295 resultados para Starter
In the present study, technological properties of L. plantarum strains isolated from naturally fermented sausages manufactured in the South region of Brazil were investigated in order to obtain a starter culture. The technological properties evaluated were the following: ability to growth at different pH values, at different temperatures, in different salt concentrations and in the presence of commercial curing salt, fast production of acid, determination of D - and L - lactic acid; nitrate reductase activity; antagonistic activity and stability of the isolated cultures after fermentation, concentration, and freeze-drying process. The isolated strains showed effectiveness to improve technological properties as starter cultures.
The effect of inulin addition and starters (Kefir grains or commercial starter culture) on the microbial viability, texture, and chemical characteristics of Kefir beverages prepared with whole or skim milk was evaluated during refrigerated storage. The type of starter did not influence microbial viability during the storage of the beverages, but the chemical and textural changes (decreases in pH, lactose concentration, and inulin and increased acidity, firmness, and syneresis) were more pronounced in the formulations fermented with grains than those fermented with the starter culture. The addition of inulin did not influence acidity or viability of lactic acid bacteria, but in general, its effect on the survival of acetic acid bacteria, Lactococcus and yeasts, firmness, and syneresis depended on the type of milk and starter culture used. Generally, the yeast, acetic acid bacteria, and Leuconostoc counts increased or remained unchanged, while the total population of lactic acid bacteria and Lactococcus were either reduced by 1 to 2 logs or remained unchanged during storage.
Dairy products that contain probiotic bacteria are those that are produced with various fermentation methods, especially lactic acid fermentation, by using starter cultures and those that have various textures and aromas. Fermented dairy products are popular due to their differences in taste and their favourable physiological effects. Today, fermented dairy beverages in general are produced locally by using traditional methods. Recently, due to the increased demand for natural nutrients and probiotic products, fermented dairy beverages have reached a different position and are considered to have an important impact on human health and nutrition. In this article, probiotic bacteria and functional dairy products that are produced by using probiotic bacteria are discussed.
The most promising microorganisms for use as starter cultures are those isolated from the native microbiota of traditional fermented products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of lactic acid bacteria selected from the native microbiota of sausages produced by spontaneous fermentation as starter cultures for the production of sausage. Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum 503 and 341 have the potential for use as starter cultures in the manufacture of Italian sausage type. The population of lactic acid bacteria in sausages was >8 log CFU.g-1 during fermentation, which caused the pH to decrease to <4.5. This decrease in pH and the water activity of < 0.90 of sausages ensures the safety and preservation of this product. Sausages produced with these lactic cultures fulfill the requirements for microbiological quality and composition of Italian sausage type. Our results suggest the possibility of using these starter cultures for the production of sausages with peculiar characteristics that contribute to the identity of the product.
Icewine is a sweet dessert wine fermented from the juice of grapes naturally frozen on the vine. The production of Icewine faces many challenges such as sluggish fermentation, which often yields wines with low ethanol, and an accumulation of high concentration of volatile acidity, mainly in the form of acetic acid. This project investigated three new yeast strains as novel starter cultures for Icewine fermentation with particular emphasis on reducing acetic acid production: a naturally occurring strain of S. bayanus/S. pastorianus isolated from Icewine grapes, and two hybrids between S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus, AWRI 1571 and AWRI 1572. These strains were evaluated for sugar consumption patterns and metabolic production of ethanol, glycerol and acetic acid, and were compared to the performance of a standard commercial wine yeast KI-VI116. The ITS rONA region of the two A WRI crosses was also analyzed during fermentations to assess their genomic stability. Icewine fermentations were performed in sterile filtered juice, in the absence of indigenous microflora, and also in unfiltered juice in order to mirror commercial wine making practices. The hybrid A WRI 1572 was found to be a promising candidate as a novel starter culture for Icewine production. I t produced 10.3 % v/v of ethanol in sterile Riesling Icewine fermentations and 11.2 % v/v in the unfiltered ones within a reasonable fermentation time (39 days). Its acetic acid production per gram sugar consumed was approximately 30% lower in comparison with commercial wine yeast K I -V 1116 under both sterile filtered and unfiltered fermentations. The natural isolate S. bayanus/S. pastorianus and AWRI 1571 did not appear to be suitable for commercial Icewine production. They reached the target ethanol concentration of approximately 10 % v/v in 39 day fermentations and also produced less acetic acid as a function of both time and sugar consumed in sterile fermentations compared to KI-V1116. However, in unfiltered fermentations, both of them failed to produce the target concentration of ethanol and accumulated high concentration of acetic acid. Both A WRI crosses displayed higher loss of or reduced copies in ITS rDNA region from the S. bayanus parent compared to the S. cerevisiae parent; however, these genomic losses could not be related to the metabolic profile.
