983 resultados para Structural-Parametrical Optimization
Lattice materials are characterized at the microscopic level by a regular pattern of voids confined by walls. Recent rapid prototyping techniques allow their manufacturing from a wide range of solid materials, ensuring high degrees of accuracy and limited costs. The microstructure of lattice material permits to obtain macroscopic properties and structural performance, such as very high stiffness to weight ratios, highly anisotropy, high specific energy dissipation capability and an extended elastic range, which cannot be attained by uniform materials. Among several applications, lattice materials are of special interest for the design of morphing structures, energy absorbing components and hard tissue scaffold for biomedical prostheses. Their macroscopic mechanical properties can be finely tuned by properly selecting the lattice topology and the material of the walls. Nevertheless, since the number of the design parameters involved is very high, and their correlation to the final macroscopic properties of the material is quite complex, reliable and robust multiscale mechanics analysis and design optimization tools are a necessary aid for their practical application. In this paper, the optimization of lattice materials parameters is illustrated with reference to the design of a bracket subjected to a point load. Given the geometric shape and the boundary conditions of the component, the parameters of four selected topologies have been optimized to concurrently maximize the component stiffness and minimize its mass. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.
This paper presents an analysis of biofluid behavior in a T-shaped microchannel device and a design optimization for improved biofluid performance in terms of particle liquid separation. The biofluid is modeled with single phase shear rate non-Newtonian flow with blood property. The separation of red blood cell from plasma is evident based on biofluid distribution in the microchannels against various relevant effects and findings, including Zweifach-Fung bifurcation law, Fahraeus effect, Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect and cell free phenomenon. The modeling with the initial device shows that this T-microchannel device can separate red blood cell from plasma but the separation efficiency among different bifurcations varies largely. In accordance with the imbalanced performance, a design optimization is conducted. This includes implementing a series of simulations to investigate the effect of the lengths of the main and branch channels to biofluid behavior and searching an improved design with optimal separation performance. It is found that changing relative lengths of branch channels is effective to both uniformity of flow rate ratio among bifurcations and reduction of difference of the flow velocities between the branch channels, whereas extending the length of the main channel from bifurcation region is only effective for uniformity of flow rate ratio.
The optimization of cutouts in composite plates was investigated by implementing a procedure known as Evolutionary Structural Optimization. Perforations were introduced into a finite element mesh of the plate from which one or more cutouts of a predetermined size were evolved. In the examples presented, plates were rejected from around each evolving cutout based on a predefined rejection criterion. The Limiting ply within each plate element around the cutout was determined based on the Tsai-Hill failure criterion. Finite element plates with values below the product of the average Tsai-Hill number and a rejection criterion were subsequently removed. This process was iterated until a steady state was reached and the rejection criterion was then incremented by an evolutionary rate and the above steps repeated until the desired cutout area was achieved. Various plates with differing lay-up and loading parameters were investigated to demonstrate the generality and robustness of this optimization procedure.
Ao longo das últimas décadas, a micromoldação (u-moldação) por injeção de termoplásticos ganhou um lugar de destaque no mercado de equipamentos eletrónicos e de uma ampla gama de componentes mecânicos. No entanto, quando o tamanho do componente diminui, os pressupostos geralmente aceites na moldação por injeção convencional deixam de ser válidos para descrever o comportamento reológico e termomecânico do polímero na microimpressão. Por isso, a compreensão do comportamento dinâmico do polímero à escala micro bem como da sua caraterização, análise e previsão das propriedades mecânicas exige uma investigação mais alargada. O objetivo principal deste programa doutoral passa por uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno físico intrínseco ao processo da μ-moldação por injeção. Para cumprir com o objetivo estabelecido, foi efetuado um estudo paramétrico do processo de μ-moldação por injeção, cujos resultados foram comparados com os resultados obtidos por simulação numérica. A caracterização dinâmica mecânica das μ-peças foi efetuada com o objetivo de recolher os dados necessários para a previsão do desempenho mecânico das mesmas, a longo prazo. Finalmente, depois da calibração do modelo matemático do polímero, foram realizadas análises estruturais com o intuito de prever o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças no longo prazo. Verificou-se que o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças pode ser significativamente afetado pelas tensões residuais de origem mecânica e térmica. Estas últimas, resultantes do processo de fabrico e das condições de processamento, por isso, devem ser consideradas na previsão do desempenho mecânico e do tempo de serviço das u-moldações.
Diese Arbeit umfaßt das elektromechanische Design und die Designoptimierung von weit durchstimmbaren optischen multimembranbasierten Bauelementen, mit vertikal orientierten Kavitäten, basierend auf der Finiten Element Methode (FEM). Ein multimembran InP/Luft Fabry-Pérot optischer Filter wird dargestellt und umfassend analysiert. In dieser Arbeit wird ein systematisches strukturelles Designverfahren dargestellt. Genaue analytische elektromechanischer Modelle für die Bauelemente sind abgeleitet worden. Diese können unschätzbare Werkzeuge sein, um am Anfang der Designphase schnell einen klaren Einblick zur Verfügung zu stellen. Mittels des FEM Programms ist der durch die nicht-lineare Verspannung hervorgerufene versteifende Effekt nachgeforscht und sein Effekt auf die Verlängerung der mechanischen Durchstimmungsstrecke der Bauelemente demonstriert worden. Interessant war auch die Beobachtung, dass die normierte Relation zwischen Ablenkung und Spannung ein unveränderliches Profil hat. Die Deformation der Membranflächen der in dieser Arbeit dargestellten Bauelementformen erwies sich als ein unerwünschter, jedoch manchmal unvermeidbarer Effekt. Es zeigt sich aber, dass die Wahl der Größe der strukturellen Dimensionen den Grad der Membrandeformation im Falle der Aktuation beeinflusst. Diese Arbeit stellt ein elektromechanisches in FEMLAB implementierte quasi-3D Modell, das allgemein für die Modellierung dünner Strukturen angewendet werden kann, dar; und zwar indem man diese als 2D-Objekte betrachtet und die dritte Dimension als eine konstante Größe (z.B. die Schichtdicke) oder eine Größe, welche eine mathematische Funktion ist, annimmt. Diese Annahme verringert drastisch die Berechnungszeit sowie den erforderlichen Arbeitsspeicherbedarf. Weiter ist es für die Nachforschung des Effekts der Skalierung der durchstimmbaren Bauelemente verwendet worden. Eine neuartige Skalierungstechnik wurde abgeleitet und verwendet. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass das daraus resultierende, skalierte Bauelement fast genau die gleiche mechanische Durchstimmung wie das unskalierte zeigt. Die Einbeziehung des Einflusses von axialen Verspannungen und Gradientenverspannungen in die Berechnungen erforderte die Änderung der Standardimplementierung des 3D Mechanikberechnungsmodus, der mit der benutzten FEM Software geliefert wurde. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen einen großen Einfluss der Verspannung auf die Durchstimmungseigenschaften der untersuchten Bauelemente. Ferner stimmten die Ergebnisse der theoretischen Modellrechnung mit den experimentellen Resultaten sehr gut überein.
This paper describes the structural evolution of Y(0.9)Er(0.1)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) nanopowders using two soft chemistry routes, the sol-gel and the polymeric precursor methods. Differential scanning calorimetry, differential thermal analyses, thermogravimetric analyses, X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared, and Raman spectroscopy techniques have been used to study the chemical reactions between 700 and 1200 degrees C temperature range. From both methods the Y(0.9)Er(0.1)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) (Er:YAB) solid solution was obtained almost pure when the powdered samples were heat treated at 1150 degrees C. Based on the results, a schematic phase formation diagram of Er:YAB crystalline solid solution was proposed for powders from each method. The Er:YAB solid solution could be optimized by adding a small amount of boron oxide in excess to the Er:YAB nominal composition. The nanoparticles are obtained around 210 nm. Photoluminescence emission spectrum of the Er:YAB nanocrystalline powders was measured on the infrared region and the Stark components of the (4)I(13/2) and (4)I(15/2) levels were determined. Finally, for the first time the Raman spectrum of Y(0.9)Er(0.1)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) crystalline phase is also presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
In previous studies, we identified promising anti-Trypanosoma cruzi cruzain inhibitors based on thiazolylhydrazones. To optimize this series, a number of medicinal chemistry directions were explored and new thiazolylhydrazones and thiosemicarbazones were thus synthesized. Potent cruzain inhibitors were identified, such as thiazolylhydrazones 3b and 3j, which exhibited IC(50) of 200-400 nM. Furthermore, molecular docking studies showed concordance with experimentally derived structure-activity relationships (SAR) data. In the course of this work, lead compounds exhibiting in vitro activity against both the epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi were identified and in vivo general toxicity analysis was subsequently performed. Novel SAR were documented, including the importance of the thiocarbonyl carbon attached to the thiazolyl ring and the direct comparison between thiosemicarbazones and thiazolylhydrazones. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents two different approaches to detect, locate, and characterize structural damage. Both techniques utilize electrical impedance in a first stage to locate the damaged area. In the second stage, to quantify the damage severity, one can use neural network, or optimization technique. The electrical impedance-based, which utilizes the electromechanical coupling property of piezoelectric materials, has shown engineering feasibility in a variety of practical field applications. Relying on high frequency structural excitations, this technique is very sensitive to minor structural changes in the near field of the piezoelectric sensors, and therefore, it is able to detect the damage in its early stage. Optimization approaches must be used for the case where a good condensed model is known, while neural network can be also used to estimate the nature of damage without prior knowledge of the model of the structure. The paper concludes with an experimental example in a welded cubic aluminum structure, in order to verify the performance of these two proposed methodologies.
The strut-and-tie models are widely used in certain types of structural elements in reinforced concrete and in regions with complexity of the stress state, called regions D, where the distribution of deformations in the cross section is not linear. This paper introduces a numerical technique to determine the strut-and-tie models using a variant of the classical Evolutionary Structural Optimization, which is called Smooth Evolutionary Structural Optimization. The basic idea of this technique is to identify the numerical flow of stresses generated in the structure, setting out in more technical and rational members of strut-and-tie, and to quantify their value for future structural design. This paper presents an index performance based on the evolutionary topology optimization method for automatically generating optimal strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete structures with stress constraints. In the proposed approach, the element with the lowest Von Mises stress is calculated for element removal, while a performance index is used to monitor the evolutionary optimization process. Thus, a comparative analysis of the strut-and-tie models for beams is proposed with the presentation of examples from the literature that demonstrates the efficiency of this formulation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Topological optimization problems based on stress criteria are solved using two techniques in this paper. The first technique is the conventional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO), which is known as hard kill, because the material is discretely removed; that is, the elements under low stress that are being inefficiently utilized have their constitutive matrix has suddenly reduced. The second technique, proposed in a previous paper, is a variant of the ESO procedure and is called Smooth ESO (SESO), which is based on the philosophy that if an element is not really necessary for the structure, its contribution to the structural stiffness will gradually diminish until it no longer influences the structure; its removal is thus performed smoothly. This procedure is known as "soft-kill"; that is, not all of the elements removed from the structure using the ESO criterion are discarded. Thus, the elements returned to the structure must provide a good conditioning system that will be resolved in the next iteration, and they are considered important to the optimization process. To evaluate elasticity problems numerically, finite element analysis is applied, but instead of using conventional quadrilateral finite elements, a plane-stress triangular finite element was implemented with high-order modes for solving complex geometric problems. A number of typical examples demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective for solving problems of bi-dimensional elasticity. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with topology optimization in plane elastic-linear problems considering the influence of the self weight in efforts in structural elements. For this purpose it is used a numerical technique called SESO (Smooth ESO), which is based on the procedure for progressive decrease of the inefficient stiffness element contribution at lower stresses until he has no more influence. The SESO is applied with the finite element method and is utilized a triangular finite element and high order. This paper extends the technique SESO for application its self weight where the program, in computing the volume and specific weight, automatically generates a concentrated equivalent force to each node of the element. The evaluation is finalized with the definition of a model of strut-and-tie resulting in regions of stress concentration. Examples are presented with optimum topology structures obtaining optimal settings. (C) 2012 CIMNE (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the effects of uncertainty and expected costs of failure on optimum structural design are investigated, by comparing three distinct formulations of structural optimization problems. Deterministic Design Optimization (DDO) allows one the find the shape or configuration of a structure that is optimum in terms of mechanics, but the formulation grossly neglects parameter uncertainty and its effects on structural safety. Reliability-based Design Optimization (RBDO) has emerged as an alternative to properly model the safety-under-uncertainty part of the problem. With RBDO, one can ensure that a minimum (and measurable) level of safety is achieved by the optimum structure. However, results are dependent on the failure probabilities used as constraints in the analysis. Risk optimization (RO) increases the scope of the problem by addressing the compromising goals of economy and safety. This is accomplished by quantifying the monetary consequences of failure, as well as the costs associated with construction, operation and maintenance. RO yields the optimum topology and the optimum point of balance between economy and safety. Results are compared for some example problems. The broader RO solution is found first, and optimum results are used as constraints in DDO and RBDO. Results show that even when optimum safety coefficients are used as constraints in DDO, the formulation leads to configurations which respect these design constraints, reduce manufacturing costs but increase total expected costs (including expected costs of failure). When (optimum) system failure probability is used as a constraint in RBDO, this solution also reduces manufacturing costs but by increasing total expected costs. This happens when the costs associated with different failure modes are distinct. Hence, a general equivalence between the formulations cannot be established. Optimum structural design considering expected costs of failure cannot be controlled solely by safety factors nor by failure probability constraints, but will depend on actual structural configuration. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.