991 resultados para Steroid-receptor Complexes
The nuclear hormone receptor superfamily is characterized by an impressive functional diversity of its members despite a remarkable overall structural unity. A variety of ligands bind specifically to them and these receptors control gene networks that have profound effects on growth, development, and homeostasis. The ligand-receptor complexes recognize transcriptional enhancer DNA sequences, the hormone response elements, resulting in induction or repression of gene activity. The similarity between all these hormone response enhancer elements, as well as between the receptors themselves, indicates a conserved general strategy for the hormonal control of transcription by steroids. The activated receptors bind to responsive promoters and most likely mediate the assembly of stage- and tissue-specific transcription factor complexes that stimulate or inhibit gene expression.
Els esteroids juguen papers clau en el creixement I el desenvolupament d’eucariotes multicel•lulars. En plantes, aquestes hormones, anomenades Brassinosteroides (BRs), estan involucrades en una gran varietat de processos biològics essencials per a les plantes. S’han descrit anteriorment dos receptors de BRs del tipus Leucine Rich Repeat Receptor Like Kinase LRR-RLK, BRASSINOSTEROID RECEPTOR LIKE 1 i 3 (BRL1 i BRL3 respectivalemt) que són homòlegs al receptor principal BRI1 i són necessaris pel desenvolupament vascular. Tot i que els principals components de la senyal ja han estat identificats pel seu homòleg més pròxim, el receptor BRI1, els complexes de BRL1 i BRL3 juntament amb els candidats co-receptors així com els components de la ruta de senyalització encara no han sigut identificats. Per tal d’entendre millor la funció molecular d’aquests receptors de BRs en la planta aquesta tesis doctoral planteja dues aproximacions: com a primera aproximació, vaig realitzar un estudi fenotípic del desenvolupament del teixit vascular a la planta model Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). Disposant d'una amplia bateria de mutants de síntesis de la hormona i senyalització del receptor BRI1, vam analitzar quantitativament el seu patró vascular a la tija d'Arabidopsis. Vam establir els paràmetres en les plantes silvestres [Col-0 wild type, (WT)] i els vam analitzar a tots i cadascun dels mutants. Això conjuntament amb una col•laboració amb la Dr. Marta Ibañes, física de la Universitat de Barcelona que va construir un model matemàtic per simular la formació del patró vascular ens va permetre el•laborar una hipòtesis que vam demostrar experimentalment i va ser publicada a la revista PNAS. Posteriorment vam observar que les plantes knock-out d'aquests dos receptors BRL1 y BRL3 a diferència de BRI1, no tenien cap fenotip obvi en el teixit vascular de la planta adulta. Així, a continuació, per entendre quina necessitat té la planta de disposar de tres receptors tant altament homòlegs que poden percebre la mateixa hormona, vam utilitzar una aproximació bioquímica en col•laboració amb el Prof. de Vries de la Universitat de Wageningen (Holanda) per tal de purificar els complexes dels receptors in vivo i els seus interactors. Això ens ha permès entendre millor el paper funcional d'aquests receptors en la planta. Els resultats d’aquests experiments estan resumits en un article en preparació que aviat estarà en revisió.
B lymphocytes are among the first cells to be infected by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), and they play a crucial role in its life cycle. To study transcriptional regulation of MMTV in B cells, we have analyzed two areas of the long terminal repeat (LTR) next to the glucocorticoid receptor binding site, fp1 (at position -139 to -146 from the cap site) and fp2 (at -157 to -164). Both showed B-cell-specific protection in DNase I in vitro footprinting assays and contain binding sites for Ets transcription factors, a large family of proteins involved in cell proliferation and differentiation and oncogenic transformation. In gel retardation assays, fp1 and fp2 bound the heterodimeric Ets factor GA-binding protein (GABP) present in B-cell nuclear extracts, which was identified by various criteria: formation of dimers and tetramers, sensitivity to pro-oxidant conditions, inhibition of binding by specific antisera, and comigration of complexes with those formed by recombinant GABP. Mutations which prevented complex formation in vitro abolished glucocorticoid-stimulated transcription from an MMTV LTR linked to a reporter gene in transiently transfected B-cell lines, whereas they did not affect the basal level. Exogenously expressed GABP resulted in an increased level of hormone response of the LTR reporter plasmid and produced a synergistic effect with the coexpressed glucocorticoid receptor, indicating cooperation between the two. This is the first example of GABP cooperation with a steroid receptor, providing the opportunity for studying the integration of their intracellular signaling pathways.
