1000 resultados para TENSOR-PRODUCTS
We express various sets of quantum correlations studied in the theoretical physics literature in terms of different tensor products of operator systems of discrete groups. We thus recover earlier results of Tsirelson and formulate a new approach for the study of quantum correlations. To do this we formulate a general framework for the study of operator systems arising from discrete groups. We study in detail the operator system of the free group Fn on n generators, as well as the operator systems of the free products of finitely many copies of the two-element group Z2. We examine various tensor products of group operator systems, including the minimal, the maximal, and the commuting tensor products. We introduce a new tensor product in the category of operator systems and formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for its equality to the commuting tensor product in the case of group operator systems.
We define several new types of quantum chromatic numbers of a graph and characterize them in terms of operator system tensor products. We establish inequalities between these chromatic numbers and other parameters of graphs studied in the literature and exhibit a link between them and non-signalling correlation boxes.
We show that the set of Schur idempotents with hyperreflexive range is a Boolean lattice which contains all contractions. We establish a preservation result for sums which implies that the weak* closed span of a hyperreflexive and a ternary masa-bimodule is hyperreflexive, and prove that the weak* closed span of finitely many tensor products of a hyperreflexive space and a hyperreflexive range of a Schur idempotent (respectively, a ternary masa-bimodule) is hyperreflexive.
Bei der Bestimmung der irreduziblen Charaktere einer Gruppe vom Lie-Typ entwickelte Lusztig eine Theorie, in der eine sogenannte Fourier-Transformation auftaucht. Dies ist eine Matrix, die nur von der Weylgruppe der Gruppe vom Lie-Typ abhängt. Anhand der Eigenschaften, die eine solche Fourier- Matrix erfüllen muß, haben Geck und Malle ein Axiomensystem aufgestellt. Dieses ermöglichte es Broue, Malle und Michel füur die Spetses, über die noch vieles unbekannt ist, Fourier-Matrizen zu bestimmen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung und neue Interpretation dieser Fourier-Matrizen, die hoffentlich weitere Informationen zu den Spetses liefert. Die Werkzeuge, die dabei entstehen, sind sehr vielseitig verwendbar, denn diese Matrizen entsprechen gewissen Z-Algebren, die im Wesentlichen die Eigenschaften von Tafelalgebren besitzen. Diese spielen in der Darstellungstheorie eine wichtige Rolle, weil z.B. Darstellungsringe Tafelalgebren sind. In der Theorie der Kac-Moody-Algebren gibt es die sogenannte Kac-Peterson-Matrix, die auch die Eigenschaften unserer Fourier-Matrizen besitzt. Ein wichtiges Resultat dieser Arbeit ist, daß die Fourier-Matrizen, die G. Malle zu den imprimitiven komplexen Spiegelungsgruppen definiert, die Eigenschaft besitzen, daß die Strukturkonstanten der zugehörigen Algebren ganze Zahlen sind. Dazu müssen äußere Produkte von Gruppenringen von zyklischen Gruppen untersucht werden. Außerdem gibt es einen Zusammenhang zu den Kac-Peterson-Matrizen: Wir beweisen, daß wir durch Bildung äußerer Produkte von den Matrizen vom Typ A(1)1 zu denen vom Typ C(1) l gelangen. Lusztig erkannte, daß manche seiner Fourier-Matrizen zum Darstellungsring des Quantendoppels einer endlichen Gruppe gehören. Deswegen ist es naheliegend zu versuchen, die noch ungeklärten Matrizen als solche zu identifizieren. Coste, Gannon und Ruelle untersuchen diesen Darstellungsring. Sie stellen eine Reihe von wichtigen Fragen. Eine dieser Fragen beantworten wir, nämlich inwieweit rekonstruiert werden kann, zu welcher endlichen Gruppe gegebene Matrizen gehören. Den Darstellungsring des getwisteten Quantendoppels berechnen wir für viele Beispiele am Computer. Dazu müssen unter anderem Elemente aus der dritten Kohomologie-Gruppe H3(G,C×) explizit berechnet werden, was bisher anscheinend in noch keinem Computeralgebra-System implementiert wurde. Leider ergibt sich hierbei kein Zusammenhang zu den von Spetses herrührenden Matrizen. Die Werkzeuge, die in der Arbeit entwickelt werden, ermöglichen eine strukturelle Zerlegung der Z-Ringe mit Basis in bekannte Anteile. So können wir für die meisten Matrizen der Spetses Konstruktionen angeben: Die zugehörigen Z-Algebren sind Faktorringe von Tensorprodukten von affinen Ringe Charakterringen und von Darstellungsringen von Quantendoppeln.
