919 resultados para Strategies for teaching
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: 'La educación ante la inclusión del alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo'
o objetivo do presente trabalho é discutir e refletir sobre se a modelagem organizacional que contém propostas para a promoção de mudança organizacional impulsiona-a ou ao contrário serve apenas de âncora estagnante do processo de mudança, utilizando-se para isso, de pesquisa empírica realizada na Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro - (SMEIRJ), buscando-se através desse caso específico, discutir o tema na área de gestão educacional. Assim, pretende-se verificar se a influência de modelos formais de estruturação do sistema de ensino e de enfoques e ênfases adotados em sua gestão apresentam soluções sobre o que se tem, endemicamente, denominado de fracasso escolar . Pode-se constatar, a partir do presente trabalho, que o novo modelo organizacional e de gestão em processo de implantação na SME/RJ ainda não transformou a Secretaria em espaço aberto no sentido de que o cidadão, o aluno, o professor, o funcionário, a escola e a comunidade se mesclem com inteira liberdade aos atores centrais da organização que, a despeito de alguns avanços, está consciente de que resta muito a realizar. Preservou as velhas estruturas burocráticas e de poder que dominam esse processo, a despeito do racional e lógico modelo desenvolvido pela SME/RJ, a partir de 1993, que procura valorizar o profissional do ensino, promover a descentralização administração de forma a garantir maior flexibilidade e propiciar uma gestão participativa.
Para a consecução das finalidades de uma disciplina de um curso , várias estratégias de ensino podem ser utilizadas. A estratégia de ensino por objetivos operacionalizados adota, como princípio fundamental, a descrição dos objetivos educacionais em termos do desempenho esperado do aluno e a fixação de padrões mínimos de rendimento aceitável nesse desempenho. A programação de ensino por objetivos operacionalizados deve ser dada a conhecer ao educando, e deve servir de base para o planejamento das atividades docentes e discentes , orientando o aluno nos seus esforços para aprender, e o professor na escolha das técnicas e recursos de ensino que permitam tornar o ensino eficaz. Os resultados da pesquisa empírica realizada mostram que, no nível de efeito principal, o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados é ligeiramente superior ao ensino tradicional . Três turmas foram objeto do experimento, cujo propósito foi comparar , no ensino de Geometria Descritiva, a eficácia relativa das estratégias de ensino com programação por objetivos operacionalizados e a do ensino tradicional. Resultaram os Índices representativos daquela variável: 5,63 para o ensino tradicional, 7,48 para o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados com programação rígida e 7,29 para o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados em que os alunos tiveram liberdade de alguns dos objetivos educacionais. Fortes efeitos de interação foram detectados entre a variável Estratégia de Ensino e as variáveis Escores do Concurso Vestibular, Caracterização Sócio-Econômica e Cultural e Assiduidade, mostrando que, para algumas categorias de alunos, o ensino por objetivos operacionalizados tem rendimento significativamente maior que o ensino tradicional. Os resultados mostram que para algumas categorias a liberdade dada ao aluno para escolher alguns dos objetivos educacionais prejudica o seu nível de aproveitamento no curso, relativamente à mesma estratégia de ensino, porém, com programação totalmente fixada pelo professor. Mesmo nesses casos, o rendimento do ensino por objetivos operacionalizados revela-se superior ao do ensino tradicional.
