36 resultados para TBM
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da intervenção dietética individualizada sobre o diagnóstico nutricional e controle metabólico em diabéticos tipo 2 sedentários Casuística e Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado e prospectivo com 80 adultos, de ambos dos sexos, com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 divididos em GI (grupo intervenção: 40 indivíduos submetidos à intervenção dietética e a utilização de hipoglicemiante) e GC (grupo controle: 40 indivíduos submetidos à medicação hipoglicemiante). Foi realizada intervenção dietética individualizada por três meses baseando-se nas recomendações da American Diabetes Association (2002). Foram analisadas as variáveis antropométricas: massa corporal total (MCT), estatura com determinação do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e perímetro da cintura (PC); as variáveis bioquímicas glicemia, colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos (TG) e hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) e as variáveis dietéticas energia, proteínas, carboidratos, lipídeos, colesterol e fibras alimentares. Para estatística inferencial foi utilizado o Anova two-way com nível de significância de 95%. Resultados: Na análise intergrupos, o GC apresentou aumento nas variáveis: MCT (Δ%=0,78; p=0,014), IMC (Δ%=0,76; p=0,012), PC (Δ%=0,75; p=0,019) enquanto que o GI apresentou redução nas variáveis: MCT (Δ%=-3,71; p<0,001), IMC (Δ%=-3,77; p<0,001), PC (Δ%=-3,98; p<0,001). Na comparação da média do IR intergrupos, observou-se diferença nas variáveis: energia (p<0,001), lipídeos (p=0,012), gorduras saturadas (p<0,001); colesterol dietético (p=0,006); fibras alimentares (p=0,001); glicemia (p<0,001), colesterol total (p<0,001), LDL-colesterol (p<0,001) e HbA1c (p<0,001).Conclusão: A intervenção dietética foi eficiente em melhorar o perfil antropométrico e o controle metabólico dos diabéticos tipo 2 sedentários.
A prevalência de obesidade infantil vem crescendo em todo o mundo e está associada com aumento da morbimortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares na vida adulta. A obesidade na infância, somada às alterações no metabolismo glicêmico e lipídico e ao aumento do estresse oxidativo e estado inflamatório contribuem para o aumento da espessura do complexo médio-intimal da carótida (carotid artery intima-medial thickness - cIMT) em tenra idade, possibilitando o desenvolvimento precoce do processo aterosclerótico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e comparar a cIMT, os indicadores do metabolismo glicídico e lipídico, o estado oxidativo e antioxidante, a composição corporal e o consumo alimentar em crianças pré-púberes obesas e eutróficas e determinar as inter-relações entre as variáveis. Foram medidos massa corporal total (MCT), estatura (E), circunferência da cintura (CC); glicemia, insulina, colesterol total (CT), lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL-colesterol), lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL-colesterol), ácido úrico, proteína C-reativa ultra-sensível (PCR-us) e capacidade antioxidante (DPPH) sanguíneos; cIMT (USG, General Eletric); consumo alimentar (3 recordatórios de 24 h) para análise de macronutrientes e ácidos graxos. Foram, ainda, calculados o índice de massa corporal por idade (IMC/I) e HOMA-IR. O grupo de crianças obesas (n = 30) apresentava IMC/I acima do p97 (WHO, 2007) cujos dados foram comparados com os de um grupo controle (n = 25), composto por crianças eutróficas, da mesma faixa etária. As análises estatísticas acompanharam as características da amostra para dados não-paramétricos, com graus de significância de p < 0,05. A idade das crianças, em média, foi de 7,8 1,3 anos. A comparação dos indicadores entre os grupos mostrou valores significativamente maiores de MCT, IMC/I, CC, consumo calórico e de carboidratos, CT, LDL-colesterol, insulina, HOMA-IR, ácido úrico, PCR-us e cIMT no grupo de crianças obesas. Foram encontradas associações positivas da cIMT com MCT, IMC/I e CC. Essa última associou-se positivamente com ácido úrico, insulina e HOMA-IR. A PCR-us mostrou associação positiva com MCT, IMC/I, CC, ácido úrico, insulina e HOMA-IR. Os resultados analisados nos permitem concluir que as crianças obesas apresentaram maior massa adiposa abdominal, maior consumo energético, proveniente de carboidratos e valores maiores dos fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares do que seus pares eutróficos. Nossos resultados analisados em conjunto, mostram que a obesidade infantil acarreta danos cardiometabólicos que poderão causar prejuízos a saúde na vida adulta. O processo de aterosclerose precoce sofre influência da massa de gordura total e abdominal, a qual está diretamente relacionada à resistência à insulina, ao estado inflamatório e antioxidante. O conhecimento dos fatores de risco desta população deverá embasar estratégias de tratamento com o objetivo de reduzir a morbimortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares na idade adulta.
