35 resultados para Stalking
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Jurídica
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Jurídica
This thesis is concentrated on the historical aspects of the elitist field sports of deer stalking and game shooting, as practiced by four Irish landed ascendancy families in the south west of Ireland. Four great estates were selected for study. Two of these were, by Irish standards, very large: the Kenmare estate of over 136,000 acres in the ownership of the Roman Catholic Earls of Kenmare, and the Herbert estate of over 44,000 acres in the ownership of the Protestant Herbert family. The other two were, in relative terms, small: the Grehan estate of c.7,500 acres in the ownership of the Roman Catholic Grehan family, and the Godfrey estate of c.5,000 acres, in the ownership of the Protestant Barons Godfrey. This mixture of contrasting estate size, owner's religions, nobleman, minor aristocrat and untitled gentry should, it is argued, yield a diversity of the field sports and lifestyles of their owners, and go some way to assess the contributions, good or bad, they have bequeathed to modern Ireland. Equally, it should help in assessing what importance, if any, applied to hunting. In this context, hunting is here used in its broadest meaning, and includes deer stalking and game shooting, as well as hunting with dogs and hounds on foot and horseback. Where a specific type of hunting is involved, it is so described; for example, fox hunting, stag hunting, hare hunting. Similarly, the term game is sometimes used in sporting literature to encompass all species of quarry killed, and can include deer, ground game (hares and rabbits), waterfowl, and various species of game birds. Where it refers to specific species, these are so described; for example grouse, pheasants, woodcork, wild duck, etc. Since two of these estates - the Kenmare and Herbert - each created a deer forest, unique in mid-19th century Ireland, they form the core study estates; the two smaller estates serve as comparative studies. And, equally unique, as these two larger estates held the only remnant population of native Irish red deer, the survival of that herd itself forms a concomitant core area of analysis. The numerary descriptions applied to these animals in popular literature are critically reassessed against prime source historical evidence, as are the so-called deer forest 'clearances'. The core period, 1840 to 1970, is selected as the seminal period, spanning 130 years, from the creation of the deer forests to when a fundamental change in policy and administration was introduced by the state. Comparison is made with similar estates elsewhere, in Britain and especially in Scotland. Their influence on the Irish methods and style of hunting is historically examined.
The new tech has introduced the traits of the hypermedia, interactivity and convergence in the journalism field. Moreover, it has involved the emergence of new media and changes in the informative contents. In 2006 Al Jazeera in English was created for covering the underreported regions, inasmuch as new media arise, new contents do so, thus, the research examines the agendas of The Stream, the TV show from Al Jazeera that relies heavily on social networks.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a organização funcional da fauna de peixes de riachos do nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil, com base em observações comportamentais das táticas alimentares das espécies. Sete igarapés foram amostrados entre junho e novembro de 2010 por técnicas de observações diretas durante sessões de mergulho livre, totalizando 91h 51min de observação, nos períodos diurno, crepuscular vespertino e noturno. Foram observadas 73 espécies distribuídas em seis ordens, 26 famílias e 63 gêneros, com predomínio de Characiformes, seguidos por Siluriformes. A partir de informações coligidas por observações ad libitum, as espécies foram organizadas em 18 grupos tróficos funcionais (GTFs), de acordo com duas características principais: (1) a tática alimentar observada com maior frequência; e (2) sua distribuição espacial no riacho, considerando suas dimensões lateral (margens e canal central) e vertical (coluna d'água). Os GTFs mais frequentes foram Catadores noturnos de invertebrados (9 espécies), Coletores diurnos de canal (8 spp.), Catadores diurnos de superfície (7 spp.), e Predadores de tocaia e emboscada (6 spp.). Os GTFs aqui definidos possibilitam uma análise comparativa da estrutura e composição da ictiofauna, que representa uma abordagem alternativa ao uso da estrutura taxonômica em estudos ecológicos. A classificação da ictiofauna baseada em GTFs proposta neste trabalho é comparada com outras três classificações, propostas por Sazima (1986), Sabino & Zuanon (1998) e Casatti et al. (2001).