The implementation of the nursing process should be experienced by all nurses during their formative years. However, the lack of implementation of the nursing process for care planning during the educational process and the existing disorder in the formation process prompted the following research questions: What is the meaning of teaching the nursing process to the nursing professors? Do nursing professors use strategies and methods that promote critical thinking in their students? The objective of the study was to analyze the meaning that teaching of the nursing process has for the nursing faculty of the bachalaureate nursing course. Qualitative descriptive study conducted with a sample of 30 faculty members that taught nursing care courses in the nursing program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, RN. Two instruments were used, a questionaire and an interview guide. The questionnaire was designed to obtain sociodemographic, educational and work information, of faculty activities and of the teaching of nursing care. The guide was composed of five open questions regarding the understanding and perceptions of the nursing process, its utilization in teaching, and the nursing care teaching strategies. Interview data were submitted to content analysis techniques and interpreted according to the principles of Symbolic Interactionism. Six categories related to the analytical themes were identified: the nursing process as the guide for the care actions; clinical rationality; use of the care activities; teaching relevance; teaching barreirs; teaching strategies with focus on the abilities and competencies of the clinical rationale. Faculty perceptions regarding the teaching of the nursing process; nursing care approach in the nurses‟ formation. The study indicates that the participants understand the relevance of the nursing process a work instrument and that the use of this method during the nurses‟ formation enhances the abilities and competencies for critical thinking that is essencial for care. The strategies for teaching of abilities and competencies were identified, however the nursing faculty should use codes, direction and the influence so that the students can Interact and therefore stimulate the use of the nursing process
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Official documents indicate to a curriculum organization that promotes the dialogue in different areas of knowledge. Among the proposals strategies are the "School Projects". This research appears from the staff need evidenced in the development of practice of the researcher in recent years as Pedagogical Advisor in high school. The comments made in the daily work on the kinds of projects and how they were developed in the school, generated concerns. They aroused the interest in further the discussion, aiming to reflect with teachers about the implementation of a pedagogic action on the use of educational projects in the classroom, as a didactic strategy which promotes the learning of students. In this sense, it seeks to develop studies and discussions by the application of questionnaires and the holding of a workshop with teachers in the area of Science of Nature and Mathematics in private high school institutions from Natal, searching opinions of them as the preparation and development of school projects. As general purpose, it aims to contribute with elements to the reflection of the teachers on the use of this strategy of education. For both, we propose: the knowledge of ideas/opinions of teachers on planning, development and evaluation of projects, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, identifying the main difficulties of these teachers about the work with projects at school; reviewing projects developed at school after the press conference in a meeting with teachers, incorporating the identified aspects as weak points. In the course of the methodology research, questionnaires were used with open and closed questions for the lifting of preliminary ideas for teachers in order to subsidize the planning of a developed meeting later in the school itself on the subject in question. 10 teachers took part of the first step and 17 in the second one (pressconference). In the third stage, an individual interview was carried out and analysis of projects already developed. It is observed that, as the main difficulty for the development of projects in school, pointed to the time factor in the planning team, followed by excessive working hours for teachers that, generally, also work in other schools. Some teachers say they do not develop projects for not having knowledge of how to develop school projects, neither disciplinary, nor interdisciplinary
This study aims to demonstrate that data from business games can be an important resource for improving efficiency and effectiveness of learning. The proposal presented here was developed from preliminary studies of data from Virtual Market games that pointed the possibility of identifying gaps in learning by analyzing the decisions of students. This proposal helps students to refine their learning processes and equips tutors with strategies for teaching and student assessment. The proposal also complements the group discussion and/or debriefing, which are widely used to enhance learning mediated by games. However, from a management perspective the model has the potential to be erroneous and miss opportunities, which cannot be detected because of the dependence on the characteristics of the individual, such as ability to communicate and work together. To illustrate the proposed technique, data sets from two business games were analyzed with the focus on managing working capital and it was found that students had difficulties managing this task. Similar trends were observed in all categories of students in the study-undergraduate, postgraduate and specialization. This discovery led us to the analysis of data for decisions made in the performance of the games, and it was determined that indicators could be developed that were capable of indentifying inconsistencies in the decisions. It was decided to apply some basic concepts of the finance management, such as management of the operational and non-operational expenditures, as well as production management concepts, such as the use of the production capacity. By analyzing the data from the Virtual Market games using the indicator concept, it was possible to detect the lack of domain knowledge of the students. Therefore, these indicators can be used to analyze the decisions of the players and guide them during the game, increasing their effectiveness and efficiency. As these indicators were developed from specific content, they can also be used to develop teaching materials to support learning. Viewed in this light, the proposal adds new possibilities for using business games in learning. In addition to the intrinsic learning that is achieved through playing the games, they also assist in driving the learning process. This study considers the applications and the methodology used.
O propósito neste texto é divulgar um projeto de investigação que foi desenvolvido com professores do 2º ciclo, no qual se utilizou uma metodologia do tipo investigação-ação. Por intermédio deste projeto foi possível avaliar o impacto do uso de estratégias do Ensino por Pesquisa (EPP), com vista ao desenvolvimento de novas competências científico-didáticas (atitudes e saberes). Tais estratégias foram desenvolvidas com base em preceitos da Nova Didática e no âmbito de um programa de formação. Os dados levantados e analisados mostraram que esse tipo de metodologia contribui para a superação de dificuldades de aprendizagem inerentes a processos de formação profissional (inicial e continuada), como a de aprender por meio do trabalho cooperativo na Escola.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC