388 resultados para Streptococus mutans
La caries dental es una enfermedad infecciosa, crónica y trasmisible, que se caracteriza por la desmineralización de los tejidos duros del diente, producida por la acción de los ácidos resultantes de la actividad metabólica del biofilm desarrollado sobre los dientes. Si bien, la etiología de la caries sería polimicrobiana, los estreptococos del grupo mutans son señalados como los principales protagonistas en el inicio de la lesión cariosa. En la pared celular se destacan proteínas que participan en procesos de adhesión, agregación y co-agregación, además de polisacáridos que muestran distintas especificidades antigénicas, lo que permite distinguir cuatro serotipos: c, e, f y k. Es escasa la información de las características antigénicas de las cepas circulantes de estreptococos del grupo mutans y se desconoce la relación de las mismas con la actividad de caries. En este estudio nuestros objetivos son identificar y caracterizar fenotípica y genotípicamente las cepas de estreptococos del grupo mutans circulantes en la provincia de Córdoba. La población de estudio estará constituida por escolares, urbano–marginales de la capital y del interior de la provincia. Se determinarán los serotipos de las mismas a través de de amplificaciones por PCR de tipo multiplex y luego se secuenciarán 8 genes a través de la técnica de tipado multilocus, con el fin de realizar estudios de sistemática molecular, y de estimar la estructura genética de S. mutans. Una vez que se hayan caracterizado los patrones de diversidad y distribución geográfica de S. mutans del centro de Argentina, se intentará dilucidar cómo se relacionan la diversidad genética con la experiencia de caries de los niños del estudio. Se analizarán de forma conjunta nuestros resultados con los publicados por otros autores. De esta forma se logrará una mejor comprensión de los factores históricos y ecológicos que han moldeado su distribución y aportar conocimientos a la sistemática del grupo “mutans” en relación a otras bacterias del género Streptococcus. Dental caries is an infectious, chronic and transmissible disease, characterized by demineralization of the hard tissues of the teeth, produced by the action of acids resulting from the metabolic activity of biofilm developed on the teeth. Although the etiology of caries would be polymicrobial, the streptococci of the mutans group are identified as the major responsible in the initiation of the carious lesion. In the cell wall there are proteins involved in adhesion, aggregation and co-aggregation processes, as well as polysaccharides that present different antigenic specificities, which allow the distinction of four serotypes c, e, f and k. There is little information about the antigenic characteristics of the Streptococcus mutans strains and the relationship of those characteristics with the caries activity is unknown. In the present study our goals are to identify and characterize the phenotypic and genotypic strains of streptococci of the mutans group circulating in the province of Cordoba. The study population will consist of urban and rural scholar children from Cordoba city and from the interior of the province. In order to study the molecular systematic, and the genetic structure of S. mutans, different serotypes will be determined by multiplex PCR amplifications and eight genes will be sequenced by using the multilocus typing technique. Once the diversity and the geographical distribution patterns of S. mutans from the center of Argentina is characterized, we will attempt to clarify how the genetic diversity is related with the caries experience in the children of the study. Our results will be analyzed together with those published by other authors. This will achieve a better understanding of the historical and ecological factors that shaped the bacteria’s distribution and will contribute to the knowledge of the systematic of the mutans group in relation to other bacteria of the genus Streptococcus.