Background: We use an approach based on Factor Analysis to analyze datasets generated for transcriptional profiling. The method groups samples into biologically relevant categories, and enables the identification of genes and pathways most significantly associated to each phenotypic group, while allowing for the participation of a given gene in more than one cluster. Genes assigned to each cluster are used for the detection of pathways predominantly activated in that cluster by finding statistically significant associated GO terms. We tested the approach with a published dataset of microarray experiments in yeast. Upon validation with the yeast dataset, we applied the technique to a prostate cancer dataset. Results: Two major pathways are shown to be activated in organ-confined, non-metastatic prostate cancer: those regulated by the androgen receptor and by receptor tyrosine kinases. A number of gene markers (HER3, IQGAP2 and POR1) highlighted by the software and related to the later pathway have been validated experimentally a posteriori on independent samples. Conclusion: Using a new microarray analysis tool followed by a posteriori experimental validation of the results, we have confirmed several putative markers of malignancy associated with peptide growth factor signalling in prostate cancer and revealed others, most notably ERRB3 (HER3). Our study suggest that, in primary prostate cancer, HER3, together or not with HER4, rather than in receptor complexes involving HER2, could play an important role in the biology of these tumors. These results provide new evidence for the role of receptor tyrosine kinases in the establishment and progression of prostate cancer.
Steroids, thyroid hormones, vitamin D3, and retinoids are lipophilic small molecules that regulate diverse biological effects such as cell differentiation, development, and homeostasis. The actions of these hormones are mediated by steroid/nuclear receptors which function as ligand-dependent transcriptional regulators. Transcriptional activation by ligand-bound receptors is a complex process requiring dissociation and recruitment of several additional cofactors. We report here the cloning and characterization of receptor-associated coactivator 3 (RAC3), a human transcriptional coactivator for steroid/nuclear receptors. RAC3 interacts with several liganded receptors through a mechanism which requires their respective ligand-dependent activation domains. RAC3 can activate transcription when tethered to a heterologous DNA-binding domain. Overexpression of RAC3 enhances the ligand-dependent transcriptional activation by the receptors in mammalian cells. Sequence analysis reveals that RAC3 is related to steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC-1) and transcriptional intermediate factor 2 (TIF2), two of the most potent coactivators for steroid/nuclear receptors. Thus, RAC3 is a member of a growing coactivator network that should be useful as a tool for understanding hormone action and as a target for developing new therapeutic agents that can block hormone-dependent neoplasia.
The evolution of novelty in tightly integrated biological systems, such as hormones and their receptors, seems to challenge the theory of natural selection: it has not been clear how a new function for any one part (such as a ligand) can be selected for unless the other members of the system (e.g., a receptor) are already present. Here I show—based on identification and phylogenetic analysis of steroid receptors in basal vertebrates and reconstruction of the sequences and functional attributes of ancestral proteins—that the first steroid receptor was an estrogen receptor, followed by a progesterone receptor. Genome mapping and phylogenetic analyses indicate that the full complement of mammalian steroid receptors evolved from these ancient receptors by two large-scale genome expansions, one before the advent of jawed vertebrates and one after. Specific regulation of physiological processes by androgens and corticoids are relatively recent innovations that emerged after these duplications. These findings support a model of ligand exploitation in which the terminal ligand in a biosynthetic pathway is the first for which a receptor evolves; selection for this hormone also selects for the synthesis of intermediates despite the absence of receptors, and duplicated receptors then evolve affinity for these substances. In this way, novel hormone-receptor pairs are created, and an integrated system of increasing complexity elaborated. This model suggests that ligands for some “orphan” receptors may be found among intermediates in the synthesis of ligands for phylogenetically related receptors.
The estrogen receptor (ER) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that regulates expression of target genes in response to estrogen in concert with other cellular signaling pathways. This suggests that the mechanism by which ER transmits an activating signal to the general transcription machinery may include factors that integrate these diverse signals. We have previously characterized the estrogen receptor-associated protein, ERAP160, as a factor that complexes with ER in an agonist-dependent manner. We have now found that the transcriptional coactivator p300 associates with agonist bound ER and augments ligand-dependent activation by ER. Our studies show that an ER coactivator complex involves a direct hormone-dependent interaction between ER and ERAP160, resulting in the recruitment of p300. In addition, antibodies directed against the cloned steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC1) recognize ERAP160. The known role of p300 in multiple signal transduction pathways, including those involving the second messenger cAMP, suggests p300 functions as a point of integration between ER and these other pathways.
