978 resultados para Stimulated Recall


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Este estudo explora a influência da ansiedade linguística em futuros professores de Inglês em situação de prática pedagógica. Setting the Scene descreve o aumento de interesse pela ansiedade linguística por parte dos investigadores no contexto da aprendizagem e do ensino, e a relevância desta questão para professores estagiários fazendo a transição de aluno para professor. O autor também considera a sua própria experiência de ansiedade – enquanto estudante e investigador – de modo a gerar um maior entendimento desta emoção complexa. O Capítulo 1 da Parte 1 descreve como o afecto na aprendizagem e na investigação da língua tem vindo a ser um factor preponderante no interesse mais alargado sobre as emoções em contextos educacionais. A recente influência da teoria social na aquisição de uma segunda língua e como esta pode ajudar a repensar a investigação das emoções é discutida antes do final do capítulo, onde se examina ainda como as emoções são expressas na comunicação e interacção. O Capítulo 2 concentra-se na ansiedade na aprendizagem da língua e em como o peso da noção em contexto social alargado tem provavelmente influenciado uma abordagem dominantemente de cariz positivista na investigação sobre a ansiedade linguística. Controvérsias e variáveis da personalidade relacionadas com a ansiedade linguística são discutidas, considerando-se a possibilidade de novas direcções para a investigação. A prática pedagógica é vista como um campo fértil de investigação sobre a ansiedade linguística em estagiários, com estilos de supervisão e discursos – nomeadamente estratégias de delicadeza e de mitigação – sendo considerados influências importantes na experiência desta emoção. O Capítulo 3 da Parte 2 detalha a abordagem etnográfica e etnometodológica do estudo e o procedimento de investigação em si. Os dados foram recolhidos em três momentos distintos. Primeiro, através de inquéritos aplicados aos estagiários antes do começo do estágio. Numa segunda fase, durante o estágio, os dados principais foram recolhidos através das aulas e duma entrevista semi-estruturada com os estagiários, ambas vídeo gravadas, e dos encontros de pós-observação áudio-gravados. Os dados subsidiários recolhidos nesta mesma fase incluem reflexões escritas e dossiers dos estagiários, observações escritas das aulas do investigador e o relatório intercalar dos professores supervisor e cooperante. Na última fase, posterior às aulas, a recolha dos dados principais foi realizada através de uma vídeo gravação da reunião de avaliação final com todos os participantes e de stimulated recall protocols com cada professor estagiário. O Capítulo 4 é predominantemente uma análise qualitativa de discurso, utilizando categorias de análise para identificar sinais de ansiedade emergentes dos dados. Os resultados mostram que um dos estagiários pode ser caracterizado como tendo uma experiência de ansiedade mais debilitadora, outro uma ansiedade mais facilitadora, enquanto a experiência do terceiro é menos pronunciada e mais difícil de caracterizar. Sinais e fontes múltiplos e complexos de ansiedade foram identificados mas as próprias autoimagens dos sujeitos como professores de Inglês, construídas em interacção ao longo do estágio, estão no centro desta experiência emocional. O Capítulo 5 considera as implicações e as conclusões deste estudo. São dadas indicações para a relação estagiário-supervisor e quanto aos estilos do supervisor no quadro da prática pedagógica assim como sugestões para que a ansiedade linguística seja explicitamente abordada na formação em supervisão. Finalmente, é ponderada se a experiência da ansiedade linguística destas estagiárias e as suas fontes têm ou não implicações na formação dos alunos de línguas.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014


