267 resultados para THAI


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Changes in texture, microstructure, colour and protein solubility of Thai indigenous and broiler chicken Pectoralis muscle stripes cooked at different temperatures were evaluated. The change in shear value of both chicken muscles was a significant increase from 50 to 80 degrees C but no change from 80 to 100 degrees C. A significant decrease in fibre diameter was obtained in samples heated to an internal temperature of 60 degrees C and the greatest shrinkage of sarcomeres was observed with internal temperatures of 70-100 and 80-100 C for broiler and indigenous chicken muscles, respectively (P < 0.05). Cooking losses of indigenous chicken muscles increased markedly in the temperature range 80-100 C and were significantly higher than those of the broiler (P < 0.001). With increasing temperature, from 50 to 70 degrees C, cooked chicken muscle became lighter and yellower. Relationships between changes in sarcomere length, fibre diameter, shear value, cooking loss and solubility of muscle proteins were evaluated. It was found that the solubility of muscle protein was very highly correlated with the texture of cooked broiler muscle while sarcomere length changes and collagen solubility were important factors influencing the cooking loss and texture of cooked indigenous chicken muscle. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The microstructure and thermal characteristics of Thai indigenous (Gallus domesticus) and broiler chicken (commercial line CP707) biceps femoris and pectoralis muscles were determined. Perimysium thicknesses were 14.2 mum for biceps femoris muscle and 7.10 mum for pectoralis muscle of indigenous chicken muscles, thicker than those of broiler muscles, which were 9.93 mum for biceps femoris muscle and 3.87 mum for pectoralis muscle (P < 0.05). Five endothermic peaks with peak transition temperatures (T-p) of 54.9, 61.7, 65.4, 70.6, and 76.1degreesC were obtained for broiler pectoralis muscle, whereas only 3 endothermic peaks (T-P of 56.6, 62.6, and 74.9degreesC were obtained for broiler biceps femoris muscle. Thai indigenous biceps femoris and pectoralis muscles had endothermic peaks with T-P ranges of 53.5 to 54.8, 60.7 to 61.9, and 75.9 to 76.9degreesC. The fiber diameters of Thai indigenous chicken muscles were greater (P < 0.05) than those of the broiler, 31.7 vs. 20.4 mum for biceps femoris muscle and 28.9 vs. 26.6 pm for pectoralis muscle, respectively. After cooking at 80degreesC for 10 min, the fiber diameter of indigenous chicken muscles significantly decreased while those of the broiler significantly increased. The mean of sarcomere lengths of the raw muscles ranged from 1.56 to 1.64 mun and decreased to 0.92 to 1.32 mum (P < 0.001) for broiler muscles and 1.22 to 1.35 mum (P < 0.001) for indigenous chicken muscles after cooking. The perimysium and endomysium of broiler muscles melted after cooking at 80degreesC, however, only slight disintegration was observed in these tissues in the indigenous chicken muscles.


