991 resultados para Success criteria


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The aim of this research was to identify the criticalcompetence of success of the commercial adviserin a company providing insurance and health services.For this research a sample of 34 commercialadvisers. The sample was divided into four groups(two per product and two per criterion of success).Systematic fi eld observations, interviews of criticalincidents, application of response tests and salesworkshops were used to evaluate the differentialcompetences that the successful advisers wereshowing in relation to the advisers de fi ned as average.The success criteria were based on the generatedcommission performance over the 10 months. Allin all, signi fi cant differences were found betweenthe “successful” and “average” groups. Furthermore,competences that correlate positively with atop sales performance were observed and competencesthat have major level of discrimination betweenthe “successful” and “average” groups wereestablished. Orientation to achievement, planningand management, information search, commercialaggressiveness and strategic vision are the competencesthat were considered to be key in the topperformance of a sales agent or commercial adviser.Additionally, the results in the response testswere analyzed in the four study groups, withoutobserving signi fi cant differences between them,which supports the theoretical framework of thepresent study.


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Multi-tenure reserve networks (MTRNs) aim to connect areas managed for biodiversity conservation across public and private land (for example biosphere reserves (BRs) and conservation management networks (CMNs)). A key function of MTRNs is facilitating communication, information exchange and management activities between land managers of differing tenures not usually in contact with each other; governance arrangements are therefore crucial. Australian MTRNs vary greatly in their goals and measures of success, criteria for entry, ecosystems targeted, geographic extent and financial arrangements. The successful operation of a MTRN is likely to be influenced by a manager's confidence in the governance model/coordination arrangements (Belcher & Wellman 1991). We analysed the organizational structure of three Australian MTRNs (Fig. 1) including the objectives and role of the coordinating body, entry requirements, goals and measures of success, restrictions placed on the geographic or ecological extent of the network and financial arrangements. We highlight how substantial changes in governance arrangements have occurred for two of three networks studied, suggesting a fluid evolution of MTRN structures is likely.


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O mercado de arquitetura atende a um nicho específico de pessoas de poder econômico e gosto, ou seja, é uma atividade de luxo, que conta com uma concorrência acirrada. O presente trabalho tenta entender como alguns escritórios de arquitetura, mesmo diante de tais barreiras, conseguem se sobressair perante outros. O projeto tenta identificar quais os recursos e capacidades mais relevantes dentro desses escritórios de arquitetura de sucesso. O estudo está centrado na teoria dos recursos (RBV) e nos conceitos relativos a empresas de serviços profissionais. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa, através de estudo exploratório com coleta de dados realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, seguida de uma análise comparativa. Os escritórios de arquitetura foram selecionados por um painel com os critérios de sucesso, elaborado a partir de entrevistas com especialistas do mercado de arquitetura. Os resultados mostraram a relação entre a dimensão dos escritórios escolhidos (número de arquitetos, de projetos em andamento e de obras concluídas) e os recursos e as capacidades encontrados (o papel da liderança, a centralização da criação, a prospecção, a gestão do escritório e a terceirização).


