998 resultados para T3


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The use of the aluminium alloy AA2024-T3 has long been associated with a strong vulnerability to localised corrosion. Dealloying and pitting corrosion can occur on and around intermetallic particles when exposed to aggressive environments such as sodium chloride electrolytes. Specific combinations of rare earths and organic compounds have demonstrated strong synergistic inhibition on the AA2024-T3 alloy. This work has focused on rare earths and organic compounds containing thiol functional groups. It is believed that the sulphur in the thiol group can form protective films over the surface of copper-rich intermetallic particles due to the affinity between copper and sulphur. Previous studies with the multiwell tests have identified that solutions containing sodium mercaptoacetate provided strong inhibition at pH 3 and 6. This work presents the initial findings from the polarisation tests and constant immersion corrosion experiments in the presence of sodium mercaptoacetate.


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Localised corrosion is typical on AA2024-T3 due to intermetallic particles embedded in the alloy. The effect of intermetallic compositions on corrosion are not yet fully understood. EPMA data on AA2024-T3 surfaces before and after a 16. min immersion, analyses the influence of intermetallic clustering on the severity attack at local sites. While sites with a high number of domains and a large S-phase surface area typically lead to severe attack, maximising these features did not always lead to severe corrosion attack. Cerium or praseodymium mercaptoacetate inhibited corrosion ring formation. The common trends observed from such attack sites was also discussed.


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 Corrosion inhibition mechanisms on the aerospace alloy, AA2024-T3, was investigated for the inhibitor combination of rare earth metals and mercaptoacetate. The inhibitor demonstrated synergistic protection for AA2024-T3 from localised corrosion. It is intended to be a more environmentally friendly alternative to toxic chromate-based inhibitors.


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De-alloying of S-phase in AA2024-T3 in the presence chlorides, is well-known. However, it is unclear how rare earth mercaptoacetate inhibitors affect this process when immersed in a 0.1. M NaCl solution. This paper analyses data obtained using EPMA on AA2024-T3 surfaces before and after a 16. min immersion period. Cerium and praseodymium mercaptoacetate inhibited the de-alloying process of S-phase particles. Although no significant change in composition was observed for cathodic intermetallics, each appeared to participate in local corrosion reactions as evidenced by the development of surface oxides. Clustering between S-phase and one of the Cu-containing intermetallic domains was also evident.


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No presente trabalho, foram utilizadas 21 fêmeas suínas, virgens, sexualmente aptas, criadas e mantidas sob condições industriais, para observação dos perfis hormonais séricos de triiodotironina e tiroxina, durante o ciclo estral. As colheitas de sangue foram efetuadas sempre no mesmo intervalo, entre 8 e 10 horas. Cada animal foi submetido a 14 punções venosas, distribuídas nos dias zero, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 e 23 do ciclo estral. Consideramos o dia zero como o primeiro dia da fase estral, e o 23º dia como o primeiro do estro subseqüente. Os ensaios para dosagens hormonais foram executados utilizando-se a técnica de radioimunoensaio (RIE) em fase sólida e para isso foi empregado conjunto de reagentes comerciais (Coat-A-Count®). Para o hormônio triiodotironina foram observados valores altos no 1º e 23º dia e valor mínimo no 12º dia do ciclo estral. O hormônio tiroxina apresentou valores que oscilaram entre 2,42 e 3,74 mig/dl.


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The present work evaluated larvae cannibalism of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, originated from eggs exposed to triiodothyronine, in the period of 36 to 72 hours after hatching. Observed parameters were: weight and length of larvae, stomach content, presence of cannibalism and type of attacks. This study was carried out at Centro de Pesquisa e Gestao de Recursos Pesqueiros Continentais (CEPTA/IBAMA), Pirassununga-SP, in November 2004. Three females were hormonally induced to spawn and pooled oocytes were fertilized and separated into four batches that constituted the treatments: L-1 (control - water); L-2 (0.01 ppm T-3); L-3 (0.05 ppm T-3) and L-4 (0.1 ppm T-3). Eggs were exposed during 15 minutes to water or to solutions containing the different concentrations of T3. Eggs were distributed in 12 conic incubators (60 L), with three replicates per treatment. There was stocked 500 mL of eggs per incubator and hatched larvae were counted. Samples of 30 larvae per treatment were colleted during occurrence of cannibalism (36, 48, 60 and 72 hours post hatching). Predator larvae (with rests of larvae in the stomach) were 50% of the total number of larvae and they presented weight 50% higher compared to that of non predator larvae (without rests of larvae in the stomach) and 9% higher regarding length. Coefficient of variation of weight and length did not differ among treatments, showing similarity in relation to the size. The stomach content revealed that cannibalism occurred in around 50-60 % of larvae, regardless the exposure to the triiodothyronine, and attacks were characterized as head-tail and tail-head attacks.


