同潮图。与南海沿岸94个地面验潮站的数据符合得比较好,M2,S2,K1及O1等4个主要分潮的平均振幅差为2~4 cm,均方根偏差分别是9~11 cm.其它4个主要分潮N2,K2,P1,Q1的平均振幅差为1~2 cm,均方根偏差为2~4 cm。此外,本文还利用卫星高度计资料潮汐分析结果沿卫星轨道进行高通滤波,分离得出中国近海的M2,S2,K1及O1分潮的内潮信息。


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波候研究对于解释全球气候变化的内在物理机制,理解全球气候变化后人们的生产、生活环境由此而产生的相关变化都具有重要的现实意义。 本文利用了欧洲中尺度气象中心(ECMWF)所提供的最新的近45年(1957-2002)全球同化资料集,该资料集提供每天4次天气尺度的环境要素信息。本研究从中提取海面矢量风场信息,并以此来驱动第三代海洋波浪模式WAVEWATCH-III v2.22,从而构建了历时45年的西北太平洋地区的波候资料。 使用日本气象厅(Japan Meteorological Agency)所提供的B22001号浮标的实地观测资料,以及美国的TOPEX/POSEIDON 卫星高度计资料对本研究通过数值模拟所获取的波候资料进行验证,发现通过这一方法所重建的历史波候资料完全满足对东中国海波候状况进行分析的精度要求。通过参考前人的研究成果,本研究所获取的波候时间序列满足对气候问题进行评估时所必需的数据序列一致性的基本要求,可以用于长时间序列的分析。 运用经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)分析方法,本研究提取了东中国海地区的极值波高的分布特征。根据分析结果,本研究将时间序列分成“1977年前”和“1977年后”两段,并据此比较两段的变化特征。研究发现,东中国海北部地区(黄海)的极值波高在最近45年内存在缓慢的衰减现象,导致这一现象的原因主要是由于该地区的东亚夏季风正在慢慢减弱。而东中国海南部的极值波高在最近45年内则存在增强的现象,这主要是由于活跃在西北太平洋上的热带气旋正在慢慢加强,由于这些热带气旋所产生的涌浪对东中国近海的影响也在慢慢加深。 通过将本研究的研究成果和前人的成果进行对比,我们不难发现:西北太平洋地区热带气旋活动的增强已经是一个比较普遍接受的事实,而这一变化对东中国近海所能构成的影响范围足以影响到整个东中国海的中南部地区。而东亚季风减弱对东中国海波候所造成的影响,也从另一个角度提示我们,从能量的角度重新审视全球气候变化的内在物理机制或许是非常必要的。


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针对目前海浪同化中没有适合东中国海区的业务应用系统,以及缺乏集合卡尔曼滤波方法(Ensemble Kalman Filter,EnKF)的应用的现状,设计了东中国海区域海浪同化系统。首先比较了目前常用的各种资料同化方法,指出各种同化方法的实质都是一种滤波过程,并选取最优插值方法(Optimal Interpolation,OI)和EnKF方法开展同化试验,动力模式选取WAVEWATCH III,观测资料为Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计观测波高。然后用观测法研究了模式预报误差协方差的统计性质,指出误差相关距离尺度在3°至6°之间。最后用22001号浮标观测资料验证了两个同化系统2000年8月的有效波高计算值,结果表明OI方案的同化系统对有效波高的均方根误差减少了9.0%,系统运行稳定,可应用于业务化部门;EnKF方案的同化系统在集合样本数为50的情况下,对有效波高的均方根误差减少了6.0%,用EnKF方法同化有效波高是可行的。


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变分数据同化中的伴随法可实现数值模型与观测数据的拟合。随着物理海洋数值计算和数值预报业务的不断发展,其具有广阔的应用前景。本文主要研究关于伴随数据同化的有关理论及其在物理海洋数值模型中的应用。本文介绍了变分伴随数据同化的基本原理,从模型方程的连续和离散形式出发讨论采用两种不同的方法推导伴随方程,一是拉格朗日乘子(Lagrange multiplier)法;二是基于泛函的Gateaux微分概念的方法,这里简称Gateaux微分法。文中讨论了导出离散伴随模型方程和目标函数梯度的两种不同途径,其中一种途径是由连续的正模型得到连续的伴随模型及连续的目标函数梯度表达式,然后再对伴随模型和目标函数梯度进行差分离散(简称“伴随的差分”);另外一种途径是由离散的正模型直接导出离散的伴随模型及梯度表达式(简称“差分的伴随”)。目前尽管人们比较一致的看法是应该采用后一种途径,即建立伴随模型系统应该采用“差分的伴随”,但对由这两种途径建立的伴随系统的相互关系,人们探讨的并不多。本文利用了简单的模型对该问题进行了研究。另外,对有关初始猜测和伴随优化系统的多解性问题进行了探讨。本文着重研究并实现了利用伴随法优化非线性潮汐模型的开边界条件。其中采用的二维非线性浅水模型既考虑非线性底磨擦和侧向粘性涡动混合,又包括非线性平流项;离散伴随模型的建立是基于ADI格式(不受CFL条件限制),改善了变分伴随数据同化过程中计算量和计算存储问题,使之减小若干倍(约5~7倍),从而使得模式适于业务化的需求,具有实用价值;同化过程中使用的观测数据既包括常规验潮站水位观测资料,又包括TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高数据。实测数据同化数值试验表明,开边界条件的最优控制对数值计算结果有一定程度的改进。本文还探讨了将伴随法应用于海表面温度(SST)的数值预报中。其中采用的SST数值预报模型是基于国家“七五”期间科技攻关项目《中国近海海表面温度短期数值预报模式》。文中利用船舶报SST观测数据进行伴随数据同化试验,以优化初始场,其结果是比较满意的,表明变分数据同化对改进SST数值预报的效果是比较明显的,将伴随法引入中国海域SST数值预报业务化中是可行的。本文最后讨论了伴随数据同化中尚待深入研究的问题,着重指出了在物理海洋学领域开展二阶伴随模式应用研究的内容和必要性。


