990 resultados para TMI SST


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海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature, SST)是海洋生态环境变化的重要因子,也是海洋观测研究的最重要的因子之一。海表温度场表征了海洋热力、动力过程和海洋与大气相互作用的综合结果,是反映海气热量、动力和水汽交换的重要参量,也是气候变化及海洋营养盐浓度和初级生产力的重要影响因子。台风过后通常会在上层海洋引起冷迹,即台风路径附近的海表温度降低。海表温度的变化是台风与海洋之间能量交换的关键,对于台风的产生,演化和强度变化有非常重要的作用。因此,研究上层海洋对台风的响应,特别是海表温度对台风的响应过程有非常重要的科学意义。本研究主要利用微波SST逐日数据资料统计研究了海表面温度对南海台风的响应过程,并分析了中尺度涡(特别是气旋性涡)对台风所引起的降温幅度和降温位置的影响作用。在此研究基础上初步尝试提出了一种新的量化台风降温效应的方法。 首先,本研究以1998-2009年总共12年内经过中国南海的92个台风为研究对象,利用逐日连续的微波TMITMI-AMSER海表温度数据资料分析了92个台风所引起的最大降温幅度以及冷迹位置的分布特征。统计结果表明有64个(69.6%)台风引起了海表温度明显的降低(降温≥2oC),而对最大降温出现的位置进行分析发现:有超过半数(56个)的台风引起的最大降温位于台风路径的附近或路径右侧,同时还有8个(8.7%)台风引起的最大降温明显位于路径的左侧。文中选取了冷迹相对于台风路径出现在不同位置(左、右、附近)的4个台风为例来说明台风引起的降温特征。通过量化降温中心到台风路径的距离发现台风所引起的最大降温出现的位置主要集中分布在路径左右两侧100km范围内。另外,通过对比台风来之前的海平面高度距平发现先于台风之前处在于上层海洋环境的冷涡,特别是强冷涡,在台风引起的海表面降温幅度和位置分布中可能起着重要的作用,其中冷涡的位置与台风所引起的最大降温中心出现的位置有很好的相关性。 其次,本研究提出一个新的描述降温效应的指数。台风所经过的海域往往会出现海表温度的降低,而海表温度的变化对海洋生态系统有很重要的影响。台风的降温效应因台风、背景温度场和台风前的海洋环境条件而异。目前,海表温度对台风的响应效应主要是通过三个物理量来描述,降温幅度、冷迹范围、冷迹持续时间。但是还没有一个综合的量来对台风的降温效应进行定量的描述。本研究利用遥感微波SST数据尝试初步


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Eleven new lifetimes of odd parity excited energy levels in four configurations: 4f12 5d 6s 6p, 4f12 6S2 6p, 4f13 5d 6s and 4f13 6s 7s of atomic thulium have been mesured with atomic-beam laser spectrocopy. Two pulsed dye lasers are used for stepwise excitation and the time-resolved fluorescence decay was used to determine lifetime values. The accuracy of the measurements is about 10%.


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We compared nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) with linear principal component analysis (LPCA) with the data of sea surface wind anomalies (SWA), surface height anomalies (SSHA), and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA), taken in the South China Sea (SCS) between 1993 and 2003. The SCS monthly data for SWA, SSHA and SSTA (i.e., the anomalies with climatological seasonal cycle removed) were pre-filtered by LPCA, with only three leading modes retained. The first three modes of SWA, SSHA, and SSTA of LPCA explained 86%, 71%, and 94% of the total variance in the original data, respectively. Thus, the three associated time coefficient functions (TCFs) were used as the input data for NLPCA network. The NLPCA was made based on feed-forward neural network models. Compared with classical linear PCA, the first NLPCA mode could explain more variance than linear PCA for the above data. The nonlinearity of SWA and SSHA were stronger in most areas of the SCS. The first mode of the NLPCA on the SWA and SSHA accounted for 67.26% of the variance versus 54.7%, and 60.24% versus 50.43%, respectively for the first LPCA mode. Conversely, the nonlinear SSTA, localized in the northern SCS and southern continental shelf region, resulted in little improvement in the explanation of the variance for the first NLPCA.


