985 resultados para Steel bars


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Three broken steel bars from a sewed crack in a dam are reported. The inspection of the fracture surfaces of the prestressed bars suggests that fractures were triggered by small cracks and by the inherent brittleness of the bars, as fracture toughness was about 40 MPa m1/2. The analysis of the failures shows that the usual design requirements for prestressing bars fail to warn against brittle failures if some damage exists. Some recommendations, based on the concept of damage tolerance, are suggested to avoid similar unfortunate incidents.


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The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single parameter that considers strength values and deformation simultaneously. There are a number of criteria for defining steel ductility by a single parameter. The present experimental study addresses the variation in the ductility of concrete-embedded steel bars when exposed to accelerated corrosion. This paper analyzes the suitability of a new indicator of ductility used in corroded bars.


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An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of poor curing simulating hot climatic conditions and remedies on the durability of steel in concrete. Three different curing environments were used i.e. (1) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 20°C, (2) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 50°C and (3) Air at 50°C at 30% relative humidity. The third curing condition corresponding to the temperature and relative humidity typical of Middle Eastern Countries. The nature of the hardened cement paste matrix, cured under the above conditions was studied by means of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry for measuring pore size distribution. The results were represented as total pore volume and initial pore entry diameter. The Scanning Electron Microscope was used to look at morphological changes during hydration, which were compared to the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry results. X-ray defraction and Differential Thermal Analysis techniques were also employed for looking at any phase transformations. Polymer impregnation was used to reduce the porosity of the hardened cement pastes, especially in the case of the poorly cured samples. Carbonation rates of unimpregnated and impregnated cements were determined. Chloride diffusion studies were also undertaken to establish the effect of polymer impregnation and blending of the cements. Finally the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel bars was determined by the technique of Linear Polarisation. The steel was embedded in both untreated and polymer impregnated hardened cement pastes placed in either a solution containing NaCl or an environmental cabinet which provided carbonation at 40°C and 50% relative humidity.


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Trials for the determination of the magnitude of bycatch reduction by sorting grids used in the commercial brown shrimp fishery were carried out from September to December 1997. Trawls with 9 m beam length were used on different fishing grounds in the estuary of the Elbe River near Cuxhaven. The sorting grids tested were made of stainless steel bars spaced at 18, 20, 22, 26 and 30 mm, built into a cylindrical stainless steel frame with a diameter of 65 cm at an angle of attack of 45 degrees. This frame was positioned between the forenet and codend. Simultaneous hauls were made with a trawl of equal construction but without a sorting grid, and the weighed catch components (fish, discard shrimps and commercial size shrimps) separated by means of a riddle were compared. The composition of the sorted out part of the catch of the sorting grid net could be calculated by comparise the corresponding catch components in both the standard trawl and the sorting grid trawl. According to this the total catch of the beam trawl with the sorting grid is reduced by 18 to 38 % depending on the space between the bars. 7 to 31 % of the sorted out part of the catch consists of fish. The use of the sorting grid, however, also leads to losses of 4 to 12 % in Oktober. Per hour of towing this means a loss of 10,3 % commerical size shrimps with a sorting grid of 18 mm space between the bars and of 12,4 % for a 26 mm grid.


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Experimental fishing trials were conducted in the Elbe Estuary using an experimental 3 m-standard beamtrawl. To avoid the by-catch of fish, a sorting grid was used. The elliptical grid was constructed of 6 mm diameter stainless steel bars with a spacing of 13 mm between the bars and housed in a cylindrical frame of 400 mm diameter. It was installed in the extension piece just in front of the codend angled at 45°, with a fish outlet at the top. A series of 10 tows of 15 minutes duration at a towing speed of 3 kn was done. The catch of the main codend was compared with the catch separated by the sorting grid. This achieved a reduction of 56 % of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), 75 % of flounder (Platichthys flesus), 99 % of whiting (Merlangius merlangus), 94 % of cod (Gadus morhua) and 49 % of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) with a mean loss of 43 % of shrimps (Crangon crangon). English grid trials in the Humber estuary using a flapper set or guiding funnel in front of the sorting grid device demonstrated reasonable lower escapement rates for fish and shrimps.


