34 resultados para Superantigens


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Patients that are mechanically ventilated in ICUs are constantly exposed to different pathogens, which present multiantibiotic resistance. Among these microorganisms, is MRSA (Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) considered to be a therapeutic challenge due to its resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, this study proposed to identify species of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from mechanically ventilated patients in ICU, the gene mecA detection and the genes of the enterotoxins A (sea), B (seb), C (sec-1) and D (sed) in samples of S. aureus, as well as the phenotypic resistance determination to oxacillin using the disc-diffusion method with discs of oxacillin and cefoxitin. The samples collection occurred during in a period of 19 months, obtaining samples from 232 patients. A percentage of 39% (70) of Gram-positive cocci were found; which 82,8% (58) were identified as Staphylococcus spp,. among these, 75,8% (44) corresponded to S. aureus species and 47,7% were identified as MRSA. It was found resistance to both drugs in 31,8% of the S. aureus samples, 16 (36,3%) had the gene sea and 11 (25%) had the sec-1 gene. Among the coagulase-negative staphylococci obtained, the species most found was S. epidermidis, corresponding to 43% (6). The results revealed that one of the most important etiologic agents of VAP amid the Gram-positive cocci is the species S. aureus, with special attention to MRSA. The presence of enterotoxins genes in S. aureus did not showed determinant role in VAP, but the presence of these superantigens can contribute worsening the patient’s prognosis, since they are associated with intense inflammatory response


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background Staphylococcus aureus is the most common agent of septic arthritis that is a severe, rapidly progressive and destructive joint disease. Superantigens produced by S. aureus are considered the major arthritogenic factors. In this study, we compared the arthritogenic potential of five superantigen-producing staphylococcal strains. Methods Male C57BL/6 mice were intravenously infected with ATCC 19095 SEC+, N315 ST5 TSST-1+, S-70 TSST-1+, ATCC 51650 TSST-1+ and ATCC 13565 SEA+ strains. Clinical parameters as body weight, arthritis incidence and clinical score were daily evaluated. Joint histopathological analysis and spleen cytokine production were evaluated at the 14th day after infection. Results Weight loss was observed in all infected mice. ATCC 19095 SEC+, N315 ST5 TSST-1+ and S-70 TSST-1+ were arthritogenic, being the highest scores observed in ATCC 19095 SEC+ infected mice. Intermediate and lower clinical scores were observed in N315 ST5 TSST-1+ and S-70 TSST-1+ infected mice, respectively. The ATCC 13565 SEA+ strain caused death of 85% of the animals after 48 h. Arthritis triggered by the ATCC 19095 SEC+ strain was characterized by accentuated synovial hyperplasia, inflammation, pannus formation, cartilage destruction and bone erosion. Similar joint alterations were found in N315 ST5 TSST-1+ infected mice, however they were strikingly more discrete. Only minor synovial proliferation and inflammation were triggered by the S-70 TSST-1+ strain. The lowest levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-17 production in response to S. aureus stimulation were found in cultures from mice infected with the less arthritogenic strains (S-70 TSST-1+ and ATCC 51650 TSST-1+). The highest production of IL-17 was detected in mice infected with the most arthritogenic strains (ATCC 19095 SEC+ and N315 ST5 TSST-1+). Conclusions Together these results demonstrated that S. aureus strains, isolated from biological samples, were able to induce a typical septic arthritis in mice. These results also suggest that the variable arthritogenicity of these strains was, at least in part, related to their differential ability to induce IL-17 production.


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This review is addressed two pathophysiologic mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis: the unique remodeling process found in nasal polyp tissue and the immune response of patients with nasal polyposis to Staphylococcus aureus. These two theories converge to the same direction in different aspects, including decreased extracellular matrix production, impaired T regulation and favoring of a Th2 immune response. In patients with nasal polyposis, an exaggerated immune response to Staphylococcus aureus may aggravate the airway remodeling process.