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"Yor" is a traditional sausage like product widely consumed in Thailand. Its textures are usually set by steaming, in this experiment ultra-high pressure was used to modify the product. Three types of hydrocolloid; carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), locust bean gum (LBG) and xanthan gum, were added to minced ostrich meat batter at concentration of 0-1% and subjected to high pressure 600 Mpa, 50 degrees C, 40 min. The treated samples were analysed for storage (G) and loss (G '') moduli by dynamic oscillatory testing as well as creep compliance for control stress measurement. Their microstructures using confocal microscopy were also examined. Hydrocolloid addition caused a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in both the G' and G '' moduli. However the loss tangent of all samples remained unchanged. Addition of hydrocolloids led to decreases in the gel network formation but appears to function as surfactant materials during the initial mixing stage as shown by the microstructure. Confocal microscopy suggested that the size of the fat droplets decreased with gum addition. The fat droplets were smallest on the addition of xanthan gum and increased in the order CMC, LBG and no added gum, respectively. Creep parameters of ostrich yors with four levels of xanthan gum addition (0.50%, 0.75%, 1.00% and 1.25%) showed an increase in the instantaneous compliance (J(0)), the retarded compliance (J(1)) and retardation time (lambda(1)) but a decrease in the viscosity (eta(0)) with increasing levels of addition. The results also suggested that the larger deformations used during creep testing might be more helpful in assessing the mechanical properties of the product than the small deformations used in oscillatory rheology. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The combined effect of pressure and temperature on the rate of gelatinisation of starch present in Thai glutinous rice was investigated. Pressure was found to initiate gelatinisation when its value exceeded 200 MPa at ambient temperature. On the other hand, complete gelatinisation was observed at 500 and 600 MPa at 70 degrees C, when the rice was soaked in water under these conditions for 120 min. A first-order kinetic model describing the rate of gelatinisation was developed to estimate the values of the rate constants as a function of pressure and temperature in the range: 0.1-600 MPa and 20-70 degrees C. The model, based on the well-known Arrhenius and Eyring equations, assumed the form [GRAPHICS] The constants k(0), E-a, and Delta V were found to take values: 31.19 s(-1), 37.89 kJ mol(-1) and -9.98 cm(3) mol(-1), respectively. It was further noted that the extent of gelatinisation occurring at any time, temperature and pressure, could be exclusively correlated with the grain moisture content. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glutinous rice (or sticky rice) has to be soaked in water over an extended period of time before cooking. Soaking provides some of the water needed for starch gelatinisation to occur during cooking. The extent of water uptake during soaking is known to be influenced by temperature. This paper explores the use of very high pressures up to 600 MPa to accelerate water uptake kinetics during soaking. Changes occurring in length, diameter and moisture content were determined as a function of soaking time, pressure and temperature. The results show that length and diameter are positively correlated with all three parameters. However, the expansion ratios are not very high: the maximum length expansion ratio observed was 1.2, while the maximum diameter expansion ratio was 1. 1. Given these low values, it was possible to model water uptake kinetics by using the well-known Fickian model applied to a finite cylinder, assuming uniform average dimensions and effective diffusion coefficient. The results showed that the overall rates of water uptake and the equilibrium moisture content increased with pressure and temperature. The effective diffusion coefficient, on the other hand, did not follow the same trend. Temperature influenced the effective diffusion coefficient below 300 MPa, but had a marginal effect at higher pressures. Moreover, the effective diffusion coefficient increased with temperature between 20 and 50 degrees C, but dropped at higher temperatures. This drop can be attributed to the gelatinisation of starch, which restricts the transport of water. Regardless, it is possible to increase the quantity of water absorbed by rice and the rate at which it is absorbed, by using high pressures and temperatures. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thua nao, a rich source of free-amino acids, is a fermented soybean, usually used as seasoning or flavouring enhancer in northern Thailand. Free-amino acids (FAA) of unfermented/cooked soybeans, thua nao, fermented by pure Bacillus subtilis TN51 (TNB51), and a naturally fermented product (TNMX), were investigated by pre-column derivatisation with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate, followed by reversed-phase HPLC. Total FAA and essential amino acids were found at significantly higher concentrations in TNB51 thua nao than in TNMX thua nao (naturally fermented). Both fermented thua nao had much higher concentrations of FAA than had their unfermented counterparts. With respect to taste-enhancing FAA, typical bitter attributes of thua nao came mainly from hydrophobic and basic FAA, whereas an umami attribute came predominantly from acidic FAA.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore empirically whether there are meaningful relationships between key entrepreneurial marketing (EM) variables and the demographic characteristics of the organization and its manager. Design/methodology/approach – The data were gathered from a sample of 369 hotels from all regions of Thailand through the use of a postal survey. Several multiple regression models were used to test the relationships in the study. Interaction terms were added to some models to test the moderating effects of major demographic variables on various EM attributes. Findings – The study shows which types of hotels and which types of managers were associated with EM characteristics. The results indicate that demographic characteristics, such as age, size, location, experience, and gender, significantly explain sets of entrepreneurial marketing variables. It was found, for instance, that both a young hotel and a large hotel are positively associated with entrepreneurial marketing, while owner management is positively associated with market orientation and negatively associated with growth aspirations but has no significant relationship with entrepreneurial orientation. Originality/value – The paper provides a comprehensive overview of selected relationships between key EM dimensions in the existing literature. It is suggested that future research involves a more in-depth exploration of some of the relationships found in this study.


