998 resultados para THERMAL TRANSITIONS
Thermal stability and thermal decomposition of succinic acid, sodium succinate and its compounds with Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) were investigated employing simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) in nitrogen and carbon dioxide atmospheres and TG-FTIR in nitrogen atmosphere. On heating, in both atmospheres the succinic acid melt and evaporate, while for the sodium succinate the thermal decomposition occurs with the formation of sodium carbonate. For the transition metal succinates the final residue up to 1180 ºC in N2 atmosphere was a mixture of metal and metal oxide in no simple stoichiometric relation, except for Zn compound, where the residue was a small quantity of carbonaceous residue. For the CO2 atmosphere the final residue up to 980 ºC was: MnO, Fe3O4, CoO, ZnO and mixtures of Ni, NiO and Cu, Cu2O.
This thesis presents in detail. the theoretical developments and calculations which are used for the simultaneous determination of thermal parameters, namely thermal diffusivity (a). thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (K) and heat capacity (cr ) employing photopyroelectric technique. In our calculations. we have assumed that the pyroelectric detector is supported on a copper backing. so that there will be sufficient heat exchange between the heated pyroelectric detector and the backing so that the signal fluctuations are reduced to a minimum. Since the PPE signal depends on the properties of the detector that are also temperature dependent. a careful temperature calibration of the system need to be carried out. APPE cell has been fabricated for the measurements that can be used to measure the thermal properties of solid samples from ~ 90 K to ~ 350 K. The cell has been calibrated using standard samples and the accuracy of the technique is found to be of the order of± 1%.In this thesis, we have taken up work n photopyroelectric investigation of thermal parameters of ferroelectric crystals such as Glycine phosphite (NH3CH2COOH3P03), Triglycine sulfate and Thiourea as well as mixed valence perovskites samples such as Lead doped Lanthanum Manganate (Lal_xPb~Mn03) Calcium doped (Lal_xCaxMnOJ) and Nickel doped Lanthanum Stroncium Cobaltate (Lao~Sro5Ni,Col_x03).The three ferroelectric crystals are prepared by the slow evaporation technique and the mixed valence perovskites by solid state reaction technique.Mixed valence perovskites, with the general formula RI_xA~Mn03 (R = La. Nd or Pr and A = Ba, Ca, Sr or Pb) have been materials of intense experimental and theoretical studies over the past few years. These materials show . colossal magneloresis/ance' (CMR) in samples with 0.2 < x < 0.5 in such a doping region, resistivity exhibits a peak at T = T p' the metal - insulator transition temperature. The system exhibits metallic characteristics with d %T > Oabove Tp (wherep is the resistivity) and insulating characteristics with d % T < 0 above T p. Despite intensive investigations on the CMR phenomena and associated electrical properties. not much work has been done on the variation of thermal properties of these samples. We have been quite successful in finding out the nature of anomaly associated with thermal properties when the sample undergoes M-I transition.The ferroelectric crystal showing para-ferroelectric phase transitions - Glycine phosphite. Thiourea and Triglycine sulfate - are studied in detail in order to see how well the PPE technique enables one to measure the thermal parameters during phase transitions. It is seen that the phase transition gets clearly reflected in the variation of thermal parameters. The anisotropy in thermal transport along different crystallographic directions are explained in terms of the elastic anisotropy and lattice contribution to the thermal conductivity. Interesting new results have been obtained on the above samples and are presented in three different chapters of the thesis.In summary. we have carried investigations of the variations of the thermal parameters during phase transitions employing photopyroelectric technique. The results obtained on different systems are important not only in understanding the physics behind the transitions but also in establishing the potentiality of the PPE tool. The full potential of PPE technique for the investigation of optical and thermal properties of materials still remains to be taken advantage of by workers in this field.
In this paper we study the evolution of the kinetic features of the martensitic transition in a Cu-Al-Mn single crystal under thermal cycling. The use of several experimental techniques including optical microscopy, calorimetry, and acoustic emission, has enabled us to perform an analysis at multiple scales. In particular, we have focused on the analysis of avalanche events (associated with the nucleation and growth of martensitic domains), which occur during the transition. There are significant differences between the kinetics at large and small length scales. On the one hand, at small length scales, small avalanche events tend to sum to give new larger events in subsequent loops. On the other hand, at large length scales the large domains tend to split into smaller ones on thermal cycling. We suggest that such different behavior is the necessary ingredient that leads the system to the final critical state corresponding to a power-law distribution of avalanches.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies were performed for 60/40 P(VDF-TrFE). The results not only confirm the importance of thermal history but also show that the samples with various configurations in terms of ferroelectric phases can be obtained via thermal treatment.