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A systematic characterization of the composition and structure of the bacterial cell-surface proteome and its complexes can provide an invaluable tool for its comprehensive understanding. The knowledge of protein complexes composition and structure could offer new, more effective targets for a more specific and consequently effective immune response against a complex instead of a single protein. Large-scale protein-protein interaction screens are the first step towards the identification of complexes and their attribution to specific pathways. Currently, several methods exist for identifying protein interactions and protein microarrays provide the most appealing alternative to existing techniques for a high throughput screening of protein-protein interactions in vitro under reasonably straightforward conditions. In this study approximately 100 proteins of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) predicted to be secreted or surface exposed by genomic and proteomic approaches were purified in a His-tagged form and used to generate protein microarrays on nitrocellulose-coated slides. To identify protein-protein interactions each purified protein was then labeled with biotin, hybridized to the microarray and interactions were detected with Cy3-labelled streptavidin. Only reciprocal interactions, i. e. binding of the same two interactors irrespective of which of the two partners is in solid-phase or in solution, were taken as bona fide protein-protein interactions. Using this approach, we have identified 20 interactors of one of the potent toxins secreted by GAS and known as superantigens. Several of these interactors belong to the molecular chaperone or protein folding catalyst families and presumably are involved in the secretion and folding of the superantigen. In addition, a very interesting interaction was found between the superantigen and the substrate binding subunit of a well characterized ABC transporter. This finding opens a new perspective on the current understanding of how superantigens are modified by the bacterial cell in order to become major players in causing disease.


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Carcinoma of the cervix is causally related to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), and T cells play a pivotal role in the immune response of the host to rid itself of HPV infection. Therefore, we assessed the T-cell function of women with HPV-related cervical neoplasia against a superantigen, Staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB). Each woman provided a cervical brush specimen for HPV DNA testing and Papanicolaou (Pap) smears for the staging of cervical lesions. They also provided a blood specimen for determination of the ability of CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T cells to synthesize Th1 (interleukin-2 [IL-2], gamma interferon [IFN-gamma], and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha]) and Th2 (IL-10) cytokines in response to activation with SEB. Compared with control subjects with self-attested negative Pap smears, women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) had significantly lower percentages of activated CD4(+) T cells that produced IL-2 (P = 0.045), IFN-gamma (P = 0.040), and TNF-alpha (P = 0.015) and a significantly lower percentage of activated CD8(+) T cells that produced IL-2 (P < 0.01). These data indicate that women with HPV-related cervical HSIL show a decrease in Th1 cytokine production by activated CD4(+) T cells and suggested that compromised T-helper functions may negatively impact the function of cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells.


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Antibodies (Abs) to autoantigens and foreign antigens (Ags) mediate, respectively, various pathogenic and beneficial effects. Abs express enzyme-like nucleophiles that react covalently with electrophiles. A subpopulation of nucleophilic Abs expresses proteolytic activity, which can inactivate the Ag permanently. This thesis shows how the nucleophilicity can be exploited to inhibit harmful Abs or potentially protect against a virus. ^ Inactivation of pathogenic Abs from Hemophilia A (HA) patients by means of nucleophile-electrophile pairing was studied. Deficient factor VIII (FVIII) in HA subjects impairs blood coagulation. FVIII replacement therapy fails in 20-30% of HA patients due to production of anti-FVIII Abs. FVIII analogs containing electrophilic phosphonate group (E-FVIII and E-C2) were hypothesized to inactivate the Abs by reacting specifically and covalently with nucleophilic sites. Anti-FVIII IgGs from HA patients formed immune complexes with E-FVIII and E-C2 that remained irreversibly associated under conditions that disrupt noncovalent Ab-Ag complexes. The reaction induced irreversible loss of Ab anti-coagulant activity. E-FVIII alone displayed limited interference with coagulation. E-FVIII is a prototype reagent suitable for further development as a selective inactivator of pathogenic anti-FVIII Abs. ^ The beneficial function of Abs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was analyzed. HIV-1 eludes the immune system by rapidly changing its coat protein structure. IgAs from noninfected subjects hydrolyzed gp120 and neutralized HIV-1 with modest potency by recognizing the gp120 421-433 epitope, a conserved B cell superantigenic region that is also essential for HIV-1 attachment to host cell CD4 receptors. An adaptive immune response to superantigens is generally prohibited due to their ability to downregulate B cells. IgAs from subjects with prolonged HIV-1 infection displayed improved catalytic hydrolysis of gp120 and exceptionally potent and broad neutralization of diverse CCR5-dependent primary HIV isolates attributable to recognition of the 421-433 epitope. This indicates that slow immunological bypass of the superantigenic character of gp120 is possible, opening the path to effective HIV vaccination. ^ My research reveals a novel route to inactivate pathogenic nucleophilic Abs using electrophilic antigens. Conversely, naturally occurring nucleophilic Abs may help impede HIV infection, and the Abs could be developed for passive immunotherapy of HIV infected subjects. ^


