992 resultados para Synthetic images
This paper presents a method to recover 3D geometry of Lambertian surfaces by using multiple images taken from the same view point and with the scene illuminated from different positions. This approach differs from Stereo Photometry in that it considers the light source at a finite distance from the object and the perspective projection in image formation. The proposed model allows local solution and recovery of 3D coordinates, in addition to surface orientation. A procedure to calibrate the light sources is also presented. Results of the application of the algorithm to synthetic images are shown.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
[EN] The aortic dissection is a disease that can cause a deadly situation, even with a correct treatment. It consists in a rupture of a layer of the aortic artery wall, causing a blood flow inside this rupture, called dissection. The aim of this paper is to contribute to its diagnosis, detecting the dissection edges inside the aorta. A subpixel accuracy edge detector based on the hypothesis of partial volume effect is used, where the intensity of an edge pixel is the sum of the contribution of each color weighted by its relative area inside the pixel. The method uses a floating window centred on the edge pixel and computes the edge features. The accuracy of our method is evaluated on synthetic images of different hickness and noise levels, obtaining an edge detection with a maximal mean error lower than 16 percent of a pixel.
Nowadays computer simulation is used in various fields, particularly in laboratories where it is used for the exploration data which are sometimes experimentally inaccessible. In less developed countries where there is a need for up to date laboratories for the realization of practical lessons in chemistry, especially in secondary schools and some higher institutions of learning, it may permit learners to carryout experiments such as titrations without the use of laboratory materials and equipments. Computer simulations may also permit teachers to better explain the realities of practical lessons, given that computers have now become very accessible and less expensive compared to the acquisition of laboratory materials and equipments. This work is aimed at coming out with a virtual laboratory that shall permit the simulation of an acid-base titration and an oxidation-reduction titration with the use of synthetic images. To this effect, an appropriate numerical method was used to obtain appropriate organigram, which were further transcribed into source codes with the help of a programming language so as to come out with the software.
Image denoising continues to be an active research topic. Although state-of-the-art denoising methods are numerically impressive and approch theoretical limits, they suffer from visible artifacts.While they produce acceptable results for natural images, human eyes are less forgiving when viewing synthetic images. At the same time, current methods are becoming more complex, making analysis, and implementation difficult. We propose image denoising as a simple physical process, which progressively reduces noise by deterministic annealing. The results of our implementation are numerically and visually excellent. We further demonstrate that our method is particularly suited for synthetic images. Finally, we offer a new perspective on image denoising using robust estimators.
In this work, we present a novel method to compensate the movement in images acquired during free breathing using first-pass gadolinium enhanced, myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). First, we use independent component analysis (ICA) to identify the optimal number of independent components (ICs) that separate the breathing motion from the intensity change induced by the contrast agent. Then, synthetic images are created by recombining the ICs, but other then in previously published work (Milles et al. 2008), we omit the component related to motion, and therefore, the resulting reference image series is free of motion. Motion compensation is then achieved by using a multi-pass non-rigid image registration scheme. We tested our method on 15 distinct image series (5 patients) consisting of 58 images each and we validated our method by comparing manually tracked intensity profiles of the myocardial sections to automatically generated ones before and after registration. The average correlation to the manually obtained curves before registration 0:89 0:11 was increased to 0:98 0:02
