983 resultados para Storage temperature


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As sementes da palmeira juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) são recalcitrantes, apresentando baixa longevidade e sensibilidade à desidratação e ao armazenamento em temperaturas baixas. Neste trabalho foram estudadas condições de temperatura mais adequadas ao armazenamento temporário destas sementes com e sem a polpa. Frutos maduros foram colhidos em 24 plantas provenientes da coleção de palmeiras do Instituto Agronômico (IAC) localizada em Ubatuba, estado de São Paulo, e encaminhadas, em embalagem impermeável, à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, Campus de Botucatu (SP). Metade dos frutos foi despolpada e outra metade foi mantida com polpa, sendo ambas armazenadas em sacos fechados de polietileno (20 µm de espessura) mantidos em temperaturas de 5; 10; 15 e 20-30ºC. Amostras para os testes de qualidade foram retiradas aos 0; 3; 6; 9 e 12 dias após a colheita dos frutos. As sementes armazenadas com polpa foram despolpadas imediatamente antes da instalação dos testes. Foram avaliados o grau de umidade das sementes, porcentagem de germinação, comprimento e matéria seca das plântulas. Os resultados mostraram que há efeito positivo de pós-amadurecimento em sementes de Euterpe edulis. Um período de armazenamento de 9 a 12 dias, após a colheita e antes da semeadura, favoreceu a germinação e o vigor das sementes de juçara. Os efeitos foram maiores para sementes armazenadas sem polpa do que com polpa. Temperaturas na faixa de 5 a 20-30ºC são igualmente adequadas para o armazenamento temporário de sementes sem polpa. No entanto, para sementes com polpa, a temperatura de armazenamento não deve exceder a 20ºC, visto que um decréscimo na germinação e no vigor e um acréscimo no número de botões germinativos apodrecidos e sementes mortas foram observados na temperatura de 20-30ºC.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three water and storage temperatures on the oocytes of the jundiá catfish, Rhamdia quelen. A factorial experimental design over time, with treatments completed in triplicate every 48 h, was used (5 × 3 × 3 × 3) to study the exposure of the oocytes to temperatures of 15, 25 and 35. °C and activated with water at 15, 25 and 35. °C each at 0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 minutes post-collection. Linear regression analysis for the response surface model indicated an interaction (p<0.05) between time and temperature of exposure with greater values for fertilization, hatching and normal larvae rates at the time of oocyte collection (70.2 ± 8.4% fertilized oocytes, 66.7 ± 29.4% hatched eggs and 30.3 ± 25.0% normal larvae). According to the statistical model, the water temperature that resulted in the highest fertilization rate was 25.6. °C (p<0.05). The rates of fertilization, hatching and normal larvae correlated positively (p<0.05) with one another, showing that these parameters can be used in the measurement of oocyte quality. Artificial fertilization of oocytes is recommended immediately after collection; if storage is necessary, it should be carried out at 15. °C. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Evaluation of the damage caused by the sperm preservation process is crucial to improving fertilization rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of refrigeration temperature (5°C and 15°C) and storage time (0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours) on apoptotic markers in equine semen. Membrane phosphatidylserine translocation index, caspase activation index, and DNA fragmentation index were analyzed using epifluorescence microscopy. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis, and Tukey test was used to compare means. The significance level was set at P < .05. The results demonstrated that for transport duration shorter than 24 hours, semen quality was maintained when stored at either 5°C or 15°C. A storage temperature of 5°C should be used when it is necessary to transport semen for longer than 24 hours. There was a significant decrease in semen quality after 48 hours of refrigeration. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Milk proteins are susceptible to chemical changes during processing and storage. We used proteomic tools to analyse bovine αS1-casein in UHT milk. 2-D gels of freshly processed milk αS1-casein was presented as five or more spots due to genetic polymorphism and variable phosphorylation. MS analysis after phosphopeptide enrichment allowed discrimination between phosphorylation states and genetic variants. We identified a new alternatively-spliced isoform with a deletion of exon 17, producing a new C-terminal sequence, K164SQVNSEGLHSYGL177, with a novel phosphorylation site at S174. Storage of UHT milk at elevated temperatures produced additional, more acidic αS1-casein spots on the gels and decreased the resolution of minor forms. MS analysis indicated that non-enzymatic deamidation and loss of the N-terminal dipeptide were the major contributors to the changing spot pattern. These results highlight the important role of storage temperature in the stability of milk proteins and the utility of proteomic techniques for analysis of proteins in food.


