274 resultados para Surubim-do-Paraiba


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Triplicate groups of juvenile suribim were fed for 183 days one of four different isonitrogenous (47.6% crude protein) and isolipidic (18.7% lipid) diets formulated using three different lipid sources: 100% fish oil (FO, diet 1); 100% pig lard (L, diet 2); 100% soybean oil (SO, diet 3), and FO/L/SO (1:1:1, w/w/w; diet 4). The tissue levels of fatty acids 18:2n - 6 and 18:3n - 3 decreased relative to corresponding dietary fatty acid values. The 20:5n - 3 and 22:6n - 3 composition of muscle and liver neutral lipids were linearly correlated with corresponding dietary fatty acid composition. In contrast, the 22:6n - 3 composition of the brain and eye were similar among treatments. The 22:6n - 3 level was enriched in all tissues, particularly in the neural tissues. Similar results were observed for tissue polar lipids: fatty acids content reflected dietary composition, with the exception of the 22:6n - 3 level, which showed enrichment and no differences between groups. Given these results, the importance of the biochemical functions (transport and/or metabolism) of 22:6n - 3 in the development of the neural system of surubim warrants further investigation. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.


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The current study evaluated the growth performance and the haematological profile of barred sorubim fed with levels of hybrid sorubim viscera protein concentrate (0.0; 5.0; 10.0 e 15.0%) in isoprotein and isoenergetic diets. Eighty fish with an average initial weight of 39.8 ± 0.28 g and an average initial length of 19.92 ± 0.25 cm were distributed in 16 aquaria of 60 L, with recirculation system and temperature control, during 35 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and four replications. For the growth performance assay were analyzed the follows variables: weight gain (WG), feed consumption (FC), apparent feed conversion ratio (AFCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER). Furthermore, the hemogram were assessed on the treated fish with levels of protein concentrate. It was observed no significant difference (P>0.05) for all the parameters evaluated. It was concluded that the protein concentrate from hybrid sorubim viscera can be included up to 15% in diets for barred sorubim juveniles without negative response on the performance and health.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute glyphosate (active ingredient) exposure on the oxidative stress biomarkers and antioxidant defenses of a hybrid surubim (Pseudoplatystoma sp). The fish were exposed to different herbicide concentrations for 96 h. The thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), protein carbonyls and antioxidant responses were verified. The 15 mg a.p L-1 of herbicide resulted in the death of 50% of the fish after 96 h. An increase in liver and muscle TBARS levels was observed when fish were exposed to the herbicide. The protein carbonyl content was also increased in the liver (4.5 mg a.p L-1 concentration) and brain (2.25 mg a.p L-1 concentration). The antioxidant activities decreased in the liver and brain after exposure to herbicide. Levels of ascorbic acid in the liver (2.25 mg a.p L-1 and 4.5 mg a.p L-1 concentrations) and brain (2.25 mg a.p L-1 concentration) were increased post-treatment. Levels of total thiols were increased in the liver and brain (2.25 mg L-1 and 7.5 mg a.p L-1, respectively). Glyphosate exposure, at the tested concentrations affects surubim health by promoting changes that can affect their survival in natural environment. Some parameters as TBARS and protein carbonyl could be early biomarkers for Roundup exposure in this fish species. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the effect of glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup Original), the major herbicide used in soybean crops in Mato Grosso state, at concentrations of 0, 2.25, 4.5, 7.5, and 15 mg L-1 on metabolic and behavior parameters of the hybrid fish surubim in an acute exposure lasting 96 h. Glycogen content, glucose, lactate, and protein levels were measured in different tissues. Plasma levels of cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were also determined. Ventilatory frequency (VF) and swimming activity (SA) were considered behavior parameters. Results showed that herbicide exposure decreased plasma glucose levels and increased it in surubim liver. Lactate increased in both plasma and liver but decreased in muscle. Protein levels decreased in plasma and muscle but increased in liver. After herbicide exposure, liver and muscle glycogen was decreased. Cholesterol levels decreased in plasma at all concentrations tested. Plasma ALT increased, and no alterations were recorded for AST levels. VF increased after glyphosate exposure (5 min) and decreased after 96 h. SA showed differences among all groups (5 min). At the end of 96 h, SA was altered by the 7.5 mg L-1 concentration. Fish used anaerobic glycolysis as indicated by generally decreased glycogen levels and decreased lactate levels in muscle but increased ones in plasma and liver. We suggest that the studied parameters could be used as indicators of herbicide toxicity in surubim and may provide extremely important information for understanding the biology of the animal and its responsiveness to external stimuli (stressors).


