998 resultados para Strontium stannate


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Variation in strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) within otoliths is invaluable to studies of fish diadromy. Typically, otolith Sr : Ca is positively related to salinity, and the ratios of Ba and Sr to calcium (Ca) vary in opposite directions in relation to salinity. In this study of jungle perch, Kuhlia rupestris, otolith Sr : Ca and Ba : Ca, however, showed the same rapid increase as late-larval stages transitioned directly from a marine to freshwater environment. This transition was indicated by a microstructural check mark on otoliths at 35–45 days age. As expected ambient Sr was lower in the fresh than the marine water, however, low Ca levels (0.4 mg L–1) of the freshwater resulted in the Sr : Ca being substantially higher than the marine water. Importantly, the otolith Sr : Ba ratio showed the expected pattern of a decrease from the marine to freshwater stage, illustrating that Sr : Ba provided a more reliable inference of diadromous behaviour based on prior expectations of their relationship to salinity, than did Sr : Ca. The results demonstrate that Ca variation in freshwaters can potentially be an important influence on otolith element : Ca ratios and that inferences of marine–freshwater habitat use from otolith Sr : Ca alone can be problematic without an understanding of water chemistry.


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Abstract is not available.


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Sr90 Radiotracer diffusion studies have been carried out on crystals of orthoclase and microcline using an ion implantation method. The activation energies are consistent with calculations based on mineral age data.


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Artificial superlattices of SrTiO3 and BaZrO3 were grown epitaxially with different periodicities on SrRuO3 coated (00 1) SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed excimer laser ablation. Superlattices were structurally characterized by X-Ray theta-2 theta diffraction data. Electrical characterization was done in metal-insulation-metal configuration. Capacitance-voltage measurements showed limited amount of tunability. The DC field induced tunability has been observed to be sensitive to the periodicity of the superlattices, hence the effective strain present in the layers. Hysteretic behaviour in capacitance-voltage (C-V) and polarization versus electric field (P-E) results from the superlattices also indicate the sensitivity of the interfaces. Interfacial strain is supposed to be the most probable cause for such a behaviour which is also manifested in the variation of dielectric constant with individual layer thicknesses. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Infrared spectra of trichloroacetates of Cu, Ca, Sr and Ba were studied in order to investigate the effect of coordination on the vibration spectra of the ligand. The shifts of the antisymmetric and symmetric COO- stretching frequencies are explained on the basis of the type of co-ordination of the COO- group to the metal ion. From the spectra it is established that the coordination of the COO- group to metal is different for trichloroacetates and monochloroacetates.


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The Raman spectrum of strontium titanate has been recorded using λ 4358 of mercury as exciter. The observed spectrum consists of 7 Raman lines, one of which is of low frequency, as expected from the recent theory of Cochran. 6 of these Raman lines have been interpreted as the first order spectrum arising from a small deviation of the cubic strontium titanate from its idealized symmetry. It has been shown that one normal mode of SrTiO3 neglected by J.T. Last, will be really active in infrared absorption in the region of 440 cm-1 and that it has to be taken into account in the interpretation of the infrared spectra of titanates. The four vibrational modes of the unit cell of SrTiO3 correspond to frequencies of 90, 335, 441 and 620 cm-1 observed in Raman effect. The large width of the Raman lines and the additional lines at 256 cm-1 and 726 cm-1 have been attributed to a splitting of the longitudinal and transverse optical modes. With the observed frequencies it has been found possible to account for in a satisfactory manner the specific heat of SrTiO3 in the range 54·84° K to 1800° K.


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The electron spin resonance spectra of X-ray irradiated single crystals of strontium doped calcium tartrate tetrahydrate (CST) with molecular formula Ca0.88Sr0.12C4H4O6.4H(2)O grown in gels has been investigated. Only one species of free radical but with two magnetically unequivalent sites was observed at room temperature. The free radical was found to be the result of the splitting of a C-II bond adjacent to both the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. The a factor was found to be slightly anisotropic. Couplings with two H nuclei, believed to be the proton of the OH group attached directly to the unsaturated asymmetric carbon atom and the proton attached directly to the: other asymmetric carbon atom of the molecule were observed. The principal g-values were found to be 2.0030, 2.0017, 2.0027. The principal elements of the nuclear coupling are 7.45, 6.59, 4.28 and 8.56, 7.22, 18.71 G, respectively. The radical was found to be very stable. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The vapour pressures of barium and strontium have been measured by continuous monitoring of the weight loss of Knudsen cells in the temperature range 700�1200 K. The results for strontium agree with those reported in the literature, but the vapour pressure of barium has been found to be considerably lower than the generally accepted value. The experimentally determined pressures are in good agreement with theoretical values obtained using the Gibbs-Bogoliubov first-order variational method.


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The activity of strontium in liquid Al-Sr alloys (X(Sr) less-than-or-equal-to 0.17) at 1323 K has been determined using the Knudsen effusion-mass loss technique. At higher concentrations (X(Sr) greater-than-or-equal-to 0.28), the activity of strontium has been determined by the pseudoisopiestic technique. Activity of aluminium has been derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The concentration - concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thornton at zero wave vector has been computed from the thermodynamic data. The behaviour of the mean square thermal fluctuation in composition and the thermodynamic mixing functions suggest association tendencies in the liquid state. The associated solution model with Al2Sr as the predominant complex can account for the properties of the liquid alloy. Thermodynamic data for the intermetallic compunds in the Al-Sr system have been derived using the phase diagram and the Gibbs' energy and enthalpy of mixing of liquid alloys. The data indicate the need for redetermination of the phase diagram near the strontium-rich corner.


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The chemical potentials of SrO in two-phase fields (TiO2 + SrTiO3) (SrTiO3 + Sr4Ti3O10) (Sr4Ti3O10 + Sr3Ti2O7) and (Sr3Ti2O7 + Sr2TiO4) of the pseudo-binary system (SrO + TiO2) have been measured in the temperature range (900 to 1250) K relative to pure SrO as the reference state using solid-state galvanic cells incorporating single crystal SrF2 as the electrolyte The cells were operated under pure oxygen at ambient pressure The standard Gibbs free energies of formation of strontium titanates SrTiO3 Sr4Ti3O10 Sr3Ti2O7 and Sr2TiO4 from their component binary oxides were derived from the reversible electromotive force (EMF) of the cells For the formation of the four compounds from their component oxides TiO2 with rutile structure and SrO the standard Gibbs free energy changes are given by Delta G((ox))(SrTiO3) +/- 89/(J mol(-1)) = -121878 + 3 881(T/K) Delta G((ox))(Sr4Ti3O10) +/- 284/(J mol(-1)) = -409197 + 14 749(T/K) Delta G((ox))(Sr3Ti2O7) +/- 190/(J mol(-1)) = -285827 + 10 022(T/K) Delta G((ox))(Sr2TiO4) +/- 110/(J mol(-1))= -159385 + 3 770(T/K) The reference state for solid TiO2 is the rutile form The results of this study are in good agreement with Gibbs free energy of formation data reported in the literature for SrTiO3 but differ significantly with data for Sr4Ti3O10 For Si3Ti2O7 and Si2TiO4 experimental measurements are not available in the literature for direct comparison with the results obtained in this study (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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The proton second moment M2 and spin-lattice relaxation time T1 have been measured in ammonium tribromo stannate (NH4SnBr3) in the temperature range 77–300 K, to determine the ammonium dynamics. The continuous wave signal is strong and narrow at 77 and 300 K but has revealed an interesting intensity anomaly between 210 and 125 K. T1 shows a maximum (13 s) around 220 K. No minimum in the T1 vs 1000/T plot was observed down to 77 K. M2 and T1 results are interpreted in terms of NH+4 ion dynamics. The activation energy Ea for NH+4 ion reorientation is estimated to be 1.4 kcal mol−1.


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Polycrystalline strontium titanate (SrTiO3) films were prepared by a pulsed laser deposition technique on p-type silicon and platinum-coated silicon substrates. The films exhibited good structural and dielectric properties which were sensitive to the processing conditions. The small signal dielectric constant and dissipation factor at a frequency of 100 kHz were about 225 and 0.03 respectively. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics in metal-insulator-semiconductor structures exhibited anomalous frequency dispersion behavior and a hysteresis effect. The hysteresis in the C-V curve was found to be about 1 V and of a charge injection type. The density of interface states was about 1.79 x 10(12) cm(-2). The charge storage density was found to be 40 fC mu m(-2) at an applied electric field of 200 kV cm(-1). Studies on current-voltage characteristics indicated an ohmic nature at lower voltages and space charge conduction at higher voltages. The films also exhibited excellent time-dependent dielectric breakdown behavior.