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Das Erkenntnisinteresse der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, im Rahmen einer explorativ-interpretativen Querschnittstudie vertiefte Einblicke in den Sprachgebrauch von mehrsprachigen Deutschlernenden am Beispiel von Verb-Nomen Kollokationen zu gewinnen. Unter Berücksichtigung der in diesem Zusammenhang bisher nicht untersuchten Sprachenkonstellation L1 Persisch, L2 Englisch, L3 Arabisch und L4 Deutsch sollen die von den Lernenden angewendeten lexikalischen Transferstrategien erforscht werden. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand sind die soziokognitiven Löseprozesse der ProbandInnen bei der dyadischen Bearbeitung von Kollokationsaufgaben. Zur Identifizierung der Transferphänomene und der TL-Strategien (Target Language-Strategien) werden Gesprächs-protokolle ausgewählter Dyaden analysiert. Überdies werden zwecks Rekonstruktion und Interpretation der Löseprozesse stimulated recall-Interviews mit den ProbandInnen herangezogen, wodurch die Datensets miteinander trianguliert werden. Zudem wird ermittelt, inwieweit ausgewählte Faktoren (Psychotypologie, Kompetenz in der Zielsprache und Kompetenz in den zuvor gelernten Sprachen) den Transferprozess beeinflussen. Hierzu dienen die Erkenntnisse aus begleitend durchgeführten Leitfadeninterviews und Sprachstandstests (TOEFL- und Arabischtest). Ferner wird der Arbeitsstil der ProbandInnen bei der dyadischen Aufgabenbearbeitung anhand des Fragebogens Style Analysis Survey von Oxford (1995) bestimmt. An der Studie, die im Deutschen Sprachinstitut Teheran durchgeführt wurde, nahmen 14 iranische Deutschlernende auf dem Niveau B2.1 und C2.2 teil. Sie wurden aufgrund ihrer mittels eines Fragebogens erhobenen Sprachlernbiografien ausgewählt. Die Gesprächsprotokolle der Dyadenarbeit und die Interviews wurden vollständig transkribiert bzw. transliteriert und anschließend qualitativ-interpretativ ausgewertet. Um ihre Wissenslücken bei der Bearbeitung der Kollokationsaufgaben zu kompensieren, setzten die ProbandInnen verschiedene inter- und intralinguale Strategien ein. Dabei ist der L1 Persisch und der L4 Deutsch insgesamt der größte Einfluss beizumessen. Diesbezüglich wird deutlich, dass zwischen Sprachniveau und Transferverhalten der Lernenden ein Zusammenhang besteht, insofern als fortgeschrittene Lernende stärker zu intralingualem Transfer neigen. Zudem lässt sich festhalten, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen der empfundenen psychotypologischen Distanz und der Rolle der Muttersprache besteht, d.h. bei als größer empfundener psychotypologischer Distanz zwischen Persisch und Deutsch wird seltener aus dem Persischen transferiert. Überdies ist festzustellen, dass die L2 Englisch zwar gelegentlich mitaktiviert wird, jedoch nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Ein Einfluss der L3 Arabisch kann aus verschiedenen Gründen (u.a. geringes Niveau und mangelnder Gebrauch dieser Sprache) nicht festgestellt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit versteht sich als ein Plädoyer für die Relevanz der Schulung von Kollokationen im Fremdsprachenunterricht, da die produktive Kollokationskompetenz der ProbandInnen auch auf einem hohen Niveau gravierende Defizite aufweist.


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Learners’ strategy use has been widely researched over the past few decades. However, studies which focus on the impact of strategy instruction on strategy use, and how far learners of different proficiency levels are able to use the strategies taught in an effective manner, are somewhat rare. The focus of this paper is the impact of writing strategy instruction on writing strategy use of a group of 12 second language learners learning to write in English for Academic Purposes classes. Stimulated recall was used to explore whether this impact differed according to the proficiency level of the students, and revealed that for both high and low proficiency learners’ strategy use developed as a result of the instruction. The implications of these findings for strategy instruction design are discussed


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Using a stimulated recall technique, eight apprentices were interviewed to identify the detailed learning strategies they used while constructing knowledge from flexible learning packages designed to develop workplace skills. The research shows that in their use of metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective learning strategies the apprentices in the sample made greatest use of those strategies that assisted them to construct knowledge as it was structured and presented by the learning package or by their instructors, trainers or supervisors. Little use was made of strategies that would indicate self-directed learning, working outside the structure provided, or learning independently of a sociocultural and hands-on context comprising their peers and their instructors. At the level of detail of learning strategies these results provide support for the larger scale quantitative research that has been previously conducted with apprentice learning preferences.


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An enormous amount of research in the conceptual change tradition has shown the difficulty of learning fundamental science concepts, yet conceptual change schemes have failed to convincingly demonstrate improvements in supporting significant student learning. Recent work in cognitive science has challenged this purely conceptual view of learning, emphasising the role of languages, and the importance of personal and contextual aspects of  understanding science. The research described in this paper is designed around the notion that learning involves the recognition and development of students’ representational resources. In particular, we argue that difficulties with the concept of force are fundamentally representational in nature. The paper describes the planning and implementation of a classroom sequence in force that focuses on representations and their negotiation, and reports on the effectiveness of this perspective in guiding teaching and learning. Classroom sequences involving three teachers 158 2008 NARST Annual International Conference were videotaped using a combined focus on the teacher and groups of students. Video analysis software was used to code the variety of representations used, and sequences of representational negotiation. Stimulated recall interviews were conducted with teachers and students. The paper will report on the effect of this approach on teacher knowledge and pedagogy, and on student learning of force.


