1000 resultados para THERMOCLINE WATERS


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Interannual-decadal variability in the equatorial Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) induces climate changes at global scale, but its potential influence during past global climate change is not yet well constrained. New high-resolution eastern equatorial Pacific proxy records of thermocline conditions present new evidence of strong orbital control in ENSO-like variability over the last 275,000 years. Recurrent intervals of saltier thermocline waters are associated with the dominance of La Niña-like conditions during glacial terminations, coinciding with periods of low precession and high obliquity. The parallel dominance of d13C-depleted waters supports the advection of Antarctic origin waters toward the tropical thermocline. This "oceanic tunneling" is proposed to have reinforced orbitally induced changes in ENSO-like variability, composing a complex high- and low-latitude feedback during glacial terminations.


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We present sea surface, upper thermocline, and benthic d18O data, as well as temperature and paleoproductivity proxy data, from the International Marine Global Change Study Program (IMAGES) Core MD06-3067 (6°31'N, 126°30'E, 1575 m water depth), located in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean within the flow path of the Mindanao Current. Our records reveal considerable glacial-interglacial and suborbital variability in the Mindanao Dome upwelling over the last 160 kyr. Dome activity generally intensified during glacial intervals resulting in cooler thermocline waters, whereas it substantially declined during interglacials, in particular in the early Holocene and early marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 5e, when upwelling waters did not reach the thermocline. During MIS 3 and MIS 2, enhanced surface productivity together with remarkably low SST and low upper ocean thermal contrast provide evidence for episodic glacial upwelling to the surface, whereas transient surface warming marks periodic collapses of the Mindanao Dome upwelling during Heinrich events. We attribute the high variability during MIS 3 and MIS 2 to changes in the El Niño Southern Oscillation state that affected boreal winter monsoonal winds and upper ocean circulation. Glacial upwelling intensified when a strong cyclonic gyre became established, whereas El Niño-like conditions during Heinrich events tended to suppress the cyclonic circulation, reducing Ekman transport. Thus, our findings demonstrate that variations in the Mindanao Dome upwelling are closely linked to the position and intensity of the tropical convection and also reflect far-field influences from the high latitudes.


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Oceanographic changes in the western equatorial Pacific during the past 6 m.y. are inferred from carbon isotopic analyses of planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Ontong Java Plateau (DSDP Site 586). Sample spacing is 1.5 m (ca. 35,000-75,000 yr). An overall trend of d13C toward lighter values is evident for the last 5 m.y. in all four foraminiferal taxa analyzed (G. sacculifer, Pulleniatina, P. wuellerstorfi, and O. umbonatus). This trend is interpreted as an enrichment of the global ocean with 12C, because of the addition of carbon from organic carbon reservoirs (or lack of removal of carbon to such reservoirs), as a consequence of an overall drop in sea level. Differences between shallow- and deep-water d13C decrease slightly during this time interval, suggesting a moderate drop in productivity. This drop is not sufficient to explain the drop in sedimentation rate, however, much of which apparently must be ascribed to winnowing effects. A marked convergence in the d13C values of planktonic taxa exists within the last 2 m.y. We propose that this convergence indicates nutrient depletion in thermocline waters, caused by the vigorous removal of phosphate in marginal upwelling regions, or by the stripping of intermediate waters in their source regions. No large shifts are seen in the carbon isotope record of the last 6 m.y., in contrast to the oxygen isotope record. Some indication of cyclicity is present, with a period between 0.5 and 1.0 m.y. (especially in the earlier portion of the record).


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Understanding the preservation and deposition history of organic molecules is crucial for the understanding of paleoenvironmental information contained in their abundance ratios such as Uk'37 and TEX86 used as proxies for sea surface temperature (SST). Based on their relatively high refractivity, alkenones and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) can survive postdepositional processes like lateral transport, potentially causing inferred SSTs to be misleading. Likewise, selective preservation of alkenones and GDGTs may cause biases of the SST proxies themselves and can lead to decoupling of both proxy records. Here we report compound-specific radiocarbon data of marine biomarkers including alkenones, GDGTs, and low molecular weight (LMW) n-fatty acids from Black Sea sediments deposited under different redox regimes to evaluate the potentially differential preservation of both biomarker classes and its effect on the SST indices Uk'37 and TEX86 . The decadal D14C values of alkenones, GDGTs, and LMW n-fatty acids indicate similar preservation under oxic, suboxic, and anoxic redox regimes and no contribution of pre-aged compounds, e.g., by lateral supply. Moreover, similar 14C concentrations of crenarchaeol, alkenones, and LMW n-fatty acids imply that the thaumarchaeotal GDGTs preserved in these sediments are produced in the euphotic zone rather than in subsurface/thermocline waters. However, we observe biomarker-based SSTs that strongly deviate (deltaSST up to 8.4 °C) from in situ measured mean annual SSTs in the Black Sea. This is not due to redox-dependent differential biomarker preservation as implied by their D14C values and spatial SST pattern. Since contributions from different sources can largely be excluded, the deviation of the Uk'37 and TEX86 proxy-derived SSTs from in situ SSTs requires further study of phylogenetic and other yet unknown environmental controls on alkenone and GDGT lipid distributions in the Black Sea.


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Using bathymetric transects of surface sediments underlying similar sea surface temperatures but exposed to increasing dissolution, we examined the processes which affect the relationship between foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O. We found that Globigerinoides saccculifer calcifies over a relatively large range of water depth and that this is apparent in their Mg content. On the seafloor, foraminiferal Mg/Ca is substantially altered by dissolution with the degree of alteration increasing with water depth. Selective dissolution of the chamber calcite, formed in surface waters, shifts the shell's bulk Mg/Ca and d18O toward the chemistries of the secondary crust acquired in colder thermocline waters. The magnitude of this shift depends on both the range of temperatures over which the shell calcified and the degree to which it is subsequently dissolved. In spite of this shift the initial relationship between Mg/Ca and d18O, determined by their temperature dependence, is maintained. We conclude that paired measurements of d18O and Mg/Ca can be used for reconstructing d18Owater, though care must be taken to determine where in the water column the reconstruction applies.


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Seasonal depth stratified plankton tows, sediment traps and core tops taken from the same stations along a transect at 29°N off NW Africa are used to describe the seasonal succession, the depth habitats and the oxygen isotope ratios (delta18O(shell)) of five planktic foraminiferal species. Both the delta18O(shell) and shell concentration profiles show variations in seasonal depth habitats of individual species. None of the species maintain a specific habitat depth exclusively within the surface mixed layer (SML), within the thermocline, or beneath the thermocline. Globigerinoides ruber (white) and (pink) occur with moderate abundance throughout the year along the transect, with highest abundances in the winter and summer/fall season, respectively. The average delta18O(shell) of G. ruber (w) from surface sediments is similar to the delta18O(shell) values measured from the sediment-trap samples during winter. However, the delta18O(shell) of G. ruber (w) underestimates sea surface temperature (SST) by 2 °C in winter and by 4 °C during summer/fall indicating an extension of the calcification/depth habitat into colder thermocline waters. Globigerinoides ruber (p) continues to calcify below the SML as well, particularly in summer/fall when the chlorophyll maximum is found within the thermocline. Its vertical distribution results in delta18O(shell) values that underestimate SST by 2 °C. Shell fluxes of Globigerina bulloides are highest in summer/fall, where it lives and calcifies in association with the deep chlorophyll maximum found within the thermocline. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Globorotalia truncatulinoides, dwelling and calcifying a part of their lives in the winter SML, record winter thermocline (~180 m) and deep surface water (~350 m) temperatures, respectively. Our observations define the seasonal and vertical distribution of multiple species of foraminifera and the acquisition of their delta18O(shell).