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Assim como em outras áreas do conhecimento a construção civil vem evoluindo ao longo dos anos. Grandes investimentos e elevadas taxas de demandas por novos projetos requerem uma maior velocidade na consolidação de obras. Neste cenário, ficam precários os estudos e pesquisas que avaliam a capacidade de novas tecnologias. Na área do concreto e estruturas de concreto armado, depara-se a associação de técnicas consolidadas à métodos inovadores. A utilização de polímeros como material de construção, como é o caso dos aditivos para concreto, dos tubos e conexões, das esquadrias e como adesivos, utilizados em ligações de aduelas de pontes, associados a fibras de vidro ou carbono para reforços estruturais e para fixação de armaduras ou conectores no caso de reparação de estruturas, oferecendo uma solidarização eficiente entre elementos estruturais. O presente trabalho visa avaliar uma pequena parcela de aplicação de materiais poliméricos, principalmente quanto a sua característica de aderência e colagem de barras de aço ao concreto. O desenvolvimento do estudo ocorreu sobre uma perspectiva de ensaios laboratoriais de arrancamento de barras coladas com resina epóxi em blocos de concreto, sendo estes resultados comparados com barras de aço concretadas em blocos de concreto. Desse modo o principal fator de comparação seria a tensão de aderência desenvolvida na área de contato da barra com o substrato. Alguns parâmetros foram inseridos para uma abordagem de maior amplitude, tais como variação do diâmetro da barra (φ = 10,0mm; φ = 12,5mm e φ = 16,0mm), do comprimento de ancoragem (múltiplos do diâmetro, sendo 5φ e 7,5φ) e da espessura da resina (1mm, 2mm e 3mm). De forma complementar procedeu-se ao ensaio de vigas bi-apoiadas submetidas à flexão visando representar o comportamento de uma recuperação/reforço estrutural aplicado em escala. Para avaliar o comportamento destas vigas, foram ensaiados dois espécimes, uma viga padrão concretada de uma única vez e outra submetida a um reparo estrutural, onde possuía a armadura inferior inserida posteriormente à concretagem inicial, colada com resina epóxi nas extremidades da viga.


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To determine the load at which FRPs debond from concrete beams using global-energy-balance-based fracture mechanics concepts, the single most important parameter is the fracture energy of the concrete-FRP interface, which is easy to define but difficult to determine. Debonding propagates in the narrow zone of concrete, between the FRP and the (tension) steel reinforcement bars in the beam, and the presence of nearby steel bars prevents the fracture process zone, which in concrete is normally extensive, from developing fully. The paper presents a detailed discussion of the mechanism of the FRP debonding, and shows that the initiation of debonding can be regarded as a Mode I (tensile) fracture in concrete, despite being loaded primarily in shear. It is shown that the incorporation of this fracture energy in the debonding model developed by the authors, details of which are presented elsewhere, gives predictions that match the test results reported in the literature. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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High strength steels can suffer from a loss of ductility when exposed to hydrogen, and this may lead to sudden failure. The hydrogen is either accommodated in the lattice or is trapped at defects, such as dislocations, grain boundaries and carbides. The challenge is to identify the effect of hydrogen located at different sites upon the drop in tensile strength of a high strength steel. For this purpose, literature data on the failure stress of notched and un-notched steel bars are re-analysed; the bars were tested over a wide range of strain rates and hydrogen concentrations. The local stress state at failure has been determined by the finite element (FE) method, and the concentration of both lattice and trapped hydrogen is predicted using Oriani's theory along with the stress-driven diffusion equation. The experimental data are rationalised in terms of a postulated failure locus of peak maximum principal stress versus lattice hydrogen concentration. This failure locus is treated as a unique material property for the given steel and heat treatment condition. We conclude that the presence of lattice hydrogen increases the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement whereas trapped hydrogen has only a negligible effect. It is also found that the observed failure strength of hydrogen charged un-notched bars is less than the peak local stress within the notched geometries. Weakest link statistics are used to account for this stressed volume effect. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper reports a study carried out to assess the impact of the use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) on bond and interfacial properties around steel reinforcement in practical concrete element. The pull-out tests were carried out to determine bond strength between reinforcing steel bar and concrete, and the depth-sensing nano-indentation technique was used to evaluate the elastic modulus and micro-strength of the interracial transition zone (ITZ) around steel reinforcement. The bond and interracial properties around deformed steel bars in different SCC mixes with strength grades of 35 MPa and 60 MPa (C35, C60) were examined together with those in conventional vibrated reference concrete with the same strength grades. The results showed that the maximum bond strength decreased when the diameter of the steel bar increased from 12 to 20 mm. The normalised bond strengths of the SCC mixes were found to be about 10-40% higher than those of the reference mixes for both bar diameters (12 and 20 mm). The study of the interfacial properties revealed that the elastic modulus and the micro-strength of the ITZ were lower on the bottom side of a horizontal steel bar than on the top side, particularly for the vibrated reference concrete. The difference of ITZ properties between top and bottom side of the horizontal steel bar appeared to be less pronounced for the SCC mixes than for the corresponding reference mixes.


