32 resultados para Superluminal


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We have investigated the dispersive properties of excited-doublet four-level atoms interacting with a weak probe field and an intense coupling laser field. We have derived an analytical expression of the dispersion relation for a general excited-doublet four-level atomic system subject to a one-photon detuning. The numerical results demonstrate that for a typical rubidium D1 line configuration, due to the unequal dipole moments for the transitions of each ground state to double excited states, generally there exists no exact dark state in the system. Close to the two-photon resonance, the probe light can be absorbed orgained and propagate in the so-called superluminal form. This system may be used as an optical switch.


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We present radio images of NRAO 530 on scales ranging from pc to kpc. The observations include the EVN at 5 GHz, the VLBA at 1.6, 8.6 and 15 GHz, the MERLIN at 1.6 and 5 GHz, and the VLA at 5, 8.4, 15, 22, and 43 GHz. The VLBI images show a core-jet structure with an oscillating trajectory on a scale of about 30 mas north of the strongest compact component (core). Superluminal motions are detected in five of the jet components with apparent velocities in the range of 13.6 to 25.2c. A new component is detected at 15 GHz with the VLBA observations, which appears to be associated with the outburst in 2002. Significant polarized emission is detected around the core with the VLBA observations at 15 GHz. Rapid variations of the polarization intensity and angle are found between the epochs in 2002 and 2004. On the kpc-scale, a distant component (labelled as WL) located 11 aresec west (PA=-86 degrees) of the core is detected beyond the core-jet structure which extended to several hundreds of mas in the north-west direction (-50 degrees). A significant emission between the core-jet structure and the WL is revealed. A clump of diffuse emission (labelled EL, 12 arcsec long) at PA 70 degrees to the core, is also detected in the VLA observations, suggesting the presence of double lobes in the source. The core component shows a flat spectrum, while the distant components WL and EL have steep spectra. The steep spectra of the distant components and the detection of the arched emission suggest that the distant components are lobes or hot-spots powered by the core of NRAO 530. The morphologies from pc- to kpc-scales and the bending of jets are investigated. The observed radio morphology from pc to kcp appears to favor the model in which precession or wobbling of the nuclear disk drives the helical motion of the radio plasma and produces the S-shaped structure on kpc scale.


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In quantum tunnelling, what appears to be an infinitely fast barrier traversal can be explained in terms of an Aharonov-like weak measurement of the tunnelling time, in which the role of the pointer is played by the particle's own coordinate. A relativistic wave packet is shown to be reshaped through a series of subluminal shifts which together produce an anomalous 'superluminal' result.


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We here investigate the dispersion properties of radiation in the SS433 relativistic jets. We assume that the jet is composed of cold electron-proton plasma immersed in a predominantly parallel magnetic field to the jet axis. We find that for the mildly relativistic source SS433 (for which similar or equal to 79 degrees), the bulk velocity is too small (v similar or equal to 0.26c) to produce significant changes in the dispersion properties of the medium. Nonetheless, in the rarefied outer regions of the jets, where radio emission dominates, even a weak magnetic field has some influence on the dispersion properties and there appear two different electromagnetic branches that are slightly sensitive to the bulk relativistic motion. In the inner, X-ray region, the magnetic field is much stronger, but in this region the high electron density preserves the isotropic character of the local plasma and no branch separation occurs. In the region of the jet where the IR and optical emission dominates, the cold plasma may be also considered isotropic, i.e., neither the magnetic field nor the bulk velocity is able to affect the propagation of the radiation. Finally, we find that the Doppler line displacement in SS433 is affected by plasma dispersion only in a narrow frequency range in the far IR. As a consequence, although the shift (z) modulation due to precession of the SS433 jets is well described by previous work, it has to be corrected by plasma dispersion effects in the far-IR range.


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We address the question about the velocity of signals carried by Bessel beams wave packets propagating in vacuum and having well defined wavefronts in time. We find that this problem in analogous to that of propagation of usual plane wave packets within dispersive media and conclude that the signal velocity cannot be superluminal. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The constancy of the speed of light appears to be an unbreakable barrier for future interstellar journeys, tending to infinite energy would be needed to achieve such speed. However in the general relativity one can circumvent this limit and get arbitrarily higher global speeds, without violating the constancy of the speed of light. The so-called “warp-drive metrics is a theoretical means to achieve global superluminal speeds. The Alcubierre metric is one case in which the science fiction inspired reality, from which was drawn the term “warp-drive. In the present work, a study of the theories of special and general relativity and of some works on solutions that allow superluminal speeds will be done


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We report on four years of observations of 3C 273 at 7mm obtained with the Itapetinga radio telescope, in Brazil, between 2009 and 2013. We detected a flare in 2010 March, when the flux density increased by 50 per cent and reached 35 Jy. After the flare, the flux density started to decrease and reached values lower than 10 Jy. We suggest that the 7-mm flare is the radio counterpart of the γ -ray flare observed by the Fermi Large Area Telescope in 2009 September, in which the flux density at high energies reached a factor of 50 of its average value. A delay of 170 d between the radio and γ -ray flares was revealed using the discrete correlation function (DCF) that can be interpreted in the context of a shock model, in which each flare corresponds to the formation of a compact superluminal component that expands and becomes optically thin at radio frequencies at latter epochs. The differences in flare intensity between frequencies and at different times are explained as a consequence of an increase in the Doppler factor δ, as predicted by the 16-yr precession model proposed by Abraham & Romero. This increase has a large effect on boosting at high frequencies while it does not affect the observed optically thick radio emission too much. We discuss other observable effects of the variation in δ, such as the increase in the formation rate of superluminal components, the variations in the time delay between flares and the periodic behaviour of the radio light curve that we have found to be compatible with changes in the Doppler factor.


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Sono indagate le implicazioni teoriche e sperimentali derivanti dall'assunzione, nella teoria della relatività speciale, di un criterio di sincronizzazione (detta assoluta) diverso da quello standard. La scelta della sincronizzazione assoluta è giustificata da alcune considerazioni di carattere epistemologico sullo status di fenomeni quali la contrazione delle lunghezze e la dilatazione del tempo. Oltre che a fornire una diversa interpretazione, la sincronizzazione assoluta rappresenta una estensione del campo di applicazione della relatività speciale in quanto può essere attuata anche in sistemi di riferimento accelerati. Questa estensione consente di trattare in maniera unitaria i fenomeni sia in sistemi di riferimento inerziali che accelerati. L'introduzione della sincronizzazione assoluta implica una modifica delle trasformazioni di Lorentz. Una caratteristica di queste nuove trasformazioni (dette inerziali) è che la trasformazione del tempo è indipendente dalle coordinate spaziali. Le trasformazioni inerziali sono ottenute nel caso generale tra due sistemi di riferimento aventi velocità (assolute) u1 e u2 comunque orientate. Viene mostrato che le trasformazioni inerziali possono formare un gruppo pur di prendere in considerazione anche riferimenti non fisicamente realizzabili perché superluminali. È analizzato il moto rigido secondo Born di un corpo esteso considerando la sincronizzazione assoluta. Sulla base delle trasformazioni inerziali si derivano le trasformazioni per i campi elettromagnetici e le equazioni di questi campi (che sostituiscono le equazioni di Maxwell). Si mostra che queste equazioni contengono soluzioni in assenza di cariche che si propagano nello spazio come onde generalmente anisotrope in accordo con quanto previsto dalle trasformazioni inerziali. L'applicazione di questa teoria elettromagnetica a sistemi accelerati mostra l'esistenza di fenomeni mai osservati che, pur non essendo in contraddizione con la relatività standard, ne forzano l'interpretazione. Viene proposto e descritto un esperimento in cui uno di questi fenomeni è misurabile.


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Medical instrumentation used in diagnosis and treatment relies on the accurate detection and processing of various physiological events and signals. While signal detection technology has improved greatly in recent years, there remain inherent delays in signal detection/ processing. These delays may have significant negative clinical consequences during various pathophysiological events. Reducing or eliminating such delays would increase the ability to provide successful early intervention in certain disorders thereby increasing the efficacy of treatment. In recent years, a physical phenomenon referred to as Negative Group Delay (NGD), demonstrated in simple electronic circuits, has been shown to temporally advance the detection of analog waveforms. Specifically, the output is temporally advanced relative to the input, as the time delay through the circuit is negative. The circuit output precedes the complete detection of the input signal. This process is referred to as signal advance (SA) detection. An SA circuit model incorporating NGD was designed, developed and tested. It imparts a constant temporal signal advance over a pre-specified spectral range in which the output is almost identical to the input signal (i.e., it has minimal distortion). Certain human patho-electrophysiological events are good candidates for the application of temporally-advanced waveform detection. SA technology has potential in early arrhythmia and epileptic seizure detection and intervention. Demonstrating reliable and consistent temporally advanced detection of electrophysiological waveforms may enable intervention with a pathological event (much) earlier than previously possible. SA detection could also be used to improve the performance of neural computer interfaces, neurotherapy applications, radiation therapy and imaging. In this study, the performance of a single-stage SA circuit model on a variety of constructed input signals, and human ECGs is investigated. The data obtained is used to quantify and characterize the temporal advances and circuit gain, as well as distortions in the output waveforms relative to their inputs. This project combines elements of physics, engineering, signal processing, statistics and electrophysiology. Its success has important consequences for the development of novel interventional methodologies in cardiology and neurophysiology as well as significant potential in a broader range of both biomedical and non-biomedical areas of application.