Libro de texto de ciencias para estudiantes de Primaria con un texto de fácil comprensión en el que se apoyan, al final de cada lección, unas sencillas preguntas que refuerzan los conocimientos de los alumnos. Se aconseja seguir el orden indicado por los contenidos para un mejor aprendizaje.
Comprende una serie de materiales que satisfacen las demandas de aprendizaje de lectura y escritura de los niños dentro de un plan de estudios diseñados además conforme a unos principios: textos estructurados, de agradable y enriquecedora lectura. Para ello, tiene textos de ficción y no ficción, para edades de 4 a 7 años y, que pueden ser utilizados para la lectura compartida, para trabajo en grupo y para lectura independiente.
Es un texto para los alumnos de los niveles Key Stage uno y dos que reúne varias características: un texto con preguntas y actividades de fácil comprensión, inclusión de mapas, planos, gráficos y contenidos intercurriculares.
Ofrece a los padres participar de manera efectiva en el aprendizaje de sus hijos. Contiene las respuestas a los libros de ejercicios que llevan actividades divertidas para que los niños practiquen la aritmética básica en su casa.
Contiene siete actividades que presentan a los alumnos las ideas clave que necesitan para el estudio de la historia. Este texto pertenece al Schools History Project creado en 1972 para ayudar a renovar la enseñanza de la historia entre los estudiantes de trece a dieciséis años. Reconsidera las formas en que la historia contribuye a las necesidades educativas de los jóvenes, y por ello idea nuevos objetivos, nuevos criterios para la planificación y desarrollo del curso, así como nuevos materiales de apoyo. Requiere nuevos criterios de evaluación y, por tanto nuevos exámenes y, adquirió mayor expansión con la introducción del General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) en 1987.
Curso de idiomas que se adapta a las necesidades específicas de los hablantes de español. Estas necesidades surgen a menudo debido a la interferencia con la lengua materna y se refieren a errores de gramática, vocabulario y pronunciación en el aprendizaje y el uso del inglés. Centrado en los objetivos de la vida real, prepara a los alumnos a usar el inglés con confianza para la comunicación fuera del aula. Este pack del profesor con DVD-ROM cuenta con ideas y actividades además de un amplio programa de pruebas y evaluación.
Curso de idiomas que se adapta a las necesidades específicas de los hablantes de español. Estas necesidades surgen a menudo debido a la interferencia con la lengua materna y se refieren a errores de gramática, vocabulario y pronunciación en el aprendizaje y el uso del inglés. Centrado en los objetivos de la vida real, prepara los alumnos a usar el inglés con confianza para la comunicación fuera del aula proporcionándoles las habilidades, estrategias y seguridad que necesitan.
Dos CDs Audio centrados en la vida real y con un enfoque intercultural que prepara a los alumnos hispano hablantes a ser comunicadores más sensibles y eficaces en inglés. Los audio contienen material de escucha con hablantes nativos y no nativos para desarrollar la capacidad de los alumnos a comprender el inglés natural de oradores internacionales.