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are widely referred and studied as disinfection by-products (DBPs). The THMs that are most commonly detected are chloroform (TCM), bromodichloromethane (BDCM), chlorodibromomethane (CDBM), and bromoform (TBM). Several studies regarding the determination of THMs in swimming pool water and air samples have been published. This paper reviews the most recent work in this field, with a special focus on water and air sampling, sample preparation and analytical determination methods. An experimental study has been developed in order to optimize the headspace solid-phasemicroextraction (HS-SPME) conditions of TCM, BDCM, CDBM and TBM from water samples using a 23 factorial design. An extraction temperature of 45 °C, for 25min, and a desorption time of 5 min were found to be the best conditions. Analysis was performed by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD). The method was successfully applied to a set of 27 swimming pool water samples collected in the Oporto area (Portugal). TCM was the only THM detected with levels between 4.5 and 406.5 μg L−1. Four of the samples exceeded the guideline value for total THMs in swimming pool water (100 μgL−1) indicated by the Portuguese Health Authority.
With the increasing complexity of software systems, there is also an increased concern about its faults. These faults can cause financial losses and even loss of life. Therefore, we propose in this paper the minimization of faults in software by using formally specified tests. The combination of testing and formal specifications is gaining strength in searches mainly through the MBT (Model-Based Testing). The development of software from formal specifications, when the whole process of refinement is done rigorously, ensures that what is specified in the application will be implemented. Thus, the implementation generated from these specifications would accurately depict what was specified. But not always the specification is refined to the level of implementation and code generation, and in these cases the tests generated from the specification tend to find fault. Additionally, the generation of so-called "invalid tests", ie tests that exercise the application scenarios that were not addressed in the specification, complements more significantly the formal development process. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for generating tests from B formal specifications. This method was structured in pseudo-code. The method is based on the systematization of the techniques of black box testing of boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, as well as the technique of orthogonal pairs. The method was applied to a B specification and B test machines that generate test cases independent of implementation language were generated. Aiming to validate the method, test cases were transformed manually in JUnit test cases and the application, created from the B specification and developed in Java, was tested. Faults were found with the execution of the JUnit test cases
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Central nervous system (CNS) tuberculosis (TB) is the most severe form of TB, characterized morphologically by brain granulomas and tuberculous meningitis (TBM). Experimental strategies for the study of the host-pathogen interaction through the analysis of granulomas and its intrinsic molecular mechanisms could provide new insights into the neuropathology of TB. To verify whether cerebellar mycobacterial infection induces the main features of the disease in human CNS and better understand the physiological mechanisms underlying the disease, we injected bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) into the mouse cerebellum. BCG-induced CNS-TB is characterized by the formation of granulomas and TBM, a build up of bacterial loads in these lesions, and microglial recruitment into the lesion sites. In addition, there is an enhanced expression of signaling molecules such as nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) and there is a presence of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the lesions and surrounding areas. This murine model of cerebellar CNS-TB was characterized by cellular and biochemical immune responses typically found in the human disease. This model could expand our knowledge about granulomas in TB infection of the cerebellum, and help characterize the physiological mechanisms involved with the progression of this serious illness that is responsible for killing millions people every year. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L’oggetto della presente dissertazione è inerente aspetti affidabilistici e diagnostici dei componenti delle reti elettriche. Sono stati condotti studi sul ruolo svolto dai parametri presenti nei modelli affidabilistici utilizzati in presenza di regimi distorti. I risultati ottenuti nel corso della ricerca, indicano chiaramente come anche il fattore efficace Krms e, soprattutto, il fattore di forma, Kf, sotto certe condizioni, possano avere effetti considerevoli sulla degradazione degli isolanti (a volte con contributi perfino maggiori di quello dato dal ben noto fattore di picco, Kp, considerato predominante). Viene inoltre riportata un’indagine sviluppata sui principali Dispositivi Automatizzati per il Controllo degli Isolamenti (AIMS), attualmente disponibili sul mercato. Sono illustrati e discussi innovativi modelli di rischio integrati, sviluppati per integrare informazioni fornite dall’analisi affidabilistica tradizionale con misure di proprietà diagnostiche, acquisite grazie ad un monitoraggio costante dei componenti in servizio. L’impiego di tali modelli permetterebbe di ottenere una manutenzione di tipo affidabilistico-diagnostico, basata sull’effettiva condizione del componente in esame (manutenzione tipo CBM), piuttosto che su scadenze temporali fissate a priori (manutenzione di tipo TBM).