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Very-long-baseline radio interferometry (VLBI) imaging surveys have been undertaken since the late 1970s. The sample sizes were initially limited to a few tens of objects but the snapshot technique has now allowed samples containing almost 200 sources to be studied. The overwhelming majority of powerful compact sources are asymmetric corejects of one form or another, most of which exhibit apparent superluminal motion. However 5-10% of powerful flat-spectrum sources are 100-parsec (pc)-scale compact symmetric objects; these appear to form a continuum with the 1-kpc-scale double-lobed compact steep-spectrum sources, which make up 15-20% of lower frequency samples. It is likely that these sub-galactic-size symmetric sources are the precursors to the large-scale classical double sources. There is a surprising peak around 90 degrees in the histogram of misalignments between the dominant source axes on parsec and kiloparsec scales; this seems to be associated with sources exhibiting a high degree of relativistic beaming. VLBI snapshot surveys have great cosmological potential via measurements of both proper motion and angular size vs. redshift as well as searches for gravitational "millilensing."


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High-dynamic range imaging and monitoring with very-long-baseline interferometry reveal a rich morphology of luminous flat-spectrum radio sources. One-sided core-jet structures abound, and superluminal motion is frequently measured. In a few cases, both distinct moving features and diffuse underlying jet emission can be detected. Superluminal motion seen in such sources is typically complex, on curved trajectories or ridge lines, and with variable component velocities, including stationary features. The curved trajectories seen can be modeled by helical motion within the underlying jet flow. The very-long-baseline interferometry properties of the superluminal features in the jet of 3C 345 and other similar sources can be explained by models invoking the emission from shocks, at least within the vicinity of the compact core. Inverse-Compton calculations, constrained by x-ray observations, yield realistic estimates for the physical conditions in the parsec-scale jet. There is evidence for a transition region in this source beyond which other factors (e.g., plasma interactions and nonsynchrotron radiation processes) may become prominent. Multifrequency and polarization imaging (especially at high frequencies) are emerging as critical tools in testing model predictions.


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We briefly review the observed structure and evolution of the M87 jet on scales less, similar1 parsec (pc; 1 pc = 3.09 x 10(16) m). Filamentary features, limb-brightening, and side-to-side oscillation are common characteristics of the pc-scale, and kpc-scale jets. The most prominent emission features on both the pc and subpc scales appear stationary (v/c < 0.1). Nonetheless, based on the jet's flux evolution, the presence of kpc-scale superluminal motion, and the absence of a visible counter-jet, we argue for the presence of an underlying relativistic flow, consistent with unified models. The initial jet collimation appears to occur on scales <0.1 pc, thus favoring electromagnetic processes associated with a black hole and accretion disk.


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VLBI observations of the extremely gamma-bright blazar PKS 0528+134 at 8, 22, 43, and 86 GHz reveal a strongly bent one-sided-core jet structure with at least three moving and two apparently stationary jet components. At the highest observing frequencies the brightest and most compact jet component (the VLBI core) is unresolved with an upper limit to its size of approximately 50 microarcsec corresponding to approximately 0.2 parsec [H0 = 100 km.s-1.Mpc-1 (megaparsec-1), q0 = 0.5, where H0 is Hubble constant and q0 is the deceleration parameter]. Two 86-GHz VLBI observations performed in 1993.3 and 1994.0 reveal a new jet component emerging with superluminal speed from the core. Linear back-extrapolation of its motion yields strong evidence that the ejection of this component is related to an outburst in the millimeter regime and a preceding intense flare of the gamma-flux density observed in early 1993. This and the radio/optical "light curves" and VLBI data for two other sources (S5 0836+710 and 3C 454.3) suggest that the observed gamma-radiation might be Doppler-boosted and perhaps is closely related to the physical processes acting near the "base" of the highly relativistic jets observed in quasars.


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We report on the existence of nondiffracting Bessel surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), advancing at either superluminal or subluminal phase velocities. These wave fields feature deep subwavelength FWHM, but are supported by high-order homogeneous SPPs of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. The beam axis can be relocated to any MD interface, by interfering multiple converging SPPs with controlled phase matching. Dissipative effects in metals lead to a diffraction-free regime that is limited by the energy attenuation length. However, the ultra-localization of the diffracted wave field might still be maintained by more than one order of magnitude.


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We study the absorption and dispersion properties of a weak probe field monitoring a two-level atom driven by a trichromatic field. We calculate the steady-state linear susceptibility and find that the system can produce a number of multilevel coherence effects predicted for atoms composed of three and more energy levels. Although the atom has only one transition channel, the multilevel effects are possible because there are multichannel transitions between dressed states induced by the driving field. In particular, we show that the system can exhibit multiple electromagnetically induced transparency and can also produce a strong amplification at the central frequency which is not attributed to population inversion in both the atomic bare states and in the dressed atomic states. Moreover, we show that the absorption and dispersion of the probe field is sensitive to the initial relative phase of the components of the driving field. In addition, we show that the group velocity of the probe field can be controlled by changing the initial relative phases or frequencies of the driving fields and can also be varied from subluminal to superluminal. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.