31 resultados para TONSILLECTOMY


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A Síndrome do Respirador Bucal (SRB) ocasiona características físicas e comportamentais que interferem na qualidade de vida da criança. O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) pode estar relacionado à respiração bucal no indivíduo, bem como a presença de Distúrbios Respiratórios do Sono (DRS). Por outro lado, estudos indicam que a adenotonsilectomia reduz a ocorrência de comportamentos sugestivos de TDAH em portadores de SRB, bem como produz melhora significativa nos DRS. Pretendeu-se caracterizar a condição sociodemográfica e de risco e analisar padrões comportamentais indicadores de TDAH e os hábitos de sono de crianças com diagnóstico de Síndrome do Respirador Bucal, observados antes e após a realização de cirurgia de adenoidectomia, tonsilectomia ou adenotonsilectomia. Participaram 44 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, entre dois e 12 anos de idade, atendidas pelo Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia de um hospital universitário, assim como seus cuidadores e professores. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante aplicação de: (1) Roteiros de entrevistas denominados Informações sobre a família e a criança e História desenvolvimental e médica, aplicados com os cuidadores; (2) Lista de Verificação Comportamental para Crianças – versão para pais (CBCL) e dos critérios para diagnóstico de TDAH do DSM-IV; (2) Lista de Verificação Comportamental para Crianças – versão para professores (TRF); (3) Inventário dos hábitos de sono para crianças pré-escolares e Questionário sobre o comportamento do sono, para escolares; (4) Avaliação comportamental pós-cirúrgica, utilizando-se o CBCL e os Inventários do sono, após dois meses da cirurgia; e (5) Entrevista devolutiva. Os respiradores bucais em sua maioria: (a) eram crianças em período escolar; (b) entre sete e nove anos de idade; (c) do gênero feminino; (d) seu principal cuidador tinha o Ensino Médio Completo; (e) renda familiar mensal entre um e dois salários mínimos; (f) constituição familiar original; e, (g) encontravam-se em risco psicossocial moderado. Observou-se que a maioria das crianças deste estudo teve uma gestação dentro de padrões considerados como normais e seu nascimento se deu de forma adequada; no entanto, uma parcela de respiradores bucais desta amostra ficou cianótica durante ou imediatamente após o parto e apresentou problemas respiratórios nos primeiros meses de vida. A respeito do temperamento do bebê no primeiro ano de vida, grande parte teve dificuldade para dormir, em ser mantido ocupado e foi superativo. A maioria dos marcos desenvolvimentais ocorreu em um período considerado dentro dos padrões típicos do desenvolvimento infantil. Os problemas de saúde mais frequentes foram problemas de apetite e problemas de sono. Tanto as crianças pré-escolares quanto as escolares apresentaram melhoras nos comportamentos característicos do TDAH após a cirurgia, de acordo com dados do CBCL (p=0,723). A maioria dos itens do Inventário dos hábitos de sono para crianças pré-escolares teve redução na frequência dos hábitos inadequados e aumento dos adequados. No Questionário sobre o comportamento do sono, uma minoria apresentou problemas de sono na avaliação pós-cirúrgica e a maior parte dos problemas de sono sofreu redução de frequência. As maiores reduções ocorreram em movimenta-se muito enquanto dorme e ronca enquanto dorme (p=0,000). Sugere-se a avaliação multidisciplinar preventiva da respiração bucal e a incorporação de um grupo controle em estudos futuros, composto por indivíduos respiradores nasais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To establish guidelines based on scientific evidence for the management of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. The Guideline was prepared from 5 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 806 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 32 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. PFAPA is a diagnosis of exclusion established on clinical grounds, and one must suspect of this problem in children with recurrent and periodic febrile episodes of unknown origin, or with recurrent tonsillitis interspersed with asymptomatic periods, especially in children in good general condition and with preservation of weight and height development; 2. Laboratory findings are nonspecific. Additional tests do not reveal pathognomonic changes; 3. The evidence supporting an indication for surgical treatment (tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy), is based on two non-blinded randomized clinical trials with small numbers of patients; 4. The use of prednisone at the onset of fever in patients with PFAPA proved to be an effective strategy. There is still need for more qualified evidence to support its use in patients with PFAPA; 5. Despite promising results obtained in studies with IL-1ß inhibitors, such studies are limited to a few case reports.