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O matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, espécie nativa oriunda da Bacia Amazônica, apresenta características adequadas para a piscicultura. Entretanto, trata-se de peixe reofílico, sendo necessário manejo adequado para induzir à reprodução. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o perfil da triiodotironina (T3) plasmática no matrinxã, durante 16 meses (outubro/97 a janeiro/99), relacionando-o com a maturação sexual, além de testar a ação do T3 associado ao extrato pituitário de carpa na reprodução induzida da espécie. O experimento foi conduzido no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Peixes Tropicais - CEPTA, Pirassununga, SP, e no Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal, da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal - UNESP. Foram amostrados, mensalmente, 8 a 12 peixes, de ambos os sexos, totalizando 173 animais, de onde retirou-se sangue para dosagem do T3 plasmático. As gônadas foram removidas para análise histológica com identificação do sexo e determinação do estádio de maturação. Analisaram-se testículos e ovários de 161 peixes em corte transversal, tendo predominado machos (63,35%) e o estádio sexual imaturo entre ambos. A concentração plasmática de T3 foi maior de dezembro a janeiro, para machos e fêmeas, coincidindo com o período de maior atividade reprodutiva da espécie e maiores temperaturas da água. em janeiro/99, reprodutores de matrinxã foram induzidos com extrato de pituitária de carpa (EPC) associado à administração de T3 (20 mg/kg em 0,1 mL de suspensão oleosa). Os resultados sugeriram que o T3 atuou sinergicamente à gonadotropina do extrato hipofisário e que o tratamento agudo de triiodotironina com o EPC pode estimular o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-ovário. O tempo de eclosão das larvas provenientes das fêmeas tratadas com o T3 foi menor e o crescimento inicial e a sobrevivência dessas larvas, maiores.


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The fatigue crack behavior in metals and alloys under constant amplitude test conditions is usually described by relationships between the crack growth rate da/dN and the stress intensity factor range Delta K. In the present work, an enhanced two-parameter exponential equation of fatigue crack growth was introduced in order to describe sub-critical crack propagation behavior of Al 2524-T3 alloy, commonly used in aircraft engineering applications. It was demonstrated that besides adequately correlating the load ratio effects, the exponential model also accounts for the slight deviations from linearity shown by the experimental curves. A comparison with Elber, Kujawski and "Unified Approach" models allowed for verifying the better performance, when confronted to the other tested models, presented by the exponential model. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Osteoclastogenesis may be regulated via activation of the RANK/RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B/ receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand) system, which is mediated by osteoblasts. However, the bone loss mechanism induced by T3 (triiodothyronine) is still controversial. In this study, osteoblastic lineage rat cells (ROS 17/2.8) were treated with T3 (10(-8) M 10(-9) 10 M, and 10(-10) M), and RANKL mRNA (messenger RNA) expression was measured by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Our results show that T3 concentrations used did not significantly enhance RANKL expression compared to controls without hormone treatment. This data suggests that other mechanisms, unrelated to the RANK/RANKL system, might be to activate osteoclast differentiation in these cells.


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The objective was to determine the plasma levels of the triiodothyronine (T-3) and thyroxine (T-4), in six Ideal ewe sheeps during seasonal anoestrus, by radioimmunoassay. The blood samples were collected from the jugular vein catheter over a period of 24 hours, at 2-h intervals (12, 14, 16, IX, 20, 22, 24, OZ, 04, 06, OX, and 10 hours). II was used analysis of variance for data adjustments, and the decomposition of the collected periods in non-orthogonal polynomial. It was observed a crescent linear effect of the T-4 plasma levels, presenting lower level of 49.60+/-11.41 and higher level of 76.99+/-10.0 ng/ml, at fourth and last blood samples collection, respectively. T-3 plasma levels showed a significant cubic response during 24 hours, with the highest value of 0.94+/-0.20 ng/ml at the end of the the study. In conclusion, thyroidal hormones levels were lower in the first blood samples collection, increasing progressively during the night, reaching the highest levels at the morning period.


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Plasma concentrations of triiodothyronine (T-3) and thyroxine (T-4) in five adult Polwarth-ldeal rams located at latitude 22degrees51 'S and longitude 48degrees26'W were evaluated every 2 months for 1 year (June, August, October, December, February, April). Blood collections were made at 2 h intervals for 24 h in each month, and hormone determinations were by radioimmunoassay. Means of T-3 (97.52 +/- 21.45 ng/dL) and T-4 (4.30 +/- 0.94 mug/dL) varied in peaks throughout the 24 h period with the highest concentrations occurring in the afternoon (16:30 and 14:30 h, respectively), and throughout the year where the highest levels were during months of long daylengths (October, December, February). Results suggest circadian and circannual rhythms in thyroid hormone secretion may be present in rams kept relatively close to the equator. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Para verificar o efeito do estresse calórico (EC) nas concentrações plasmáticas de testosterona, triiodotironina (T3) e tiroxina (T4), oito bodes, das raças Saanen (n=4) e Alpina (n=4), foram mantidos em câmara bioclimática, sob condições de termoneutralidade (13,0ºC a 26,7ºC) durante 30 dias e, após um período (60 dias) de descanso, submetidos ao EC (23,7ºC a 34,0ºC) por 30 dias. Para minimizar as variações sazonais nos perfis hormonais devido ao fotoperíodo, durante toda fase experimental, incluindo a de adaptação em condições de termoneutralidade (30 dias), o fotoperíodo foi controlado utilizando-se alternância de dias longos (16h de luz e 8h de escuro) e de dias curtos (8h de luz e 16h de escuro) a cada 30 dias. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas duas vezes por semana durante cinco semanas. No conjunto das raças, o EC não influenciou (P>0,05) as concentrações de testosterona (1,8±0,2 vs 1,3±0,2ng/ml) e nem a de T4 (52,7±2,8 vs 50,0±2,8ng/ml). Houve declínio (P<0,01) das concentrações de T3 nos animais submetidos ao experimento (1,3±0,1 vs 1,0±0,1ng/ml), mas a redução foi observada somente nos bodes Saanen. em ambas as raças, as concentrações de T3 e T4 variaram (P<0,01) conforme o dia da coleta das amostras de sangue. O EC foi suficiente para produzir uma resposta fisiológica com redução das concentrações plasmáticas de T3 em bodes das raças Saanen, mas não da raça Alpina, assim como não foi capaz de alterar os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e nem de T4.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)