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Class I MHC protein primarily presents endogenous antigen but also may present exogenous antigen. Here, we investigated the intracellular pathway of spontaneously internalized class I MHC protein by confocal microscopy. β2-microglobulin (β2m), labeled with a single fluorophore, was exchanged at the surface of B cell transfectants to specifically mark cell surface and endocytosed class I MHC protein. Intracellular β2m colocalized with fluorophore-conjugated transferrin, implying that class I MHC protein endocytosed into early endosomes. These endosomes containing fluorescent β2m were found close to or within the Golgi apparatus, marked by fluorescent ceramide. Even after 24 hr of incubation, very little fluorescent β2m was found in intracellular organelles stained by DiOC6, marking the endoplasmic reticulum, or fluorophore-conjugated low density lipoprotein, marking late endosomes and lysosomes. Fluorophore-conjugated superantigens (staphylococcal enterotoxin A and B), presumed to enter cells bound to class II MHC protein, also were found to endocytose into β2m-containing early endosomes. Staining with mAb and use of transfectants expressing MHC protein attached to green fluorescent protein confirmed the presence of intracellular compartments rich in both class I and II MHC protein and demonstrated that class I and II MHC protein also colocalize in discrete microdomains at the cell surface. These cell surface microdomains also contained transferrin receptor and often were juxtaposed to cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. Thus, class I and II MHC protein meet in microdomains of the plasma membrane and endocytose into early endosomes, where both may acquire and present exogenous antigen.


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Staphylococcus aureus produces a virulence factor, protein A (SpA), that contains five homologous Ig-binding domains. The interactions of SpA with the Fab region of membrane-anchored Igs can stimulate a large fraction of B cells, contributing to lymphocyte clonal selection. To understand the molecular basis for this activity, we have solved the crystal structure of the complex between domain D of SpA and the Fab fragment of a human IgM antibody to 2.7-Å resolution. In the complex, helices II and III of domain D interact with the variable region of the Fab heavy chain (VH) through framework residues, without the involvement of the hypervariable regions implicated in antigen recognition. The contact residues are highly conserved in human VH3 antibodies but not in other families. The contact residues from domain D also are conserved among all SpA Ig-binding domains, suggesting that each could bind in a similar manner. Features of this interaction parallel those reported for staphylococcal enterotoxins that are superantigens for many T cells. The structural homology between Ig VH regions and the T-cell receptor Vβ regions facilitates their comparison, and both types of interactions involve lymphocyte receptor surface remote from the antigen binding site. However, T-cell superantigens reportedly interact through hydrogen bonds with T-cell receptor Vβ backbone atoms in a primary sequence-independent manner, whereas SpA relies on a sequence-restricted conformational binding with residue side chains, suggesting that this common bacterial pathogen has adopted distinct molecular recognition strategies for affecting large sets of B and T lymphocytes.


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Superantigens, such as toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1), have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune and allergic diseases associated with polyclonal B cell activation. In this report, we studied the in vitro effects of TSST-1 on B cell activation. We show herein that TSST-1 produced antagonistic effects on Ig synthesis by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from normal subjects, depending on the concentration used; Ig production was inhibited at 1000 pg/ml (P < 0.01) and enhanced at 1 and 0.01 pg/ml (P < 0.01) of toxin. Cultures of PBMC were then examined for morphologic features and DNA fragmentation characteristic for apoptosis. B cells exhibited a significantly higher (P < 0.01) incidence of apoptosis after stimulation with 1000 pg/ml of TSST-1 compared with 1 or 0.01 pg/ml of toxin or medium alone. Abundant expression of Fas, a cell surface protein that mediates apoptosis, was detected on B cells after stimulation with 1000 pg/ml of TSST-1 and was significantly higher on B cells undergoing apoptosis than on live cells (P = 0.01). Additionally, increased Fas expression and B cell death occurred at concentrations of TSST-1 inducing the production of high amounts of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), and both events could be blocked by neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma antibody. These findings suggest that high concentrations of TSST-1 can induce IFN-gamma-dependent B cell apoptosis, whereas at low concentrations it stimulates Ig synthesis by PBMC from normal subjects. These findings support the concept that staphylococcal toxins have a role in B cell hyperactivity in autoimmunity and allergy.