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The effect of moisture content and storage temperature on the high quality storage life on macadamia nut-in-shell (NIS), and the subsequent influence of NIS storage on the shelf-life of roasted kernel, is being investigated. Macadamia integrifolia 'Keauhou" (HAES 246) NIS is being stored at 5°, 25°C and 40°C with a moisture content of 15.0, 12.5, 10.0, 7.5 and 3.5% for a maximum of 12 months. Preliminary results showed that unacceptable levels of visual mould developed on NIS with 15.0 and 12.5% moisture at 25°C following relatively short periods of storage. Discolouration and the production of an off-flavour in the raw kernel resulted after 1 month's storage of NIS with a moisture content of 10.0% at 40°C. Roasting times were reduced with increased storage duration of NIS with a moisture content of 15.0, 12.5 and 10.0% at 25°C, 15.0 and 12.5% at 5°C and 3.5% at 40°C. The percentage of roasted kernel rejects increased with increased storage duration of NIS with a moisture content of 15.0 and 12.5% at 25°C.


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A protocol was developed for short-term preservation and distribution of the plantation eucalypt, Corymbia torelliana × C. citriodora, using alginate-encapsulated shoot tips and nodes as synthetic seeds. Effects of sowing medium, auxin concentration, storage temperature and planting substrate on shoot regrowth or conversion into plantlets were assessed for four different clones. High frequencies of shoot regrowth (76–100%) from encapsulated explants were consistently obtained in hormone-free half- and full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) sowing media. Conversion into plantlets from synthetic seeds was achieved on half-strength MS medium by treating shoot tips or nodes with 4.9–78.4 μM IBA prior to encapsulation. Pre-treatment with 19.6 μM IBA provided 62–100% conversion, and 95–100% of plantlets survived after acclimatisation under nursery conditions. Synthetic seeds containing explants pre-treated with IBA were stored for 8 weeks much more effectively at 25°C than at 4°C, with regrowth frequencies of 50–84% at 25°C compared with 0–4% at 4°C. To eliminate the in vitro culture step after encapsulation, synthetic seeds were allowed to pre-convert before sowing directly onto a range of ex vitro non-sterile planting substrates. Highest frequencies (46–90%) of plantlet formation from pre-converted synthetic seeds were obtained by transferring shoot tip-derived synthetic seeds onto an organic compost substrate. These plantlets exhibited almost 100% survival in the nursery without mist irrigation. Pre-conversion of non-embryonic synthetic seeds is a novel technique that provides a convenient alternative to somatic embryo-derived artificial seeds.


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Desired performance of unpressurized integral collector storage systems hinges on the appropriate selection of storage volume and the immersed heat exchanger. This paper presents analytical results expressing the relation between storage volume, number of heat exchanger transfer units and temperature limited performance. For a system composed of a single storage element, the limiting behavior of a perfectly stratified storage element is shown to be superior to a fully-mixed storage element, consistent with more general analysis of thermal storage. Since, however, only the fully-mixed limit is readily obtainable in a physical system, the present paper also examines a division of the storage volume into separate compartments. This multi-element storage system shows significantly improved discharge characteristics as a result of improved elemental area utilization and temperature variation between elements, comparable in many cases to a single perfectly-stratified storage element. In addition, the multi-element system shows increased robustness with respect to variations in heat exchanger effectiveness and initial storage temperature.


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Effects of post-ovulatory and post-stripping retention time and temperature on egg viability rates were studied in kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum). Eggs were retained inside (in vivo storage) or outside the ovarian cavity with ovarian fluid (in vitro storage) at various temperatures. Two experiments were performed: 1) Partial volumes of eggs were stripped and fertilized at 24- hour intervals for 96 hours post-ovulation (HPO) (at 11 °C) and at 12-hour intervals for 72 HPO (at 14 °C), and 2) stored eggs were fertilized after 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours post-stripping (HPS) at temperatures of 4, 10, 12, and 26 °C. In the first experiment, the highest eyeing and hatching rates (76% and 60% at 11 °C; 81% and 71% at 14 °C) and the lowest eyed-egg mortalities (20% at 11 °C; 12% at 14 °C) occurred in the eggs fertilized immediately (0–24 HPO at 11 °C and 0–12 HPO at 14 °C) after ovulation. Egg viability, as shown by successful eyeing and hatching rates, was completely lost by 72–96 HPO at 11 °C, and 60–72 HPO at 14 °C. In the second experiment, the maximum eyeing (87%) and hatching (75%) rates of eggs took place at 0 HPS followed by 8 HPS (> 80% and > 70%, respectively) at 4 °C. As storage temperature increased, egg viability decreased: 80%, 70%, and 50% viable at 8 HPS at 4, 10, and 12 °C, respectively. The eggs stored at 26 °C lost their viability almost completely after 4 HPS. Eyed-egg mortality increased from 13% at 0 HPS to 48.2% at 4 HPS at 26°C. These results demonstrate that egg stripping should take place within 168 °C-hours after ovulation and that complete loss of viability of the eggs occurs by 672°C-hours after ovulation. The in vivo storage method is more effective compared to in vitro storage. Also successful in vitro storage of eggs can be used atleast within 8 hours at temperatures ranging from 4 to 12ºC.