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Interannual variability caused by the El Nino-Southern Oscillation in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP) is analogous to seasonal variability of comparable magnitude. Climatological spatial patterns and seasonal variability of physical variables that may affect the ETP ecosystem are presented and discussed. Surface temperature, surface salinity, mixed layer depth, thermocline depth, thermocline strength, and surface dynamic height were derived from bathythermograph, hydrocast, and CTD data. Surface current velocity, divergence, and upwelling velocity were derived from ship drift reports. Surface wind velocity, wind stress, wind divergence, wind stress curl, and Ekman pumping velocity were derived from gridded pseudostress data obtained from Florida State University. Seasonal maps of these variables, and their deviations from the annual mean, show different patterns of variation in Equatorial (S°S-SON) and Tropical Surface Water (SOlS0N). Seasonal shifts in the trade winds, which affect the strength of equatorial upwelling and the North Equatorial Countercurrent, cause seasonal variations in most variables. Seasonal and interannual variability of surface temperature, mixed layer depth, thermocline depth and wind stress were quantified. Surface temperature, mixed layer depth and thermocline depth, but not local wind stress, are less variable in Tropical Surface Water than in Equatorial Surface Water. Seasonal and interannual variability are close to equal in most of the ETP, within factors of 2 or less. (PDF file contains 70 pages.)


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A lakewide hydroacoustic research programme was designed in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in order to ascertain the status of fish stocks. Data obtained from the hydroacoustic surveys were complemented with by catch data from multi mesh gillnets and frame trawls to validate acoustic estimates. Fish were distributed over the whole survey area, though the densities and species composition varied from place to place. Echo traces showed the fish formed schools during daytime and became more dispersed towards evening. Approximately equivalent indices of abundance were estimated for Rastrineobola argentea and Haplocromines. The distribution of the freshwater prawn, Caridina nilotica and the lakefly Chaoborus sp. was patchy. Dense swarms of Chaoborus larvae were observed to disperse from the lake bottom as the night approached thus assuring echo-traces formed by fish on the echogram and making their interpretation difficult. Caridina nilotica were observed to form dense echo-traces at the thermocline


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Caspian Sea has gone under a lot of changes due to human influences and the unwanted presence of a ctenophora Menomiopsis leidyi which has greatly changed the structure of planktons in the last recent years. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to determine these changes in the zooplankton community. the Sampling was done in 8 transacts in Astara, Anzali, Sefidrood, Tonekaboun, Noushahr, Babolsar, Amirabad and Bandar Torkaman coastal waters at 5 different depths including 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 m. Sampling was carried out in four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter during 2008, 2009 and 2010 on board of R/V Gilan. Altogether, 12 species of zooplankton were identified in 2008, 22 species in 2009 and 14 species in 2010. The zooplankton included four groups: copepoda (4 species), cladocera (8species), rotatoria (10 species) and protozoa (2 species).The increase of diversity in 2009 was due to cladocera and rotatoria groups. The abundance of zooplankton in the spring was 5074 + 7807 ind/m3 more than other season in 2008. The abundance of copepoda in the summer reached the highest value of 3332 ind/m3 and since autumn the abundance gradually decreases and in the winter reached to the lowest value. The most abundance of cladocera was 797 ind/m3 in winter and decreased in summer and autumn. The abundance of rotatoria was 2189 ind/m3 in winter. rotifera and copepoda consisted the main population of Zooplanktons in the winter. The results of 2009 and 2010 showed that the abundance of zooplankton in winter was 2.6 fold of autumn, 1.6 fold of summer and 1.1 fold (1/9 fold in 2010)of spring. After increasing increased of temperature, phytoplankton, and zooplankton in summer, M.leidyi increased too. In the autumn M. leidyi reached to the highest rate and decreased zooplankton. The maximum population of zooplankton was in the layer 0-20 m and in the layer more than 20 meters, the abundance of zooplankton decreased very much. In 216 2008, 2009 and 2010, the abundance of zooplankton was 87, 77 and 77 percent in the layer 0-20 m respectively. In this study, the thermocline was observed in the layer 10 – 20 meters in the spring, that formed a thin layer but in the summer it was in the layer 20 to 50 meters. Temperature decreased between 11 to 15 oC in this layer. The variation of temperature between surfaces to bottom was 10 to 13 oC in spring, 19 to 21 in summer, about 9 oC in autumn and maximum 3 oC in winter. The most biomass of zooplankton was in the west. The biomass of zooplankton in central west and east of Southern of Caspian Sea was 54 %, 22 % and 24 % respectively in 2008, in 2009 was 48%, 33% and 20% respectively and in 2010 was 54 %, 29 % and 16 % respectively .The biomass decreased from west to east. The model of zooplankton designed by principal component analysis (PCA)and linear regression for Southern of Caspian Sea.