We assessed associations between steroid receptors including: estrogen-alpha, estrogen-beta, androgen receptor, progesterone receptor, the HER2 status and triple-negative epithelial ovarian cancer (ERα-/PR-/HER2-; TNEOC) status and survival in women with epithelial ovarian cancer. The study included 152 women with primary epithelial ovarian cancer. The status of steroid receptor and HER2 was determined by immunohistochemistry. Disease-free and overall survival were calculated and compared with steroid receptor and HER2 status as well as clinicopathological features using the Cox Proportional Hazards model. A mean follow-up period of 43.6 months (interquartile range=41.4 months) was achieved where 44% of patients had serous tumor, followed by mucinous (23%), endometrioid (9%), mixed (9%), undifferentiated (8.5%) and clear cell tumors (5.3%). ER-alpha staining was associated with grade II-III tumors. Progesterone receptor staining was positively associated with a Body Mass Index≥25. Androgen receptor positivity was higher in serous tumors. In stand-alone analysis of receptor contribution to survival, estrogen-alpha positivity was associated with greater disease-free survival. However, there was no significant association between steroid receptor expression, HER2 status, or TNEOC status, and overall survival. Although estrogen-alpha, androgen receptor, progesterone receptor and the HER2 status were associated with key clinical features of the women and pathological characteristics of the tumors, these associations were not implicated in survival. Interestingly, women with TNEOC seem to fare the same way as their counterparts with non-TNEOC.
The neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is best known for mediating tropic support by participating in the formation of high-affinity nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor complexes with trkA, however, p75NTR more recently has been shown to act as a bona fide death-signaling receptor, which can signal independently of trkA. This article discusses the evidence for an active role of p75NTR in neuronal cell death and the mechanisms controlling this process, including roles for Bcl-2 family members, the c-jun stress kinase JNK, the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B), and caspases.
The immunophilins, cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) and FKBP52, are associated with the unactivated estrogen receptor in mutually exclusive heterocomplexes and may differentially modulate receptor activity, We have recently shown that CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA's are differentially elevated in breast carcinomas compared with normal breast tissue. Other studies suggest that such alterations ill the ratio of immunophilins might potentially influence steroid receptor function. Studies were therefore initiated to investigate the influence of estradiol on CyP40 and FKBP52 expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Over a 24-h-treatment period with estradiol, CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA expression was increased approximately five- and 14-fold, respectively. The corresponding protein levels were also elevated in comparison to controls. The antiestrogen, ICI 182,780, was an antagonist for CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA induction. Cycloheximide treatment did not inhibit this increased immunophilin expression, suggesting that estradiol-mediated activation is independent off de novo protein synthesis. Treatment of MCF-7 cells with estradiol resulted in an increased half-life of both CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA, as determined by actinomycin D studies. These results suggest that estradiol regulates CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA expression through both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Ecdysteroids regulate many aspects of insect physiology after binding to a heterodimer composed of the nuclear hormone receptor proteins ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (Use). Several lines of evidence have suggested that the latter also plays important roles in mediating the action of juvenile hormone (JH) and, thus, integrates signaling by the two morphogenetic hormones. By using an RNAi approach, we show here that Us p participates in the mechanism that regulates the progression of pupal development in Apis mellifera, as indicated by the observed pupal developmental delay in usp knocked-down bees. Knock-down experiments also suggest that the expression of regulatory genes such as ftz transcription factor 1 (ftz-f1) and juvenile hormone esterase (jhe) depend on Usp. Vitellogenin (vg), the gene coding the main yolk protein in honeybees, does not seem to be under Usp regulation, thus suggesting that the previously observed induction of vg expression by JH during the last stages of pupal development is mediated by yet unknown transcription factor complexes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The retinoid orphan-related receptor-alpha (RORalpha) is a member of the ROR subfamily of orphan receptors and acts as a constitutive activator of transcription in the absence of exogenous ligands. To understand the basis of this activity, we constructed a homology model of Rill using the closely related TRbeta as a template. Molecular modeling suggested that bulky hydrophobic side chains occupy the RORa ligand cavity leaving a small but distinct cavity that may be involved in receptor stabilization. This model was subject to docking simulation with a receptor-interacting peptide from the steroid receptor coactivator, GR-interacting protein-1, which delineated a coactivator binding surface consisting of the signature motif spanning helices 3-5 and helix 12 [activation function 2 (AF2)]. Probing this surface with scanning alanine mutagenesis showed structural and functional equivalence between homologous residues of RORalpha and TRbeta. This was surprising (given that Rill is a ligand-independent activator, whereas TRbeta has an absolute requirement for ligand) and prompted us to use molecular modeling to identify differences between Rill and TRbeta in the way that the All helix interacts with the rest of the receptor. Modeling highlighted a nonconserved amino acid in helix 11 of RORa (Phe491) and a short-length of 3.10 helix at the N terminus of AF2 which we suggest i) ensures that AF2 is locked permanently in the holoconformation described for other liganded receptors and thus 2) enables ligand-independent recruitment of coactivators. Consistent with this, mutation of RORa Phe491 to either methionine or alanine (methionine is the homologous residue in TRbeta), reduced and ablated transcriptional activation and recruitment of coactivators, respectively. Furthermore, we were able to reconstitute transcriptional activity for both a deletion mutant of Ill lacking All and Phe491 Met, by overexpression of a GAL-AF2 fusion protein, demonstrating ligand-independent recruitment of AF2 and a role for Phe491 in recruiting AF2.