Lo scopo della presente tesi di dottorato è di illustrare il lavoro svolto nella progettazione del circuito a metallo liquido del Test Blanket System (TBS) Helium Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL), uno dei sistemi fondamentali del reattore sperimentale ITER che dovrà dimostrare la fattibilità di produrre industrialmente energia elettrica da processi di fusione nucleare. Il blanket HCLL costituisce una delle sei configurazioni che verranno testate in ITER, sulla base degli esperimenti condotti nei 10 dieci anni di vita del reattore verrà selezionata la configurazione che determinerà la costituzione del primo reattore dimostrativo per la produzione di un surplus di energia elettrica venti volte superiore all’energia consumata, DEMO. Il circuito ausiliario del blanket HCLL è finalizzato, in DEMO all’estrazione del trizio generato mediante il TES; ed in ITER alla dimostrazione della fattibilità di estrarre il trizio generato e di poter gestire il ciclo del trizio. Lo sviluppo dei componenti, svolto in questa tesi, è accentrato su tale dispositivo, il TES. In tale ambito si inseriscono le attività che sono descritte nei capitoli della seguente tesi di dottorato: selezione e progettazione preliminare del sistema di estrazione del trizio dalla lega eutettica Pb15.7Li del circuito a metallo liquido del TBM HCLL; la progettazione, realizzazione e qualifica dei sensori a permeazione per la misura della concentrazione di trizio nella lega eutettica Pb15.7Li; la qualificazione sperimentale all’interno dell’impianto TRIEX (TRItium EXtarction) della tecnologia selezionata per l’estrazione del trizio dalla lega; la progettazione della diagnostica di misura e controllo del circuito ausiliario del TBM HCLL.
BACKGROUND: Remodelling of matrix and tubular basement membranes (TBM) is a characteristic of polycystic kidney disease. We hypothesized that matrix and TBM degradation by metalloproteinases (MMPs) could promote cyst formation. We therefore investigated the renal expression of MMPs in the Han:SPRD rat model of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and examined the effect of sirolimus treatment on MMPs. METHODS: 5-week-old male heterozygous (Cy/+) and wild-type normal (+/+) rats were treated with sirolimus (2 mg/kg/day) through drinking water for 3 months. RESULTS: The mRNA and protein levels of MMP-2 and MMP-14 were markedly increased in the kidneys of heterozygous Cy/+ animals compared to wild-type +/+ as shown by RT-PCR and Western blot analyses for MMP-2 and MMP-14, and by zymography for MMP-2. Strong MMP-2 expression was detected by immunoperoxidase staining in cystic epithelial cells that also displayed an altered, thickened TBM. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) expression was not changed in Cy/+ kidneys. Sirolimus treatment leads to decreased protein expression of MMP-2 and MMP-14 in Cy/+, whereas MMP-2 and MMP-14 mRNA levels and TIMP-2 protein levels were not affected by sirolimus. CONCLUSION: In summary, in kidneys of the Han:SPRD rat model of ADPKD, there is a marked upregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-14. Sirolimus treatment was associated with a marked improvement of MMP-2 and MMP-14 overexpression, and this correlated also with less matrix and TBM alterations and milder cystic disease.
Tensor based morphometry (TBM) was applied to determine the atrophy of deep gray matter (DGM) structures in 88 relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. For group analysis of atrophy, an unbiased atlas was constructed from 20 normal brains. The MS brain images were co-registered with the unbiased atlas using a symmetric inverse consistent nonlinear registration. These studies demonstrate significant atrophy of thalamus, caudate nucleus, and putamen even at a modest clinical disability, as assessed by the expanded disability status score (EDSS). A significant correlation between atrophy and EDSS was observed for different DGM structures: (thalamus: r=-0.51, p=3.85 x 10(-7); caudate nucleus: r=-0.43, p=2.35 x 10(-5); putamen: r=-0.36, p=6.12 x 10(-6)). Atrophy of these structures also correlated with 1) T2 hyperintense lesion volumes (thalamus: r=-0.56, p=9.96 x 10(-9); caudate nucleus: r=-0.31, p=3.10 x 10(-3); putamen: r=-0.50, p=6.06 x 10(-7)), 2) T1 hypointense lesion volumes (thalamus: r=-0.61, p=2.29 x 10(-10); caudate nucleus: r=-0.35, p=9.51 x 10(-4); putamen: r=-0.43, p=3.51 x 10(-5)), and 3) normalized CSF volume (thalamus: r=-0.66, p=3.55 x 10(-12); caudate nucleus: r=-0.52, p=2.31 x 10(-7), and putamen: r=-0.66, r=2.13 x 10(-12)). More severe atrophy was observed mainly in thalamus at higher EDSS. These studies appear to suggest a link between the white matter damage and DGM atrophy in MS.