Mutansstreptokokkitartunnan ehkäisemisen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset maitohampaiden terveyteen. Kohorttitutkimus korjaavan hoidon määrästä ja kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaisen mutansstreptokokki (MS)-kolonisaation ehkäisyn pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten maitohampaistossa sekä tarkastella MS-tartunnan estämisen kustannuksia. Tiedot lasten hampaiden terveydestä ja hammashoitotoimenpiteistä syntymästä 10-vuotiaaksi sekä äiteihin kohdistuneen kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista kerättiin Ylivieskan terveyskeskuksen asiakirjoista. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä 507 lasta, heistä 148 oli osallistunut aikaisempaan Ylivieskan äiti-lapsitutkimukseen, jossa verrattiin äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin ja äidille tehtyjen fluori- tai klooriheksidiinilakkausten vaikutusta pikkulasten hampaiden terveyteen. Maitohammaskariesta esiintyi 10-vuotiaaksi asti merkitsevästi vähemmän lapsilla, jotka eivät olleet saaneet MS-tartuntaa alle 2-vuotiaana, heidän maitohampaansa säilyivät 3,4 vuotta kauemmin täysin ehjinä (p<0.001) ja he tarvitsivat vähemmän maitohampaiden korjaavaa hoitoa (p=0.005) kuin lapset, joiden hampaisto oli kolonisoitunut MS-bakteerilla jo 2-vuotiaana. Koska ksylitoliryhmän lasten MS-kolonisaatio oli vähäisintä, heidän maitohampaissaan oli vähemmän kariesta ja korjaavan hoidon tarvetta kuin kahden muun korkeariskisen ryhmän lapsilla. Äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin kustannukset olivat yhteensä 116 euroa ja lapsen maitohampaiden säilyminen täysin ehjinä vuoden pidempään maksoi 37 euroa. Kun MS-tartunta oli saatu estettyä, korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten hampaiden terveys oli samalla tasolla kuin keskimäärin koko ikäkohortilla. Lapsen maitohampaat säilyvät terveinä pidempään ja korjaavan hoidon tarve vähenee, kun MS-kolonisaatio alle 2-vuotiaana saadaan estettyä. Lapsen MS-kolonisaatio vähenee merkitsevästi, kun äiti käyttää ksylitolipurukumia lapsen ollessa 0-2 vuoden ikäinen, siten pikkulapsen äidin säännöllinen ksylitolipurukumin käyttö saattaa olla julkisen tereydenhuollon kannalta tarkoituksenmukainenterveyttä edistävä menetelmä.
Streptococcus mutans membrane-bound P- and F-type ATPases are responsible for H+ extrusion from the cytoplasm thus keeping intracellular pH appropriate for cell metabolism. Toluene-permeabilized bacterial cells have long been used to study total membrane-bound ATPase activity, and to compare the properties of ATPase in situ with those in membrane-rich fractions. The aim of the present research was to determine if toluene permeabilization can significantly modify the activity of membrane-bound ATPase of both F-type and P-type. ATPase activity was assayed discontinuously by measuring phosphate release from ATP as substrate. Treatment of S. mutans membrane fractions with toluene reduced total ATPase activity by approximately 80% and did not allow differentiation between F- and P-type ATPase activities by use of the standard inhibitors vanadate (3 µM) and oligomycin (4 µg/mL). Transmission electron microscopy shows that, after S. mutans cells permeabilization with toluene, bacterial cell wall and plasma membrane are severely injured, causing cytoplasmic leakage. As a consequence, loss of cell viability and disruption of H+ extrusion were observed. These data suggest that treatment of S. mutans with toluene is an efficient method for cell disruption, but care should be taken in the interpretation of ATPase activity when toluene-permeabilized cells are used, because results may not reflect the real P- and F-type ATPase activities present in intact cell membranes. The mild conditions used for the preparation of membrane fractions may be more suitable to study specific ATPase activity in the presence of biological agents, since this method preserves ATPase selectivity for standard inhibitors.
Streptococcus mutans is a Gram-positive bacterium present in the oral cavity, and is considered to be one of the leading causes of dental caries. S. mutans has a glnK gene, which codes for a PII-like protein that is possibly involved in the integration of carbon, nitrogen and energy metabolism in several organisms. To characterize the GlnK protein of S. mutans, the glnK gene was amplified by PCR, and cloned into the expression vectors pET29a(+) and pET28b(+). The native GlnK-Sm was purified by anion exchange (Q-Sepharose) and affinity (Hi-Trap Heparin) chromatography. The GlnK-His-Sm protein was purified using a Hi-Trap Chelating-Ni2+ column. The molecular mass of the GlnK-His-Sm proteins was 85 kDa as determined by gel filtration, indicating that this protein is a hexamer in solution. The GlnK-His-Sm protein is not uridylylated by the Escherichia coli GlnD protein. The activities of the GlnK-Sm and GlnK-His-Sm proteins were assayed in E. coli constitutively expressing the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifLA operon. In K. pneumoniae, NifL inhibits NifA activity in the presence of high ammonium levels and the GlnK protein is required to reduce the inhibition of NifL in the presence of low ammonium levels. The GlnK-Sm protein was unable to reduce NifL inhibition of NifA protein. Surprisingly, the GlnK-His-Sm protein was able to partially reduce NifL inhibition of the NifA protein under nitrogen-limiting conditions, in a manner similar to the GlnK protein of E. coli. These results suggested that S. mutans GlnK is functionally different from E. coli PII proteins.