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The importance of organizational issues to assess the success of international development project has not been fully considered yet. After a brief overview, in 1st chapter, on main actors involved on international cooperation, in the 2nd chapter an analysis of the literature on the project success definition, focused on the success criteria and success factors, was carried out by surveying the contribution of different authors and approaches. Traditionally projects were perceived as successful when they met time, budget and performance goals, assuming a basic similarity among projects (universalistic approach). However, starting from a non-universalistic approach, the importance of organization’s effectiveness, in terms of Relations Sustainability, emerged as a dimension able to define and assess a project success. The identification of the factors influencing the relationship between and inside the organizations becomes consequently a priority. In 3th chapter, starting from a literature survey, the different analytical approaches related to the inter and intra-organization relationships are analysed. They involve two different groups: the first includes studies focused on the type of organizations relationship structure (Supply Chains, Networks, Clusters and Industrial Districts); the second group includes approaches related to the general theories on firms relationship interpretation (Transaction Costs Economics, Resource Based View, Organization Theory). The variables and logical frameworks provided by these different theoretical contributions are compared and classified in order to find out possible connections and/or juxtapositions. Being an exhaustive collection of the literature on the subject is impossible, the main goal is to underline the existence of potentially overlapping and/or integrating approaches examining the contribution provided by different representative authors. The survey showed first of all many variables in common between approaches coming from different disciplines; furthermore the non overlapping variables can be integrated contributing to a broader picture of the variables influencing the organization relations; in particular a theoretical design for the identification of connections between the inter and the intra-organizations relations was made possible. The results obtained in 3th chapter help to defining a general theoretical framework linking the different interpretative variables. Based on extensive research contributions on the factors influencing the relations between organizations, the 4th chapter expands the analysis of the influence of variables like Human Resource Management, Organizational Climate, Psychological Contract and KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) on the relation sustainability. A detailed analysis of these relations is provided and a research hypothesis are built. According to this new framework in 5th chapter a statistical analysis was performed to qualify and quantify the influence of Organizational Climate on the Relations Sustainability. To this end the Structural Equation Modeling (SEMs) has adopted as method for the definition of the latent variables and the measure of their relations. The results obtained are satisfactory. An effective strategy to motivate the respondents to participate in the survey seems to be at the moment one of the major obstacles to the analysis implementation since the organizational performances are not specifically required by the projects’ evaluation guidelines and they represent an increase in the project related transaction costs. Their explicit introduction in the project presentation guidelines should be explored as an opportunity to increase the chances of success of these projects.