L'elaborato si pone l'obiettivo di indagare il complesso quadro delle molestie in famiglia e sul lavoro nell'ordinamento italiano e di effettuare una comparazione con un ordinamento appartenente alla stessa tradizione giuridica, l'ordinamento francese. Nel corso dell'esposizione saranno ricostruiti gli aspetti socio-criminologici e giuridici delle molestie in famiglia verso i soggetti deboli, donne, minori, anziani o portatori di handicap, le molestie sul luogo di lavoro quali molestie sessuali e mobbing, le molestie a distanza o stalking, che per molti aspetti rappresentano un fenomeno sommerso e poco conosciuto. La tesi intende analizzare soprattutto le forme di molestie psicologiche e meno conosciute. La ricostruzione teorico-normativa degli argomenti trattati è integrata con i risultati di una ricerca quantitativa e qualitativa tratta dalla giurisprudenza dei due paesi. Il lavoro, quindi, è organizzato in due parti: la prima è incentrata sugli aspetti teorici, socio-criminologici e giuridici e la seconda è dedicata alla ricerca empirica, che è stata condotta utilizzando quali fonti di dati le sentenze della Suprema Corte di Cassazione italiana e francese.
The concept of warning behaviors offers an additional perspective in threat assessment. Warning behaviors are acts which constitute evidence of increasing or accelerating risk. They are acute, dynamic, and particularly toxic changes in patterns of behavior which may aid in structuring a professional's judgment that an individual of concern now poses a threat - whether the actual target has been identified or not. They require an operational response. A typology of eight warning behaviors for assessing the threat of intended violence is proposed: pathway, fixation, identification, novel aggression, energy burst, leakage, directly communicated threat, and last resort warning behaviors. Previous research on risk factors associated with such warning behaviors is reviewed, and examples of each warning behavior from various intended violence cases are presented, including public figure assassination, adolescent and adult mass murder, corporate celebrity stalking, and both domestic and foreign acts of terrorism. Practical applications and future research into warning behaviors are suggested. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
There is a spectre stalking social work in many countries of the world. That spectre is the belief that social work needs to be reshaped in the image of capitalist business enterprises, what we might term business ideology or 'businessology'. Within that belief, the explicit or implicit assumption is that social work should, as far as possible, function as though it were a commercial business concerned with making profits. In those countries most affected, the culture of capitalism has colonised social work as business thinking and practices have been introduced. The embrace of businessology in social work is presented as a neutral trend, to which all social workers can be committed, namely, the modernisation of social work and making it more efficient through the application of distinctive and valuable expertise.
El prólogo de la tragedia despliega dos espacios distintivos: las silvae de Hipólito y el opresivo y lujurioso espacio interior del palacio de Fedra. Cada personaje es definido por las características de los espacios que sus discursos configuran: los castos y salvajes bosques de Hipólito revelarán, bajo su manto de agreste tranquilidad, una violenta y estéril dicción que sugiere una inadecuación del personaje al paradigma de sapiens que parte de la crítica ha visto en él, mientras que el espacio interior de Fedra estará lleno de llamas y vapor, símbolos de su pasión. Ambos mundos conviven a modo de compartimentos estancos: frío y llamas, castidad y libido, nieve y vapor conviven pacíficamente, y en esta convivencia no hay ni catástrofe ni tragedia. Éstas se desarrollan y toman fuerza a medida que Fedra se adentra discursivamente en los dominios de Hipólito y los tiña progresivamente con su discurso, convirtiéndolo finalmente en un locushorridus donde el joven cazador huirá horrorizado como las bestias que solía perseguir. Por lo tanto tragedia y catástrofe ocurren cuando las silvae de Hipólito se convierten en el acechante Nemus habitado por lujuriosas criaturas gracias a la intrusión discursiva que la reina realiza en el áspero paisaje configurado en la monodia inicial del personaje
El prólogo de la tragedia despliega dos espacios distintivos: las silvae de Hipólito y el opresivo y lujurioso espacio interior del palacio de Fedra. Cada personaje es definido por las características de los espacios que sus discursos configuran: los castos y salvajes bosques de Hipólito revelarán, bajo su manto de agreste tranquilidad, una violenta y estéril dicción que sugiere una inadecuación del personaje al paradigma de sapiens que parte de la crítica ha visto en él, mientras que el espacio interior de Fedra estará lleno de llamas y vapor, símbolos de su pasión. Ambos mundos conviven a modo de compartimentos estancos: frío y llamas, castidad y libido, nieve y vapor conviven pacíficamente, y en esta convivencia no hay ni catástrofe ni tragedia. Éstas se desarrollan y toman fuerza a medida que Fedra se adentra discursivamente en los dominios de Hipólito y los tiña progresivamente con su discurso, convirtiéndolo finalmente en un locushorridus donde el joven cazador huirá horrorizado como las bestias que solía perseguir. Por lo tanto tragedia y catástrofe ocurren cuando las silvae de Hipólito se convierten en el acechante Nemus habitado por lujuriosas criaturas gracias a la intrusión discursiva que la reina realiza en el áspero paisaje configurado en la monodia inicial del personaje
