986 resultados para String theory, Inflation, Slow-roll, tensor modes
We review the status of integrable models from the point of view of their dynamics and integrability conditions. A few integrable models are discussed in detail. We comment on the use it is made of them in string theory. We also discuss the SO(6) symmetric Hamiltonian with SO(6) boundary. This work is especially prepared for the 70th anniversaries of Andr, Swieca (in memoriam) and Roland Koberle.
We consider an optical fiber with a nanoscale variation of the effective fiber radius that supports whispering gallery modes slowly propagating along the fiber, and reveal that the radius variation can be designed to support the reflectionless propagation of these modes. We show that reflectionless modulations can realize control of the transmission amplitude and temporal delay, while enabling close packing due to the absence of cross talk, in contrast to the conventional potentials.
L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare le conseguenze della scelta del frame (Jordan o Einstein) nel calcolo delle proprietà degli spettri primordiali generati dall’inflazione ed in particolare dell’osservabile r (rapporto tensore su scalare) al variare del potenziale del campo che genera l’espansione accelerata. Partendo dalla descrizione della teoria dell’inflazione in relatività generale, focalizzando l’attenzione sui motivi che hanno portato all’introduzione di questa teoria, vengono presentate le tecniche di utilizzo comune per lo studio della dinamica omogenea (classica) inflazionaria e di quella disomogenea (quantistica). Una particolare attenzione viene rivolta ai metodi di approssimazione che è necessario adottare per estrarre predizioni analitiche dai modelli inflazionari per poi confrontarle con le osservazioni. Le tecniche introdotte vengono poi applicate ai modelli di inflazione con gravità indotta, ovvero ad una famiglia di modelli con accoppiamento non minimale tra il campo scalare inflatonico e il settore gravitazionale. Si porrà attenzione alle differenze rispetto ai modelli con accoppiamento minimale, e verrà studiata la dinamica in presenza di alcuni potenziali derivanti dalla teoria delle particelle e diffusi in letteratura. Il concetto di “transizione tra il frame di Jordan e il frame di Einstein” viene illustrato e le sue conseguenze nel calcolo approssimato del rapporto tensore su scalare sono discusse. Infine gli schemi di approssimazione proposti vengono analizzati numericamente. Risulterà che per due dei tre potenziali presentati i metodi di approssimazione sono più accurati nel frame di Einstein, mentre per il terzo potenziale i due frames portano a risultati analitici similmente accurati.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the simplest model of open inflation there are two inflaton fields decoupled from each other. One of them, the tunneling field, produces a first stage of inflation which prepares the ground for the nucleation of a highly symmetric bubble. The other, a free field, drives a second period of slow-roll inflation inside the bubble. However, the second field also evolves during the first stage of inflation, which to some extent breaks the needed symmetry. We show that this generates large supercurvature anisotropies which, together with the results of Tanaka and Sasaki, rule out this class of simple models (unless, of course, Omega0 is sufficiently close to 1). The problem does not arise in modified models where the second field does not evolve in the first stage of inflation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A period of accelerated expansion of the primordial universe, known as inflation, represents the standard paradigm for the early universe cosmology. While inflation agrees with observational constraints, a complete understanding of its physical origin is not available yet. This suggests the necessity of an embedding into a more fundamental theory. String theory is arguably the best-developed candidate for an ultra-violet (UV) complete theory of gravity and string compactifications could provide a natural framework for addressing this issue. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate the potential embedding of Starobinsky inflation in effective field theories arising in string compactifications. In particular, we focus on two main objectives. The first one is the evaluation of Yukawa-like couplings in f (R)-theories of gravity with fermions, more specifically in the context of Starobinsky inflation. The second goal is understanding if any of the moduli which naturally arise in string compactifications has the right form of this coupling and displays the correct scalar potential, as needed for a possible identification with the scalar field driving Starobinsky inflation.
Dictated by the string theory and various higher dimensional scenarios, black holes in D > 4-dimensional space-times must have higher curvature corrections. The first and dominant term is quadratic in curvature, and called the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) term. We shall show that although the Gauss-Bonnet correction changes black hole's geometry only softly, the emission of gravitons is suppressed by many orders even at quite small values of the GB coupling. The huge suppression of the graviton emission is due to the multiplication of the two effects: the quick cooling of the black hole when one turns on the GB coupling and the exponential decreasing of the gray-body factor of the tensor type of gravitons at small and moderate energies. At higher D the tensor gravitons emission is dominant, so that the overall lifetime of black holes with Gauss-Bonnet corrections is many orders larger than was expected. This effect should be relevant for the future experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Witten has recently proposed a string theory in twistor space whose D-instanton contributions are conjectured to compute M = 4 super-Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes. An alternative string theory in twistor space was then proposed whose open string tree amplitudes reproduce the D-instanton computations of maximal degree in Witten's model. In this paper, a cubic open string field theory action is constructed for this alternative string in twistor space, and is shown to be invariant under parity transformations which exchange MHV and googly amplitudes. Since the string field theory action is gauge-invariant and reproduces the correct cubic super-Yang-Mills interactions, it provides strong support for the conjecture that the string theory correctly computes N-point super-Yang-Mills tree amplitudes. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.
We attempt to incorporate inflation into a string theory realization of the chameleon mechanism. Previously, it was found that the volume modulus, stabilized by the supersymmetric potential used by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi (KKLT) and with the right choice of parameters, can generically work as a chameleon. In this paper, we ask whether inflation can be realized in the same model. We find that we need a large extra dimensions set-up, as well as a semi-phenomenological deformation of the Kähler potential in the quantum region. We also find that an additional KKLT term is required so that there are now two pieces to the potential, one which drives inflation in the early universe, and one which is responsible for chameleon screening at late times. These two pieces of the potential are separated by a large flat desert in field space. The scalar field must dynamically traverse this desert between the end of inflation and today, and we find that this can indeed occur under the right conditions. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Non-commutative geometry indicates a deformation of the energy-momentum dispersion relation f (E) = E/pc (not equal 1) for massless particles. This distorted energy-momentum relation can affect the radiation-dominated phase of the universe at sufficiently high temperature. This prompted the idea of non-commutative inflation by Alexander et al (2003 Phys. Rev. D 67 081301) and Koh and Brandenberger (2007 JCAP06(2007) 021 and JCAP11(2007) 013). These authors studied a one-parameter family of a non-relativistic dispersion relation that leads to inflation: the a family of curves f (E) = 1 + (lambda E)(alpha). We show here how the conceptually different structure of symmetries of non-commutative spaces can lead, in a mathematically consistent way, to the fundamental equations of non-commutative inflation driven by radiation. We describe how this structure can be considered independently of (but including) the idea of non-commutative spaces as a starting point of the general inflationary deformation of SL(2, C). We analyze the conditions on the dispersion relation that leads to inflation as a set of inequalities which plays the same role as the slow-roll conditions on the potential of a scalar field. We study conditions for a possible numerical approach to obtain a general one-parameter family of dispersion relations that lead to successful inflation.