876 resultados para Sterculia striata
Espécies florestais com sementes duras freqüentemente apresentam consideráveis problemas para os viveiristas, porque seus tegumentos duros e impermeáveis à água dificultam e retardam a germinação. Por isto, este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a metodologia mais eficiente, prática e de baixo custo para superação da dormência em sementes de chichá. As sementes foram submetidas a cinco tratamentos: escarificação com lixa nº 40 por 3 minutos nos dois lados da semente, sem embebição; escarificação nos dois lados da semente, seguida de embebição por 24 horas; escarificação em um lado da semente, sem embebição; escarificação em um lado da semente, seguida de embebição; e a testemunha, cujas sementes não sofreram escarificação (intactas). As características avaliadas foram primeira contagem, porcentagem total de germinação, índice de velocidade de emergência e massa seca da parte aérea e raiz. Os resultados obtidos permitiram recomendar a escarificação com lixa nº 40 em um lado da semente por 3 minutos, seguida de embebição em água por 24 horas, e escarificação nos dois lados da semente, sem embebição, para superação da dormência de sementes de chichá.
The reproductive isolation between two closely related species, Anastrepha bistrigata and A. striata, was studied in the laboratory. Interespecific copulation attempts were observed, but examination of the spermathecae showed that sperm transference did not occur, even after a prolonged period of contact between the mating pairs. These results indicate prezygotic isolation. The analysis of the hourly distribution of mating activities under laboratory conditions, here described for the first time for A. bistrigata, clearly showed differences for the two species, the activities being concentrated in the afternoon period for A. striata and in the morning for A. bistrigata
Seeds of Sterculia foetida were tested for germination following desiccation and subsequent hermetic storage. Whereas seeds at 10.3% moisture content were intact and provided 98% germination, further desiccation reduced germination substantially. The majority of seed coats had cracked after desiccation to 5.1% moisture content. Ability to germinate was not reduced after 12 months' hermetic storage at 10.3% and 7.3% moisture content at 15 degrees C or -18 degrees C, but was reduced considerably at 5.1%. Fungal infection was detected consistently for cracked seeds in germination tests and they did not germinate. However, almost all embryos extracted from cracked seeds germinated if first disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (1%, 5 minutes). In addition. 80 -100% of disinfected extracted embryos from cracked seeds stored hermetically for 28 d at -18 degrees C or -82 degrees C with 3.3% to 6.0% moisture content, and excised embryos stored in this way, were able to germinate. Hence. failure of the very dry seeds of Sterculia foetida to germinate was not due to embryo death from desiccation but to cracking increasing susceptibility to fungal infection upon rehydration. Cracking was associated negatively and strongly with relative humidity and appears to be a mechanical consequence of substantial differences between the isotherms of whole seeds compared with cotyledons and axes.
The UK population of the Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata has declined markedly in the last 30 years but there have been few recent studies of the species. This study examined the relationship between nest success and the predominant habitat type around Spotted Flycatcher nests in two contrasting areas of England. A breeding population in eastern England, a region where numbers of Spotted Flycatchers are known to have decreased dramatically in recent decades, was compared with another in southwest England, where numbers have remained stable or even increased. Whilst there was no difference in breeding success between the two study areas, there were significant differences between habitats, with garden nests more successful than those in farmland or woodland, at both egg and chick stages. Estimates of productivity per nesting attempt were also lower in farmland and woodland, with nests in gardens fledging twice as many chicks as those in either woodland or farmland. The proximate cause of lower success in farmland and woodland was higher nest predation rates during both egg and chick stages. In terms of nesting success, farmland and woodland appear to be similar in quality for this species, but both appear to be suboptimal habitats when compared with gardens, providing evidence of a problem on the breeding grounds for this species, in at least these two habitats.
The UK population of the Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata has declined markedly in the last 30 years but there have been few recent studies of the species. This study examined the relationship between nest success and the predominant habitat type around Spotted Flycatcher nests in two contrasting areas of England. A breeding population in eastern England, a region where numbers of Spotted Flycatchers are known to have decreased dramatically in recent decades, was compared with another in southwest England, where numbers have remained stable or even increased. Whilst there was no difference in breeding success between the two study areas, there were significant differences between habitats, with garden nests more successful than those in farmland or woodland, at both egg and chick stages. Estimates of productivity per nesting attempt were also lower in farmland and woodland, with nests in gardens fledging twice as many chicks as those in either woodland or farmland. The proximate cause of lower success in farmland and woodland was higher nest predation rates during both egg and chick stages. In terms of nesting success, farmland and woodland appear to be similar in quality for this species, but both appear to be suboptimal habitats when compared with gardens, providing evidence of a problem on the breeding grounds for this species, in at least these two habitats.
Capsule Avian predators are principally responsible. Aims To document the fate of Spotted Flycatcher nests and to identify the species responsible for nest predation. Methods During 2005-06, purpose-built, remote, digital nest-cameras were deployed at 65 out of 141 Spotted Flycatcher nests monitored in two study areas, one in south Devon and the second on the border of Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Results Of the 141 nests monitored, 90 were successful (non-camera nests, 49 out of 76 successful, camera nests, 41 out of 65). Fate was determined for 63 of the 65 nests monitored by camera, with 20 predation events documented, all of which occurred during daylight hours. Avian predators carried out 17 of the 20 predations, with the principal nest predator identified as Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius. The only mammal recorded predating nests was the Domestic Cat Felis catus, the study therefore providing no evidence that Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are an important predator of Spotted Flycatcher nests. There was no evidence of differences in nest survival rates at nests with and without cameras. Nest remains following predation events gave little clue as to the identity of the predator species responsible. Conclusions Nest-cameras can be useful tools in the identification of nest predators, and may be deployed with no subsequent effect on nest survival. The majority of predation of Spotted Flycatcher nests in this study was by avian predators, principally the Jay. There was little evidence of predation by mammalian predators. Identification of specific nest predators enhances studies of breeding productivity and predation risk.