In this work we construct the stationary measure of the N species totally asymmetric simple exclusion process in a matrix product formulation. We make the connection between the matrix product formulation and the queueing theory picture of Ferrari and Martin. In particular, in the standard representation, the matrices act on the space of queue lengths. For N > 2 the matrices in fact become tensor products of elements of quadratic algebras. This enables us to give a purely algebraic proof of the stationary measure which we present for N=3.
Topics include: Free groups and presentations; Automorphism groups; Semidirect products; Classification of groups of small order; Normal series: composition, derived, and solvable series; Algebraic field extensions, splitting fields, algebraic closures; Separable algebraic extensions, the Primitive Element Theorem; Inseparability, purely inseparable extensions; Finite fields; Cyclotomic field extensions; Galois theory; Norm and trace maps of an algebraic field extension; Solvability by radicals, Galois' theorem; Transcendence degree; Rings and modules: Examples and basic properties; Exact sequences, split short exact sequences; Free modules, projective modules; Localization of (commutative) rings and modules; The prime spectrum of a ring; Nakayama's lemma; Basic category theory; The Hom functors; Tensor products, adjointness; Left/right Noetherian and Artinian modules; Composition series, the Jordan-Holder Theorem; Semisimple rings; The Artin-Wedderburn Theorem; The Density Theorem; The Jacobson radical; Artinian rings; von Neumann regular rings; Wedderburn's theorem on finite division rings; Group representations, character theory; Integral ring extensions; Burnside's paqb Theorem; Injective modules.
Topics include: Rings, ideals, algebraic sets and affine varieties, modules, localizations, tensor products, intersection multiplicities, primary decomposition, the Nullstellensatz
Entanglement is defined for each vector subspace of the tensor product of two finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, by applying the notion of operator entanglement to the projection operator onto that subspace. The operator Schmidt decomposition of the projection operator defines a string of Schmidt coefficients for each subspace, and this string is assumed to characterize its entanglement, so that a first subspace is more entangled than a second, if the Schmidt string of the second majorizes the Schmidt string of the first. The idea is applied to the antisymmetric and symmetric tensor products of a finite-dimensional Hilbert space with itself, and also to the tensor product of an angular momentum j with a spin 1/2. When adapted to the subspaces of states of the nonrelativistic hydrogen atom with definite total angular momentum (orbital plus spin), within the space of bound states with a given total energy, this leads to a complete ordering of those subspaces by their Schmidt strings.
This paper continues the study of spectral synthesis and the topologies tau-infinity and tau-r on the ideal space of a Banach algebra, concentrating particularly on the class of Haagerup tensor products of C*-algebras. For this class, it is shown that spectral synthesis is equivalent to the Hausdorffness of tau_infinity. Under a weak extra condition, spectral synthesis is shown to be equivalent to the Hausdorffness of tau_r.
Existing recommendation systems often recommend products to users by capturing the item-to-item and user-to-user similarity measures. These types of recommendation systems become inefficient in people-to-people networks for people to people recommendation that require two way relationship. Also, existing recommendation methods use traditional two dimensional models to find inter relationships between alike users and items. It is not efficient enough to model the people-to-people network with two-dimensional models as the latent correlations between the people and their attributes are not utilized. In this paper, we propose a novel tensor decomposition-based recommendation method for recommending people-to-people based on users profiles and their interactions. The people-to-people network data is multi-dimensional data which when modeled using vector based methods tend to result in information loss as they capture either the interactions or the attributes of the users but not both the information. This paper utilizes tensor models that have the ability to correlate and find latent relationships between similar users based on both information, user interactions and user attributes, in order to generate recommendations. Empirical analysis is conducted on a real-life online dating dataset. As demonstrated in results, the use of tensor modeling and decomposition has enabled the identification of latent correlations between people based on their attributes and interactions in the network and quality recommendations have been derived using the 'alike' users concept.
This paper seeks to address the widespread call in the literature for the cross-cultural examination ( and validation) of accepted concepts within consumer behaviour, such as consumer risk perceptions and information search. The findings of the study provide support for a number of accepted relationships, whilst identifying distinct cross cultural differences in external information search and willingness to buy genetically modified (GM) food products by consumers.