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La Muay Thai, comunemente detta “Boxe Thailandese” è un'arte marziale che rientra nella classificazione delle attività intermittenti con entrambi i sistemi energetici reclutati, aerobico e anaerobico, è inoltre caratterizzata dal fatto che il combattimento alla distanza si alterna alla lotta, denominata “clinch”. Nonostante la popolarità della Muay Thai, in ambito mondiale, stia progressivamente aumentando così come è in aumento il numero di atleti che la praticano, le ricerche incentrate su questa arte marziale e gli studi relativi agli aggiustamenti cardiometabolici nonché alle modalità temporali con cui gli specifici gesti atletici si possono succedere nel tempo durante un match, sono ancora estremamente esigui. L’oggetto del nostro studio è stato l’analisi della struttura temporale del combattimento, tramite la Match Analysis off line (analisi visiva del combattimento), con comparazione dei dati ottenuti tra il vincitore (winner) e il perdente (loser) e la valutazione dell’andamento di alcuni importanti parametri metabolici attraverso la misurazione del lattato e della HR, durante un incontro reale di Boxe Thailandese. La sperimentazione è stata condotta su un gruppo di dieci soggetti di sesso maschile, praticanti la disciplina ad un alto livello nazionale, la cui media ± deviazione standard (DS), di età, peso e altezza è di 24,6 ±4,01 anni, 69,4 ±7 kg e 174,1 ±4,3 cm. Gli atleti sono stati sottoposti, in due diverse giornate separate da almeno tre giorni, a due test; durante una prima seduta sperimentale preliminare abbiamo determinato il massimo consumo di ossigeno (VO2max) nel corso di un test sul nastro trasportare, con concomitante stima della Soglia anaerobica (SA) e misura della massima frequenza cardiaca (HR max). In una seconda seduta sperimentale abbiamo effettuato i test di combattimento in palestra e infine abbiamo analizzato i video degli incontri attraverso la Match Analysis. Dai risultati della Match - Analysis è scaturito che i vincitori hanno eseguito un numero più elevato di azioni efficaci (p < 0,05) rispetto ai non-vincitori, grazie ad un numero maggiore di combinazioni (C ) e di attacchi singoli (A) e un numero minore di difese (D) e di tecniche inefficaci. È così emerso come il livello delle realizzazioni sia quasi esclusivamente dovuto all’efficacia della tecnica e alla tattica delle azioni. Abbiamo quindi focalizzato la nostra attenzione sul clinch e sulle azioni di attacco perché si ipotizzava che potessero essere attività dispendiose e probabilmente responsabili dell’incremento di lattato durante il combattimento, dall’ analisi dei dati però non è stata riscontrata nessuna significativa correlazione tra l’andamento dei dati metabolici e le fasi di attacco e di lotta. Dai nostri risultati emerge in maniera interessante come durante le fasi attive del combattimento si siano raggiunti alti valori di lattato ematico e di frequenza cardiaca, rispettivamente di 12,55 mmol/L e di 182,68 b/min, ben oltre la SA rilevata nel test incrementale dove la HR si posizionava a 168,2 b/min. In conclusione si evidenzia come la Boxe Thailandese sia una disciplina caratterizzata da un considerevole impegno energetico-metabolico, sia aerobico che anaerobico. La predominanza del metabolismo lattacido è dimostrata dagli elevati valori di lattato osservati nel presente studio e dalla frequenza degli attacchi (8,6 ± 3,5 sec.). Questo studio potrà essere utilizzato dagli allenatori per la predisposizione di allenamenti specifici che inducano gli adattamenti propri della Muay Thai.