The control of nitrogen metabolism in pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria has been studied in a variety of species and is involved with the expression of virulence factors. To date, no data have been reported regarding nitrogen metabolism in the odontopathogenic species Streptococcus mutans. GlnR, which controls nitrogen assimilation in the related bacterial species, Bacillus subtilis, was assessed in S. mutans for its DNA and protein binding activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of the S. mutans GlnR protein indicated that GlnR binds to promoter regions of the glnRA and amtB-glnK operons. Cross-linking and pull-down assays demonstrated that GlnR interacts with GlnK, a signal transduction protein that coordinates the regulation of nitrogen metabolism. Upon formation of this stable complex, GlnK enhances the affinity of GlnR for the glnRA operon promoter. These results support an involvement of GlnR in transcriptional regulation of nitrogen metabolism-related genes and indicate that GlnK relays information regarding ammonium availability to GlnR.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Periodoncia) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas en el área de Odontopediatría) UANL, 2014.
Le but de ce travail de mémoire était d'explorer des moyens pour augmenter la perméabilité des biofilms de Streptococcus mutans aux macromolécules en utilisant des agents potentiellement perturbateurs de la structure des biofilms. L’acide éthylènediamine tétraacétique (EDTA) ainsi que l’acide acétylsalicylique (aspirine) sont les agents perturbateurs choisis. Le changement de perméabilité des biofilms de S. mutans a été déterminé en mesurant les coefficients de diffusion globale du polyéthylène glycol (PEG) et de diffusion locale de dextrans. Les coefficients de diffusion globale ont été mesurés par spectroscopie infrarouge avec un échantillonnage par réflexion totale atténuée (ATR) alors que la spectroscopie par corrélation de fluorescence (SCF) a été utilisée pour la mesure des coefficients de diffusion locale. Les résultats ont démontré que l’incorporation de l’EDTA à une concentration de 7.5 (m/v) % dans la solution de diffusion permet d’améliorer les propriétés de transport du PEG dans les biofilms en augmentant sa pénétrabilité et son coefficient de diffusion globale. Par contre, aucune variation n’a été constatée dans la valeur du coefficient de diffusion locale de dextran fluorescent. Cette différence peut être expliquée, entre autres, par l'échelle des mesures et la nature différente des molécules diffusantes. L’aspirine n’a démontré aucun effet sur le transport du PEG à travers les biofilms de S. mutans. La pénétration accrue du PEG en présence de l’EDTA a été corrélée aux tests de viabilité des cellules bactériennes. En effet, la combinaison de la pénicilline G (PenG) avec l’EDTA 2 (m/v) % a eu comme effet l’augmentation du pouvoir biocide d’un facteur 3. De plus, les images de microscopie à épifluorescence et de microscopie confocale à balayage de laser ont démontré que les bactéries dans le cœur des microcolonies sont plus affectées par la PenG lorsque le milieu contient de l'EDTA. A la lumière des résultats obtenus, il s’avère que l’incorporation d'agents perturbateurs de la structure des biofilms est une option sérieuse à considérer dans l’éradication des biofilms microbiens. Plus d’études devront être effectuées afin d’investiguer l’effet d’autres molécules possédant les propriétés perturbatrices de la structure des biofilms sur la résistance de ces derniers aux agents antimicrobiens.