La presente tesis doctoral tiene por objeto el estudio y análisis de técnicas y modelos de obtención de parámetros biofísicos e indicadores ambientales, de manera automatizada a partir de imágenes procedentes de satélite de alta resolución temporal. En primer lugar se revisan los diferentes programas espaciales de observación del territorio, con especial atención a los que proporcionan dicha resolución. También se han revisado las metodologías y procesos que permiten la obtención de diferentes parámetros cuantitativos y documentos cualitativos, relacionados con diversos aspectos de las cubiertas terrestres, atendiendo a su adaptabilidad a las particularidades de los datos. En segundo lugar se propone un modelo de obtención de parámetros ambientales, que integra información proveniente de sensores espaciales y de otras fuentes auxiliares utilizando, en cierta medida, las metodologías presentadas en apartados anteriores y optimizando algunas de las referidas o proponiendo otras nuevas, de manera que se permita dicha obtención de manera eficiente, a partir de los datos disponibles y de forma sistemática. Tras esta revisión de metodologías y propuesta del modelo, se ha procedido a la realización de experimentos, con la finalidad de comprobar su comportamiento en diferentes casos prácticos, depurar los flujos de datos y procesos, así como establecer las situaciones que pueden afectar a los resultados. De todo ello se deducirá la evaluación del referido modelo. Los sensores considerados en este trabajo han sido MODIS, de alta resolución temporal y Thematic Mapper (TM), de media resolución espacial, por tratarse de instrumentos de referencia en la realización de estudios ambientales. También por la duración de sus correspondientes misiones de registro de datos, lo que permite realizar estudios de evolución temporal de ciertos parámetros biofísicos, durante amplios periodos de tiempo. Así mismo. es de destacar que la continuidad de los correspondientes programas parece estar asegurada. Entre los experimentos realizados, se ha ensayado una metodología para la integración de datos procedentes de ambos sensores. También se ha analizado un método de interpolación temporal que permite obtener imágenes sintéticas con la resolución espacial de TM (30 m) y la temporal de MODIS (1 día), ampliando el rango de aplicación de este último sensor. Asimismo, se han analizado algunos de los factores que afectan a los datos registrados, tal como la geometría de la toma de los mismos y los episodios de precipitación, los cuales alteran los resultados obtenidos. Por otro lado, se ha comprobado la validez del modelo propuesto en el estudio de fenómenos ambientales dinámicos, en concreto la contaminación orgánica de aguas embalsadas. Finalmente, se ha demostrado un buen comportamiento del modelo en todos los casos ensayados, así como su flexibilidad, lo que le permite adaptarse a nuevos orígenes de datos, o nuevas metodologías de cálculo. Abstract This thesis aims to the study and analysis of techniques and models, in order to obtain biophysical parameters and environmental indicators in an automated way, using high temporal resolution satellite data. Firstly we have reviewed the main Earth Observation Programs, paying attention to those that provide high temporal resolution. Also have reviewed the methodologies and process flow diagrams in order to obtain quantitative parameters and qualitative documents, relating to various aspects of land cover, according to their adaptability to the peculiarities of the data. In the next stage, a model which allows obtaining environmental parameters, has been proposed. This structure integrates information from space sensors and ancillary data sources, using the methodologies presented in previous sections that permits the parameters calculation in an efficient and automated way. After this review of methodologies and the proposal of the model, we proceeded to carry out experiments, in order to check the behavior of the structure in real situations. From this, we derive the accuracy of the model. The sensors used in this work have been MODIS, which is a high temporal resolution sensor, and Thematic Mapper (TM), which is a medium spatial resolution instrument. This choice was motivated because they are reference sensors in environmental studies, as well as for the duration of their corresponding missions of data logging, and whose continuity seems assured. Among the experiments, we tested a methodology that allows the integration of data from cited sensors, we discussed a proposal for a temporal interpolation method for obtaining synthetic images with spatial resolution of TM (30 m) and temporal of MODIS (1 day), extending the application range of this one. Furthermore, we have analyzed some of the factors that affect the recorded data, such as the relative position of the satellite with the ground point, and the rainfall events, which alter the obtained results. On the other hand, we have proven the validity of the proposed model in the study of the organic contamination in inland water bodies. Finally, we have demonstrated a good performance of the proposed model in all cases tested, as well as its flexibility and adaptability.
Deformable Template models are first applied to track the inner wall of coronary arteries in intravascular ultrasound sequences, mainly in the assistance to angioplasty surgery. A circular template is used for initializing an elliptical deformable model to track wall deformation when inflating a balloon placed at the tip of the catheter. We define a new energy function for driving the behavior of the template and we test its robustness both in real and synthetic images. Finally we introduce a framework for learning and recognizing spatio-temporal geometric constraints based on Principal Component Analysis (eigenconstraints).
We are concerned with the problem of image segmentation in which each pixel is assigned to one of a predefined finite number of classes. In Bayesian image analysis, this requires fusing together local predictions for the class labels with a prior model of segmentations. Markov Random Fields (MRFs) have been used to incorporate some of this prior knowledge, but this not entirely satisfactory as inference in MRFs is NP-hard. The multiscale quadtree model of Bouman and Shapiro (1994) is an attractive alternative, as this is a tree-structured belief network in which inference can be carried out in linear time (Pearl 1988). It is an hierarchical model where the bottom-level nodes are pixels, and higher levels correspond to downsampled versions of the image. The conditional-probability tables (CPTs) in the belief network encode the knowledge of how the levels interact. In this paper we discuss two methods of learning the CPTs given training data, using (a) maximum likelihood and the EM algorithm and (b) emphconditional maximum likelihood (CML). Segmentations obtained using networks trained by CML show a statistically-significant improvement in performance on synthetic images. We also demonstrate the methods on a real-world outdoor-scene segmentation task.
A parametric method that extracts the ocean wave directional spectra from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is presented. The 180 degrees ambiguity of SAR image and the loss of information beyond the azimuthal cutoff can be overcome with this method. The ocean wave spectra can be obtained from SAR image directly by using iteration inversion mapping method with forward nonlinear mapping. Some numerical experiments have been made by using ERS-1 satellite SAR imagette data. The ocean wave direction retrieved from SAR imagette data is in agreement with the wind direction from the scatterometer data.
An improved Boundary Contour System (BCS) and Feature Contour System (FCS) neural network model of preattentive vision is applied to large images containing range data gathered by a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor. The goal of processing is to make structures such as motor vehicles, roads, or buildings more salient and more interpretable to human observers than they are in the original imagery. Early processing by shunting center-surround networks compresses signal dynamic range and performs local contrast enhancement. Subsequent processing by filters sensitive to oriented contrast, including short-range competition and long-range cooperation, segments the image into regions. The segmentation is performed by three "copies" of the BCS and FCS, of small, medium, and large scales, wherein the "short-range" and "long-range" interactions within each scale occur over smaller or larger distances, corresponding to the size of the early filters of each scale. A diffusive filling-in operation within the segmented regions at each scale produces coherent surface representations. The combination of BCS and FCS helps to locate and enhance structure over regions of many pixels, without the resulting blur characteristic of approaches based on low spatial frequency filtering alone.
An improved Boundary Contour System (BCS) and Feature Contour System (FCS) neural network model of preattentive vision is applied to two large images containing range data gathered by a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor. The goal of processing is to make structures such as motor vehicles, roads, or buildings more salient and more interpretable to human observers than they are in the original imagery. Early processing by shunting center-surround networks compresses signal dynamic range and performs local contrast enhancement. Subsequent processing by filters sensitive to oriented contrast, including short-range competition and long-range cooperation, segments the image into regions. Finally, a diffusive filling-in operation within the segmented regions produces coherent visible structures. The combination of BCS and FCS helps to locate and enhance structure over regions of many pixels, without the resulting blur characteristic of approaches based on low spatial frequency filtering alone.
A near real-time flood detection algorithm giving a synoptic overview of the extent of flooding in both urban and rural areas, and capable of working during night-time and day-time even if cloud was present, could be a useful tool for operational flood relief management. The paper describes an automatic algorithm using high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data that builds on existing approaches, including the use of image segmentation techniques prior to object classification to cope with the very large number of pixels in these scenes. Flood detection in urban areas is guided by the flood extent derived in adjacent rural areas. The algorithm assumes that high resolution topographic height data are available for at least the urban areas of the scene, in order that a SAR simulator may be used to estimate areas of radar shadow and layover. The algorithm proved capable of detecting flooding in rural areas using TerraSAR-X with good accuracy, and in urban areas with reasonable accuracy. The accuracy was reduced in urban areas partly because of TerraSAR-X’s restricted visibility of the ground surface due to radar shadow and layover.
A near real-time flood detection algorithm giving a synoptic overview of the extent of flooding in both urban and rural areas, and capable of working during night-time and day-time even if cloud was present, could be a useful tool for operational flood relief management and flood forecasting. The paper describes an automatic algorithm using high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data that assumes that high resolution topographic height data are available for at least the urban areas of the scene, in order that a SAR simulator may be used to estimate areas of radar shadow and layover. The algorithm proved capable of detecting flooding in rural areas using TerraSAR-X with good accuracy, and in urban areas with reasonable accuracy.