NOR-1/NR4A3 is an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. NOR-1 and its close relatives Nurr1 and Nur77 are members of the NR4A subgroup of nuclear receptors. Members of the NR4A subgroup are induced through multiple signal transduction pathways. They have been implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation, T-cell apoptosis, chondrosarcomas, neurological disorders, inflammation, and atherogenesis. However, the mechanism of transcriptional activation, coactivator recruitment, and agonist-mediated activation remain obscure. Hence, we examined the molecular basis of NOR-1-mediated activation. We observed that NOR-1 trans-activates gene expression in a cell- and target-specific manner; moreover, it operates in an activation function (AF)-1-dependent manner. The N-terminal AF-1 domain delimited to between amino acids 1 and 112, preferentially recruits the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC). Furthermore, SRC-2 modulates the activity of the AF-1 domain but not the C-terminal ligand binding domain (LBD). Homology modeling indicated that the NOR-1 LBD was substantially different from that of hRORbeta, a closely related AF-2-dependent receptor. In particular, the hydrophobic cleft characteristic of nuclear receptors was replaced with a very hydrophilic surface with a distinct topology. This observation may account for the inability of this nuclear receptor LBD to efficiently mediate cofactor recruitment and transcriptional activation. In contrast, the N-terminal AF-1 is necessary for cofactor recruitment and can independently conscript coactivators. Finally, we demonstrate that the purine anti-metabolite 6-mercaptopurine, a widely used antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory drug, activates NOR-1 in an AF-1-dependent manner. Additional 6-mercaptopurine analogs all efficiently activated NOR-1, suggesting that the signaling pathways that modulate proliferation via inhibition of de novo purine and/or nucleic acid biosynthesis are involved in the regulation NR4A activity. We hypothesize that the NR4A subgroup mediates the genotoxic stress response and suggest that this subgroup may function as sensors that respond to genotoxicity.
The beta thyroid hormone receptor (TRbeta), but not TRalpha1, plays a specific role in mediating T(3)-dependent repression of hypothalamic TRH transcription. To investigate the structural basis of isoform specificity, we compared the transcriptional regulation and DNA binding obtained with chimeric and N-terminally deleted TRs. Using in vivo transfection assays to follow hypothalamic TRH transcription in the mouse brain, we found that TRbeta1 and chimeras with the TRbeta1 N terminus did not affect either transcriptional activation or repression from the rat TRH promoter, whereas N-terminally deleted TRbeta1 impaired T(3)-dependent repression. TRalpha1 or chimeras with the TRalpha1 N terminus reduced T(3)-independent transcriptional activation and blocked T(3)-dependent repression of transcription. Full deletion of the TRalpha1 N terminus restored ligand-independent activation of transcription. No TR isoform specificity was seen after transcription from a positive thyroid hormone response element. Gel mobility assays showed that all TRs tested bound specifically to the main negative thyroid hormone response element in the TRH promoter (site 4). Addition of neither steroid receptor coactivator 1 nor nuclear extracts from the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei revealed any TR isoform specificity in binding to site 4. Thus N-terminal sequences specify TR T(3)-dependent repression of TRH transcription but not DNA recognition, emphasizing as yet unknown neuron-specific contributions to protein-promoter interactions in vivo.
Steroid hormone receptors activate specific gene transcription by binding as hormone-receptor complexes to short DNA enhancer-like elements termed hormone response elements (HREs). We have shown previously that a highly conserved 66 amino acid region of the oestrogen (ER) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors, which corresponds to part of the receptor DNA binding domain (region C) is responsible for determining the specificity of target gene activation. This region contains two sub-regions (CI and CII) analogous to the 'zinc-fingers' of the transcription factor TFIIIA. We show here that CI and CII appear to be separate domains both involved in DNA binding. Furthermore, using chimaeric ERs in which either the first (N-terminal) (CI) or second (CII) 'zinc finger' region has been exchanged with that of the GR, indicates that it is the first 'zinc finger' which largely determines target gene specificity. We suggest that receptor recognition of the HRE is analogous to that of the helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif in that the receptor binds to DNA as a dimer with the first 'zinc finger' lying in the major groove recognizing one half of the palindromic HRE, and that protein-DNA interaction is stabilized through non-specific DNA binding and dimer interactions contributed by the second 'zinc finger'.