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The emphasis in this research is to evaluate the spatial distribution of the precipitation using a geostatistics approach. Seasonal time scales records considering DJF, MAM, JJA e SON periods performed the analysis. Procedures to evaluate the variogram selection and to produce kriging maps were performed in a GIS environment (ArcGIS®). The results showed that kriging method was very suitable to detect both large changes in the whole area as those local small and subtle changes. Kriging demonstrated be a powerful statistical interpolation method that might be very useful in regions with great complexity in climatology and geomorphology.


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Higino S.S.S., Alves C.J., Santos C.S.A.B., Vasconcellos S.A., Silva M.L.C.R., Brasil A.W.L., Pimenta C.L.R.M. & Azevedo S.S. 2012. [Prevalence of leptospirosis in dairy goats in the semiarid region of Paraiba state.] Prevalencia de leptospirose em caprinos leiteiros do semiarido paraibano. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(3):199-203. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Saude e Tecnologia Rural, Unidade Academica de Medicina Veterinaria, Av. Universitaria s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: sergio.azevedo@pq.cnpq.br This study aimed to determine the prevalence of positive dairy goat herds and seropositive animals for leptospirosis in the semiarid region of Paraiba state, Brazil. Sampling was designed to determine the prevalence of positive herds (foci) and seropositive animals for leptospirosis. A total of 975 serum samples were collected from goats of 110 dairy herds in the Monteiro municipality, Western Cariri microregion of Paraiba. For the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was carried out using 24 Leptospira spp. serovars as antigens. A herd was considered positive when existed at least one seropositive animal. The prevalence of positive herds and seropositive animals were 43.6% (95% CI = 34.2-53.4%) and 8.7% (95% CI = 58.7-12.9%) respectively. The most frequent serovars in goats were Autumnalis (1.74%; 95% CI = 0.97-3.09%), Sentot (1.71%; 95% CI = 0.82-3.52%) and Whitcomb (1.39%; 95% CI = 0.65-2.93%), and by herd, serovars Autumnalis (10.9%; 95% CI = 5.8-18.3%), Whitcomb (8.2%; 95% CI = 3.8-15.0%) and Sentot and Patoc (7.3%; 95% CI = 3.2-13.8%) were the most frequent. It is suggested that leptospirosis is spread in goats in the region, and that there is need to implement control and preventive measures in order to reduce infection and economic losses, and to avoid possible transmission of infection to humans.


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A case-control study (2008-2009) analyzed risk factors for preterm birth in the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba State, Brazil. A total of 341 preterm births and 424 controls were included. A multiple logistic regression model was used. Risk factors for preterm birth were: previous history of preterm birth (OR = 2.32; 95% CI: 1.25-4.29), maternal age (OR = 2.00; 95% CI: 1.00-4.03), inadequate prenatal care (OR = 2.15; 95% CI: 1.40-3.27), inadequate maternal weight gain (OR = 2.33; 95% CI: 1.45-3.75), maternal physical injury (OR = 2.10; 95% CI: 1.22-3.60), hypertension with eclampsia (OR = 17.08; 95% CI: 3.67-79.43) and without eclampsia (OR = 6.42; 95% CI: 3.50-11.76), hospitalization (OR = 5.64; 95% CI: 3.47-9.15), altered amniotic fluid volume (OR = 2.28; 95% CI: 1.32-3.95), vaginal bleeding (OR = 1.54; 95% CI: 1.01-2.34), and multiple gestation (OR = 22.65; 95% CI: 6.22-82.46). High and homogeneous prevalence of poverty and low maternal schooling among both cases and controls may have contributed to the fact that socioeconomic variables did not remain significantly associated with preterm birth.


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Peat palynomorphs from Eugenio de Melo, middle valley of Paraiba do Sul River, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This paper presents palynomorphs identified in the peats of the Eugenio de Melo region, the middle valley of the Paraiba do Sul River, Sao Paulo State. The samples were collected at intervals of 10 cm from a core with 3.90 m deep, aged between 11400-11220 and 490-290 cal. years B.P. Three types of algae were identified and presented, and ten spores, two gymnosperm pollen grains and thirty-nine angiosperms were described, with their own ecological information.