El prólogo de la tragedia despliega dos espacios distintivos: las silvae de Hipólito y el opresivo y lujurioso espacio interior del palacio de Fedra. Cada personaje es definido por las características de los espacios que sus discursos configuran: los castos y salvajes bosques de Hipólito revelarán, bajo su manto de agreste tranquilidad, una violenta y estéril dicción que sugiere una inadecuación del personaje al paradigma de sapiens que parte de la crítica ha visto en él, mientras que el espacio interior de Fedra estará lleno de llamas y vapor, símbolos de su pasión. Ambos mundos conviven a modo de compartimentos estancos: frío y llamas, castidad y libido, nieve y vapor conviven pacíficamente, y en esta convivencia no hay ni catástrofe ni tragedia. Éstas se desarrollan y toman fuerza a medida que Fedra se adentra discursivamente en los dominios de Hipólito y los tiña progresivamente con su discurso, convirtiéndolo finalmente en un locushorridus donde el joven cazador huirá horrorizado como las bestias que solía perseguir. Por lo tanto tragedia y catástrofe ocurren cuando las silvae de Hipólito se convierten en el acechante Nemus habitado por lujuriosas criaturas gracias a la intrusión discursiva que la reina realiza en el áspero paisaje configurado en la monodia inicial del personaje
Vol. [1]-[5] as Fur and feather series.
One of the curious things about this challenging book is that its ostensible subject— the Saxon medical and political scientist Hermann Conring (1606–1681)— is not mentioned in the title. Constantin Fasolt argues that we cannot know what Conring really thought or meant in his writings, which means that his topic cannot be Conring as such and must instead be that which occludes our knowledge of him, the titular limits of history. Given that we do in fact learn a good deal about Conring from Fasolt’s book, we can only hope that the decapitation of its subject will be rectified in a subsequent edition, or perhaps by the restorative work of librarians putting together subject headings. And yet Fasolt’s decision is understandable, for Conring is indeed a stalking-horse for a much bigger quarry: historiography and the historical consciousness. By “history” Fasolt understands a way of imposing intelligibility on the world, which is founded on the twin assumptions that the past is gone and unchangeable, and that the meaning of texts can be determined by placing them in their historical contexts (ix). In challenging this mode of intelligibility, Fasolt is not attempting to improve professiona history—it’s already as good as it can be—but to displace it. He regards his work as a declaration of “independence from historical consciousness” (32). At the same time, Fasolt insists that he is not simply jumping from historiography to philosophy, or attempting to preempt history with ontology (37-39). That has been tried by Nietzsche and Heidegger, who have been tainted by Nazism (Fasolt thinks unfairly). It has also been attempted by modern philosophers from Gadamer to Foucault and Charles Taylor who, in failing to address the “violence” that its mode of intelligibility does to the world, have not succeeded in outflanking history. Perhaps, Fasolt wonders, it is only the personal experience of those who have been subject to this violence—the experience of those who have been subject to historical examination—that can break the spell of history. Fasolt’s disclaimer notwithstanding, in the course of these remarks I shall argue that he is indeed jumping from history to philosophy, or attempting to outflank history by subjecting it to a particular metaphysical understanding. I shall do so in part by sketching the recent intellectual history of this move—a historical examination that I hope inflicts as little violence as possible on Fasolt’s argument.
Very little empirical work exists on cyberstalking. The current study analysed detailed questionnaires completed by 1051 self-defined stalking victims. Almost half (47.5%) reported harassment via the Internet, but only 7.2% of the sample was judged to have been cyberstalked. Ordinal regression analyses of four groups of victims, categorized according to degree of cyber involvement in their victimization, revealed a general picture of similarity between the groups in terms of the stalking process, responses to being stalked, and the effects on victims and third parties. It was concluded that cyberstalking does not fundamentally differ from traditional, proximal stalking, that online harassment does not necessarily hold broad appeal to stalkers, and that those who target ex-intimates remain the most populous stalker type.