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Study Objectives: To compare the components of the extracellular matrix in the lateral pharyngeal muscular wall in patients with and without obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This may help to explain the origin of the increased collapsibility of the pharynx in patients with OSA. Design: Specimens from the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, obtained during pharyngeal surgeries, were evaluated using histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses to determine the fractional area of collagen types I and II, elastic fibers, versican, fibronectin, and matrix metalloproteinases 1 and 2 in the endomysium. Setting: Academic tertiary center. Patiens: A total of 51 nonobese adult patients, divided into 38 patients with OSA and 13 nonsnoring control subjects without OSA. Interventions: Postintervention study performed on tissues from patients after elective surgery. Measurements and Results: Pharyngeal muscles of patients with OSA had significantly more collagen type I than pharyngeal muscles in control subjects. Collagen type I was correlated positively and independently with age. The other tested components of the extracellular matrix did not differ significantly between groups. In a logistic regression, an additive effect of both the increase of collagen type I and the increase in age with the presence of OSA was observed (odds ratio (OR), 2.06; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.17-3.63), when compared with the effect of increased age alone (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.03-1.20). Conclusion: Collagen type I in the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle was more prevalent in patients with OSA and also increased with age. It was hypothesized that this increase could delay contractile-relaxant responses in the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle at the expiratory-inspiratory phase transition, thus increasing pharyngeal collapsibility.


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Objective: To evaluate hard palate width and height in mouth-breathing children pre- and post-adenotonsillectomy. Methods: We evaluated 44 children in the 3-6 year age bracket, using dental study casts in order to determine palatal height, intercanine width, and intermolar width. The children were divided into two groups: nasal breathing (n = 15) and mouth breathing (n = 29). The children in the latter group underwent adenotonsillectomy. The study casts were obtained prior to adenotonsillectomy, designated time point 1(11), at 13 months after adenotonsillectomy (T2), and at 28 months after adenotonsillectomy (13). Similar periods of observation were obtained for nasal breathing children. Results: At T1, there was a significantly lower intercanine width in mouth breathing children; intermolar width and palate height were similar between groups. After surgery, there was a significant increase in all the analyzed parameters in both groups, probably due to facial growth. Instead, the increase in intercanine width was substantially more prominent in mouth breathing children than in nasal breathing children, and the former difference failed in significance after the procedure. Conclusions: There were no significant differences between the nasal-breathing and mouth-breathing children in terms of intermolar width and palatal height prior to or after tonsillectomy. Although intercanine width was initially narrower in the mouth-breathing children, it showed normalization after the surgical procedure. These results confirm that the restoration of nasal breathing is central to proper occlusal development. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is the periodic reduction or cessation of airflow during sleep. The syndrome is associated whit loud snoring, disrupted sleep and observed apnoeas. Surgery aims to alleviate symptoms of daytime sleepiness, improve quality of life and reduce the signs of sleep apnoea recordered by polysomnography. Surgical intervention for snoring and OSAHS includes several procedures, each designed to increase the patency of the upper airway. Procedures addressing nasal obstruction include septoplasty, turbinectomy, and radiofrequency ablation (RF) of the turbinates. Surgical procedures to reduce soft palate redundancy include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with or without tonsillectomy, uvulopalatal flap, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, and RF of the soft palate. More significant, however, particularly in cases of severe OSA, is hypopharyngeal or retrolingual obstruction related to an enlarged tongue, or more commonly due to maxillomandibular deficiency. Surgeries in these cases are aimed at reducing the bulk of the tongue base or providing more space for the tongue in the oropharynx so as to limit posterior collapse during sleep. These procedures include tongue-base suspension, genioglossal advancement, hyoid suspension, lingualplasty, and maxillomandibular advancement. We reviewed 269 patients undergoing to osas surgery at the ENT Department of Forlì Hospital in the last decade. Surgery was considered a success if the postoperative apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) was less than 20/h. According to the results, we have developed surgical decisional algorithms with the aims to optimize the success of these procedures by identifying proper candidates for surgery and the most appropriate surgical techniques. Although not without risks and not as predictable as positive airway pressure therapy, surgery remains an important treatment option for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), particularly for those who have failed or cannot tolerate positive airway pressure therapy. Successful surgery depends on proper patient selection, proper procedure selection, and experience of the surgeon. The intended purpose of medical algorithms is to improve and standardize decisions made in the delivery of medical care, assist in standardizing selection and application of treatment regimens, to reduce potential introduction of errors. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) is the recommended therapy for patients with moderate to severe OSAS. Unfortunately this treatment is not accepted by some patient, appears to be poorly tolerated in a not neglible number of subjects, and the compliance may be critical, especially in the long term if correctly evaluated with interview as well with CPAP smart cards analysis. Among the alternative options in Literature, surgery is a long time honoured solution. However until now no clear scientific evidence exists that surgery can be considered a really effective option in OSAHS management. We have design a randomized prospective study comparing MMA and a ventilatory device (Autotitrating Positive Airways Pressure – APAP) in order to understand the real effectiveness of surgery in the management of moderate to severe OSAS. Fifty consecutive previously full informed patients suffering from severe OSAHS were enrolled and randomised into a conservative (APAP) or surgical (MMA) arm. Demographic, biometric, PSG and ESS profiles of the two group were statistically not significantly different. One year after surgery or continuous APAP treatment both groups showed a remarkable improvement of mean AHI and ESS; the degree of improvement was not statistically different. Provided the relatively small sample of studied subjects and the relatively short time of follow up, MMA proved to be in our adult and severe OSAHS patients group a valuable alternative therapeutical tool with a success rate not inferior to APAP.


