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The way mass is distributed in galaxies plays a major role in shaping their evolution across cosmic time. The galaxy's total mass is usually determined by tracing the motion of stars in its potential, which can be probed observationally by measuring stellar spectra at different distances from the galactic centre, whose kinematics is used to constrain dynamical models. A class of such models, commonly used to accurately determine the distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies, is that of equilibrium models. In this Thesis, a novel approach to the design of equilibrium dynamical models, in which the distribution function is an analytic function of the action integrals, is presented. Axisymmetric and rotating models are used to explain observations of a sample of nearby early-type galaxies in the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Photometric and spectroscopic data for round and flattened galaxies are well fitted by the models, which are then used to get the galaxies' total mass distribution and orbital anisotropy. The time evolution of massive early-type galaxies is also investigated with numerical models. Their structural properties (mass, size, velocity dispersion) are observed to evolve, on average, with redshift. In particular, they appear to be significantly more compact at higher redshift, at fixed stellar mass, so it is interesting to investigate what drives such evolution. This Thesis focuses on the role played by dark-matter haloes: their mass-size and mass-velocity dispersion correlations evolve similarly to the analogous correlations of ellipticals; at fixed halo mass, the haloes are more compact at higher redshift, similarly to massive galaxies; a simple model, in which all the galaxy's size and velocity-dispersion evolution is due to the cosmological evolution of the underlying halo population, reproduces the observed size and velocity-dispersion of massive compact early-type galaxies up to redshift of about 2.


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As part of the ongoing CALIFA survey, we have conducted a thorough bidimensional analysis of the ionized gas in two E/S0 galaxies, NGC 6762 and NGC 5966, aiming to shed light on the nature of their warm ionized ISM. Specifically, we present optical (3745–7300 Å) integral field spectroscopy obtained with the PMAS/PPAK integral field spectrophotometer. Its wide field-of-view (1′ × 1′) covers the entire optical extent of each galaxy down to faint continuum surface brightnesses. To recover the nebular lines, we modeled and subtracted the underlying stellar continuum from the observed spectra using the STARLIGHT spectral synthesis code. The pure emission-line spectra were used to investigate the gas properties and determine the possible sources of ionization. We show the advantages of IFU data in interpreting the complex nature of the ionized gas in NGC 6762 and NGC 5966. In NGC 6762, the ionized gas and stellar emission display similar morphologies, while the emission line morphology is elongated in NGC 5966, spanning ~6 kpc, and is oriented roughly orthogonal to the major axis of the stellar continuum ellipsoid. Whereas gas and stars are kinematically aligned in NGC 6762, the gas is kinematically decoupled from the stars in NGC 5966. A decoupled rotating disk or an “ionization cone” are two possible interpretations of the elongated ionized gas structure in NGC 5966. The latter would be the first “ionization cone” of such a dimension detected within a weak emission-line galaxy. Both galaxies have weak emission-lines relative to the continuum[EW(Hα) ≲ 3 Å] and have very low excitation, log([OIII]λ5007/Hβ) ≲ 0.5. Based on optical diagnostic ratios ([OIII]λ5007/Hβ, [NII]λ6584/Hα, [SII]λ6717, 6731/Hα, [OI]λ6300/Hα), both objects contain a LINER nucleus and an extended LINER-like gas emission. The emission line ratios do not vary significantly with radius or aperture, which indicates that the nebular properties are spatially homogeneous. The gas emission in NGC 6762 can be best explained by photoionization by pAGB stars without the need of invoking any other excitation mechanism. In the case of NGC 5966, the presence of a nuclear ionizing source seems to be required to shape the elongated gas emission feature in the “ionization cone” scenario, although ionization by pAGB stars cannot be ruled out. Further study of this object is needed to clarify the nature of its elongated gas structure.