Due to the major role of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in the etiology of dental caries, it is important to use culture media that allow for differentiating these bacterial species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of a modified SB-20 culture medium (SB-20M) for the isolation and morphological differentiation of S. mutans and S. sobrinus, compared to biochemical identification (biotyping). Saliva samples were collected using the spatula method from 145 children, seeded on plates containing the SB-20M, in which sucrose was replaced by coarse granular cane sugar, and incubated in microaerophilia at 37 degrees C during 72 h. Identification of the microorganisms was performed under stereomicroscopy based on colony morphology of 4904 colonies. The morphological identification was examined by biochemical tests of 94 randomly selected colonies with the macroscopic characteristic of S. mutans and S. sobrinus using sugar fermentation, resistance to bacitracin and production of hydrogen peroxide. There was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between morphological identification in the SB-20M medium and biochemical identification (biotyping). Biotyping confirmed that S. mutans and S. sobrinus colonies were correctly characterized in the SB-20M in 95.8% and 95.5% of the cases, respectively. Of the mutans streptococci detected in the children 98% were S. mutans and 2% S. sobrinus. The SB-20M medium is reliable for detection and direct morphological identification of S. mutans and S. sobrinus. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans expresses a surface protein, P1, which interacts with the salivary pellicle on the tooth surface or with fluid-phase saliva, resulting in bacterial adhesion or aggregation, respectively. P1 is a target of protective immunity. Its N-terminal region has been associated with adhesion and aggregation functions and contains epitopes recognized by efficacious antibodies. In this study, we used Bacillus subtilis, a gram-positive expression host, to produce a recombinant N-terminal polypeptide of P1 (P1(39-512)) derived from the S. mutans strain UA159. Purified P1(39-512) reacted with an anti-full-length P1 antiserum as well as one raised against intact S. mutans cells, indicating preserved antigenicity. Immunization of mice with soluble and heat-denatured P1(39-512) induced antibodies that reacted specifically with native P1 on the surface of S. mutans cells. The anti-P1(39-512) antiserum was as effective at blocking saliva-mediated aggregation of S. mutans cells and better at blocking bacterial adhesion to saliva-coated plastic surfaces compared with the anti-full-length P1 antiserum. In addition, adsorption of the anti-P1 antiserum with P1(39-512) eliminated its ability to block the adhesion of S. mutans cells to abiotic surfaces. The present results indicate that P1(39-512), expressed and purified from a recombinant B. subtilis strain, maintains important immunological features of the native protein and represents an additional tool for the development of anticaries vaccines.
Não há concordância em relação ao número total e intervalo entre as aplicações do verniz de clorexidina (CLX) a 1%. Além disso, os resultados quanto ao período de redução dos níveis de estreptococos do grupo mutans (EGM) na saliva ou biofilme dental são controversos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, através de um estudo clínico randomizado e controlado, o efeito de diferentes posologias do verniz de CLX a 1% nos níveis de EGM. Pacientes com níveis de EGM ≥ 105 UFC/ml saliva, 11-16 anos, foram distribuídos em 4 grupos: grupo A (n=14): 1 aplicação do verniz de CLX; grupo B (n=14): 1 aplicação diária do verniz CLX, em 3 dias consecutivos; grupo C (n=15): 3 aplicações do verniz CLX com intervalo de 4 dias entre cada aplicação; grupo D (n=12): 1 aplicação diária do verniz placebo, em 3 dias consecutivos. Amostras de saliva e biofilme dental foram coletadas no início do estudo e 1, 4 e 8 semanas após o término das aplicações e foram cultivadas para avaliação dos níveis de EGM e bactérias totais. Os dados foram avaliados através do teste ANOVA (medidas repetidas) e teste de Tukey. Após 1 semana, observou-se uma leve redução nos níveis salivares de EGM nos grupos A, B e C (-0,70; -0,90; -0,41 log10 UFC/ml saliva; respectivamente), significativa somente nos grupos A e B (p < 0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças nos níveis salivares de EGM entre os grupos experimentais nos diferentes períodos do experimento. No biofilme dental, 1 semana após o término do tratamento, foi observado um aumento significativo nos níveis de bactérias totais em todos os grupos experimentais e uma redução significativa nos níveis de EGM apenas no grupo A. O verniz de CLX a 1% resultou em uma leve e curta redução nos níveis de EGM. Este estudo demonstrou que repetidas aplicações do verniz de clorexidina a 1% não aumentam o seu efeito na redução dos níveis de EGM.
Some studies have evaluated the salivary levels of mutans streptococci (MS) in removable partial denture (RPD) users. Saliva samples (2.0 mL) were obtained from 31 patients in six periods: (T0): immediately before installation of RPD; (T8): 8 days after T0; (T48): 48 days after T0; (T92): 92 days after T0; (T140): 140 days after T0 and (T189): 189 days after T0. The samples were vortexed and serially diluted from 10(-1) to 10(-6) in 0.05 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). From each dilution, 0.025 mL was plated on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin (MSB). The plates were incubated in 5% CO2 at 37 degreesC for 72 h. There was an increase (t -test, P < 0.05) in the number of MS between periods T0 and T48 (mean/s.d., CFU mL(-1) of saliva): T0: 2.26/4.43 x 10(6) and T48: 0.47/1.48 x 10(8) . After this, intensive treatment with CHX was accomplished in 29 patients. Saliva samples were obtained after treatment in four periods: (T24 h): 24 h after T0; (T14): 14 days after T24 h; (T28): 28 days after T24 h, and (T63): 63 days after T24 h. The number of MS in saliva did not decrease (t -test, P > 0.05). A new CHX formulation was applied in 15 patients. Saliva samples were obtained in periods: (T0): before new CHX application; (T24 h): 24 h after T0 and (T82): 82 days after T0. The new CHX reduced MS levels in saliva: (mean/s.d., CFU mL(-1) of saliva): T0: 6.64/8.47 x 10(6) and T24 h: 3.2/4.27 x 10(5) (sign rank, P < 0.05). In conclusion, there was a significant increase in the number of MS in saliva after the installation of RPD. The intensive treatment with a properly formulated CHX was effective in the reduction of MS, between 24 h and 82 days after its application.