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Hintergrund: Die antimetabolitgestützte Trabekulektomie stellt seit längeren denrnGoldstandard bei medikamentös nicht ausreichend therapierbaren Glaukomen dar. Kurz- und mittelfristige Erfolge wurden durch viele Studien bestätigt. Allerdings unterliegen diese sehr unterschiedlichen Erfolgsdefinitionen. Eine strikte Druckkontrolle ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne zusätzliche medikamentöse Therapie erscheint sinnvoll einen risikofreien Therapieerfolg zu bewerten. Es existieren nur wenige Langzeitstudien mit diesem Erfolgskriterium. Die durchgeführte Studie soll einen Eindruck der ophthalmologischen Versorgung trabekulektomierter Patienten an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mainz über einen bewusst langen Zeitraum bieten. Patienten und Methoden: In diese retrospektiven Studie wurden alle Patienten, die aufgrund einer fortgeschrittenen Glaukomerkrankung in den Jahren 1996, 2001 oder 2006 eine Trabekulektomie erhielten, aufgenommen. Von den 723 Augen der 664 Patienten dieser Jahrgänge konnten 447 (61,8%) nachverfolgt werden. Die Zusammensetzung der Patienten war mit anderen Studien vergleichbar. 28% konnten mindestens 7 Jahre, 10% sogar 10 Jahre nachverfolgt werden. Esrnwurde untersucht, ob ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem ophthalomologisch-internistischem Entlassstatus (Visus, Tensio, Gesichtsfeld,rnGlaukomtyp, Voroperationen, Medikation, Vorerkrankungen, Art der Operation) undrnder erstrebten Kontrolle des Intraokulardruckes besteht. Ergebnisse: Die mittlere Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug 4,3 ± 3,4 Jahre. Nach 1, 3,rn5, 7 und 10 Jahren wiesen 217 (82,1%) (p < 0,001), 133 (67,7%) (p < 0,001), 70rn(50%) (p < 0,001), 59 (47,7%) (p = 0,056) und 16 (38,1%) (p = 0,06) Augen Intraokulardrücke ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne zusätzliche Antiglaukomatosa auf. Nichtrnstatistisch signifikant waren die 7- und 10-Jahresergebnisse. Mit Hilfe von Antiglaukomatosa waren es insgesamt, 225 (85,1%), 156 (79,7%), 87 (62,5%), 93 (75%) und 23 (54,7%) (alle p < 0,001). Die mediane Überlebenszeit für IOD ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne Medikation betrug 7,4 Jahre ± 5 Monate. Druckobergrenzen von ≤ 18 bzw. 21 mm Hg erfüllten bis zu 20% mehr Patienten. Der mittlere Visus von 0,32 ± 6 Stufen blieb nach einem mittleren postoperativen Abfall auf 0,25 ± 5 Stufen in den Folgeuntersuchungen stabil. Er zeigte ab dem 3-Jahresintervall keine statistisch signifikante Verschlechterung zum präoperativen Visus. 5,8 Jahre ± 80 Tage betrug die mediane Überlebenszeit für ein stabiles Gesichtsfeld. Gesichtsfelddaten, MD und PSD zeigten keine statistisch signifikante Verschlechterung (p > 0,05). Risikofaktoren für ein Scheitern der Operation waren Patientenalter (RR = 1,01, KI: 0,95 - 1,34, p = 0,043), arterielle Hypertonie (RR = 1,87, KI: 1,21-2,9, p = 0,005) und männliches Geschlecht (RR = 1,24; KI: 1,07 – 1,43; p = 0,004). Komplikationen waren passagere okuläre Hypotonien an 85 (19%), Fistulation an 46(10,2%), Aderhautschwellung an 29 (6,4%) –abhebung an 14 (3,1%), retinale Amotio an 9 (2%), hypotone Makulopathie an 5 (1,1%) und Hypertonien an 70 (15,6%) Augen. 150 (33,5%) Augen erhielten einen Folgeeingriff, 117 (26%) eine Phakoemulsifikation, 149 (33%) eine Fadenlockerung, 122 (27%) 5-FU-Injektionen, 42 (9,4%) eine Fadennachlegung, 33 (7,4%) ein Needling, 26 (5,8%) eine Zyklophotokoagulation, 19 (4,3%) eine Re-TE und 9 (2%) sonstige chirurgische Revisionen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Kontrolle des Augeninnendruckes ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne zusätzliche Medikation erreichten viele Patienten über einen langen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum. Die Häufigkeit der Komplikationen oder nötiger Folgeeingriffe war meist niedriger als in vergleichbaren Studien. Selbst Patienten mit hohem Risikoprofil hatten gute Ergebnisse. Aufgrund mangelnder Gesichtsfelddaten fanden sich keine Hinweise auf statistisch relevantes Fortschreiten des Glaukoms zur angestrebten medikationsfreien Druckkontrolle. Weitere Studien für einen Untersuchungszeitraum von 10 Jahren mit gleichen Erfolgskriterien wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit mit genauer Analyse der Gesichtsfelddaten wären wünschenswert, um zu belegen, dass die guten Langzeitergebnisse nach Trabekulektomie an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mainz auch eine Glaukomprogredienz dauerhaft verhindern. Damit stellt die an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mainz durchgeführte antimetabolitgestützte Trabekulektomie und deren postoperative Nachbetreuung an einer repräsentativen Population eine sichere und komplikationsarme Methode dar.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this two-center study was to evaluate screw-type titanium implants with a chemically modified, sandblasted and acid-etched surface when placed in the posterior maxilla or mandible, and loaded 21 days after placement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All 56 patients met strict inclusion criteria and provided informed consent. Each patient displayed either a single-tooth gap, an extended edentulous space, or a distal extension situation in the posterior mandible or maxilla. Eighty-nine dental implants (SLActive, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) were inserted according to an established nonsubmerged protocol and underwent undisturbed healing for a period of 21 days. Where appropriate, the implants were loaded after 21 days of healing with provisional restorations in full occlusion. Definitive metal ceramic restorations were fabricated and positioned on each implant after 6 months of healing. Clinical measurements regarding soft tissue parameters and radiographs were obtained at different time points up to 24 months after implant placement. RESULTS: Of the 89 inserted implants, two (2.2%) implants failed to integrate and were removed during healing, and two (2.2%) additional implants required a prolonged healing time. A total of 85 (95.6%) implants were therefore loaded without incident after 21 days of healing. No additional implant was lost throughout the study period, whereas one implant was lost to follow-up and therefore left unaccounted for further analysis. The remaining 86 implants all exhibited favorable radiographic and clinical findings. Based on strict success criteria, these implants were considered successfully integrated 2 years after insertion, resulting in a 2-year success rate of 97.7%. CONCLUSION: The results of this prospective two-center study demonstrate that titanium implants with a modified SLA surface can predictably achieve successful tissue integration when loaded in full occlusion 21 days after placement. Integration could be maintained without incident for at least 2 years of follow-up.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the 5-year performance and success rate of titanium screw-type implants with the titanium plasma spray (TPS) or the sand-blasted, large grit, acid-etched (SLA) surface inserted in a two-stage sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedure in the posterior maxilla. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 59 delayed SFEs were performed in 56 patients between January 1997 and December 2001, using a composite graft with autogenous bone chips combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) or synthetic porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). After a healing period averaging 7.75 months, 111 dental implants were inserted. After an additional 8-14-week healing period, all implants were functionally loaded with cemented crowns or fixed partial dentures. The patients were recalled at 12 and 60 months for clinical and radiographic examination. RESULTS: One patient developed an acute infection in the right maxillary sinus after SFE and did not undergo implant therapy. Two of the 111 inserted implants had to be removed because of a developing atypical facial pain, and 11 implants were lost to follow-up and were considered drop-outs. The remaining 98 implants showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 5-year examination. The peri-implant soft tissues were stable over time; the mean probing depths and mean attachment levels did not change during the follow-up period. The measurement of the bone crest levels (DIB values) indicated stability as well. Based on strict success criteria, all 98 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 5-year success rate of 98% (for TPS implants 89%, for SLA implants 100%). CONCLUSION: This prospective study assessing the performance of dental implants inserted after SFE demonstrated that titanium implants can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration with high predictability for at least 5 years of follow-up in carefully selected patients.