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We present spectral classifications for 438 B-type stars observed as part of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Radial velocities are provided for 307 apparently single stars, and for 99 targets with radial-velocity variations which are consistent with them being spectroscopic binaries. We investigate the spatial distribution of the radial velocities across the 30 Dor region, and use the results to identify candidate runaway stars. Excluding potential runaways and members of two older clusters in the survey region (SL 639 and Hodge 301), we determine a systemic velocity for 30 Dor of 271.6 ± 12.2 km s-1 from 273 presumed single stars. Employing a 3σ criterion we identify nine candidate runaway stars (2.9% of the single stars with radial-velocity estimates). The projected rotational velocities of the candidate runaways appear to be significantly different to those of the full B-type sample, with a strong preference for either large (≥345 km s-1) or small (≤65 km s-1) rotational velocities. Of the candidate runaways, VFTS 358 (classified B0.5: V) has the largest differential radial velocity (-106.9 ± 16.2 km s-1), and a preliminary atmospheric analysis finds a significantly enriched nitrogen abundance of 12 + log (N/H) ≳ 8.5. Combined with a large rotational velocity (υe sin i = 345 ± 22 km s-1), this is suggestive of past binary interaction for this star.


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Context. The 30 Doradus (30 Dor) region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, also known as the Tarantula nebula, is the nearest starburst region. It contains the richest population of massive stars in the Local Group, and it is thus the best possible laboratory to investigate open questions on the formation and evolution of massive stars. Aims. Using ground-based multi-object optical spectroscopy obtained in the framework of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS), we aim to establish the (projected) rotational velocity distribution for a sample of 216 presumably single O-type stars in 30 Dor. The sample is large enough to obtain statistically significant information and to search for variations among subpopulations - in terms of spectral type, luminosity class, and spatial location - in the field of view. Methods. We measured projected rotational velocities, 3e sin i, by means of a Fourier transform method and a profile fitting method applied to a set of isolated spectral lines. We also used an iterative deconvolution procedure to infer the probability density, P(3e), of the equatorial rotational velocity, 3e. Results. The distribution of 3e sin i shows a two-component structure: a peak around 80 km s1 and a high-velocity tail extending up to 600 km s-1 This structure is also present in the inferred distribution P(3e) with around 80% of the sample having 0 <3e ≤ 300 km s-1 and the other 20% distributed in the high-velocity region. The presence of the low-velocity peak is consistent with what has been found in other studies for late O- and early B-type stars. Conclusions. Most of the stars in our sample rotate with a rate less than 20% of their break-up velocity. For the bulk of the sample, mass loss in a stellar wind and/or envelope expansion is not efficient enough to significantly spin down these stars within the first few Myr of evolution. If massive-star formation results in stars rotating at birth with a large portion of their break-up velocities, an alternative braking mechanism, possibly magnetic fields, is thus required to explain the present-day rotational properties of the O-type stars in 30 Dor. The presence of a sizeable population of fast rotators is compatible with recent population synthesis computations that investigate the influence of binary evolution on the rotation rate of massive stars. Even though we have excluded stars that show significant radial velocity variations, our sample may have remained contaminated by post-interaction binary products. That the highvelocity tail may be populated primarily (and perhaps exclusively) by post-binary interaction products has important implications for the evolutionary origin of systems that produce gamma-ray bursts. © 2013 Author(s).


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Recent X-ray observations have revealed that early-type galaxies (which usually produce extended double radio sources) generally have hot gaseous haloes extending up to approx102kpc1,2. Moreover, much of the cosmic X-ray background radiation is probably due to a hotter, but extremely tenuous, intergalactic medium (IGM)3. We have presented4–7 an analytical model for the propagation of relativistic beams from galactic nuclei, in which the beams' crossing of the pressure-matched interface between the IGM and the gaseous halo, plays an important role. The hotspots at the ends of the beams fade quickly when their advance becomes subsonic with respect to the IGM. This model has successfully predicted (for typical double radio sources) the observed8 current mean linear-size (approx2Dsime350 kpc)4,5, the observed8–11 decrease in linear-size with cosmological redshift4–6 and the slope of the linear-size versus radio luminosity10,12–14 relation6. We have also been able to predict the redshift-dependence of observed numbers and radio luminosities of giant radio galaxies7,15. Here, we extend this model to include the propagation of somewhat weaker beams. We show that the observed flattening of the local radio luminosity function (LRLF)16–20 for radio luminosity Papproximately 1024 W Hz-1 at 1 GHz can be explained without invoking ad hoc a corresponding break in the beam power function Phi(Lb), because the heads of the beams with Lb < 1025 W Hz-1 are decelerated to sonic velocity within the halo itself, which leads to a rapid decay of radio luminosity and a reduced contribution of these intrinsically weaker sources to the observed LRLF.


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In this paper we propose that the compressive tidal held in the centers of flat-core early-type galaxies and ultraluminous galaxies compresses molecular clouds producing dense gas observed in the centers of these galaxies. The effect of galactic tidal fields is usually considered disruptive in the literature. However, for some galaxies, the mass profile flattens toward the center and the resulting galactic tidal field is not disruptive, but instead it is compressive within the flat-core region. We have used the virial theorem to determine the minimum density of a molecular cloud to be stable and gravitationally bound within the tidally compressive region of a galaxy. We have applied the mechanism to determine the mean molecular cloud densities in the centers of a sample of flat-core, early-type galaxies and ultraluminous galaxies. For early-type galaxies with a core-type luminosity profile, the tidal held of the galaxy is compressive within half the core radius. We have calculated the mean gas densities for molecular gas in a sample of early-type galaxies which have already been detected in CO emission, and we obtain mean densities of [n] similar to 10(3)-10(6) cm(-3) within the central 100 pc radius. We also use our model to calculate the molecular cloud densities in the inner few hundred parsecs of a sample of ultraluminous galaxies. From the observed rotation curves of these galaxies we show that they have a compressive core within their nuclear region. Our model predicts minimum molecular gas densities in the range 10(2)-10(4) cm(-3) in the nuclear gas disks; the smaller values are applicable typically for galaxies with larger core radii. The resulting density values agree well with the observed range. Also, for large core radii, even fairly low-density gas (similar to 10(2) cm(-3)) can remain bound and stable close to the galactic center.


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K-band spectra of young stellar candidates in four Southern hemisphere clusters have been obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph in Gemini South. The clusters are associated with IRAS sources that have colours characteristic of ultracompact H II regions. Spectral types were obtained by comparison of the observed spectra with those of a near-infrared (NIR) library; the results include the spectral classification of nine massive stars and seven objects confirmed as background late-type stars. Two of the studied sources have K-band spectra compatible with those characteristic of very hot stars, as inferred from the presence of C IV, N III and N V emission lines at 2.078, 2.116 and 2.100 mu m, respectively. One of them, I16177_IRS1, has a K-band spectrum similar to that of Cyg OB2 7, an O3If* supergiant star. The nebular K-band spectrum of the associated Ultra-Compact (UC) H II region shows the s-process [Kr III] and [Se IV] high excitation emission lines, previously identified only in planetary nebula. One young stellar object was found in each cluster, associated with either the main IRAS source or a nearby resolved Midecourse Space eXperiment (MSX) component, confirming the results obtained from previous NIR photometric surveys. The distances to the stars were derived from their spectral types and previously determined JHK magnitudes; they agree well with the values obtained from the kinematic method, except in the case of IRAS 15408-5356, for which the spectroscopic distance is about a factor of 2 smaller than the kinematic value.


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We detail an innovative new technique for measuring the two-dimensional (2D) velocity moments (rotation velocity, velocity dispersion and Gauss-Hermite coefficients h(3) and h(4)) of the stellar populations of galaxy haloes using spectra from Keck DEIMOS (Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph) multi-object spectroscopic observations. The data are used to reconstruct 2D rotation velocity maps. Here we present data for five nearby early-type galaxies to similar to three effective radii. We provide significant insights into the global kinematic structure of these galaxies, and challenge the accepted morphological classification in several cases. We show that between one and three effective radii the velocity dispersion declines very slowly, if at all, in all five galaxies. For the two galaxies with velocity dispersion profiles available from planetary nebulae data we find very good agreement with our stellar profiles. We find a variety of rotation profiles beyond one effective radius, i.e. rotation speed remaining constant, decreasing and increasing with radius. These results are of particular importance to studies which attempt to classify galaxies by their kinematic structure within one effective radius, such as the recent definition of fast- and slow-rotator classes by the Spectrographic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae project. Our data suggest that the rotator class may change when larger galactocentric radii are probed. This has important implications for dynamical modelling of early-type galaxies. The data from this study are available on-line.


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The goal of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of using early-type galaxies to place evolutionary and cosmological constraints, by both disentangling what is the main driver of ETGs evolution between mass and environment, and developing a technique to constrain H(z) and the cosmological parameters studying the ETGs age-redshift relation. The (U-V) rest-frame color distribution is studied as a function of mass and environment for two sample of ETGs up to z=1, extracted from the zCOSMOS survey with a new selection criterion. The color distributions and the slopes of the color-mass and color-environment relations are studied, finding a strong dependence on mass and a minor dependence on environment. The spectral analysis performed on the D4000 and Hδ features gives results validating the previous analysis. The main driver of galaxy evolution is found to be the galaxy mass, the environment playing a subdominant but non negligible role. The age distribution of ETGs is also analyzed as a function of mass, providing strong evidences supporting a downsizing scenario. The possibility of setting cosmological constraints studying the age-redshift relation is studied, discussing the relative degeneracies and model dependencies. A new approach is developed, aiming to minimize the impact of systematics on the “cosmic chronometer” method. Analyzing theoretical models, it is demonstrated that the D4000 is a feature correlated almost linearly with age at fixed metallicity, depending only minorly on the models assumed or on the SFH chosen. The analysis of a SDSS sample of ETGs shows that it is possible to use the differential D4000 evolution of the galaxies to set constraints to cosmological parameters in an almost model-independent way. Values of the Hubble constant and of the dark energy EoS parameter are found, which are not only fully compatible, but also with a comparable error budget with the latest results.


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Early-Type galaxies (ETGs) are embedded in hot (10^6-10^7 K), X-ray emitting gaseous haloes, produced mainly by stellar winds and heated by Type Ia supernovae explosions, by the thermalization of stellar motions and occasionally by the central super-massive black hole (SMBH). In particular, the thermalization of the stellar motions is due to the interaction between the stellar and the SNIa ejecta and the hot interstellar medium (ISM) already residing in the ETG. A number of different astrophysical phenomena determine the X-ray properties of the hot ISM, such as stellar population formation and evolution, galaxy structure and internal kinematics, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) presence, and environmental effects. With the aid of high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations performed on state-of-the-art galaxy models, in this Thesis we focus on the effects of galaxy shape, stellar kinematics and star formation on the evolution of the X-ray coronae of ETGs. Numerical simulations show that the relative importance of flattening and rotation are functions of the galaxy mass: at low galaxy masses, adding flattening and rotation induces a galactic wind, thus lowering the X-ray luminosity; at high galaxy masses the angular momentum conservation keeps the central regions of rotating galaxies at low density, whereas in non-rotating models a denser and brighter atmosphere is formed. The same dependence from the galaxy mass is present in the effects of star formation (SF): in light galaxies SF contributes to increase the spread in Lx, while at high galaxy masses the halo X-ray properties are marginally sensitive to SF effects. In every case, the star formation rate at the present epoch quite agrees with observations, and the massive, cold gaseous discs are partially or completely consumed by SF on a time-scale of few Gyr, excluding the presence of young stellar discs at the present epoch.


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Dynamical models of galaxies are a powerful tool to study and understand several astrophysical problems related to galaxy formation and evolution. This thesis is focussed on a particular type of dynamical models, that are widely used in literature, and are based on the solution of the Jeans equations. By means of a numerical Jeans solver code, developed on purpose and able to build state-of-the-art advanced axisymmetric galaxy models, two of the main currently investigated issues in the field of research of early-type galaxies (ETGs) are addressed. The first topic concerns the hot and X-ray emitting gaseous coronae that surround ETGs. The main goal is to explain why flat and rotating galaxies generally exhibit haloes with lower gas temperatures and luminosities with respect to rounder and velocity dispersion supported systems. The second astrophysical problem addressed concerns instead the stellar initial mass function (IMF) of ETGs. Nowadays, this is a very controversial issue due to a growing number of works on ETGs, based on different and independent techniques, that show evidences of a systematic variation of the IMF normalization as a function of galaxy velocity dispersion or mass. These studies are changing the previous opinion that the IMF of ETGs was the same as that of spiral galaxies, and hence universal throughout the whole large family of galaxies.


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Holding the major share of stellar mass in galaxies and being also old and passively evolving, early-type galaxies (ETGs) are the primary probes in investigating these various evolution scenarios, as well as being useful means to provide insights on cosmological parameters. In this thesis work I focused specifically on ETGs and on their capability in constraining galaxy formation and evolution; in particular, the principal aims were to derive some of the ETGs evolutionary parameters, such as age, metallicity and star formation history (SFH) and to study their age-redshift and mass-age relations. In order to infer galaxy physical parameters, I used the public code STARLIGHT: this program provides a best fit to the observed spectrum from a combination of many theoretical models defined in user-made libraries. the comparison between the output and input light-weighted ages shows a good agreement starting from SNRs of ∼ 10, with a bias of ∼ 2.2% and a dispersion 3%. Furthermore, also metallicities and SFHs are well reproduced. In the second part of the thesis I performed an analysis on real data, starting from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra. I found that galaxies get older with cosmic time and with increasing mass (for a fixed redshift bin); absolute light-weighted ages, instead, result independent from the fitting parameters or the synthetic models used. Metallicities, instead, are very similar from each other and clearly consistent with the ones derived from the Lick indices. The predicted SFH indicates the presence of a double burst of star formation. Velocity dispersions and extinctiona are also well constrained, following the expected behaviours. As a further step, I also fitted single SDSS spectra (with SNR∼ 20), to verify that stacked spectra gave the same results without introducing any bias: this is an important check, if one wants to apply the method at higher z, where stacked spectra are necessary to increase the SNR. Our upcoming aim is to adopt this approach also on galaxy spectra obtained from higher redshift Surveys, such as BOSS (z ∼ 0.5), zCOSMOS (z 1), K20 (z ∼ 1), GMASS (z ∼ 1.5) and, eventually, Euclid (z 2). Indeed, I am currently carrying on a preliminary study to estabilish the applicability of the method to lower resolution, as well as higher redshift (z 2) spectra, just like the Euclid ones.


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Aims. Despite their importance to a number of astrophysical fields, the lifecycles of very massive stars are still poorly defined. In order to address this shortcoming, we present a detailed quantitative study of the physical properties of four early-B hypergiants (BHGs) of spectral type B1-4 Ia+; Cyg OB2 #12, ζ1 Sco, HD 190603 and BP Cru. These are combined with an analysis of their long-term spectroscopic and photometric behaviour in order to determine their evolutionary status. Methods. Quantitative analysis of UV–radio photometric and spectroscopic datasets was undertaken with a non-LTE model atmosphere code in order to derive physical parameters for comparison with apparently closely related objects, such as B supergiants (BSGs) and luminous blue variables (LBVs), and theoretical evolutionary predictions. Results. The long-term photospheric and spectroscopic datasets compiled for the early-B HGs revealed that they are remarkably stable over long periods ( ≥ 40 yrs), with the possible exception of ζ1 Sco prior to the 20th century; in contrast to the typical excursions that characterise LBVs. Quantitative analysis of ζ1 Sco, HD 190603 and BP Cru yielded physical properties intermediate between BSGs and LBVs; we therefore suggest that BHGs are the immediate descendants and progenitors (respectively) of such stars, for initial masses in the range ~30−60 M⊙. Comparison of the properties of ζ1 Sco with the stellar population of its host cluster/association NGC 6231/Sco OB1 provides further support for such an evolutionary scenario. In contrast, while the wind properties of Cyg OB2 #12 are consistent with this hypothesis, the combination of extreme luminosity and spectroscopic mass (~110 M⊙) and comparatively low temperature means it cannot be accommodated in such a scheme. Likewise, despite its co-location with several LBVs above the Humphreys-Davidson (HD) limit, the lack of long term variability and its unevolved chemistry apparently excludes such an identification. Since such massive stars are not expected to evolve to such cool temperatures, instead traversing an O4-6Ia → O4-6Ia+ → WN7-9ha pathway, the properties of Cyg OB2 #12 are therefore difficult to understand under current evolutionary paradigms. Finally, we note that as with AG Car in its cool phase, despite exceeding the HD limit, the properties of Cyg OB2 #12 imply that it lies below the Eddington limit – thus we conclude that the HD limit does not define a region of the HR diagram inherently inimical to the presence of massive stars.