Ya en el informe acerca del estado de la tecnología en la excavación profunda y en la construcción de túneles en terreno duro presentado en la 7ª Conferencia en Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de la Cimentación, Peck (1969) introdujo los tres temas a ser tenidos en cuenta para el diseño de túneles en terrenos blandos: o Estabilidad de la cavidad durante la construcción, con particular atención a la estabilidad del frente del túnel; o Evaluación de los movimientos del terreno inducidos por la construcción del túnel y de la incidencia de los trabajos subterráneos a poca profundidad sobre los asentamientos en superficie; o Diseño del sistema de sostenimiento del túnel a instalar para asegurar la estabilidad de la estructura a corto y largo plazo. Esta Tesis se centra en los problemas señalados en el segundo de los puntos, analizando distintas soluciones habitualmente proyectadas para reducir los movimientos inducidos por la excavación de los túneles. El objeto de la Tesis es el análisis de la influencia de distintos diseños de paraguas de micropilotes, pantalla de micropilotes, paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting en los asientos en superficie durante la ejecución de túneles ejecutados a poca profundidad, con objeto de buscar el diseño que optimice los medios empleados para una determinada reducción de asientos. Para ello se establecen unas premisas para los proyectistas con objeto de conocer a priori cuales son los tratamientos más eficientes (de los propuestos en la Tesis) para la reducción de asientos en superficie cuando se ha de proyectar un túnel, de tal manera que pueda tener datos cualitativos y algunos cuantitativos sobre los diseños más óptimos, utilizando para ello un programa de elementos finitos de última generación que permite realizara la simulación tensodeformación del terreno mediante el modelo de suelo con endurecimiento (Hardening Soil Small model), que es una variante elastoplástica del modelo hiperbólico, similar al Hardening Soil Model. Además, este modelo incorpora una relación entre deformación y el modulo de rigidez, simulando el diferente comportamiento del suelo para pequeñas deformaciones (por ejemplo vibraciones con deformaciones por debajo de 10-5 y grandes deformaciones (deformaciones > 10-3). Para la realización de la Tesis se han elegido cinco secciones de túnel, dos correspondiente a secciones tipo de túnel ejecutado con tuneladora y tres secciones ejecutados mediante convencionales (dos correspondientes a secciones que han utilizado el método Belga y una que ha utilizado el NATM). Para conseguir los objetivos marcados, primeramente se ha analizado mediante una correlación entre modelos tridimensionales y bidimensionales el valor de relajación usado en estos últimos, y ver su variación al cambio de parámetros como la sección del túnel, la cobertera, el procedimiento constructivo, longitud de pase (métodos convencionales) o presión del frente (tuneladora) y las características geotécnicas de los materiales donde se ejecuta el túnel. Posteriormente se ha analizado que diseño de pantalla de protección tiene mejor eficacia respecto a la reducción de asientos, variando distintos parámetros de las características de la misma, como son el empotramiento, el tipo de micropilotes o pilote, la influencia del arriostramiento de las pantallas de protección en cabeza, la inclinación de la pantalla, la separación de la pantalla al eje del túnel y la disposición en doble fila de la pantalla de pantalla proyectada. Para finalizar el estudio de la efectividad de pantalla de protección para la reducción de asiento, se estudiará la influencia de la sobrecarga cercanas (simulación de edificios) tiene en la efectividad de la pantalla proyectada (desde el punto de vista de reducción de movimientos en superficie). Con objeto de poder comparar la efectividad de la pantalla de micropilotes respecto a la ejecución de un paraguas de micropilotes se ha analizado distintos diseños de paraguas, comparando el movimiento obtenido con el obtenido para el caso de pantalla de micropilotes, comparando ambos resultados con los medidos en obras ya ejecutadas. En otro apartado se ha realizado una comparación entre tratamientos similar, comparándolos en este caso con un paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting. Los resultados obtenidos se han con valores de asientos medidos en distintas obras ya ejecutadas y cuyas secciones se corresponden a los empleados en los modelos numéricos. Since the report on the state of technology in deep excavation and tunnelling in hard ground presented at the 7th Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Peck (1969) introduced the three issues to be taken into account for the design of tunnels in soft ground: o Cavity Stability during construction, with particular attention to the stability of the tunnel face; o Evaluation of ground movements induced by tunnelling and the effect of shallow underground workings on surface settlement; o Design of the tunnel support system to be installed to ensure short and long term stability of the structure. This thesis focuses on the issues identified in the second point, usually analysing different solutions designed to reduce the movements induced by tunnelling. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the influence of different micropile forepole umbrellas, micropile walls, jet grouting umbrellas and jet grouting wall designs on surface settlements during near surface tunnelling in order to use the most optimal technique to achieve a determined reduction in settlement. This will establish some criteria for designers to know a priori which methods are most effective (of those proposed in the thesis) to reduce surface settlements in tunnel design, so that it is possible to have qualitative and some quantitative data on the optimal designs, using the latest finite element modelling software that allows simulation of the ground’s infinitesimal strain behaviour using the Hardening Soil Small Model, which is a variation on the elasto-plastic hyperbolic model, similar to Hardening Soil model. In addition, this model incorporates a relationship between strain and the rigidity modulus, simulating different soil behaviour for small deformations (eg deformation vibrations below 10-5 and large deformations (deformations > 10-3). For the purpose of this thesis five tunnel sections have been chosen, two sections corresponding to TBM tunnels and three sections undertaken by conventional means (two sections corresponding to the Belgian method and one corresponding to the NATM). To achieve the objectives outlined, a correlation analysis of the relaxation values used in the 2D and 3D models was undertaken to verify them against parameters such as the tunnel cross-section, the depth of the tunnel, the construction method, the length of step (conventional method) or face pressure (TBM) and the geotechnical characteristics of the ground where the tunnel is constructed. Following this, the diaphragm wall design with the greatest efficiency regarding settlement reduction was analysed, varying parameters such as the toe depth, type of micropiles or piles, the influence of bracing of the head protection diaphragm walls, the inclination of the diaphragm wall, the separation between the diaphragm wall and the tunnel axis and the double diaphragm wall design arrangement. In order to complete the study into the effectiveness of protective diaphragm walls ofn the reduction of settlements, the influence of nearby imposed loads (simulating buildings) on the effectiveness of the designed diaphragm walls (from the point of view of reducing surface movements) will be studied. In order to compare the effectiveness of micropile diaphragm walls regarding the installation of micropile forepole umbrellas, different designs of these forepole umbrellas have been analysed comparing the movement obtained with that obtained for micropiled diaphragm walls, comparing both results with those measured from similar completed projects. In another section, a comparison between similar treatments has been completed, comparing the treatments with a forepole umbrella by jet grouting and jet grouting walls. The results obtained compared with settlement values measured in various projects already completed and whose sections correspond to those used in the numerical models.
El frente de un túnel puede colapsar si la presión aplicada sobre el es inferior a un valor limite denominado presión “critica” o “de colapso”. En este trabajo se desarrolla y presenta un mecanismo de rotura rotacional generado punto a punto para el cálculo de la presión de colapso del frente de túneles excavados en terrenos estratificados o en materiales que siguen un criterio de rotura nolineal. La solución propuesta es una solución de contorno superior en el marco del Análisis Límite y supone una generalización del mecanismo de rotura mas reciente existente en la bibliografía. La presencia de un terreno estratificado o con un criterio de rotura no-lineal implica una variabilidad espacial de las propiedades resistentes. Debido a esto, se generaliza el mecanismo desarrollado por Mollon et al. (2011b) para suelos, de tal forma que se puedan considerar valores locales del ángulo de rozamiento y de la cohesión. Además, la estratificación del terreno permite una rotura parcial del frente, por lo que se implementa esta posibilidad en el mecanismo, siendo la primera solución que emplea un mecanismo de rotura que se ajusta a la estratigrafía del terreno. Por otro lado, la presencia de un material con un criterio de rotura no-lineal exige introducir en el modelo, como variable de estudio, el estado tensional en el frente, el cual se somete al mismo proceso de optimización que las variables geométricas del mecanismo. Se emplea un modelo numérico 3D para validar las predicciones del mecanismo de Análisis Limite, demostrando que proporciona, con un esfuerzo computacional significativamente reducido, buenas predicciones de la presión critica, del tipo de rotura (global o parcial) en terrenos estratificados y de la geometría de fallo. El mecanismo validado se utiliza para realizar diferentes estudios paramétricos sobre la influencia de la estratigrafía en la presión de colapso. Igualmente, se emplea para elaborar cuadros de diseño de la presión de colapso para túneles ejecutados con tuneladora en macizos rocosos de mala calidad y para analizar la influencia en la estabilidad del frente del método