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论文系统、深入地探讨了多卫星测高数据的误差分析处理、地球重力场推算及地球物理解释方面的原理和方法,形成了一套较完整的卫星测高数据分析、处理、解释方法,并在计算机上编程实现,应用于中国边缘海及邻区的0-45°N、100-150°E范围内的Geosat ERM、ERS-1/2和Topex/Poseidon测高数据处理,提供的4' * 4'网格间距的大地水准面及残差、重力异常、布格/格莱尼/均衡大地水准面及重力异常、海底地形、Moho面埋深、大/中/小尺度地幔流应力场,分层次、多尺度地展示了研究区丰富的海底构造动务信息。论文的研究要点归纳如下:通过解剖ERS-1/2测高数据结构,并在对联Geosat的单星交叠差调差的基础上,实现ERS-1/2相对于T/P的双星交叠差调差,重点利用ERS-1两个168天长周期的分辨率优势;实现适合研究区的平均海平面的海面地形改正;实现无共线平均的所有海面高数据的权重配赋网格插值,在反推重力异常的垂线偏差计算中,共线平均推迟到对轨迹向海面高斜率和角度来作;在推算重力异常、海底地形和Moho面埋深中,均采用参考模型的“移去-恢复”处理技术,实现简化运算的滑动窗口FFT,有效发挥了测高数据的精度和分辨率优势。展示大地水准面在深部构造动力研究方面的优势,实现大地水准面(位)及重力异常的全球性地形/均衡改正、小尺度地幔流应力场推算。引入地幔流位场概念,使地幔流应力场推算与垂线偏差计算获得统一而简化。由获得的各级测高数据数字模型,刻画研究区沟一弧一盆系的构造动力格局和特征,分辨出地形上难以确定的不同于一般配海岭的扩张脊构造特征、沟弧构造形迹和各段沟弧系俯冲作用及反向挤压强度的差异等。反映欧亚板块东南向蠕散、太平洋板块北西向扩张的大尺度地幔流应力场,展现出北端左旋压扭、南端右旋压扭和中间滑移的哑铃状构造动力格局,南强北弱的能量汇聚与印度洋板块北向推挤有关。中尺度和大尺度地幔流应力场的共同作用,可以解释日本海盆弱西向和南海海盆东南向的不对称张特性,及各段沟弧系的构造活动差异。南海海盆往东强度变大和年代趋新的构造活动特征,冲绳海槽和马里亚纳海槽的地幔流作用方式,体现了海盆及海槽演化的地球动力学过程及特点。