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BACKGROUND: The concept of early implant placement is a treatment option in postextraction sites of single teeth in the anterior maxilla. Implant placement is performed after a soft tissue healing period of 4 to 8 weeks. Implant placement in a correct three-dimensional position is combined with a simultaneous guided bone regeneration procedure to rebuild esthetic facial hard and soft tissue contours. METHODS: In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, 45 patients with an implant-borne single crown in function for 2 to 4 years were recalled for examination. Clinical and radiologic parameters, routinely used in implant studies, were assessed. RESULTS: All 45 implants were clinically successful according to strict success criteria. The implants demonstrated ankylotic stability without signs of a peri-implant infection. The peri-implant soft tissues were clinically healthy as indicated by low mean plaque (0.42) and sulcus bleeding index (0.51) values. None of the implants revealed a mucosal recession on the facial aspect as confirmed by a clearly submucosal position of all implant shoulders. The mean distance from the mucosal margin to the implant shoulder was -1.93 mm on the facial aspect. The periapical radiographs showed stable peri-implant bone levels, with a mean distance between the implant shoulder and the first bone-implant contact of 2.18 mm. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study demonstrated successful treatment outcomes for all 45 implants examined. The mid-term follow-up of 2 to 4 years also showed that the risk for mucosal recession was low with this treatment concept. Prospective clinical studies are required to confirm these encouraging results.


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BACKGROUND Long-term studies of ≥10 years are important milestones to get a better understanding of potential factors causing implant failures or complications. PURPOSE The present study investigated the long-term outcomes of titanium dental implants with a rough, microporous surface (titanium plasma sprayed [TPS]) and the associated biologic and technical complications in partially edentulous patients with fixed dental prostheses over a 20-year follow-up period. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sixty-seven patients, who received 95 implants in the 1980s, were examined with well-established clinical and radiographic parameters. Based on these findings, each implant was classified as either successful, surviving, or failed. RESULTS Ten implants in nine patients were lost during the observation period, resulting in an implant survival rate of 89.5%. Radiographically, 92% of the implants exhibited crestal bone loss below 1 mm between the 1- and 20-year follow-up examinations. Only 8% yielded peri-implant bone loss of >1 mm and none exhibited severe bone loss of more than 1.8 mm. During the observation period, 19 implants (20%) experienced a biologic complication with suppuration. Of these 19 implants, 13 implants (13.7%) had been treated and were successfully maintained over the 20-year follow-up period. Therefore, the 20-year implant success rate was 75.8 or 89.5% depending on the different success criteria. Technical complications were observed in 32%. CONCLUSION The present study is the first to report satisfactory success rates after 20 years of function of dental implants with a TPS surface in partially edentulous patients.


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PURPOSE Extended grafting procedures in atrophic ridges are invasive and time-consuming and increase cost and patient morbidity. Therefore, ridge-splitting techniques have been suggested to enlarge alveolar crests. The aim of this cohort study was to report techniques and radiographic outcomes of implants placed simultaneously with a piezoelectric alveolar ridge-splitting technique (RST). Peri-implant bone-level changes (ΔIBL) of implants placed with (study group, SG) or without RST (control group, CG) were compared. MATERIALS AND METHODS Two cohorts (seven patients in each) were matched regarding implant type, position, and number; superstructure type; age; and gender and received 17 implants each. Crestal implant bone level (IBL) was measured at surgery (T0), loading (T1), and 1 year (T2) and 2 years after loading (T3). For all implants, ΔIBL values were determined from radiographs. Differences in ΔIBL between SG and CG were analyzed statistically (Mann-Whitney U test). Bone width was assessed intraoperatively, and vertical bone mapping was performed at T0, T1, and T3. RESULTS After a mean observation period of 27.4 months after surgery, the implant survival rate was 100%. Mean ΔIBL was -1.68 ± 0.90 mm for SG and -1.04 ± 0.78 mm for CG (P = .022). Increased ΔIBL in SG versus CG occurred mainly until T2. Between T2 and T3, ΔIBL was limited (-0.11 ± 1.20 mm for SG and -0.05 ± 0.16 mm for CG; P = .546). Median bone width increased intraoperatively by 4.7 mm. CONCLUSIONS Within the limitations of this study, it can be suggested that RST is a well-functioning one-stage alternative to extended grafting procedures if the ridge shows adequate height. ΔIBL values indicated that implants with RST may fulfill accepted implant success criteria. However, during healing and the first year of loading, increased IBL alterations must be anticipated.


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OBJECTIVE This retrospective observational pilot study examined differences in peri-implant bone level changes (ΔIBL) between two similar implant types differing only in the surface texture of the neck. The hypothesis tested was that ΔIBL would be greater with machined-neck implants than with groovedneck implants. METHOD AND MATERIALS 40 patients were enrolled; n = 20 implants with machined (group 1) and n = 20 implants with a rough, grooved neck (group 2), all placed in the posterior mandible. Radiographs were obtained after loading (at 3 to 9 months) and at 12 to 18 months after implant insertion. Case number calculation with respect to ΔIBL was conducted. Groups were compared using a Brunner-Langer model, the Mann-Whitney test, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and linear model analysis. RESULTS After the 12- to 18-month observation period, mean ΔIBL was -1.11 ± 0.92 mm in group 1 and -1.25 ± 1.23 mm in group 2. ΔIBL depended significantly on time (P < .001), but not on group. In both groups, mean marginal ΔIBL was significantly less than -1.5 mm. Only insertion depth had a significant influence on the amount of periimplant bone loss (P = .013). Case number estimate testing for a difference between group 1 and 2 with a power of 90% revealed a sample size per group of 1,032 subjects. CONCLUSION ΔIBL values indicated that both implant designs fulfilled implant success criteria, and the modification of implant neck texture had no significant influence on ΔIBL.