constructivo. Asimismo, se lleva a cabo un estudio de fiabilidad de la estabilidad del frente de un túnel excavado en un macizo rocoso altamente fracturado. A partir de el se analiza como afectan las diferentes hipótesis acerca de los tipos de distribución y de las estructuras de correlación a los resultados de fiabilidad. Se investiga también la sensibilidad de los índices de fiabilidad a los cambios en las variables aleatorias, identificando las mas relevantes para el diseño. Por ultimo, se lleva a cabo un estudio experimental mediante un modelo de laboratorio a escala reducida. El modelo representa medio túnel, lo cual permite registrar el movimiento del material mediante una técnica de correlación de imágenes fotográficas. El ensayo se realiza con una arena seca y se controla por deformaciones mediante un pistón que simula el frente. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan con las estimaciones de la solución de Análisis Límite, obteniéndose un ajuste razonable, de acuerdo a la literatura, tanto en la geometría de rotura como en la presión de colapso. A tunnel face may collapse if the applied support pressure is lower than a limit value called the ‘critical’ or ‘collapse’ pressure. In this work, an advanced rotational failure mechanism generated ‘‘point-by-point” is developed to compute the collapse pressure for tunnel faces in layered (or stratified) grounds or in materials that follow a non-linear failure criterion. The proposed solution is an upper bound solution in the framework of limit analysis which extends the most advanced face failure mechanism in the literature. The excavation of the tunnel in a layered ground or in materials with a non-linear failure criterion may lead to a spatial variability of the strength properties. Because of this, the rotational mechanism recently proposed by Mollon et al. (2011b) for Mohr-Coulomb soils is generalized so that it can consider local values of the friction angle and of the cohesion. For layered soils, the mechanism needs to be extended to consider the possibility for partial collapse. The proposed methodology is the first solution with a partial collapse mechanism that can fit to the stratification. Similarly, the use of a nonlinear failure criterion introduces the need to introduce new parameters in the optimization problem to consider the distribution of normal stresses along the failure surface. A 3D numerical model is employed to validate the predictions of the limit analysis mechanism, demonstrating that it provides, with a significantly reduced computational effort, good predictions of critical pressure, of the type of collapse (global or partial) in layered soils, and of its geometry. The mechanism is then employed to conduct parametric studies of the influence of several geometrical and mechanical parameters on face stability of tunnels in layered soils. Similarly, the methodology has been further employed to develop simple design charts that provide the face collapse pressure of tunnels driven by TBM in low quality rock masses and to study the influence of the construction method. Finally, a reliability analysis of the stability of a tunnel face driven in a highly fractured rock mass is performed. The objective is to analyze how different assumptions about distributions types and correlation structures affect the reliability results. In addition, the sensitivity of the reliability index to changes in the random variables is studied, identifying the most relevant variables for engineering design. Finally, an experimental study is carried out using a small-scale laboratory model. The problem is modeled in half, cutting through the tunnel axis vertically, so that displacements of soil particles can be recorded by a digital image correlation technique. The tests were performed with dry sand and displacements are controlled by a piston that supports the soil. The results of the model are compared with the predictions of the Limit Analysis mechanism. A reasonable agreement, according to literature, is obtained between the shapes of the failure surfaces and between the collapse pressures observed in the model tests and computed with the analytical solution.
Changes in the roles of the government and the private sector in the provision of public services along with budget constraints are resulting in an increasing use of the concession approach for financing and managing roads. In the last few years, many of these contracts set up incentives linked to bonuses to encourage the concessionaire to render a better service to the users. Road safety is one the aspects on the basis of which concessionaires can be rewarded according to their performance. The goal of this paper is to evaluate whether road safety incentives are being defined in the right way nowadays in different European countries and also identify what incentives would need to be implemented to achieve a socially optimal road safety level. To that end, we develop a specific incentive for road concession contracts that encourages companies to achieve the optimal level. We apply this methodology to three case studies of concessions recently awarded in order to determine to what extend the incentives they set up are closer or farther to the optimum.