This work reports on the effects from thermal treatment in poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, obtained with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic thermal analysis (DMA) measurements. It is shown that in successive DMA measurements performed with one sample the α relaxation peak almost disappears while the γ′ peak appears. The α relaxation peak, at ∼100°C in DMA measurements, is attributed to the preferential orientation of chains in the amorphous phase while the γ′ relaxation peak, at ∼50°C, is related to the thermal treatment to which the sample was submitted.
Thermal stability and thermal decomposition of succinic acid, sodium succinate and its compounds with Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) were investigated employing simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) in nitrogen and carbon dioxide atmospheres and TG-FTIR in nitrogen atmosphere. On heating, in both atmospheres the succinic acid melt and evaporate, while for the sodium succinate the thermal decomposition occurs with the formation of sodium carbonate. For the transition metal succinates the final residue up to 1180 °C in N 2 atmosphere was a mixture of metal and metal oxide in no simple stoichiometric relation, except for Zn compound, where the residue was a small quantity of carbonaceous residue. For the CO 2 atmosphere the final residue up to 980 °C was: MnO, Fe 3O 4, CoO, ZnO and mixtures of Ni, NiO and Cu, Cu 2O.
The transitions and reactions involved in the thermal processing of binary mixtures of polyethylene and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) copolymers with different concentrations of a foaming agent (azodicarbonamide) were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The effect of ZnO as a kicker also was discussed. The temperature at the maximum rate and the heat evolved were measured for all the processes—melting, transitions, and reactions—all the mixtures prepared were measured and compared. Azodicarbonamide decomposed differently depending on the polymeric matrix. These data can be very useful for the plastic processing industry.
Several quantum paramagnets exhibit magnetic-field-induced quantum phase transitions to an anti-ferromagnetic state that exists for H(c1) <= H <= H(c2). For some of these compounds, there is a significant asymmetry between the low-and high-field transitions. We present specific heat and thermal conductivity measurements in NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2), together with calculations which show that the asymmetry is caused by a strong mass renormalization due to quantum fluctuations for H <= H(c1) that are absent for H >= H(c2). We argue that the enigmatic lack of asymmetry in thermal conductivity is due to a concomitant renormalization of the impurity scattering.
High-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on single crystalline and powder samples of BiMn(2)O(5). A linear temperature dependence of the unit cell volume was found between T(N)=38 and 100 K, suggesting that a low-energy lattice excitation may be responsible for the lattice expansion in this temperature range. Between T(*)similar to 65 K and T(N), all lattice parameters showed incipient magnetoelastic effects, due to short-range spin correlations. An anisotropic strain along the a direction was also observed below T(*). Below T(N), a relatively large contraction of the a parameter following the square of the average sublattice magnetization of Mn was found, indicating that a second-order spin Hamiltonian accounts for the magnetic interactions along this direction. On the other hand, the more complex behaviors found for b and c suggest additional magnetic transitions below T(N) and perhaps higher-order terms in the spin Hamiltonian. Polycrystalline samples grown by distinct routes and with nearly homogeneous crystal structure above T(N) presented structural phase coexistence below T(N), indicating a close competition amongst distinct magnetostructural states in this compound.
N,N-dimethyl-pyrrolidinium iodide has been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, second moment calculations, and impedance spectroscopy. This pyrrolidinium salt exhibits two solid-solid phase transitions, one at 373 K having an entropy change, Delta S, of 38 J mol(-1) K-1 and one at 478 K having Delta S of 5.7 J mol(-1) K-1. The second moment calculations relate the lower temperature transition to a homogenization of the sample in terms of the mobility of the cations, while the high temperature phase transition is within the temperature region of isotropic tumbling of the cations. At higher temperatures a further decrease in the H-1 NMR linewidth is observed which is suggested to be due to diffusion of the cations. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
For some applications for fluoropolymers they must be subjected to high-energy radiation, e.g., when they are grafted with styrene using an irradiation method to produce fuel cell membranes or matrix supports for combinatorial chemistry. In some of these applications they may be subjected to mechanical stress or elevated temperature, so it is important to elucidate the effects of the radiolysis on these properties. In the present work the effect of gamma-radiolysis on the glass transition, melting behavior, and thermal stability of PFA has been studied as well as the effect of the radiolysis on the tensile properties of the polymer.
Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference - 18-20 September 2013
Acoustic emission avalanche distributions are studied in different alloy systems that exhibit a phase transition from a bcc to a close-packed structure. After a small number of thermal cycles through the transition, the distributions become critically stable (exhibit power-law behavior) and can be characterized by an exponent alpha. The values of alpha can be classified into universality classes, which depend exclusively on the symmetry of the resulting close-packed structure.
The significance of thermal fluctuations in nucleation in structural first-order phase transitions has been examined. The prototypical case of martensitic transitions has been experimentally investigated by means of acoustic emission techniques. We propose a model based on the mean first-passage time to account for the experimental observations. Our study provides a unified framework to establish the conditions for isothermal and athermal transitions to be observed.