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In the area of food and pharmacy cold storage, temperature distribution is considered as a key factor. Inappropriate distribution of temperature during the cooling process in cold rooms will cause the deterioration of the quality of products and therefore shorten their life-span. In practice, in order to maintain the distribution of temperature at an appropriate level, large amount of electrical energy has to be consumed to cool down the volume of space, based on the reading of a single temperature sensor placed in every cold room. However, it is not clear and visible that what is the change of energy consumption and temperature distribution over time. It lacks of effective tools to visualise such a phenomenon. In this poster, we initially present a solution which combines a visualisation tool with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model together to enable users to explore such phenomenon.


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Tomato is the second most widely grown vegetable crop across the globe and it is one of widely cultivated crops in Sri Lanka. However, tomato industry in Sri Lanka facing a problem of high postharvest loss (54%) during the glut coupled with heavy revenue loss to the country by importing processed products. The aim of this work is to develop shelf-stable tomato product with maximum quality characteristics using high pressure processing (HPP). Tomato juice with altered and unaltered pH was processed using HPP at 600 MPa for 1 min after blanching (90 oC/2 min). As a control tomato juice was subjected to thermal processing (TP) at 95 oC /20 min. Processed samples were stored under 20oC and 28oC for 9 month period and analysed for total viable count (TVC) and instrumental colour (L, a, b) value at 0,1,2 3, and 4 week and 2, 3, 6 and 9 months interval. The raw juice sample had initial 6.69 log10 CFU/ml and both TP and HPP caused a more than 4.69 log10 reduction in the TVC of juice and microbial numbers remained low throughout the storage period even at 3 months after storage irrespective of the storage temperature. Both TP and HPP treated samples had the redness ⤘a value’ of 14.44-17.15 just after processing and showed non-significant reduction with storage in all the treatments after 3 months. The storage study results and discussed in relation to the end goal and compared with the literature.


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A series of experiments was completed to investigate the impact of addition of enzymes at ensiling on in vitro rumen degradation of maize silage. Two commercial products, Depot 40 (D, Biocatalysts Ltd., Pontypridd, UK) and Liquicell 2500 (L, Specialty Enzymes and Biochemicals, Fresno, CA, USA), were used. In experiment 1, the pH optima over a pH range 4.0-6.8 and the stability of D and L under changing pH (4.0, 5.6, 6.8) and temperature (15 and 39 degreesC) conditions were determined. In experiment 2, D and L were applied at three levels to whole crop maize at ensiling, using triplicate 0.5 kg capacity laboratory minisilos. A completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of treatments was used. One set of treatments was stored at room temperature, whereas another set was stored at 40 degreesC during the first 3 weeks of fermentation, and then stored at room temperature. Silages were opened after 120 days. Results from experiment I indicated that the xylanase activity of both products showed an optimal pH of about 5.6, but the response differed according to the enzyme, whereas the endoglucanase activity was inversely related to pH. Both products retained at least 70% of their xylanase activity after 48 h incubation at 15 or 39 degreesC. In experiment 2, enzymes reduced (P < 0.05) silage pH, regardless of storage temperature and enzyme level. Depol 40 reduced (P < 0.05) the starch contents of the silages, due to its high alpha-amylase activity. This effect was more noticeable in the silages stored at room temperature. Addition of L reduced (P < 0.05) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents. In vitro rumen degradation, assessed using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT), showed that L increased (P < 0.05) the initial 6 h gas production (GP) and organic matter degradability (OMD), but did not affect (P > 0.05) the final extent of OMD, indicating that this preparation acted on the rumen degradable material. In contrast, silages treated with D had reduced (P < 0.05) rates of gas production and OMD. These enzymes, regardless of ensiling temperature, can be effective in improving the nutritive quality of maize silage when applied at ensiling. However, the biochemical properties of enzymes (i.e., enzymic activities, optimum pH) may have a crucial role in dictating the nature of the responses. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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White-salted cheeses were prepared from ultrafiltered (UF) cows' milk and salted to give final salt-in-moisture (SM) levels of 2.5, 3.2 and 4.0%. The cheeses were stored at 5degreesC and 10degreesC for up to 15 weeks. The microflora was dominated by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) but some mould growth was evident within 15 weeks at all SM levels and both temperatures. Levels of water-soluble nitrogen (WSN), attributed to chymosin activity, increased significantly with time, the rate being inversely proportional to the SM level and increasing with storage temperature. Similar effects were noted for trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen (TCA-SN) and free amino acid (FAA) levels, both of which would also be affected by bacterial protease activity. The proteolytic activity was reflected by changes in the hardness and fracturability of the cheeses.