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Recent case reports have alerted the medical community of fatality in children receiving codeine after tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


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A modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) was carried out between January 1992 and December 2003 at the ENT Department of the Inselspital in Bern in 146 patients with habitual or complicated rhonchopathy. The operation consisted of a classical tonsillectomy or residual tonsil resection and additional shortening of the uvula. The natural mucosal fold between the uvula and the upper pole of the tonsils was carefully preserved. A wide opening to the rhinopharynx was created by asymmetric suturing of the glossopalantine and pharyngopalatine arches. A retrospective questionnaire with regard to rhonchopathy, phases of apnea, daytime drowsiness, obstruction of nasal breathing, long-term complications and patient satisfaction was used to evaluate the short-term and long-term effectiveness of the modified UPPP as well as the incidence of adverse side effects. Complete postoperative courses were evaluated in 116 patients. Surgical complications were restricted to one case with postoperative hemorrhage. A velum insufficiency or postoperative rhinopharyngeal stenosis did not occur. Eighty-three patients (72%) confirmed a persistent suppression or substantial improvement of the rhonchopathy. Disappearance or decrease of sleep apnea was confirmed in 12 (63%) out of 19 postoperative polysomnographic follow-up investigations. Long-term complications occurred in a total of 27 (23%) of 116 patients. They were confined to minor problems such as dryness of the mouth (n = 12), slight difficulty in swallowing (n = 7), discrete speech disturbances (n = 1), and slight pharyngeal dysesthesias (n = 7) with feeling of a lump in the throat and compulsive clearing of the throat. Eighty-five patients (73%) reported that they were satisfied with the postoperative result even several years after the operation. Looking back, 31 patients (27%) would no longer have the operation performed. The inadequate result of the rhonchopathy was specified as the reason by 21 patients. Ten patients had unpleasant memories of the operation because of intensive postoperative pain. Snoring and apneic phases are suppressed or improved by non-traumatic UPPP in the majority of patients. This effect persisted even years after the operation.


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BACKGROUND: Early exposure of infants and long-term immunity suggest that colonization with Moraxella catarrhalis is more frequent than is determined by routine culture. We characterized a reservoir of M. catarrhalis in pharyngeal lymphoid tissue. METHODS: Tissue from 40 patients (median age, 7.1 years) undergoing elective tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy was analyzed for the presence of M. catarrhalis by culture, real-time DNA and RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunohistochemical analysis (IHC), and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Histologic sections were double stained for M. catarrhalis and immune cell markers, to characterize the tissue distribution of the organism. Intracellular bacteria were identified using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). RESULTS: Twenty-nine (91%) of 32 adenoids and 17 (85%) of 20 tonsils were colonized with M. catarrhalis. Detection rates for culture, DNA PCR, RNA PCR, IHC, and FISH were 7 (13%) of 52, 10 (19%) of 52, 21 (41%) of 51, 30 (61%) of 49, and 42 (88%) of 48, respectively (P<.001). Histologic analysis identified M. catarrhalis in crypts, intraepithelially, subepithelially, and (using CLSM) intracellularly. M. catarrhalis colocalized with macrophages and B cells in lymphoid follicles. CONCLUSIONS: Colonization by M. catarrhalis is more frequent than is determined by surface culture, because the organism resides both within and beneath the epithelium and invades host cells.