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This thesis examines the learning preferences and learning strategies of apprentices, and the contexts within which they learn in their workplaces. Since the end of the 1980s Australian vocational education and training (VET) structures and processes have undergone radical change in attempts to develop skills in the workforce that will ensure enterprise, national, and international competitiveness. A major strategy in the national reforms has been the encouragement of flexible delivery as a means through which workplace-based learning can be accessed by a larger number of workers in ways that are cost-efficient, and that reduce the amount of time that workers spend away from their jobs. Although flexible delivery has been championed by governments and industry alike, there has been little attempt to identify the preparedness of either learners or their workplaces for the demands of flexible learning. The thesis examines the economic context for these changes to VET, and also examines the literature available on workplace learning. Additionally, the thesis examines the conceptualisations of flexible delivery that are available in the literature, pointing to the possibility that the wide range of meanings associated with the term ‘flexible delivery’ may result in quite different practices and expectations. The thesis also examines the literature on independent learning and self-directed learning, and explores the concept of ‘client-focused’ flexible delivery. The study of learner preferences uses data collected from apprentices over a period of some years, in the four occupational areas commanding the highest number of apprentices in Australia. These occupational areas are Metals and Machining, Building, Electrical, and Hairdressing. These data on learning preferences are collected using the commercially available Canfield Learning Styles Inventory (CLSI). The data from the sample of 389 apprentices are analysed statistically through analyses of variance, and indicate that variables such as age, gender, and occupational area are related to learning preferences. Apprentices are shown by this analysis to prefer structured programs of instruction that are instructor-led, and to not have a high preference for independent learning or the development of their own learning goals. Additionally, they are shown to have very low preferences for learning through reading, preferring instead to learn through direct hands-on experience. While these characteristics are largely common among the four occupational groups, the Hairdressing apprentices are shown to have a slightly higher preference for independent learning and goal setting. Females are shown to have a higher preference than males for learning qualitative material through reading. Interestingly, the younger apprentices are shown to have a higher preference than the older ones for self-directed learning. Some possibilities for that finding are discussed. The research also shows that the learning preferences displayed by different groups of apprentices in any one program are much the same over time, providing some confidence that data generated from one group of apprentices can be used to make instructional decisions for future groups in the same program. The data are also factor analysed to indicate three major factors underlying apprentice learning preferences. The first factor indicates a Verbal–Non-verbal preference factor, with apprentices clearly preferring to learn through non-verbal means. A second factor is described as Structure–Content, with apprentices showing a preference for learning from structured programs in a structured environment. A third factor, Self-directed–Social preference, indicates apprentices preferring to learn through socially mediated presentations and contexts rather than through more independent forms of learning. Qualitative data are also generated through interviewing eight apprentices, and focusing on the learning strategies they employ while constructing knowledge in the workplace. That component of the research uses a modification of the Marland, Patching and Putt (1992a, 1992b) stimulated recall technique, and a set of learning strategies derived from the work of O’Malley and Chamot (1990) and Billett (1996a). The eight apprentices are drawn from the Metals and Machining, Electrical, and Hairdressing trades. The findings indicate that the learning strategies most often used by apprentices in the workplace are those associated with the construction of knowledge that is structured and provided by the instructor or learning program, and those that include social mediation of learning. Additionally, the strategies associated with demonstration and hands-on practice are most favoured. The qualitative data are confirmatory of the quantitative data. The research also indicates, through the apprentice interviews, that support for apprentice’s learning in their workplace is typically unplanned and haphazard. Their experience was sometimes characterised by a reluctance on the part of the workplace to acknowledge learning needs such as trialling and practice of new knowledge, or pro-actively seeking understanding from other more skilled workers. The learning preferences and learning strategies findings for apprentices, coupled with the findings of typically poor or unplanned support in the workplace, indicate that effective flexible delivery of training to apprentices in the workplace provides a number of challenges. These challenges, it is argued, demand strategies to be developed and implemented to prepare both learners and workplaces for effective engagement with flexible delivery. Using as a theoretical framework Kember’s (1995) two-dimensional model of open learning for adults, the thesis integrates the findings into a proposed two-dimensional model of learner and workplace preparedness for flexible delivery. The model provides for a Learner Development Space, a Workplace Development Space, and a Strategy Space. Within the Learner Development Space, focuses for the development of learner preparedness are identified in terms of self-directed learning, skills developments, and effective participation in a community of practice. Focuses for workplace development identified in the Workplace Development Space are those associated with development of training policies, training structures, and trainer skills and abilities. The Strategy Space then provides detail of seventy-nine specific strategies developed to enhance learner and workplace preparedness within each of the focuses identified.


