1000 resultados para Studentkåren vid Helsingfors Universitet
Rapporten behandlar projekt Larsmosik under tiden 1998–2011. Projektets målsättning var att grunda ett moderfiskbestånd av Larsmosik. Denna sikform är en genetiskt särpräglad form av skärgårdssik som förekommer i havsområdet utanför Jakobstad och Larsmo. På grund av eutrofieringen i skärgården har dess naturliga lek- och yngelområden minskat radikalt. Målet var att moderfiskbeståndet skulle förse havsområdet utanför Jakobstad och Larsmo med utsättningsyngel och att på sikt kunna använda bara Larsmosikyngel vid de årliga ålagda sikutplanteringarna. Kostnaderna för projektet uppgick till ca 40 000 euro. 93 sikar för det kommande moderfiskbeståndet fångades år 1998 under lektiden med sikfällor i havet utanför Larsmo och Jakobstad vid fyra kända lekplatser. Sikarnas längd, vikt, ålder och antal gälräfständer analyserades av Norra svenska fiskeområdet. Fiskarnas genetik analyserades vid biologiska institutionen vid Joensuu Universitet. Bakteriologiska och virologiska undersökningar gjordes av Livsmedelssäkerhetsverket Evira. Efter att de genetiska undersökningarna visat att sikarna från de fyra lekplatserna inte nämnvärt skilde sig från varandra och de virologiska/bakteriologiska undersökningarna visat att fiskarna var friska, beslöt man att grunda ett moderfiskbestånd i Taivalkoski. Moderfiskbeståndet har förstärkts med nya yngel från befruktad rom från sik, fångad på lekplatserna i havet, åren 2000-2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 och 2012. Norra svenska fiskeområdet verkställde, i samarbete med lokala yrkesfiskare, fångsten av moderfisk, romtagningen och befruktningen. År 1999 färgmärktes 15 000 st. ensomriga sikyngel och planterades efter det ut i havet. 11 st. av dessa återfångades under perioden 2003-2005. År 2003 ingick för första gången Larsmosikyngel i de ålagda sikutplanteringarna i havsområdet utanför Jakobstad. Från och med år 2006 består alla dessa utplanteringar, dvs. 217 000 st./år av Larsmosik. Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstutet ledde under åren 2001–2005 ett projekt, vars målsättning var att undersöka genetiken hos olika sikpopulationer i Bottniska viken. Prov togs bl.a. av Larsmosik fångad i havet och Larsmosik från moderfiskbeståndet i Taivalkoski. Resultaten av undersökningarna visade att populationen av Larsmosik i havet representerar ett eget genetiskt distinkt bestånd, och att Larsmosikarna i moderfiskbeståndet i Taivalkoski inte uppvisade släktskap vare sig med Larsmosikbeståndet i havet eller med någon annan av de 13 undersökta sikpopulationerna i Bottniska viken.
Artikel i vänbok
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera om det finns något genusperspektiv i valda nedslag i gymnasieläroböcker i ämnet historia. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna och definitionerna har hämtats i Micael Nilssons rapport Historia ur ett genusperspektiv – En granskning av genusaspekterna i ämnet historia vid Linköpings universitet. Materialet har kategoriserats i tre olika perspektiv; kvinnohi-storiskt perspektiv, jämställdhetsperspektiv och genusperspektiv. Litteraturen har därefter place-rats i den så kallade genustrappan som i Nilsson version består av fem olika steg; genusmedveten, jämställdhetsmedveten, könsmedveten, könsomedveten eller könsmakts-förstärkande. Det un-dersökta materialet har bestått av fem läroböcker som behandlar A-kursen i historia. Läroböcker-na är utgivna på fem olika förlag, ingen av dem har en ensam författare och tre av böckerna har en kvinnlig medförfattare. Undersökningen är baserad på både den kvalitativa och den kvantitati-va metoden. Den kvantitativa delen av undersökning har gått ut på att räkna antal kvinnonamn i böckernas register och antal illustrationer som innehåller kvinnor. I den kvalitativa delen av un-dersökningen har material om kvinnor samt kvinnors situation i kapitlen om antikens Grekland, nordisk medeltid och industrialismen analyserats. Undersökningen visar att läroböckerna repre-senterar en historieskrivning som i stora drag lämnar kvinnorna utanför. Ingen av böckerna når upp till kategorien genusmedveten, de två böcker som placerar sig högst når kategorien jäm-ställdhetsmedveten. Resultatet visar att läroböckerna inte lever upp till styrdokumentens krav på en jämställd undervisning.
Syftet med föreliggande projekt var att söka flexibla utbildningslösningar isamverkan inom specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningarna vid Karlstads universitet,Högskolan Dalarna, Högskolan i Gävle, Mälardalens högskola ochÖrebro universitet.Frågeställningar1. Hur ser regionens personalförsörjning och behov ut?2. Vilka utbildningsformer och vilken lärarkompetens finns?3. Vilka antagningsvolymer finns?4. Hur kan samordning ske?Projektet baseras på en kartläggning av Penta Plus regionens personalförsörjning,behov och befintligt utbildningsutbud.Preliminärresultatet visar att anställda specialist- och handledarutbildadesjuksköterskor inom distriktssjukvård, vård av äldre och psykiatri ärförhållandevis lågt jämfört med anställda specialist- och handledarutbildadeinom anestesi-, intensiv- och operationssjukvård.Campusförlagd utbildning och distansutbildning på heltid och eller i annan studietaktförekommer vid lärosätena. Tre olika lärplattformar används: Fronter,First Class och två versioner av Blackboard. Lärarkompetensen i form av disputeradeinom respektive specialistutbildning är inte till alla delar kongruent i relationtill lärosätenas utbildningsutbud.Nuvarande antagningsvolymer är relaterade till antalet tillgängliga vfu platser,logistiken inom regionen i relation till lärosätenas kursutbud och kursstarer harmöjligheter till viss expansion inom vissa specialistutbildningar.Samordning där företrädesvis lärosätenas kursstarer, kursinnehåll och valbarakurser logistiskt korrelerar är ett mål för framtida arbete och medveten samverkan.
This paper is focusing IT-supported real-time formative feedback in a classroom context. The development of a Student and Teacher Response System (STRS) is described. Since there are a number of obstacles for effective interaction in large classes IT can be used to support the teachers aim to find out if students understand the lecture and accordingly adjust the content and design of the lecture. The system can be used for formative assessment before, during, and after a lecture. It is also possible for students to initiate interaction during lectures by posing questions anonymously. The main contributions of the paper are a) the description of the interactive real-time system and b) the development process behind it.
Denna rapport är en svensk sammanfattning av licentiatavhandlingen med titeln "Simple Question, Complex Answer. Pathways towards a 50% Decrease in Building Energy Use", som publicerades vid Uppsala Universitet i februari 2014. I denna rapport har jag samman-ställt det som jag anser vara de viktigaste resultaten ur ett länsperspektiv och rapporten riktar sig därför i första hand mot aktörer inom byggnadssektorn i Dalarna. Mer omfattande bild-material, diagram, tabeller och hänvisningar till källmaterial återfinns för den intresserade i licentiatavhandlingen. Min förhoppning är att denna sammanfattning kan ligga till grund för diskussioner och beslut om framtiden för Dalarnas småhusbestånd.
This paper is focusing IT-supported real-time formative feedback in a classroom context. The development of a Student and Teacher Response System (STRS) is described. Since there are a number of obstacles for effective interaction in large classes, IT can be used to support the teachers aim to find out if students understand the lecture and accordingly adjust the content and design of the lecture. The system can be used for formative assessment before, during, and after a lecture. It is also possible for students to initiate interaction during lectures by posing questions anonymously. The main contributions of the paper are a) the description of the interactive real-time system and b) the development process behind it.
This thesis consists of four manuscripts in the area of nonlinear time series econometrics on topics of testing, modeling and forecasting nonlinear common features. The aim of this thesis is to develop new econometric contributions for hypothesis testing and forecasting in these area. Both stationary and nonstationary time series are concerned. A definition of common features is proposed in an appropriate way to each class. Based on the definition, a vector nonlinear time series model with common features is set up for testing for common features. The proposed models are available for forecasting as well after being well specified. The first paper addresses a testing procedure on nonstationary time series. A class of nonlinear cointegration, smooth-transition (ST) cointegration, is examined. The ST cointegration nests the previously developed linear and threshold cointegration. An Ftypetest for examining the ST cointegration is derived when stationary transition variables are imposed rather than nonstationary variables. Later ones drive the test standard, while the former ones make the test nonstandard. This has important implications for empirical work. It is crucial to distinguish between the cases with stationary and nonstationary transition variables so that the correct test can be used. The second and the fourth papers develop testing approaches for stationary time series. In particular, the vector ST autoregressive (VSTAR) model is extended to allow for common nonlinear features (CNFs). These two papers propose a modeling procedure and derive tests for the presence of CNFs. Including model specification using the testing contributions above, the third paper considers forecasting with vector nonlinear time series models and extends the procedures available for univariate nonlinear models. The VSTAR model with CNFs and the ST cointegration model in the previous papers are exemplified in detail,and thereafter illustrated within two corresponding macroeconomic data sets.
Media representations of ethnicity- and migration-related issues within the elderly care in Sweden and Finland Research on welfare regimes and migration regimes has shown that Sweden and Finland have similar elderly care regimes but different migration regimes. It is against this backdrop that we set out to study what Swedish and Finnish daily press focusing on elderly care has written about ethnic minorities, migrants and migration. The study uses quantitative content analysis to analyze 241 daily newspaper articles published between 1995 and 2008. This article presents the themes that have been discussed, the elderly care actors that have been in focus (i.e. whether the focus has been on elderly care recipients, elderly care providers or informal caregivers), the ethnic backgrounds that these actors have had (i.e. whether the focus has been on the ethnic majority or on ethnic minorities) and the type of explanatory frameworks that the newspaper articles in focus have used. On the basis of this, we problematize the representations of ethnic minorities, migrants and migration that the newspaper articles in question put forth and the fact that the Swedish and Finnish daily press treats the issues at hand as if migration is mostly an issue that can be relegated to the periphery of the elderly care sectors’ agenda.
This thesis consists of four empirically oriented papers on central bank independence (CBI) reforms. Paper [1] is an investigation of why politicians around the world have chosen to give up power to independent central banks, thereby reducing their ability to control the economy. A new data-set, including the possible occurrence of CBI-reforms in 132 countries during 1980-2005, was collected. Politicians in non-OECD countries were more likely to delegate power to independent central banks if their country had been characterized by high variability in inflation and if they faced a high probability of being replaced. No such effects were found for OECD countries. Paper [2], using a difference-in-difference approach, studies whether CBI reform matters for inflation performance. The analysis is based on a dataset including the possible occurrence of CBI-reforms in 132 countries during the period of 1980-2005. CBI reform is found to have contributed to bringing down inflation in high-inflation countries, but it seems unrelated to inflation performance in low-inflation countries. Paper [3] investigates whether CBI-reforms are important in reducing inflation and maintaining price stability, using a random-effects random-coefficients model to account for heterogeneity in the effects of CBI-reforms on inflation. CBI-reforms are found to have reduced inflation on average by 3.31 percent, but the effect is only present when countries with historically high inflation rates are included in the sample. Countries with more modest inflation rates have achieved low inflation without institutional reforms that grant central banks more independence, thus undermining the time-inconsistency theory case for CBI. There is furthermore no evidence that CBI-reforms have contributed to lower inflation variability Paper [4] studies the relationship between CBI and a suggested trade-off between price variability and output variability using data on CBI-levels, and data the on implementation dates of CBI-reforms. The results question the existence of such a trade-off, but indicate that there may still be potential gains in stabilization policy from CBI-reforms.
Some 50% of the people in the world live in rural areas, often under harsh conditions and in poverty. The need for knowledge of how to improve living conditions is well documented. In response to this need, new knowledge of how to improve living conditions in rural areas and elsewhere is continuously being developed by researchers and practitioners around the world. People in rural areas, in particular, would certainly benefit from being able to share relevant knowledge with each other, as well as with stakeholders (e.g. researchers) and other organizations (e.g. NGOs). Central to knowledge management is the idea of knowledge sharing. This study is based on the assumption that knowledge management can support sustainable development in rural and remote regions. It aims to present a framework for knowledge management in sustainable rural development, and an inventory of existing frameworks for that. The study is interpretive, with interviews as the primary source for the inventory of stakeholders, knowledge categories and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure. For the inventory of frameworks, a literature study was carried out. The result is a categorization of the stakeholders who act as producers and beneficiaries of explicit and indigenous development knowledge. Stakeholders are local government, local population, academia, NGOs, civil society and donor agencies. Furthermore, the study presents a categorization of the development knowledge produced by the stakeholders together with specifications for the existing ICT infrastructure. Rural development categories found are research, funding, agriculture, ICT, gender, institutional development, local infrastructure development, and marketing & enterprise. Finally, a compiled framework is presented, and it is based on ten existing frameworks for rural development that were found in the literature study, and the empirical findings of the Gilgit-Baltistan case. Our proposed framework is divided in four levels where level one consists of the identified stakeholders, level two consists of rural development categories, level three of the knowledge management system and level four of sustainable rural development based on the levels below. In the proposed framework we claim that the sustainability of rural development can be achieved through a knowledge society in which knowledge of the rural development process is shared among all relevant stakeholders.
The Scuba Diver and “Proper” Masculinity Based on ethnographic fieldwork on scuba diving, this article explores the social homogeneity characterizing this specific sport activity regarding questions on how deviance is treated within a group and on what grounds. The consequences of the dangerous context on the Dyad (one is always diving together with a “Buddy”) in which the activity is performed, is analysed with the help of Georg Simmel (1950) and Erving Goffman (1967). The loyalty of the diving partner (the Buddy) towards the “right attitude” which governs the activity may be turned against the scuba diver who does not adapt. The Buddy is transformed from a friend into an opponent, who, by spreading anecdotes or rumours, questions the character of the scuba diver, which eventually may exclude him or her from the activity. The article discusses how the “right attitude” in scuba diving is related to the so-called predominant masculine identity (Connell 1995) in a Swedish context.
Students in upper secondary school write in a number of different genres, and do this in school contexts as well as in their spare time. The study presented here is an overview of this activity and the genres concerned. The theoretical framework of the study is that of genre theory whereby genre is understood as a socially situated concept. The study is based on 2 000 texts gathered from students on different study programmes all over Sweden in the school year of 1996-97. The texts were written in different situations. The most important distinction made here is between test texts (i.e. texts from national tests) and self-chosen texts, which may come from schoolwriting or spare-time writing. The texts are categorized according to genre. This text inventory shows a repertoire of 33 different genres in the text material. A small number of genres, such as story, book-review and expository essay dominate the school writing. The test genres differ from this pattern in that they clearly imitate texts with a genuine communicative intent. The most frequent genres are studied further and each of them is demonstrated by an interpretative reading. This reading shows that the genres differ considerably with respect to genre character and stability of text structure. A quantitative study of text length and variation in vocabulary further shows that texts written by two categories of students, those on vocationally oriented programmes and those on programmes preparing for higher education, differ significantly. Reference cohesion is studied in a smaller sample of the texts. This lexico-semantic mechanism of cohesion proves to exhibit an interrelation with variation in vocabulary as well as with text type. One particular cohesive tie, inference, shows different patterns in texts written by the two categories of students mentioned above.
Gästredaktör för denna volym: docent Ulla Melander Marttala, Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet
In this paper we present a framework to be used for evaluation of Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) projects. The framework is based on Sen´s notion of development as freedom where human capabilities and functionings are seen as key aspects to development. Sen´s capability approach presents an alternative way of seeing and evaluating development (alternative to more traditional ways of measuring development). The approach is based on expanding freedoms, or eliminating unfreedoms, for people so that they can live a life that they have reason to value. Even though Sen is referenced a lot in ICT4D literature the analysis rarely goes further then stating that Sen presents an alternative to traditional ways of development. Reasons can be that the capability approach does not specifically mention technology, in addition to the lack of guidelines presented by Sen on how to use the framework. The aim of this paper is to operationalize the evaluation process and to include a clear role for technology in Sen´s capability framework. The framework is validated with a case on distance education from Bangladesh.