998 resultados para Stream-gaging stations


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The Second STREAM Regional Conference was held in Tagaytay City, Philippines, from 8-10 June 2003 with the participation of 23 people from Australia, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan (China). Following a regional overview of STREAM’s themes, country partners, donors and funding, and activities, participants visited four “stations” on the themes of livelihoods, institutions, policy development, and communications, working in groups representing National Coordinators, Communications Hub Managers, and Partners. They engaged in discussions with a “station leader” and each other to learn about and comment on objectives, activities, outcomes and outputs, and to consider issues that need addressing in STREAM. (PDF has 49 pages.)


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This dataset provides raw data of chemical analyses made during studies on seasonal variations of some major ions in the stream water of the River Duddon in Cumbria. Measurements of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and chloride ions and pH were taken at 5 stations in the River Duddon between January 1970 and August 1974.


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This dataset provides raw data of chemical analyses made during studies on seasonal variations of some major ions in the stream water of the upper basin of the River Duddon in Cumbria. Measurements of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and chloride ions and pH were taken at 26 stations in the River Duddon basin between 1972 and 1974.


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This dataset provides raw data of chemical analyses made during studies on seasonal variations of some major ions in the stream water of the catchment of Lake Windermere in Cumbria. Measurements of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chloride ions and pH were taken at 37 stations in the catchment between 1975 and 1978.


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An empirical survey of macrophytes distribution and biomass from four stations, along Nta-wogba stream in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, was conducted between April and December 2007, to quantify the relationship between biomass, in stream nutrients and dissolved ions. The correlation analysis indicated that the biomass of the aquatic macrophytes under consideration, Einochloa pyramidalis; Diplazum sammatii; Cyperus difformis; Alternathera sessilis and Ludwigia decurrens were significantly (P<0.05) related to the nutrients: sulphate, ammonium; nitrate, and phosphate in all the stations. The measurement of total dissolved solid, which is correlated to ionic concentrations and turbidity, provided a rough indication of in stream light availability.


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An impediment to sustainable dryland salinity management is the lack of information on contributing factors. GIS and satellite imagery now offer a cost-effective means of generating relevant land and water resource information for integrated regional management of salinity. In this paper the relationships between patterns in land uselcover distribution and base flow salt concentration in streams (indicated by EC) are investigated and modelled. The Glenelg-Hopkins area is a large regional watershed in southwest Victoria, Australia, covering approximately 2.6 million ha. It is currently estimated that 27,400 ha of land is affected by dryland salinity and this is predicted to rapidly increase in the next decade' if current conditions prevail. Salt concentration data from five gauging stations were analysed with multi-temporal land use maps obtained from satellite imagery. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the variables Native Vegetation and Dry/and Grain Cropping were the most significant influences on in~stream salinity in the whole catchment (1=88.9%) and 500 m V=88.3%) and 100 m riparian buffers (1=86.9%) during times of base flow. The implications for future land use planning, effectiveness of riparian zones and revegetation programmes is discussed. This work also demonstrates the utility of applying nmltivariate statistical analyses, spatial statistics, and remote sensing with data integrated in a GIS framework for the purpose of predicting and managing the regional salinity threat.


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The Glenelg-Hopkins area is a large regional watershed (2.6 million ha) in southwest Victoria that has been extensively cleared for agriculture. In-stream electrical conductivity (EC) in relation to remnant native vegetation is examined from the headwaters to the upper extent of the estuary of the Glenelg River. Five water quality gauging stations were selected. Their contributing subcatchments represent a continuum of disturbance. Proportions of native vegetation ranged from ∼100% at the headwaters of the river to ∼30% at the furthest downstream gauge station. The relationship between remnant vegetation and in-stream EC was examined using aggregated and non-aggregated land use statistics over a period of 22 years from three land use maps. Increased proportions of native vegetation were significantly negatively correlated with in-stream EC and were consistent across all scenarios investigated.


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he exploration of the Gulf Stream region was continued in 1884, under nearly the same conditions as in 1883, by the steamer Albatross, Lieut. Z. L. Tanner, commander. During the four trips, between July 20 and Sept. 13, sixty nine dredgings (at stations 2170 to 2238) were made. The results were highly satisfactory, both in the way of physical observatidns and zoological discoveries. In some localities, in 1000 to 1600 fathoms, the bottom was found covered with 0or largely composed of hard, very irregular, flattened, crust-like concretions of clay and iron-oxide, with more or less manganese?oxide in the crevices and worm-burrows with which they are filled. Sometimes a barrel-full, or more, of such masses were brought up, varying in size from a few ounces up to 20 pounds or more in weight alld from one inch to six inches in thickness.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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1901-02 by F.H. Newell; 1903 by J.C. Hoyt; 1904-05 contain papers by various authors, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell.


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Cover title.