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A 38-year-old homeless man was admitted with a 2-week history of a sore throat, increasing shortness of breath, and high fever. Clinical examination showed enlarged and tender submandibular and anterior cervical lymph nodes and a pronounced enlargement of the left peritonsillar region (Figure 1a). CT scan of the throat and the chest showed left peritonsillar abscess formation, occlusion of the left internal jugular vein with inflammatory wall thickening and perijugular soft tissue infiltration, pulmonary abscesses, and bilateral pleural effusions (Figures 1b-e, arrowed). Anaerobe blood cultures grew Fusobacterium necrophorum, leading to the diagnosis of Lemierre's syndrome. Treatment with high-dose amoxicillin and clavulanic acid improved the oropharyngeal condition, but the patient's general status declined further, marked by dyspnea and tachypnea. Repeated CT scans showed progressive lung abscesses and bilateral pleural empyema. Bilateral tonsillectomy, ligation of the left internal jugular vein, and staged decortication of bilateral empyema were performed. Total antibiotic therapy duration was 9 weeks, including a change to peroral clindamycin. Clinical and laboratory findings had returned to normal 12 weeks after surgery.The patient's history and the clinical and radiological findings are characteristic for Lemierre's syndrome. CT scans of the neck and the chest are the diagnostic methods of choice. F. necrophorum is found in over 80% of cases of Lemierre's syndrome and confirms the diagnosis. Prolonged antibiotic therapy is usually sufficient, but in selected patients, a surgical intervention may be necessary. Reported mortality rates are high, but in surviving patients, the recovery of pulmonary function is usually good.


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We describe a patient with a three-year history of severe progressive left-sided glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) that failed to adequately respond to various drug therapies. The application of lidocaine spray to the posterior pharyngeal wall provided no more than short-term relief. Apart from a large hypertrophic tonsillectomy scar on the left side all clinical and radiologic findings were normal. In terms of therapeutic local anaesthesia, the hypertrophic tonsillectomy scar tissue was completely infiltrated with the local anaesthetic (LA) procaine 1%. The patient has been almost completely pain-free ever since, and the lidocaine spray is no longer needed. Six weeks after the first treatment a repeat infiltration of the tonsillectomy scar led to the complete resolution of all symptoms. The patient has become totally symptom-free without the need to take any medication now for two and a half years. This is the first report of a successful therapeutic infiltration of a tonsillectomy scar using an LA in a patient with GPN that has been refractory to medical treatment for several years. A possible explanation may be that the positive feedback loop maintaining neurogenic inflammation is disrupted and "sympathetically maintained pain" resolved by LA infiltration.


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BACKGROUND Pyogenic tonsillitis may often be observed in the general Western population. In severe cases, it may require antibiotic treatment or even hospitalization and often a prompt clinical response will be noted. Here we present an unusual case of progressive multiple organ failure including fulminant liver failure following acute tonsillitis initially mistaken for "classic" pyogenic (that is bacterial) tonsillitis. CASE PRESENTATION A 68-year-old previously healthy white man was referred with suspicion of pyogenic angina. After tonsillectomy, he developed acute liver failure and consecutive multiple organ failure including acute hemodynamic, pulmonary and dialysis-dependent renal failure. Immunohistopathological analysis of his tonsils and liver as well as serum polymerase chain reaction analyses revealed herpes simplex virus-2 to be the causative pathogen. Treatment included high-dose acyclovir and multiorgan supportive intensive care therapy. His final outcome was favorable. CONCLUSIONS Fulminant herpes simplex virus-2-induced multiple organ failure is rarely observed in the Western hemisphere and should be considered a potential diagnosis in patients with tonsillitis and multiple organ failure including acute liver failure. From a clinical perspective, it seems important to note that fulminant herpes simplex virus-2 infection may masquerade as "routine" bacterial severe sepsis/septic shock. This persevering condition should be diagnosed early and treated goal-oriented in order to gain control of this life-threatening condition.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Psicologia (Ciência Cognitiva), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, Faculdade de Letras, Faculdade de Medicina, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2016


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La amigdalitis es una de las infecciones más comunes generalmente acusada por el estreptococo bata hemofílico del grupo A y con menor frecuencia debido a infecciones víricas. La amigdalitis recidivante es desde hace muchos años, la indicación más frecuente para practicar amigdalotomía aunque esta intervención tiene escasa complicaciones, su utilidad en la prevención de las recidivas no ha sido demostrada prospectivamente hasta estudios actuales en el que se compara la eficacia del tratamiento quirúrgico con una pauta antibiótica clásica la penicilina. Varios son los estudios en cuales se ha puesto en evidencia la incapacidad de la penicilina para acabar con el estado de portador del estreptococo beta hemolítico del grupo A. Entre las posibles explicaciones de esta aparente pérdida de eficacia de la penicilina, la más aceptada supone que la administración repetida del antibiótico selecciona flora productora de beta lactamasa. Los objetivos del tratamiento de la amigdalitis recidivante incluyen tanto la resolución de los signos clínicos y los síntomas de infección y la erradicación del agente causal de la cavidad oro faríngeo, por otro lado será importante evitar las complicaciones supurativas y no suporativas. La penicilina G es el agente antimicrobiano más efectivo para el tratamiento de la amigdalitis y debe emplearse almenos que el paciente sea alérgico lo que evita en lo posterior complicaciones