957 resultados para Symptom Clusters


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Ao contrário da maioria dos transtornos psiquiátricos, o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) apresenta uma fator causal necessário, embora não-suficiente: a exposição a um evento traumático (EPT). Em consequência deste evento desenvolvem-se três dimensões de sintomas: revivescência, esquiva/ entorpecimento emocional e hiperexcitabilidade. Um dos achados mais relevantes das pesquisas epidemiológicas de TEPT é que embora a maioria dos indivíduos seja exposta a um evento traumático em algum momento de sua vida, apenas uma minoria destes vai desenvolver o transtorno. Desta forma, a maior parte dos indivíduos expostos pode ser considerada resiliente. A resiliência consiste, portanto, na capacidade de adaptação eficaz diante de um distúrbio, estresse ou adversidade. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com metanálise de estudos longitudinais que investigaram fatores preditores de resiliência ao desenvolvimento de TEPT. A ausência de TEPT foi considerada proxy de resiliência. Em função do grande número de estudos identificados pela estratégia de busca, decidimos post hoc restringir as variáveis preditoras a apoio social (AS), personalidade, autoestima e eventos de vida potencialmente estressantes (EVPE). Apenas vinte artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. Treze estudos avaliaram apoio social, nove avaliaram personalidade e dois avaliaram EVPE. Nenhum dos trabalhos que pesquisou autoestima era elegível. Dezesseis dos vinte estudos incluídos nesta revisão avaliaram a associação de interesse na população geral. A maioria dos trabalhos avaliou a exposição de interesse após o EPT. Ainda que alguns destes tenham tentado captar a informação sobre a exposição antes do ocorrido, devido à natureza retrospectiva desta aferição, não há como se isentar o potencial efeito do trauma sobre resultado obtido. Além disso, foi observada grande heterogeneidade entre as pesquisas, limitando o número de estudos incluídos nas metanálises. Neuroticismo foi a única dimensão de personalidade avaliada por mais de um estudo. As medidas sumárias resultantes da combinação destes trabalhos revelaram que maior apoio social positivo prediz resiliência ao TEPT enquanto neuroticismo reduz a chance de resiliência. Os dois estudos que investigaram EVPE não puderam ser combinados. Um deles foi inconclusivo e o outro demonstrou associação entre menor número de EVPE e resiliência. Ressaltamos que as medidas sumárias devem ser interpretadas com cautela devido à grande heterogeneidade entre os estudos. Heterogeneidade na forma de avaliação dos fatores preditores de resiliência ao TEPT é compreensível devido à complexidade dos construtos avaliados. Todavia, a falta de padronização do método de operacionalização reduz a comparabilidade dos resultados.


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O transtorno do estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) e alterações lipídicas são as temáticas principais dessa Dissertação. Seu objetivo principal foi investigar a associação entre o TEPT e as concentrações séricas de colesterol total (CT), lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL), lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) e triglicerídeos (TG) através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura seguida de metanálise. Adicionalmente, a relação entre essas variáveis lipídicas e os grupos de sintomas do TEPT revivescência, esquiva/entorpecimento emocional e hiperestimulação autonômica foi avaliada em um segundo estudo com dados primários. A metanálise incluiu 18 artigos, totalizando 2.110 indivíduos com TEPT e 17.550 indivíduos sem TEPT. As diferenças de médias ponderadas (DMP) mg/dL dos parâmetros lipídicos foram calculadas por modelos de efeitos aleatórios e modelos de meta-regressão foram ajustados para investigar possíveis fontes de heterogeneidade. O estudo encontrou que o TEPT foi associado a um pior perfil lipídico quando comparados a controles sem o transtorno (DMPCT= 20,57, IC 95% 12,21 28,93; DMPLDL= 12,11, IC 95% 5,89 18,32; DMPHDL= -3,73, IC 95% -5,97 -1,49; DMPTG= 35,87, IC 95% 21,12 50,61). A heterogeneidade estatística entre os resultados dos estudos foi alta para todos os parâmetros lipídicos e a variável que mais pareceu explicar essas inconsistências foi idade. O segundo artigo faz parte de um estudo maior conduzido em 2004 com 157 policiais do sexo masculino do Batalhão de Choque da Polícia Militar do Estado de Goiás (BPMCHOQUE). Somente oficiais de férias ou em dispensa inclusive dispensa médica não foram avaliados. O instrumento utilizado para o rastreio do TEPT foi a versão em português para civis da Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-C). Trinta e nove participantes (25%) foram excluídos do estudo: dois porque falharam no preenchimento dos questionários e 37 cujas amostras de sangue não foram coletadas por vários motivos. Neste trabalho, encontrou-se uma forte correlação positiva entre as concentrações séricas de CT e LDL com o grupo de sintomas de hiperestimulação autonômica, somente no grupo TEPT: ρ= 0,89 (p<0,01) e ρ =0,92 (p<0,01), respectivamente. Em suma, espera-se que os resultados dessa Dissertação possam colaborar para o estabelecimento de um melhor acompanhamento clínico de pacientes com TEPT, particularmente porque estes parecem estar sob um maior risco de doenças cardiovasculares devido a um pior perfil lipídico.


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Background: This study examined dissociation, shame, guilt and intimate relationship difficulties in those with chronic and complex PTSD. Little is known about how these symptom clusters interplay within the complex PTSD constellation. Dissociation was examined as a principle organizing construct
within complex PTSD. In addition, the impact of shame, guilt and dissociation on relationship difficulties was explored.
Methods: Sixty five treatment-receiving adults attending a Northern Irish service for conflict-related trauma were assessed on measures of dissociation, state and trait shame, behavioral responses to shame, state and trait guilt, complex PTSD symptom severity and relationship difficulties.
Results: Ninety five percent (n=62) of participants scored above cut-off for complex PTSD. Those with clinical levels of dissociation (n=27) were significantly higher on complex PTSD symptom severity, state and trait shame, state guilt, withdrawal in response to shame and relationship preoccupation than subclinical dissociators (n=38). Dissociation and state and trait shame predicted complex PTSD. Fear of relationships was predicted by dissociation, complex PTSD and avoidance in response to shame, while complex PTSD predicted relationship anxiety and relationship depression.
Limitations: The study was limited to a relatively homogeneous sample of individuals with chronic and complex PTSD drawn from a single service.
Conclusions: Complex PTSD has significant consequences for intimate relationships, and dissociation makes an independent contribution to these difficulties. Dissociation also has an organizing effect on
complex PTSD symptoms.


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Objectives: Unipolar and bipolar depression differ neurobiologically and in clinical presentation. Existing depression rating instruments, used in bipolar depression, fail to capture the necessary phenomenological nuances, as they are based on and skewed towards the characteristics of unipolar depression. Both clinically and in research there is a growing need for a new observer-rated scale that is specifically designed to assess bipolar depression.

: An instrument reflecting the characteristics of bipolar depression was drafted by the authors, and administered to 122 participants aged 18–65 (44 males and 78 females) with a diagnosis of DSM-IV bipolar disorder, who were currently experiencing symptoms of depression. The Bipolar Depression Rating Scale (BDRS) was administered together with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS).

Results: The BDRS has strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.917), and robust correlation coefficients with the MADRS (r = 0.906) and HAM-D (r = 0.744), and the mixed subscale correlated with the YMRS (r = 0.757). Exploratory factor analysis showed a three-factor solution gave the best account of the data. These factors corresponded to depression (somatic), depression (psychological) and mixed symptom clusters.

Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the validity of the BDRS for the measurement of depression in bipolar disorder. These results suggest good internal validity, provisional evidence of inter-rater reliability and strong correlations with other depression rating scales.


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Background: The phenomenology of unipolar and bipolar disorders differ in a number of ways, such as the presence of mixed states and atypical features. Conventional depression rating instruments are designed to capture the characteristics of unipolar depression and have limitations in capturing the breadth of bipolar disorder.

Method: The Bipolar Depression Rating Scale (BDRS) was administered together with the Montgomery Asberg Rating Scale (MADRS) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) in a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial of N-acetyl cysteine for bipolar disorder (N = 75).

Results: A factor analysis showed a two-factor solution: depression and mixed symptom clusters. The BDRS has strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.917), the depression cluster showed robust correlation with the MADRS (r = 0.865) and the mixed subscale correlated with the YMRS (r = 0.750).

Conclusion: The BDRS has good internal validity and inter-rater reliability and is sensitive to change in the context of a clinical trial.


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In contrast to studies of depression and psychosis, the first part of this study showed no major differences in serum levels of cytokines and tryptophan metabolites between healthy children and those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder of the combined type (ADHD). Yet, small decreases of potentially toxic kynurenine metabolites and increases of cytokines were evident in subgroups. Therefore we examined predictions of biochemical associations with the major symptom clusters, measures of attention and response variability.


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The translation from psychiatric core symptoms to brain functions and vice versa is a largely unresolved issue. In particular, the search for disorders of single brain regions explaining classical symptoms has not yielded the expected results. Based on the assumption that the psychopathology of psychosis is related to a functional imbalance of higher-order brain systems, the authors focused on three specific candidate brain circuitries, namely the language, and limbic and motor systems. These domains are of particular interest for understanding the disastrous communication breakdown during psychotic disorders. Core symptoms of psychosis were mapped on these domains by shaping their definitions in order to match the related brain functions. The resulting psychopathological assessment scale was tested for interrater reliability and internal consistency in a group of 168 psychotic patients. The items of the scale were reliable and a principal component analysis (PCA) was best explained by a solution resembling the three candidate systems. Based on the results, the scale was optimized as an instrument to identify patient subgroups characterized by a prevailing dysfunction of one or more of these systems. In conclusion, the scale is apt to distinguish symptom domains related to the activity of defined brain systems. PCA showed a certain degree of independence of the system-specific symptom clusters within the patient group, indicating relative subgroups of psychosis. The scale is understood as a research instrument to investigate psychoses based on a system-oriented approach. Possible immediate advantages in the clinical application of the understanding of psychoses related to system-specific symptom domains are also discussed.