Plants naturally produce secondary metabolites that can be used as antimicrobials. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of Psidium cattleianum leaf extract on Streptococcus mutans. The extract (100%) was obtained by decoction of 100 g of leaves in 600 ml of deionized water. To assess killing, S. mutans biofilms were treated with water (negative control) or various extract dilutions [ 100, 50, 25% (v/v) in water] for 5 or 60 min. To evaluate the effect on protein expression, biofilms were exposed to water or 1.6% (v/v) extract for 120 min, proteins were extracted and submitted to 2-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis. Differentially expressed proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. The effect of 1.6% (v/v) extract on acid production was determined by pH measurements and compared to a water control. Viability was similar after 5 min of treatment with the 100% extract or 60 min with the 50% extract (about 0.03% survival). There were no differences in viability between the biofilms exposed to the 25 or 50% extract after 60 min of treatment (about 0.02% survival). Treatment with the 1.6% extract significantly changed protein expression. The abundance of 24 spots was decreased compared to water (p < 0.05). The extract significantly inhibited acid production (p < 0.05). It is concluded that P. cattleianum leaf extract kills S. mutans grown in biofilms when applied at high concentrations. At low concentrations it inhibits S. mutans acid production and reduces the expression of proteins involved in general metabolism, glycolysis and lactic acid production. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Objectives: This study compared three methods of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. detection in the oral cavity: saliva swab (SS)-sample of stimulated saliva collected with swab; whole saliva (WS)-sample of 2 ml of stimulated saliva; and the dental plaque method (DP)-plaque sample of all dental surfaces.Methods: Thirty children were included in this study. In the first 15 children, the SS and WS methods were carried out before the dental plaque collection, and in the following 15, the sequence was inverted to evaluate possible interference of the methods sequence. The samples were diluted and inoculated in SB20 and Rogosa agar, respectively for S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp., at 37 degrees C for 48 h.Results: the results (cfu/mL) of S. mutans were analysed by the statistical Friedman's test. The levels of Lactobacillus spp. were analysed by descriptive statistics due to the high proportion of zero counts in the culture. In the first sequence of methods, the number of S. mutans counted for the SS method was inferior to DP and WS (P < 0.05), and the results for the WS and DP methods were similar. The detection of Lactobacillus spp. was observed just by the WS (100 %) and SS (14.3 %) methods. However, in the second experimental set the number of S. mutans detected by the DP method was similar to those of the SS and WS, however, the WS method showed higher values than SS (P < 0.05). A greater number of Lactobacillus spp. was detected by the WS method (100 %), followed by SS (55.5 %) and DP (33.3 %).Conclusions: the dental plaque collection and the sample of stimulated whole saliva presented similar results in the S. mutans count. The most suitable method to detect the Lactobacillus spp. level in the oral cavity is the stimulated whole saliva method. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study determined the presence of mutans streptococci and Candida spp. in supragingival. dental plaque and infected dentine of caries-free children, with early childhood caries and caries. Pooled samples of dental plaque and infected dentine were collected from 56 children aged 1-5 years, which were divided into 3 groups: early childhood caries (ECC); caries and caries-free. Infected dentine was collected in ECC and caries groups to compare the frequency of these microorganisms in the collected sites. The samples were inoculated in SB20 and SA medium, for mutans streptococci and Candida spp., respectively, and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48 h. Colony growth was verified and the identification was performed by biochemical tests and CHROMagar Candida. Fisher's test or chi-square (chi(2)) were applied (p = 0.05). The more prevalent species were S. mutans and Candida albicans in ECC (85.4% and 60.4%, respectively), independently of the sample site. S. mutans only was significantly associated with carious teeth, whether in early childhood caries or not. However, the frequency of C. albicans in ECC was higher when compared to caries and caries-free groups. There is a significant association between the presence of C. albicans and early childhood caries. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.