105 resultados para Subprime
O objectivo principal da presente dissertação é o de discutir as dificuldades de financiamento sentidas pelas PME portuguesas na sequência da crise financeira internacional. Esta crise teve particular impacto ao nível do comportamento dos bancos nacionais em matéria de concessão de crédito. Pretende-se, ainda, avaliar o papel do IAPMEI neste domínio, através da criação de linhas de financiamento alternativas, especificamente destinadas a este tipo de empresas. Recorreu-se à metodologia do estudo de caso e o nosso interesse recaiu sobre uma PME dedicada à comercialização de equipamentos para análises químicas, que já foi alvo de constrangimentos de financiamento por parte da banca e beneficiou das linhas de financiamento do IAPMEI. O trabalho compõe-se por 3 capítulos, com os seguintes propósitos; i) o Capítulo 1 atende às principais características da crise financeira internacional e às suas consequências no nosso país, principalmente no que se refere ao constrangimento do crédito bancário; ii) no Capítulo 2, descrevem-se as características das linhas de financiamento colocadas à disposição das empresas pelo IAPMEI; já no Capítulo 3, atende-se ao caso particular de uma PME e ao modo como esta tem procurado ultrapassar as dificuldades sentidas ao nível do financiamento, mormente através do recurso às soluções promovidas pelo IAPMEI anteriormente mencionadas. Este trabalho permitiu sobretudo evidenciar a exigência de garantias crescentes por parte das entidades bancárias nacionais, para além da imposição de processos burocráticos complexos. A adopção de comportamentos de aversão ao risco, por parte dos mutuantes, colocou sérias dificuldades ao financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas.
Tanulmányunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a jelzálogpiaci válsághoz köthető hírek milyen hatással vannak a Közép-Kelet-Európában aktív nagybankokra. A vizsgálathoz tíz Közép-Kelet-Európában aktív, tőzsdei nagybankot választottunk ki, amelyek közül hat nyugat-európai, míg négy közép-kelet-európai székhelyű bank volt. A tíz pénzintézettel kapcsolatosan 128 hírt gyűjtöttünk össze a 2007. június 1. és 2009. december 31. közötti időszakból. A híreket öt kategóriába csoportosítottuk, és az egyes kategóriáknak a részvényárfolyamokra gyakorolt, rövid távú hatását külön vizsgáltuk. Számításaink alapján a jelzálogpiaci válság során a befektetők pozitívan fogadták az állami feltőkésítéssel kapcsolatos bejelentéseket és a kielégítő védelmet nyújtó, átfogó kormányzati bankmentő csomagokat. A veszteségekkel, a leminősítéssel és az ECB intézkedéseivel kapcsolatos hírek esetén rövid távon nem tudtunk szignifikáns hatást kimutatni. A kutatás során a hírek számosságában igen, de a hírek által kiváltott hatás nagyságrendjében nem észleltünk jelentős különbséget a nyugat-európai és a középkelet- európai bankok között. ______ The research measures the impact of the subprime crisis on the shareholders of the banks being active in Central and Eastern Europe. The analysis focuses on the ten largest banks of the region measured by the asset size. The authors address the question whether the crisis affected more signifi cantly the large banks headquartered in Western Europe or the banks domiciled in Central and Eastern Europe. With the aim of capturing the short-term impact of various news on the shareholders of the banks, the popular event-study methodology with a one-day event window is employed. Within the period of 1 June 2007 and 31 December 2009, altogether 128 news were collected and grouped into fi ve categories (downgrades, loss, capital strengthening, governmental rescue packages, interventions of the ECB). Among others, the authors found empirical evidence that the shareholders appreciated the interventions of the governments: their capital injections resulted in signifi cant positive abnormal returns. Governmental rescue packages also resulted in signifi cant abnormal returns in the share price, however, the sign of the returns was unambiguous. No empirical evidence was found that in the short run the news in connection with loss announcements, downgrades and ECB interventions resulted in signifi cant abnormal returns. We concluded that although Western European banks and banks domiciled in Central and Eastern Europe differed in the number of news announced, the crisis affected the banks in both regions in a similar manner.
The financial crisis that occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, known as the subprime crisis, has highlighted the governance of companies in Brazil and worldwide. To monitor the financial risk, quantitative tools of risk management were created in the 1990s, after several financial disasters. The market turmoil has also led companies to invest in the development and use of information, which are applied as tools to support process control and decision making. Numerous empirical studies on informational efficiency of the market have been made inside and outside Brazil, revealing whether the prices reflect the information available instantly. The creation of different levels of corporate governance on BOVESPA, in 2000, made the firms had greater impairment in relation to its shareholders with greater transparency in their information. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the subprime financial crisis has affected, between January 2007 and December 2009, the volatility of stock returns in the BM&BOVESPA of companies with greater liquidity at different levels of corporate governance. From studies of time series and through the studies of events, econometric tests were performed by the EVIEWS, and through the results obtained it became evident that the adoption of good practices of corporate governance affect the volatility of returns of companies
La complejidad de construir portafolios de inversión de renta variable (acciones) consiste en la búsqueda de una distribución óptima de activos que puedan dar un resultado de menor exposición al riesgo para un nivel de rendimiento máximo. El primer desafío por lograr, entonces, es el referido a la selección de los activos que se deben tomar en cuenta y, luego, la decisión de cuáles de estos adquirir. Adicionalmente, este procedimiento presenta una dificultad cuando se desea calcular, de manera razonable, la rentabilidad y riesgo de los diferentes portafolios construidos. En este contexto, el presente trabajo de investigación busca diferenciar la conformación de portafolios de inversión a través de la diversificación de activos sectoriales y geográficos (entre países). Tanto en rendimiento, riesgo y rentabilidad ajustada al riesgo para, de esta forma, contribuir a la toma de decisiones de los inversionistas alineados a sus objetivos y a su nivel de aversión al riesgo.