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SOMMARIO – Si presenta un macro modello di tipo reticolare in grado di riprodurre il comportamento in presenza di taglio e momento di nodi esterni trave-colonna di telai in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato con fibre di acciaio
uncinato ed ordinario. Il caricamento del sistema è di tipo monotono come nel caso dell’analisi di pushover. Il modello considera la presenza di armature orizzontali e verticali della regione nodale e tiene in conto delle modalità
di rottura legate allo snervamento delle barre e allo schiacciamento delle regioni compresse in regime di sforzi pluriassiali. Il modello include le deformazioni flessionali della trave e della colonna in presenza di sforzo normale costante e restituisce la risposta del sistema colonna-nodo-trave (sub-assembralggio) tramite le curve carico-freccia all’estremità della semitrave. Per i singoli costituenti (trave, colonna e nodo) si è considerata la prima fessurazione, lo snervamento e lo schiacciamento delle regioni compresse e si sono fornite precise indicazioni sulla sequenza degli eventi che come è noto sono di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo di un progetto plastico che rispetti la gerarchia delle resistenze. Con l’uso del modello il controllo della gerarchia delle resistenze avviene a livello sezionale (lo snervamento delle barre deve avvenire prima dello schiacciamento delle regioni compresse) o di macro elemento (nella regione nodale lo snervamento delle staffe precede la crisi dei puntoni) e dell’intero elemento
sub-assemblaggio trave debole, colonna forte e nodo sovraresistente.
La risposta ottenuta con i modello proposto è in buon accordo con le risposte sperimentali disponibili in letteratura (almeno in termini di resistenza del sub-assemblaggio). Il modello è stato ulteriormente validato con analisi
numeriche agli elementi finiti condotte con il codice ATENA-2D. Le analisi numeriche sono state condotte utilizzando per il calcestruzzo fibroso adeguate leggi costitutive proposte dagli autori ed in grado di cogliere gli effetti
di softening e di resistenza residua a trazione legati alla presenza di fibre. Ulteriori sviluppi del modello saranno indirizzati a includere gli effetti di sfilamento delle barre d’armatura della trave e del conseguente degrado delle
tensioni d’aderenza per effetto di carichi monotonici e ciclici.

SUMMARY – A softened strut-and-tie macro model able to reproduce the flexural behavior of external beam-tocolumn joints with the presence of horizontal and vertical steel bars, including softening of compressed struts and yielding of main and secondary steel bars, is presented, to be used for the pushover analysis. The model proposed is able to calculate also the flexural response of fibrous reinforced concrete (FRC) beam-to-column sub-assemblages in term of a multilinear load-deflection curves. The model is able to take into account of the tensile behavior of main bars embedded in the surrounding concrete and of the softening of the compressed strut, the arrangement and percentage of the steel bars, the percentage and the geometry of steel fibers. First cracking, yielding of main steel and crushing of concrete were identified to determine the corresponding loads and displacement and to plot the simplified monotonic load-deflection curves of the sub-assemblages subjected in the column to constant vertical
load and at the tip of the beam to monotonically increasing lateral force. Through these load-delfection curves the component (beam, joint and column) that first collapse can be recognized and the capacity design can be verified.
The experimental results available in the literature are compared with the results obtained through the proposed model. Further, a validation of the proposed model is numerically made by using a non linear finite element program (ATENA-2D) able to analyze the flexural behavior of sub-assemblages.


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Abstract. The possibility of using pumice aggregates for concrete in structural applications is discussed. In particular, the mix design of lightweight concrete for the manufacturing masonry units having proper strength, is discussed. Moreover, the design of the unit shape according to the technical code requirements and making it possible to arrange reinforcing steel bars is described. Reinforced bearing masonry walls, made with the concrete units in question, were manufactured and tests on the panels and on the designed units were carried out. For comparison, tests on concrete units and structural elements were carried out after the substitution of pumice aggregates with ordinary lightweight aggregates, proving that pumice can be considered an alternative to them. Sommario. L’uso della pomice come inerte per il confezionamento di calcestruzzo è poco diffuso sebbene essa sia stata usata già in antiche costruzioni come il Pantheon in Roma. In questo studio si affronta la possibilità di realizzare blocchi in calcestruzzo alleggerito con granuli di pomice. I blocchi, progettati e realizzati secondo le indicazioni normative correnti, sono stati usati per realizzare pannelli murari armati da sottoporre a carichi ciclici orizzontali. I risultati ottenuti, messi a confronto con quelli di pannelli realizzati con blocchi in cls alleggerito con argilla espansa, hanno mostrato la possibilità di utilizzare la pomice come validissima alternativa all’argilla espansa.


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Abstract. The possibility of using pumice aggregates for concrete in structural applications is discussed. In particular, the mix design of lightweight concrete for the manufacturing masonry units having proper strength, is discussed. Moreover, the design of the unit shape according to the technical code requirements and making it possible to arrange reinforcing steel bars is described. Reinforced bearing masonry walls, made with the concrete units in question, were manufactured and tests on the panels and on the designed units were carried out. For comparison, tests on concrete units and structural elements were carried out after the substitution of pumice aggregates with ordinary lightweight aggregates, proving that pumice can be considered an alternative to them. Sommario. L’uso della pomice come inerte per il confezionamento di calcestruzzo è poco diffuso sebbene essa sia stata usata già in antiche costruzioni come il Pantheon in Roma. In questo studio si affronta la possibilità di realizzare blocchi in calcestruzzo alleggerito con granuli di pomice. I blocchi, progettati e realizzati secondo le indicazioni normative correnti, sono stati usati per realizzare pannelli murari armati da sottoporre a carichi ciclici orizzontali. I risultati ottenuti, messi a confronto con quelli di pannelli realizzati con blocchi in cls alleggerito con argilla espansa, hanno mostrato la possibilità di utilizzare la pomice come validissima alternativa all’argilla espansa.