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Evidence is presented that cyclonic upwelling took place in the southern offshore waters of Lake Victoria on the 22nd to the 23rd March, 1969. Before this, the main upper thermocline was tilted downwards in the leeward northern half of the lake in response to the accumulation of epilimnetic water. Cyclonic upwelling might be quite common because of the frequent occurrence of storms on Lake Victoria, and probably on other tropical African lakes. However, to my knowledge, it has never been reported from any lake.


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Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis is used in this study to generate main eigenvector fields of historical temperature for the China Seas (here referring to Chinese marine territories) and adjacent waters from 1930 to 2002 (510 143 profiles). A good temperature profile is reconstructed based on several subsurface in situ temperature observations and the thermocline was estimated using the model. The results show that: 1) For the study area, the former four principal components can explain 95% of the overall variance, and the vertical distribution of temperature is most stable using the in situ temperature observations near the surface. 2) The model verifications based on the observed CTD data from the East China Sea (ECS), South China Sea (SCS) and the areas around Taiwan Island show that the reconstructed profiles have high correlation with the observed ones with the confidence level > 95%, especially to describe the characteristics of the thermocline well. The average errors between the reconstructed and observed profiles in these three areas are 0.69A degrees C, 0.52A degrees C and 1.18A degrees C respectively. It also shows the model RMS error is less than or close to the climatological error. The statistical model can be used to well estimate the temperature profile vertical structure. 3) Comparing the thermocline characteristics between the reconstructed and observed profiles, the results in the ECS show that the average absolute errors are 1.5m, 1.4 m and 0.17A degrees C/m, and the average relative errors are 24.7%, 8.9% and 22.6% for the upper, lower thermocline boundaries and the gradient, respectively. Although the relative errors are obvious, the absolute error is small. In the SCS, the average absolute errors are 4.1 m, 27.7 m and 0.007A degrees C/m, and the average relative errors are 16.1%, 16.8% and 9.5% for the upper, lower thermocline boundaries and the gradient, respectively. The average relative errors are all < 20%. Although the average absolute error of the lower thermocline boundary is considerable, but contrast to the spatial scale of average depth of the lower thermocline boundary (165 m), the average relative error is small (16.8%). Therefore the model can be used to well estimate the thermocline.


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Tagged phosphorus was used to measure principal indices of mineral phosphorus variations in the euphotic zone of the East Pacific, i.e. total rate of uptake of phosphate phosphorus by microplankton (A_t), fraction consumed by phytoplankton (A_p/A_t), and turnover time (T). A_t reached its greatest values (150-280 ng/l/hour) in the upwelling zone of the Peru traverse, where development of phytoplankton was induced by upwelling. In other areas of this traverse values were 40-80 ng/l/hour in surface layers. In less productive waters on two other profiles (off Central America and California), values were lower, between 20 and 40 ng/l. On the vertical profile maxima of A_t were found at the upper boundary of the thermocline. Turnover time of PO4 phosphorus (T) in zones of phytoplankton abundance was very short, between 1.5 and 4 days. At most other stations it was 10-40 days, increasing to 100-200 days or longer at the lower boundary of the euphotic zone. In areas of phytoplankton abundance it accounted for 60-80% of total uptake of PO4 phosphorus. But in zones of elevated bacterial abundance, A_p/A_t fell to 20-40%. Data indicating lack of correlation between PO4 phosphorus and productivity are presented. It is emphasized that the above measures of PO4 phosphorus dynamics can be used for obtaining measures of functional condition and successional phase of marine plankton communities.