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Superantigens, such as staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), elicit a strong proliferative response in T cells when presented in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. We observed a similar T-cell response, when MHC class II-negative epidermal cell lines were employed as antigen-presenting cells. Immunoprecipitation studies indicated that the ligand to which SEB bound had a molecular mass of 46 kDa. Radiolabeled SEB could be immunoprecipitated from isolated membrane proteins on the SCC13 epidermal cell line with a monoclonal antibody directed against the MHC class I molecule, and transfection of the K-562 cell line with MHC class I molecules showed a 75% increased SEB-binding capacity compared with the nontransfected MHC class I- and class II-negative counterpart. In functional studies, antibodies to the MHC class I molecule inhibited T-cell proliferation by at least 50%. From these studies, we conclude that MHC class I molecules on malignant squamous cell carcinomas serve as ligands for SEB, which, given the appropriate costimulatory signals, is sufficient to allow for superantigen-induced T-cell proliferation.


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Studies on circulating T cells and antibodies in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic patients and rodent models of autoimmune diabetes suggest that beta-cell membrane proteins of 38 kDa may be important molecular targets of autoimmune attack. Biochemical approaches to the isolation and identification of the 38-kDa autoantigen have been hampered by the restricted availability of islet tissue and the low abundance of the protein. A procedure of epitope analysis for CD4+ T cells using subtracted expression libraries (TEASEL) was developed and used to clone a 70-amino acid pancreatic beta-cell peptide incorporating an epitope recognized by a 38-kDa-reactive CD4+ T-cell clone (1C6) isolated from a human diabetic patient. The minimal epitope was mapped to a 10-amino acid synthetic peptide containing a DR1 consensus binding motif. Data base searches did not reveal the identity of the protein, though a weak homology to the bacterial superantigens SEA (Streptococcus pyogenes exotoxin A) and SEB (Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B) (23% identity) was evident. The TEASEL procedure might be used to identify epitopes of other autoantigens recognized by CD4+ T cells in diabetes as well as be more generally applicable to the study low-abundance autoantigens in other tissue-specific autoimmune diseases.


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Fas is a 45-kDa membrane protein that transduces an apoptotic signal. The mouse lymphoproliferation (lpr) mutation is a leaky mutation of Fas. In this study, we examined lymphocyte development in Fas-null mice generated by gene targeting. The Fas-/- mice progressively accumulated abnormal T cells (Thy1+, B220+, CD4-, and CD8-) and developed lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, which were much more accelerated and pronounced than those in lpr mice. In addition, the Fas-null mice showed lymphocytosis, accompanied by lymphocytic infiltration in the lungs and liver. The number of apparently normal B cells also increased, and large amounts of immunoglobulins, including anti-DNA antibodies, were produced. Thymic clonal deletion, assessed by deletion of T cells reactive to mouse endogenous superantigens, was apparently normal in the Fas-/- mice, whereas the peripheral clonal deletion of mature T cells against a bacterial superantigen was impaired. These results suggested that Fas plays a decisive role in peripheral clonal deletion but not in negative selection in the thymus.


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The mechanisms regulating expression of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-encoded superantigens from the viral sag gene are largely unknown, due to problems with detection and quantification of these low-abundance proteins. To study the expression and regulation of the MMTV sag gene, we have developed a sensitive and quantitative reporter gene assay based on a recombinant superantigen-human placental alkaline phosphatase fusion protein. High sag-reporter expression in Ba/F3, an early B-lymphoid cell line, depends on enhancers in either of the viral long terminal repeats (LTRs) and is largely independent of promoters in the 5' LTR. The same enhancer region is also required for general expression of MMTV genes from the 5' LTR. The enhancer was mapped to a 548-bp fragment of the MMTV LTR lying within sag and shown to be sufficient to stimulate expression from a heterologous simian virus 40 promoter. No enhancer activity of the MMTV LTR was observed in XC sarcoma cells, which are permissive for MMTV. Our results demonstrate a major role for this enhancer in MMTV gene expression in early B-lymphoid cells.