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A large body of research in the conceptual change tradition has shown the difficulty of learning fundamental science concepts, yet conceptual change schemes have failed to convincingly demonstrate improvements in supporting significant student learning. Recent work in cognitive science has challenged this purely conceptual view of learning, emphasising the role of language, and the importance of personal and contextual aspects of understanding science. The research described in this paper is designed around the notion that learning involves the recognition and development of students’ representational resources. In particular, we argue that conceptual difficulties with the concept of force are fundamentally representational in nature. This paper describes a classroom sequence in force that focuses on representations and their negotiation, and reports on the effectiveness of this perspective in guiding teaching, and in providing insight into student learning. Classroom sequences involving three teachers were videotaped using a combined focus on the teacher and groups of students. Video analysis software was used to capture the variety of representations used, and sequences of representational negotiation. Stimulated recall interviews were conducted with teachers and students. The paper reports on the nature of the pedagogies developed as part of this representational focus, its effectiveness in supporting student learning, and on the pedagogical and epistemological challenges negotiated by teachers in implementing this approach.


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The researcher worked closely with two biology-trained teachers to plan three teaching sequences in the topics of forces, substances and astronomy that were subsequently taught to Year 7 students. The sequences sought to develop a model of classroom practice that foregrounds students’ negotiation of conceptual representations.

The difficulties encountered by individuals in learning science point to the need for a very strong emphasis of the role of representations in learning. There is a need for learners to use their own representational, cultural and cognitive resources to engage with the subject-specific representational practices of science. Researchers who have undertaken classroom studies whereby students have constructed and used their own representations have pointed to several principles in the planning, execution and assessment of student learning (diSessa, 2004; Greeno & Hall, 1997). A key principle is that teachers need to identify big ideas, key concepts, of the topic at the planning stage in order to guide refinement of representational work. These researchers also point out the need for students to engage with multiple representations in different modes that are both teacher and student generated. A representation can only partially explain a particular phenomenon or process and has both positive and negative attributes to the target that it represents. The issue of the partial nature of representations needs to be a component of classroom practice (Greeno & Hall, 1997) in terms of students critiquing representations for their limitations and affordances and explicitly linking multiple representations to construct a fuller understanding of the phenomenon or process under study. The classroom practice should also provide opportunities for students to manipulate representations as reasoning tools (Cox, 1999) in constructing the scientifically acceptable ideas and communicating them.

Research question: What impact was there on the participating teacher’s practice through the adoption of a representational focus to teaching science?

Data collection included video sequences of classroom practice and student responses, student work, field notes, tape records of meetings and discussions, and student and teacher interviews based in some cases on video stimulated recall. Video analysis software was used to capture the variety of representations used, and sequences of representational negotiation.

The teachers in this study reported substantial shifts in their classroom practices, and in the quality of classroom discussions, arising from adopting a representational focus. The shifts were reported by them as a three-fold challenge. First, there was an epistemological challenge as they came to terms with the culturally produced nature of representations in the topics of force, substance and astronomy and their flexibility and power as tools for analysis and communication, as opposed to their previous assumption that this was given knowledge to be learnt as an end point. The second challenge was pedagogical, in that this approach was acknowledged to place much greater agency in the hands of students, and this brought a need to learn to run longer and more structured discussions around conceptual problems. The third challenge related to content coverage. The teachers sacrificed coverage for the greater depth offered by this approach, and were unanimous in their judgment that this had been a change that had paid dividends in terms of student learning.


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The overall aim of the Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science (IMYMS) project was to explore the explore the nature and significance of subject cultures in framing teacher and school practice in mathematics and science and to develop a middle years school improvement model that takes account of these subject cultures in influencing school and teacher change. The project also investigated ways in which effective pedagogies in mathematics and science can be monitored; and ways in which higher order learning outcomes in mathematics and science can be reliably assessed.