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Wie viele andere Sprachen Ost- und Südostasiens ist das Thai eine numerusneutrale Sprache, in der ein Nomen lediglich das Konzept benennt und keinen Hinweis auf die Anzahl der Objekte liefert. Um Nomina im Thai zählen zu können, ist der Klassifikator (Klf) nötig, der die Objekte anhand ihrer semantischen Schlüsseleigenschaft herausgreift und individualisiert. Neben der Klassifikation stellt die Individualisierung die Hauptfunktion des Klf dar. Weitere Kernfunktionen des Klf außerhalb des Zählkontextes sind die Markierung der Definitheit, des Numerus sowie des Kontrasts. Die wichtigsten neuen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, die sowohl die Ebenen der Grammatik und Semantik als auch die der Logik und Pragmatik integriert, sind folgende: Im Thai kann der Klf sowohl auf der Element- als auch auf der Mengenebene agieren. In der Verbindung mit einem Demonstrativ kann der Klf auch eine pluralische Interpretation hervorrufen, wenn er auf eine als pluralisch präsupponierte Gesamtmenge referiert oder die Gesamtmenge in einer Teil-Ganzes-Relation individualisiert. In einem Ausdruck, der bereits eine explizite Zahlangabe enthält, bewirkt die Klf-Demonstrativ-Konstruktion eine Kontrastierung von Mengen mit gleichen Eigenschaften. Wie auch der Individualbegriff besitzt der Klf Intension und Extension. Intension und Extension von Thai-Klf verhalten sich umgekehrt proportional, d.h. je spezifischer der Inhalt eines Klf ist, desto kleiner ist sein Umfang. Der Klf signalisiert das Schlüsselmerkmal, das mit der Intension des Nomens der Identifizierung des Objekts dient. Der Klf individualisiert das Nomen, indem er Teilmengen quantifiziert. Er kann sich auf ein Objekt, eine bestimmte Anzahl von Objekten oder auf alle Objekte beziehen. Formal logisch lassen sich diese Funktionen mithilfe des Existenz- und des Allquantors darstellen. Auch die Nullstelle (NST) läßt sich formal logisch darstellen. Auf ihren jeweiligen Informationsgehalt reduziert, ergeben sich für Klf und NST abhängig von ihrer Positionierung verschiedene Informationswerte: Die Opposition von Klf und NST bewirkt in den Fragebögen ausschließlich skalare Q-Implikaturen, die sich durch die Informationsformeln in Form einer Horn-Skala darstellen lassen. In einem sich aufbauenden Kontext transportieren sowohl Klf als auch NST in der Kontextmitte bekannte Informationen, wodurch Implikaturen des M- bzw. I-Prinzips ausgelöst werden. Durch die Verbindung der Informationswerte mit den Implikaturen des Q-, M- und I-Prinzips lässt sich anhand der Positionierung direkt erkennen, wann der Klf die Funktion der Numerus-, der Definitheits- oder der Kontrast-Markierung erfüllt.


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Tai languages are often described as “lacking” a major lexical class “adjectives”; accordingly, they and other area languages are frequently cited as evidence against adjectival universality. This article brings the putative lack under examination, arguing that a more complete distributional analysis reveals a pattern: overlap is highest among semantically peripheral adjectives and verbs and in constructions prototypically associated to both classes crosslinguistically, and lowest among semantically core adjectives and verbs and in constructions prototypically associated to only one or the other class. Rather than “lacking” adjectives, data from Thai thus in fact support functional-typological characterizations of adjectival universality such as those of Givón (1984), Croft (2001), and Dixon (2004). Finally, while data from Thai would fail to falsify an adaptation of Enfield's (2004) Lao lexical class-taxonomy (in which adjectives are treated as a verbal subclass) on its own terms, this article argues that in absence of both universally-applicable criteria for the evaluation of categorial taxonomies crosslinguistically and evidence for the cognitive reality of categorial taxonomies so stipulated, even this more limited sense of a “lack” of adjectives in Thai is less radical a challenge to adjectival universality than has sometimes been supposed.