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In this work, cholesterol oxide formation and alteration of fatty acid composition were analyzed in n-3 enriched eggs under different storage periods and two temperatures. The eggs enriched with n-3 fatty acids were stored at 5 or 25 degrees C for 45 days and subsequently boiled or fried. For each treatment, 12 yolks were analyzed every 15 days including time zero. The concentrations of the cholesterol oxides 7-ketocholesterol, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol, and 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol increased during the storage period and were higher in fried eggs. Only the 7-ketocholesterol was affected by the storage temperature, and its concentration was highest in eggs stored at 25 degrees C. There was no significant difference in the contents of cholesterol and vitamin E at the different storage periods; however, the concentration of vitamin E decreased with thermal treatment. In addition, the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially 18:3, 20:5, and 22:6, were reduced throughout the storage at 5 and 25 degrees C.


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Although the production of patulin in apple fruits is mainly by Penicillium expansum, there is no information on the ability of heat resistant moulds that may survive pasteurization to produce this mycotoxin in juice packages during storage and distribution. In this study, the production of patulin by Byssochlamys spp (Byssochlamys nivea FRR 4421, B. nivea ATCC 24008 and Byssochlamys fulva IOC 4518) in cloudy and clarified apple juices packaged in laminated paperboard packages or in polyethylene terephthalate bottles (PET) and stored at both 21 degrees C and 30 degrees C, was investigated. The three Byssochlamys strains were able to produce patulin in both cloudy and clarified apple juices. Overall, the lower the storage temperature, the lower the patulin levels and mycelium dry weight in the apple juices (p<0.05). The greatest variations in pH and degrees Brix were observed in the juices from which the greatest mycelium dry weights were recovered. The maximum levels of patulin recovered from the juices were ca. 150 mu g/kg at 21 degrees C and 220 mu g/kg at 30 degrees C. HPLC-UV, HPCL-DAD and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the ability of B. fulva IOC 4518 to produce patulin. Due to the heat resistance of B. nivea and B. fulva and their ability to produce patulin either in PET bottles or in laminated paperboard packages, the control of contamination and the incidence of these fungi should be a matter of concern for food safety. Control measures taken by juice industries must also focus on controlling the ascospores of heat resistant moulds. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Disfunções envolvendo o sistema nervoso são de grande importância na Medicina Veterinária, pois tratam-se de enfermidades de elevada incidência e com poucos subsídios auxiliares no seu diagnóstico, prognóstico e na avaliação de terapias empregadas. Ainda hoje, o diagnóstico baseia-se, em grande parte, no histórico e no exame clínico neurológico. Dessa forma, a análise dos constituintes do fluido cefalorraquidiano torna-se uma das poucas alternativas de acesso clínico ao sistema nervoso central (SNC). Mesmo com a grande utilidade do exame físico-químico e citoscópico do liquor na neurologia veterinária, poucos são os estudos sobre a estabilidade dos seus constituintes sob estocagem. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como finalidade verificar a influência da temperatura e do tempo de conservação nas características físico-químicas do liquor de cães hígidos. Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de LCR, através da punção da cisterna cerebelo-medular de cães clinicamente sadios, as quais foram submetidas à análise da densidade específica, do pH, da glicorraquia, das proteínas totais e das atividades das enzimas creatina quinase (CK) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST), após conservá-las em diferentes temperaturas (25°C, 4°C e -4°C) e por diferentes períodos de tempo (logo após a colheita, 24 horas, 48 horas, uma semana e um mês). Dentre os resultados obtidos, foi possível verificar, principalmente, que houve estabilidade dos parâmetros estudados por até um mês de estocagem nas amostras mantidas sob a temperaturas de congelamento de -4°C.