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RATIONALE Early reperfusion in patients experiencing acute ischemic stroke is critical, especially for patients with large vessel occlusion who have poor prognosis without revascularization. Solitaire™ stent retriever devices have been shown to immediately restore vascular perfusion safely, rapidly, and effectively in acute ischemic stroke patients with large vessel occlusions. AIM The aim of the study was to demonstrate that, among patients with large vessel, anterior circulation occlusion who have received intravenous tissue plasminogen activator, treatment with Solitaire revascularization devices reduces degree of disability 3 months post stroke. DESIGN The study is a global multicenter, two-arm, prospective, randomized, open, blinded end-point trial comparing functional outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients who are treated with either intravenous tissue plasminogen activator alone or intravenous tissue plasminogen activator in combination with the Solitaire device. Up to 833 patients will be enrolled. PROCEDURES Patients who have received intravenous tissue plasminogen activator are randomized to either continue with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator alone or additionally proceed to neurothrombectomy using the Solitaire device within six-hours of symptom onset. STUDY OUTCOMES The primary end-point is 90-day global disability, assessed with the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Secondary outcomes include mortality at 90 days, functional independence (mRS ≤ 2) at 90 days, change in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at 27 h, reperfusion at 27 h, and thrombolysis in cerebral infarction 2b/3 flow at the end of the procedure. ANALYSIS Statistical analysis will be conducted using simultaneous success criteria on the overall distribution of modified Rankin Scale (Rankin shift) and proportions of subjects achieving functional independence (mRS 0-2).


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The objectives of this study were to identify and measure the average outcomes of the Open Door Mission's nine-month community-based substance abuse treatment program, identify predictors of successful outcomes, and make recommendations to the Open Door Mission for improving its treatment program.^ The Mission's program is exclusive to adult men who have limited financial resources: most of which were homeless or dependent on parents or other family members for basic living needs. Many, but not all, of these men are either chemically dependent or have a history of substance abuse.^ This study tracked a cohort of the Mission's graduates throughout this one-year study and identified various indicators of success at short-term intervals, which may be predictive of longer-term outcomes. We tracked various levels of 12-step program involvement, as well as other social and spiritual activities, such as church affiliation and recovery support.^ Twenty-four of the 66 subjects, or 36% met the Mission's requirements for success. Specific to this success criteria; Fifty-four, or 82% reported affiliation with a home church; Twenty-six, or 39% reported full-time employment; Sixty-one, or 92% did not report or were not identified as having any post-treatment arrests or incarceration, and; Forty, or 61% reported continuous abstinence from both drugs and alcohol.^ Five research-based hypotheses were developed and tested. The primary analysis tool was the web-based non-parametric dependency modeling tool, B-Course, which revealed some strong associations with certain variables, and helped the researchers generate and test several data-driven hypotheses. Full-time employment is the greatest predictor of abstinence: 95% of those who reported full time employment also reported continuous post-treatment abstinence, while 50% of those working part-time were abstinent and 29% of those with no employment were abstinent. Working with a 12-step sponsor, attending aftercare, and service with others were identified as predictors of abstinence.^ This study demonstrates that associations with abstinence and the ODM success criteria are not simply based on one social or behavioral factor. Rather, these relationships are interdependent, and show that abstinence is achieved and maintained through a combination of several 12-step recovery activities. This study used a simple assessment methodology, which demonstrated strong associations across variables and outcomes, which have practical applicability to the Open Door Mission for improving its treatment program. By leveraging the predictive capability of the various success determination methodologies discussed and developed throughout this study, we can identify accurate outcomes with both validity and reliability. This assessment instrument can also be used as an intervention that, if operationalized to the Mission’s clients during the primary treatment program, may measurably improve the effectiveness and outcomes of the Open Door Mission.^


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WCAG 2.0 was published in December 2008. It has many differences to WCAG 1.0 as to rationale, structure and content. Two years later there are still few tools supporting WCAG 2.0, and none of them fully mirrors the WCAG 2.0 approach organized around principles, guidelines, success criteria, situations and techniques. This paper describes the on-going development of an update to the Hera-FFX Firefox extension to support WCAG 2.0. The description is focused on the challenges that we have found and our resulting decisions.