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海洋是驱动大气环流的主要“引擎”,海表温度(SST)又是揭示海洋环境变化的重要参数。利用有孔虫Mg/Ca比值恢复SST具有较高精密度,是目前恢复SST较成功的方法之一。本论文旨在建立一套有效的有孔虫清洗方法和ICP-OES测试有孔虫Mg/Ca比值的分析方法。 文中分析了53份西菲律宾海区(N18°40.23′,E135°37.11′;水深3225m)表层沉积物中浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides ruber(白色)Mg/Ca比值。结合本研究区的特点,文中使用的清洗方法是有孔虫Mg/Ca比值测试常用的“Mg”清洗方法,主要是由以下步骤构成:①用超纯水和甲醇在超声波水浴中清洗,②显微镜下剔除深色硅酸盐颗粒,③用氧化试剂去除有机质(加入30%H2O2和0.1M NaOH溶液在90℃左右的沸水浴中加热),④酸洗(250μl 0.001N HNO3 超声波水浴中清洗10S)。清洗干净的样品经超纯硝酸溶解成溶液后,利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)对其进行Mg/Ca比值的分析测试。仪器操作条件如下:辅助气流量(Ar)为0.5L/min(0.5L/min-1.5L/min),雾化器压力为0.2Mpa(0-0.4Mpa),泵速为20rpm(0-125rpm),高频输出功率(RF)为1150W(750W-1500W),火焰高度为15.5mm(8-21mm),通过多次重复测量一组Mg/Ca=3.333mmol/mol的标准溶液,其Mg/Ca短期精密度<0.5%,长期精密度为1%。53份样品之间Mg/Ca比值的RSD为2.7%,利用Lea(2000)建立的太平洋地区浮游有孔虫G. ruber(白色)的Mg/Ca与SST的校正公式:Mg/Ca(mmol/mol) =0.30exp[0.089×SST(℃)],得到本研究区的SST为28℃±0.3℃。


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In a digital era characterised by the need for efficiency and value, self-service technology rises as a delivery interface offered by public and private sector service providers. With the assumption of a win-win situation for both the provider and customers who can ‘do it themselves’ online/offsite and offline/onsite, stereotypes arise concerning antecedents for positive receptivity and impediments in adopting SSTs. The present paper offers a literature-based discussion of some of the existing and emerging perspectives in this domain; it delivers a contextual review of studies conducted, highlights controversial viewpoints that need to be reconsidered, and suggests future research themes that can make use of the emergent digital sources in data collection and analysis. The purpose is to spark future research on the extent to which SST is a champion for different service types, and to systematically study the customer profile to be targeted for its optimal use in value co-creation.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Químicas con Especialidad en Química Orgánica) U.A.N.L.


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In the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, the proofs of some basic known results, like for example the uniqueness of solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations under smallness assumptions on the data or the stability of certain time discretization schemes, actually only use a small range of properties and are therefore valid in a more general context. This observation leads us to introduce the concept of SST spaces, a generalization of the functional setting for the Navier-Stokes equations. It allows us to prove (by means of counterexamples) that several uniqueness and stability conjectures that are still open in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations have a negative answer in the larger class of SST spaces, thereby showing that proof strategies used for a number of classical results are not sufficient to affirmatively answer these open questions. More precisely, in the larger class of SST spaces, non-uniqueness phenomena can be observed for the implicit Euler scheme, for two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, for the fractional step theta scheme, and for the SST-generalized stationary Navier-Stokes equations. As far as stability is concerned, a linear version of the Euler scheme, a nonlinear version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme turn out to be non-stable in the class of SST spaces. The positive results established in this thesis include the generalization of classical uniqueness and stability results to SST spaces, the uniqueness of solutions (under smallness assumptions) to two nonlinear versions of the Euler scheme, two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme for general SST spaces, the second order convergence of a version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and a new proof of the first order convergence of the implicit Euler scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. For each convergence result, we provide conditions on the data that guarantee the existence of nonstationary solutions satisfying the regularity assumptions needed for the corresponding convergence theorem. In the case of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, this involves a compatibility condition at the corner of the space-time cylinder, which can be satisfied via a suitable prescription of the initial acceleration.


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The tropospheric response to midlatitude SST anomalies has been investigated through a series of aquaplanet simulations using a high-resolution version of the Hadley Centre atmosphere model (HadAM3) under perpetual equinox conditions. Model integrations show that increases in the midlatitude SST gradient generally lead to stronger storm tracks that are shifted slightly poleward, consistent with changes in the lower-tropospheric baroclinicity. The large-scale atmospheric response is, however, highly sensitive to the position of the SST gradient anomaly relative to that of the subtropical jet in the unperturbed atmosphere. In particular, when SST gradients are increased very close to the subtropical jet, then the Hadley cell and subtropical jet is strengthened while the storm track and eddy-driven jet are shifted equatorward. Conversely, if the subtropical SST gradients are reduced and the midlatitude gradients increased, then the storm track shows a strong poleward shift and a well-separated eddy-driven jet is produced. The sign of the SST anomaly is shown to play a secondary role in determining the overall tropospheric response. These findings are used to provide a new and consistent interpretation of some previous GCM studies concerning the atmospheric response to midlatitude SST anomalies.


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Whereas the predominance of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) mode in the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) variability is well established, no such consensus seems to have been reached by climate scientists regarding the Indian Ocean. While a number of researchers think that the Indian Ocean SST variability is dominated by an active dipolar-type mode of variability, similar to ENSO, others suggest that the variability is mostly passive and behaves like an autocorrelated noise. For example, it is suggested recently that the Indian Ocean SST variability is consistent with the null hypothesis of a homogeneous diffusion process. However, the existence of the basin-wide warming trend represents a deviation from a homogeneous diffusion process, which needs to be considered. An efficient way of detrending, based on differencing, is introduced and applied to the Hadley Centre ice and SST. The filtered SST anomalies over the basin (23.5N-29.5S, 30.5E-119.5E) are then analysed and found to be inconsistent with the null hypothesis on intraseasonal and interannual timescales. The same differencing method is then applied to the smaller tropical Indian Ocean domain. This smaller domain is also inconsistent with the null hypothesis on intraseasonal and interannual timescales. In particular, it is found that the leading mode of variability yields the Indian Ocean dipole, and departs significantly from the null hypothesis only in the autumn season.


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To date, a number of studies have focused on the influence of sea surface temperature (SST) on global and regional rainfall variability, with the majority of these focusing on certain ocean basins e.g. the Pacific, North Atlantic and Indian Ocean. In contrast, relatively less work has been done on the influence of the central South Atlantic, particularly in relation to rainfall over southern Africa. Previous work by the authors, using reanalysis data and general circulation model (GCM) experiments, has suggested that cold SST anomalies in the central southern Atlantic Ocean are linked to an increase in rainfall extremes across southern Africa. In this paper we present results from idealised regional climate model (RCM) experiments forced with both positive and negative SST anomalies in the southern Atlantic Ocean. These experiments reveal an unexpected response of rainfall over southern Africa. In particular it was found that SST anomalies of opposite sign can cause similar rainfall responses in the model experiments, with isolated increases in rainfall over central southern Africa as well as a large region of drying over the Mozambique Channel. The purpose of this paper is to highlight this finding and explore explanations for the behaviour of the climate model. It is suggested that the observed changes in rainfall might result from the redistribution of energy (associated with upper level changes to Rossby waves) or, of more concern, model error, and therefore the paper concludes that the results of idealised regional climate models forced with SST anomalies should be viewed cautiously.