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Context: Model atmosphere analyses have been previously undertaken for both Galactic and extragalactic B-type supergiants. By contrast, little attention has been given to a comparison of the properties of single supergiants and those that are members of multiple systems. 

Aims: Atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances have been estimated for all the B-type supergiants identified in the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula survey. These include both single targets and binary candidates. The results have been analysed to investigate the role of binarity in the evolutionary history of supergiants. 

Methods: tlusty non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model atmosphere calculations have been used to determine atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances for 34 single and 18 binary supergiants. Effective temperatures were deduced using the silicon balance technique, complemented by the helium ionisation in the hotter spectra. Surface gravities were estimated using Balmer line profiles and microturbulent velocities deduced using the silicon spectrum. Nitrogen abundances or upper limits were estimated from the Nii spectrum. The effects of a flux contribution from an unseen secondary were considered for the binary sample. Results. We present the first systematic study of the incidence of binarity for a sample of B-type supergiants across the theoretical terminal age main sequence (TAMS). To account for the distribution of effective temperatures of the B-type supergiants it may be necessary to extend the TAMS to lower temperatures. This is also consistent with the derived distribution of mass discrepancies, projected rotational velocities and nitrogen abundances, provided that stars cooler than this temperature are post-red supergiant objects. For all the supergiants in the Tarantula and in a previous FLAMES survey, the majority have small projected rotational velocities. The distribution peaks at about 50 km s-1 with 65% in the range 30 km s-1 ≤ νe sin i ≤ 60 km s-1. About ten per cent have larger ve sin i (≥100 km s-1), but surprisingly these show little or no nitrogen enhancement. All the cooler supergiants have low projected rotational velocities of ≤70 km s-1 and high nitrogen abundance estimates, implying that either bi-stability braking or evolution on a blue loop may be important. Additionally, there is a lack of cooler binaries, possibly reflecting the small sample sizes. Single-star evolutionary models, which include rotation, can account for all of the nitrogen enhancement in both the single and binary samples. The detailed distribution of nitrogen abundances in the single and binary samples may be different, possibly reflecting differences in their evolutionary history. 

Conclusions: The first comparative study of single and binary B-type supergiants has revealed that the main sequence may be significantly wider than previously assumed, extending to Teff = 20 000 K. Some marginal differences in single and binary atmospheric parameters and abundances have been identified, possibly implying non-standard evolution for some of the sample. This sample as a whole has implications for several aspects of our understanding of the evolutionary status of blue supergiants.


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In an early-type, massive star binary system, X-ray bright shocks result from the powerful collision of stellar winds driven by radiation pressure on spectral line transitions. We examine the influence of the X-rays from the wind-wind collision shocks on the radiative driving of the stellar winds using steady-state models that include a parameterized line force with X-ray ionization dependence. Our primary result is that X-ray radiation from the shocks inhibits wind acceleration and can lead to a lower pre-shock velocity, and a correspondingly lower shocked plasma temperature, yet the intrinsic X-ray luminosity of the shocks, L X, remains largely unaltered, with the exception of a modest increase at small binary separations. Due to the feedback loop between the ionizing X-rays from the shocks and the wind driving, we term this scenario as self-regulated shocks. This effect is found to greatly increase the range of binary separations at which a wind-photosphere collision is likely to occur in systems where the momenta of the two winds are significantly different. Furthermore, the excessive levels of X-ray ionization close to the shocks completely suppress the line force, and we suggest that this may render radiative braking less effective. Comparisons of model results against observations reveal reasonable agreement in terms of log (L X/L bol). The inclusion of self-regulated shocks improves the match for kT values in roughly equal wind momenta systems, but there is a systematic offset for systems with unequal wind momenta (if considered to be a wind-photosphere collision).