The financial crisis that occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, known as the subprime crisis, has highlighted the governance of companies in Brazil and worldwide. To monitor the financial risk, quantitative tools of risk management were created in the 1990s, after several financial disasters. The market turmoil has also led companies to invest in the development and use of information, which are applied as tools to support process control and decision making. Numerous empirical studies on informational efficiency of the market have been made inside and outside Brazil, revealing whether the prices reflect the information available instantly. The creation of different levels of corporate governance on BOVESPA, in 2000, made the firms had greater impairment in relation to its shareholders with greater transparency in their information. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the subprime financial crisis has affected, between January 2007 and December 2009, the volatility of stock returns in the BM&BOVESPA of companies with greater liquidity at different levels of corporate governance. From studies of time series and through the studies of events, econometric tests were performed by the EVIEWS, and through the results obtained it became evident that the adoption of good practices of corporate governance affect the volatility of returns of companies
The global economy experienced continuous growth from 2002 to 2007 until the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis caused instability in worldwide stock markets. Simultaneously, global CEO turnover continued to fall to 13.8 percent in 2007. In contrast, the CEO turnover rate in Australia increased to 18 percent in 2007. The purpose of this paper is to determine under what conditions a change in a CEO is associated with firm performance. Succinctly, does the firm’s decision to replace the CEO depend on the CEO’s human capital or firm performance? The empirical study of Australian listed firms (2005 – 2008) shows that firm performance is not a determinant of CEO turnover, rather a CEO with less valuable human capital is more likely to be replaced. The study also finds that merely changing the CEO is not associated firm performance. Rather, there is a positive association between firm performance and the successor’s general human capital for firms that replace the CEO. Specifically, it is the internal successor’s general human capital that is an important determinant of increasing firm performance. These results are important because they imply that CEO turnover is a result of a more active market for CEOs and contributes to explaining why firms retain CEOs despite poor firm performance.
With a fair share of the blame for the subprime crisis pointing to banks' extensive involvement in trading, this thesis examines three closely related issues. The first essay shows that regulatory capital arbitrage, insolvency risk, and non-interest income are all important motivations for banks to become involved in trading. The second essay support the widely held perception that trading activities such as off-balance sheet derivatives, securitization, and assets sales all are making banks more opaque. With banks' business model changing from ''originate and hold'' to ''originate, repackage, and sell'', the last essay show that trading channel exist and it has weakened the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission through banks' capital and lending channel.
Over the past two decades neo liberalism has shaped global economic activity. The international reach of the current economic crisis propelled by the subprime mortgage meltdown in the United States has affected Indigenous communities in different ways to those whose investments were depleted by the Wall Street activities of an unregulated corporate and banking sector. Throughout this roller coaster economic ride the low socio-economic position of Indigenous peoples continued in Canada, the United States of America, New Zealand, Hawaii and Australia. The logic, or illogic of capital, failed to extend the boom of the economic upturn to Indigenous peoples, but is poised to extend the repercussions of the current downturn deep into Indigenous lives. The consistency of the Indigenous socio-economic position across these countries, even where treaties exist, indicates that the phenomenon is based on a shared Indigenous reality. In this special edition, the commonality in the way in which Indigenous people are engaged in and positioned by market forces and regulation by their respective nation states is proposed as one of the foundation plates of that Indigenous positioning...
"Las crisis recurrentes en los paises emergentes en los últimos 25 años: crisis tequila (1995), crisis asiatica (1997), crisis rusa (1998), crisis turquia (2001) y crisis argentina (2001/02) pusieron de manifiesto los peligros que representa la reversión de los flujos de capitales privados y desencadenaron la politica de acumulación de reservas internacionales por parte de los bancos centrales alrededor del mundo. Cuando analistas y funcionarios empezaban a cuestionar dicha decisión y caracterizar como excesivo el nivel de las reservas, la fragilidad del sistema financiero global exhibida a partir de la crisis subprime reveló la importancia de contar con reservas internacionales robustas. En este marco, ¿deberíamos preocuparnos por la evolución reciente de las reservas internacionales en Argentina? Las reservas internacionales del Banco Central se ubican en US$ 35.200 millones, lo cual representa el menor nivel desde marzo de 2007 y una caída de más de US$ 17.000 millones desde el pico de enero de 2011 (-33%)..."
Resumen: Axel Leijonhufvud, economista reconocido internacionalmente por sus trabajos sobre la literatura de John Maynard Keynes y el keynesianismo (Leijonhufvud, 1968), ofreció su lectura de la crisis subprime de 2008, reconociendo que la misma encaja más con la teoría austríaca del ciclo económico de Ludwig von Mises y Friedrich Hayek, que con el marco teórico keynesiano. En este artículo ofrecemos evidencia para tal afirmación.
Resumen: El presente trabajo intenta encontrar una causa exógena al deterioro, a partir de 2005, en los estándares de crédito hipotecario que contribuyeron a la crisis subprime en los Estados Unidos. Sostenemos que la nueva provisión de la prueba de medios de la ley Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) de 2005 fue dicho shock exógeno en el mercado hipotecario. Mostramos que la prueba de medios, que impide solicitar la bancarrota bajo Chapter 7 a los deudores con mayores ingresos relativos, causó un desplazamiento de la oferta de crédito hipotecario de deudores con mayores ingresos a deudores con menores ingresos relativos. Simultáneamente, observamos que todos los deudores debieron pagar tasas de interés más altas, independientemente del nivel de ingresos. Nuestros resultados implican que la ley BAPCPA podría ser un factor que contribuyó al deterioro en los estándares de crédito en el mercado hipotecario de los Estados Unidos.