The project has worked with more than 30 schools in four clusters to support them in planning for and implementing change. A framework describing effective mathematics and science pedagogies was developed, and used as the basis for auditing procedures that track classroom practice. Instruments were developed and used to probe: teacher classroom practice; student perceptions of classroom practice and learning preferences; knowledge outcomes; reasoning in science and mathematics; understanding of the nature of science and mathematics; and performance skills in mathematics and science investigations. Data sources have also included questionnaire data, interviews, school reports and field notes. Video data was also collected and used for stimulated recall interviews concerning teacher beliefs and practices.

In order to support teachers and schools to improve their practice, the project team worked with cluster educators in each of the clusters, and with school coordinators, through a number of network meetings including an initial ‘leading change’ workshop, through cluster visits, and the provision of auditing and planning instruments supported by data analysis support. The nature of the subject cultures of, and effective pedagogies in, mathematics and science, was explored using interview data with effective teachers, literature exploration, interviews with project teachers to map characteristics of their practice, the team’s experience of the construction and analysis of achievement tests, a video and interview study of teachers of mathematics and science, and student perceptions data.


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Research about teacher education, carried out in the area of Applied Linguistics (AL), reveals the importance of reflective practices in the professional development of teachers. With the aim of contributing to this area, we present this case study conducted at a technical school in Natal, RN. The corpus of the study is formed mainly from the teacher‟s discourse, generated during a stimulated recall session and the instruments used to collect the data: an initial questionnaire, a video recording of a class and the text transcript of the stimulated recall session. The central objective is to understand the way in which the reflection-on-action (SCHÖN, 1983, 1987) can contribute to raise the awareness of an English as a Foreign Language teacher (EFL) about her actions in the classroom. With this proposal, we begin our discussion presenting the origins, the presuppositions and characteristics of the concept of reflection according to Schön (1983, 1987), and supported by other authors (PERRENOUD, 2002; GÓMEZ, 1995; IMBERNÓN, 2009, among others); of critical reflection (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e MELLO, 2004, among others); and of the process of critical reflection (SMYTH, 1992). To evidence the reflections that emerge in the teacher‟s discourse, we found support in the theories and methods of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), which was initially proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) and followers, such as, Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), among others. We focus mainly on the subsystem of Attitude, an integral component of the system of discourse resources, Appraisal, presented by Martin (2000), Martin and Rose (2003, 2007), Martin and White (2005). The results reveal that the actions of the teacher in the classroom reflect not only her professional experiences, but also her values and concepts about teaching/learning languages. The results also show the teacher‟s awareness of the need for changes in her practices. Faced with these findings, we believe that this study reveals important concepts that can direct teacher educators to rethink new ways of approaching teacher training courses. In addition, it also reveals the importance of discourse analysis based on a systemic functional approach.


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Sabe-se que as crenças do professor influenciam suas percepções, decisões e ações antes, durante ou depois da aula. Dessa forma, é importante que ele as conheça e reflita sobre as mesmas, o que pode levá-lo a possíveis alterações em suas práticas, possibilitando seu desenvolvimento profissional. Para levantar essas crenças é necessária a utilização de instrumentos e procedimentos que sejam eficientes e promovam reflexão. Neste artigo apresentaremos um trabalho cujo objetivo foi pesquisar quais tipos de crenças podemos detectar com o uso de diferentes instrumentos e procedimentos, investigando se estes afetam a maneira como os professores refletem sobre suas crenças e quais combinações entre eles são eficazes para a promoção de reflexão. O referencial teórico foi constituído de estudos sobre o pensamento do professor, crenças de professores e metodologia na investigação de crenças. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativo-interpretativista de natureza etnográfica, com cinco professoras de inglês de uma escola de línguas de uma cidade do interior de SP. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados cinco instrumentos e procedimentos de pesquisa: questionário, grupo focal, auto-relato, observação de aulas e entrevistas (com a técnica stimulated recall). Os resultados mostraram que é possível levantar crenças sobre aprendizagem e ensino com os instrumentos e procedimentos selecionados e que os mesmos interferem na maneira como os professores refletem sobre suas crenças, entretanto, a combinação deles pode ser um bom caminho para o desencadeamento do processo reflexivo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)