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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) confers an increased cardiovascular risk. In 14 otherwise healthy patients with PTSD and in 14 age- and gender-matched non-PTSD controls, we investigated whether the categorical diagnosis of PTSD and severity of PTSD symptom clusters (i.e. re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal, and overall score) would be associated with plasma concentrations of three markers of endothelial dysfunction [soluble tissue factor (sTF), von Willebrand factor (VWF), and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1]. Compared with controls, patients had significantly higher sTF; this difference became nonsignificant when controlling for psychological distress. VWF and sICAM-1 levels were not significantly different between patients and controls. In the entire sample virtually all PTSD symptom clusters correlated significantly and positively with sTF and VWF but not with sICAM-1. The correlation between symptoms of re-experiencing and sTF was significantly different between patients and controls. Controlling for symptoms of anxiety and depression (i.e. psychological distress) rendered most associations between PTSD symptom clusters and sTF nonsignificant, whereas controlling for age retained significance of associations with VWF. Posttraumatic stress showed a continuous relationship with sTF and VWF, with the former relationship being partly affected by psychological distress. This suggests one mechanism by which posttraumatic stress could contribute to atherosclerosis.


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OBJECTIVES Myocardial infarction (MI) may be experienced as a traumatic event causing acute stress disorder (ASD). This mental disorder has an impact on the daily life of patients and is associated with the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. Trait resilience has been shown to be a protective factor for post-traumatic stress disorder, but its association with ASD in patients with MI is elusive and was examined in this study. METHODS We investigated 71 consecutive patients with acute MI within 48 h of having stable haemodynamic conditions established and for 3 months thereafter. All patients completed the Acute Stress Disorder Scale and the Resilience Scale to self-rate the severity of ASD symptoms and trait resilience, respectively. RESULTS Hierarchical regression analysis showed that greater resilience was associated with lower symptoms of ASD independent of covariates (b=-0.22, p<0.05). Post hoc analysis revealed resilience level to be inversely associated with the ASD symptom clusters of re-experiencing (b=-0.05, p<0.05) and arousal (b=-0.09, p<0.05), but not with dissociation and avoidance. CONCLUSIONS The findings suggest that patients with acute MI with higher trait resilience experience relatively fewer symptoms of ASD during MI. Resilience was particularly associated with re-experiencing and arousal symptoms. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of resilience as a potentially important correlate of ASD in the context of traumatic situations such as acute MI. These results emphasise the importance of identifying patients with low resilience in medical settings and to offer them adequate support.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Background: People living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) experience multiple symptoms due to both the disease and its treatment, these symptoms are often under recognized. The majority of studies have focused on an individual symptom; however these symptoms rarely occur in isolation and may instead occur in clusters. Aim of review: This review investigated the total symptom burden in advanced CKD (stages 4 and 5) and identified the key instruments that are used to assess multiple symptoms. Methods: A literature search from 2006 to 2012 was undertaken and a total of 19 articles were included. Result: The most common CKD symptoms were fatigue or lack of energy, feeling drowsy, pain and pruritus. However, symptom assessment instruments varied between studies, often with inconsistent or inadequate symptom dimensions. Conclusion: People with CKD experience a high burden of symptom, although little is known about the burden for people with CKD stage 4 and for those with CKD stage 5 receiving PD. This review recommends that a full range of symptoms be assessed for those at different stages of CKD. Improved understanding of the burden of symptoms could be used as the basis for treatment choices and for identifying priorities which are likely to contribute to a better quality of life and improve the quality of care.


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Background: Athletic groin pain (AGP) is prevalent in sports involving repeated accelerations, decelerations, kicking and change-of-direction movements. Clinical and radiological examinations lack the ability to assess pathomechanics of AGP, but three-dimensional biomechanical movement analysis may be an important innovation. Aim: The primary aim was to describe and analyse movements used by patients with AGP during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. The secondary aim was to determine if specific anatomical diagnoses were related to a distinct movement strategy. Methods: 322 athletes with a current symptom of chronic AGP participated. Structured and standardised clinical assessments and radiological examinations were performed on all participants. Additionally, each participant performed multiple repetitions of a planned maximum effort change-of-direction task during which whole body kinematics were recorded. Kinematic and kinetic data were examined using continuous waveform analysis techniques in combination with a subgroup design that used gap statistic and hierarchical clustering. Results: Three subgroups (clusters) were identified. Kinematic and kinetic measures of the clusters differed strongly in patterns observed in thorax, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle. Cluster 1 (40%) was characterised by increased ankle eversion, external rotation and knee internal rotation and greater knee work. Cluster 2 (15%) was characterised by increased hip flexion, pelvis contralateral drop, thorax tilt and increased hip work. Cluster 3 (45%) was characterised by high ankle dorsiflexion, thorax contralateral drop, ankle work and prolonged ground contact time. No correlation was observed between movement clusters and clinically palpated location of the participant's pain. Conclusions: We identified three distinct movement strategies among athletes with long-standing groin pain during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. These movement strategies were not related to clinical assessment findings but highlighted targets for rehabilitation in response to possible propagative mechanisms. Trial registration number NCT02437942, pre results.