The aim of the present work is to perform morphological and histological studies of the ovaries of workers and mated queens of Pachycondyla striata ants, which belong to the subfamily Ponerinae. The ovaries, after being removed, were schematized. Next, historesin and electronic scanning microscopy techniques were applied, making it possible to note that the left ovary owns a greater number of ovarioles when compared to the right one (workers - 7 to the right and 8 to the left; queens - 6 to the right and 7 to the left) and that the ovarioles of workers present a rather wrinkled aspect due to the fact that they are not developed. The same situation does not occur in mated queens once they always present oocytes in distinct development phases in their ovarioles. Histologically it was observed that the ovarioles are of the meroistic polytrophic kind. Inside the ovarioles of workers, germinative cells were observed in their distal portion, but their lumen were empty. on the other hand, ovarioles of mated queens presented the germinative cells as well as oocytes in different degrees of development, although more than one developing oocyte was never observed in the interior of each ovariole. It was possible to note the presence of follicular epithelium, chorion and vitellin membrane in oocytes of mated queens, which change morphologically according the oocyte development stage.
Morphological data concerning the venom gland of worker ants of Pachycondyla striata revealed that this gland consists of three distinct regions: an external secretory portion, composed by a secretory filament that bifurcates in order to give rise to other two filaments; an internal secretory portion, represented by the convoluted gland; and a storage portion, represented by a sac-shaped reservoir. The ultrastructural analysis showed that the reservoir is enveloped by a simple pavementous epithelium, coated internally with a cuticle. The external secretory portion is composed by cells forming a simple cubic epithelium, in which the apical portion presents numerous microvilli while the basal portion of the cells shows infoldings of the plasma membrane containing numerous mitochondria. The convoluted gland possesses cells of irregular morphology with nuclei containing condensed chromatin, suggesting inactivity. However, these cells are in fact undergoing secretory activity, which is probably added to the final secretion produced by the gland. The cytoplasm of these cells contains several elements distributed therein, such as ribosomes and polyribosomes, lipid droplets, and protein inclusions in the form of crystals, thus Suggestive of protein storage, which would be used by the insect when metabolically required. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Themorphology of the venom gland in workers of the ant Pachycondyla striata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Ponerinae) consists of an elongated sac that is directly connected to the sting apparatus. Three distinct regions compose this gland: the external secretory portion, composed by a secretory filament that bifurcates to originate another two; the internal secretory portion, which is represented by the convoluted gland from which rises the excretory duct that liberates the venom; and the storage portion, consisting of a large sac-shaped reservoir. The histology showed that the gland possesses a strong musculature on its distal third. Underneath these muscle layers, we noted the presence of an epithelium that envelops the internal wall of the reservoir. The presence of a convoluted gland as well as secretion inside the reservoir was also noted.
The fat body cells of virgin females and queens of Pachycondyla striata ants belonging to the subfamily Ponerinae are illustrated from morphologic, ultramorphologic and morphometric viewpoints. Camera lucida drawing techniques were used, as well as scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Measurements of trophocytes and oenocytes areas in the tissue were recorded. The results showed that in P. striata queens and virgin females the trophocytes are arranged in cord-like formations in association with oenocytes. Trophocytes of both castes had round shapes, with rather vacuolized cytoplasm, whereas oenocytes, being smaller than trophocytes, had more homogeneous cytoplasm. It was also observed that both trophocytes and oenocytes of virgin females were larger than those found in the same queen cellular types.
Nine nests of Pachycondyla striata Fr. Smith, 1858 were excavated between 2006 and 2007 at the UNESP university campus in Rio Claro, SP, southeastern Brazil. The P. striata population was larger in the two nests excavated in the months of August and November, 2006. The nests of this species are simple and poorly elaborated, with chambers and tunnels close to the ground surface. P. striata places the pupae in chambers isolated from the other individuals. The lack of chambers with the specific purpose of conditioning food and garbage underscores the simplicity of these nests.
We investigated the life expectancy and entropy value for workers of the ant Pachycondyla striata. Seven nests were excavated and these colonies were raised in laboratory conditions. The workers have a mean life-span of 74.48 days, these have a high mortality rate in the period of 1 to 85 days with a high entropy value of H = 0.611, confirming the number of deaths in the initial period.
O experimento foi conduzido em um solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro álico, textura média, na Fazenda Experimental da UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira, SP. O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento, da Galactia striata(Jacq.) Urb., quanto ao aspecto do valor nutritivo, em duas épocas de semeadura (28/09/79 e 25/03/80) e épocas de coleta (de 28 em 28 dias após emergência das plantas). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas, considerando as épocas de semeadura, as parcelas,e as épocas de coleta , as subparcelas. A aplicação de calcário se processou 30 dias antes de cada época de semeadura e a adubação fundamental na semeadura consistiu na aplicação de 20 kg/ha de nitrogênio na forma de sulfato de amônio(21% N), 120 kg de P2O5 na forma de cloreto de potássio (49,8% K). As semeaduras foram realizadas em linhas espaçadas de 0,30 m, com dez linhas de 5 m por subparcela, a uma profundidade de 2,5 cm, sendo deixada após o desbaste 10-15 plantas por metro linear. No material coletado separaram-se as folhas de hastes e efetuou-se a análise de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca. Conclui-se que: em função do decréscimo da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca por ser lento com o desenvolvimento vegetativo, a época de corte da Galactia striata pode ser determinada em função da produção de matéria seca. A Galactia striata é capaz de prover forragem de alto valor nutritivo, tanto no período de verão corno no de inverno.