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Le Indicazioni Geografiche (IG) giocano un ruolo importante nella crescita economica e nello sviluppo territoriale rurale quando una determinata qualità di prodotto, reputazione o altra caratteristica del prodotto siano attribuibili essenzialmente alla sua origine geografica. In questa ricerca si è verificato la possibilità di valorizzare la regione del Brasile denominata Vale do Paraiba Fluminense, soprannominata “Vale do Café” e di mettere in luce le potenzialità del caffè come prodotto di qualità, sostenibile sotto il profilo ambientale e sociale: un vero e proprio patrimonio culturale che può rivelarsi una valida risorsa economica per il territorio. Nella prima fase dell'indagine è stata realizzata la ricerca a tavolino e sul campo fondata sulle fonti bibliografiche; nella seconda fase è stata applicata la Metodologia Partecipativa della FAO per identificare il collegamento dell’area di origine e del prodotto locale ed il suo potenziale di sviluppo con le risorse locali attraverso questionari on line. Nell’analisi qualitativa sono stati intervistati rappresentanti delle differenti categorie di stakeholder per arricchire il quadro sul contesto storico della regione. Infine, nella parte quantitativa sono stati applicati dei questionari ai consumatori di caffè del territorio. A conclusione della ricerca il territorio potrebbe reintrodurre un caffè storico, simbolo della ricchezza e decadenza di quella regione come elemento di potenziale economico locale, sfruttando la parte immateriale delle aziende agricole storiche, rilocalizzando il prodotto nella memoria locale, riavvicinando la popolazione alla sua storia e principalmente sensibilizzandola del valore del nome geografico “Vale do Paraiba Fluminense” o “Vale do Café” relazionata alla storia della regione, e del prodotto caffè che si propone rilanciare a favore del territorio, rilocalizzando il nome geografico.


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Enquadramento: Com a redução global da mortalidade infantil no Brasil, o componente perinatal passou a exercer maior influência neste indicador, sendo necessário, portanto, um maior enfoque nas análises dessa componente. Objectivo: Levantar o perfil da mortalidade infantil e fetal e a evitabilidade destes óbitos, no município de Surubim, Pernambuco, no período de Junho de 2011 a Dezembro de 2014. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo com enfoque descritivo, cuja a amostra foi de 56 óbitos investigados com base em 53 Fichas de Investigação da Secretaria de Saúde de Surubim. Este número corresponde a 66,66% dos casos entre 2011 e 2014 em fetos e menores de um ano, residentes de Surubim, Pernambuco. Utilizados como fontes de dados, os Bancos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e o Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) do Ministério da Saúde (DATASUS), ambos com boa cobertura e qualidade satisfatória das informações, e Fichas usadas pelo Grupo Técnico de Investigação do Óbito do Município. Resultados: Em 2011, 23 óbitos (11 fetais e 12 infantis), 07 investigados, 1 fetal e 6 infantis; em 2012, 26 óbitos (12 fetais e 14 infantis), 23 investigados, 9 fetais e 14 infantis; em 2013, 17 óbitos (11 fetais e 6 infantis), 14 investigados, 9 fetais e 5 infantis; e em 2014, 19 óbitos (7 fetais e 12 infantis), 12 investigados, 4 fetais e 8 infantis. A Taxa de Mortalidade Infantil e Fetal para o período foi de 13,8/1000nv e 12,6/1000nv(2011), 15/1000nv e 13/1000nv(2012), 7/1000nv e 12,7/1000nv(2013),13/1000nv e 8/1000nv(2014)nv. 60,61% dos óbitos fetais e 91,3% dos óbitos infantis foram por causas evitáveis. Inconclusivos 06, não evitáveis 02 fetais e 07 Infantis. Conclusão:Consideram-se necessárias mudanças no processo de trabalho da equipe de saúde, capacitação da equipe multidisciplinar na perspectiva de trabalho colaborativo de maior equidade e efetividade clínica de forma a dotar a assistência à mulher fértil, à mulher grávida, à puérpera,ao feto e ao recém-nascido,com vistas à redução da mortalidade infantil e neonatal precoce por causas evitáveis. Palavras-chave: mortalidade infantil, mortalidade neonatal precoce, evitabilidade.