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Rossby波是地球物理流体动力学中非常重要的一种波动,海洋斜压长Rossby波在海洋动力过程中起着相当重要的作用。它维持并影响强西边界流,是海盆内能量传播的主要机制,它所携带的变异信号从大洋的东边界传播到内部,对海气耦合系统起到很重要的作用。热带印度洋是季风爆发的源地,对季风的年际变化具有重要影响。研究热带印度洋对理解季风变率和提高季风预测水平有重要的科学和应用价值。 本文利用TOPEX/Poseidon等高度计资料、美国国家海洋数据中心(NODC)的世界海洋图集(WOA05)长期气候态水文资料、美国Scripps海洋研究所的上层海温资料、中国Argo资料中心提供的Argo资料、美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)的海表面温度、FSU(Florida State University)月平均风场和海气界面热通量等观测数据,全面分析了热带印度洋低频Rossby波的基本特征,并深入研究了低频Rossby波的生成机制及其对上层海洋热结构的影响。 采用相关分析等统计方法,结合1.5层约化重力模式,研究了热带南印度洋低频Rossby波的生成机制。结果表明: (1)热带南印度洋低频Rossby波分为东边界扰动产生的Rossby波和南印度洋中部风强迫Rossby波;东边界激发的为自由Rossby波,沿12°S波速大约13 cm/s,向西最远传播到80°E左右,之后被局地变量调整;强迫Rossby波在西传的过程中不断加强,波速较快,沿12°S能超过20 cm/s; (2)东边界扰动由印度尼西亚贯通流(ITF)导致的地转调整过程引起;内区风强迫Rossby波生成和加强的关键区为(70°E–95°E,15°S–5°S);显著的西传Rossby波同太平洋上的厄尔尼诺/南方涛动(ENSO)事件紧密相连,ENSO通过大气的遥驱动机制激发热带南印度洋低频Rossby波; (3)作为东边界低频变量扰动的一个重要因子,ITF的变化与ENSO事件密切相关,总的来讲,El Niño年ITF偏弱,La Niña年ITF偏强,这与前人的研究结果一致;但它在ENSO的不同位相时期,存在一定差异,并具有夏季锁相特征:El Niño事件发生年的春季到秋季,ITF偏强,夏季最强;从El Niño盛期(冬季)到次年秋季,ITF持续偏弱,夏季最弱。上述夏季锁相特征与夏季风的强弱变化相对应。La Niña期间情况相反。 西南印度洋(SWIO)(50°E–75°E,15°S–5°S)以及苏门答腊-爪哇沿岸地区是海表面高度异常(SSHA)和海表面温度异常(SSTA)相关显著的区域,表明内部海洋动力过程在次表层和表层变量的相互关系中起重要作用。本文以2006–2008年期间三个连续的同El Niño或者La Niña同时发生的正印度洋偶极子(IOD)事件为背景,基于Argo观测资料研究了表层和次表层IOD的演变以及二者的区别和联系,并首次采用垂直模态分解方法探讨了Rossby波对上层海洋热力结构影响的动力学特征,得到如下主要结论: (1)在热带印度洋,海洋动力过程一般主要由第一和第二低阶垂直斜压模态控制,而第一斜压模态处于主导地位——在SWIO海区,第一斜压模态运动的方差解释率为第二模态的2–3倍,在赤道和东南印度洋也达到2倍左右;另外,赤道印度洋地区高阶斜压模态运动对该地区的海洋动力过程也具有一定的贡献; (2)低频斜压Rossby波能影响海洋的垂直层结,尤其是强暖Rossby波使同第二斜压模态运动紧密相连的海洋上层层结减弱,加强第二斜压模态的贡献量,导致上层各等压线向下垂直位移增大,最终通过垂直混合过程调整上层海洋的热力结构;而低频斜压冷Rossby波会加强上层垂直层结,抑制该层内变量变化,因此第二斜压模态的贡献依然很小; (3)表层IOD和次表层IOD分布形态不同:表层东部冷异常主要集中在东南印度洋Sumatra-Java沿岸,次表层冷异常基本关于赤道对称;表层西部暖异常基本关于赤道对称,而在次表层赤道以南海温扰动强度远远大于赤道以北; (4)正IOD事件中,东南印度洋冷SSTA首先出现于Java沿岸,沿岸东南风引起的潜热释放增加以及沿岸上升流是该初始冷异常建立的主要机制,与之相关的SSTA东西梯度加强大气环流变化,并进一步强迫随后的海洋运动;1–2个月后,SST冷异常中心北跳到Sumatra沿岸并向西扩展,同时不断增强,其中Sumatra沿岸上升流、来自赤道印度洋的冷Kelvin波及其反射的西传冷Rossby波是这一演变过程的动力机制,而沿岸上升流起决定作用。


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The position and structure of the North Atlantic Subtropical Front is studied using Lagrangian flow tracks and remote sensing (AVHRR imagery: TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry: SeaWiFS) in a broad region ( similar to 31 degree to similar to 36 degree N) of marked gradient of dynamic height (Azores Current) that extends from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), near similar to 40 degree W, to the Eastern Boundary ( similar to 10 degree W). Drogued Argos buoy and ALACE tracks are superposed on infrared satellite images in the Subtropical Front region. Cold (cyclonic) structures, called storms, and warm (anticyclonic) structures of 100-300 km in size can be found on the south side of the Subtropical Front outcrop, which has a temperature contrast of about 1 degree C that can be followed for similar to 2500 km near 35 degree N. Warmer water adjacent to the outcrop is flowing eastward (Azores Current) but some warm water is returned westward about 300 km to the south (southern Counterflow). Estimates of horizontal diffusion in a Storm (D=2.2t10 super(2) m super(2) s super(-1)) and in the Subtropical Front region near 200 m depth (D sub(x)=1.3t10 super(4) m super(2) s super(-1), D sub(y)=2.6t10 super(3) m super(2) s super(-1)) are made from the Lagrangian tracks. Altimeter and in situ measurements show that Storms track westwards. Storms are separated by about 510 km and move westward at 2.7 km d super(-1). Remote sensing reveals that some initial structures start evolving as far east as 23 degree W but are more organized near 29 degree W and therefore Storms are about 1 year old when they reach the MAR (having travelled a distance of 1000 km). Structure and seasonality in SeaWiFS data in the region is examined.