998 resultados para Stalagmiten, Marines Isotopen Stadium 5, Grönland Interstadial (MIS 5), Diagenese
This paper presents evidence of the discovery of a new Middle Pleistocene site in central southern England, with undisturbed evidence of hominin occupation well-dated to an interstadial towards the end of Marine Isotope Stage 8, c. 250,000 BP. The site consists of a preserved remnant of a river terrace and its alluvial floodplain overlain by chalk-rich bankside deposits, all abutting a Chalk bedrock riverbank. It preserves an area of occupation with activity focused on the riverbank, complemented by occasional activity on a palaeo-landsurface developed on the surface of the alluvial floodplain. Lithic technology at the site consists almost entirely of handaxe manufacture, allowing attribution to an Acheulian industrial tradition. Mammalian and other palaeo-environmental remains are present and associated with the occupation horizons, including large mammal bones showing signs of hominin interference. Dating was based on OSL determinations on the sediments and amino acid racemisation of molluscan remains, supported by biostratigraphic indications. Besides being a rare instance of an undisturbed Palaeolithic palaeo-landscape covering several hectares, the site contributes to wider Quaternary research concerns over the ability of Middle Pleistocene hominins to tolerate colder climatic episodes in higher latitudes, and over settlement history and changing lithic industrial traditions of northwest Europe in relation to climate change and British peninsularity. It is suggested that the Harnham evidence may represent an insular population that had persisted in southern Britain since MIS 10/9, which became locally extinct during the glacial maximum 8.2 marking the end of MIS 8.
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Departamento de Biología. Programa de doctorado de Gestión de recursos vivos marinos y medioambiente ; bienio 2006-2008
Calcareous nannoplankton analyses on late quaternary sediments from the eastern North Atlantic ODP Site 980 (55°29'N, 14°42'W) provide detailed insight into palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes that occurred throughout the Termination II and the adjacent interglacial of the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. This study presents the development of the coccolith assemblage throughout the interglacial MIS 5 towards the beginning of the glacial MIS 4 in the vicinity of the Rockall Plateau and investigates and characterises the impact of climatic and environmental variations on the coccolith assemblage distribution between 135 and 65 ky. In general, the coccolith assemblage is dominated by Gephyrocapsa muellerae and Emiliania huxleyi, whilst significant changes in palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic conditions are mainly shown by variations of subordinate species. A drastic increase in coccolith accumulation rates and a change from a less to a higher diverse species assemblage indicate a rapid increase in surface water temperatures during the onset of MIS 5 from c. 127.5 ky on. Highest coccolith numbers, high numbers of taxa and a large diversity indicate highest coccolithophore primary productivity and peak interglacial conditions during MIS 5.5, which are due to the high influence of relatively warm surface water to this region. Coccolith numbers peak again around 120 ky and decline afterwards but stay above glacial levels. The two cooling events of MIS 5.4 and 5.2 interrupt the generally warm conditions and are indicated by lowered coccolith numbers, a drop of thermophile species and a reduction of the species diversity. Decreasing coccolith numbers and a slightly reduced diversity indicate that environmental conditions deteriorated towards the onset of MIS 4. The analysis of the coccolith assemblage reveals that not only the stadial events MIS 5.4 and 5.2 are characterised by colder conditions, but furthermore confirms the upcoming notion that MIS 5.5 was terminated by a slight short-term cooling of the surface water which occurred around 124 ky.
We reconstruct the aquatic ecosystem interactions since the last interglacial period in the oldest, most diverse, hydrologically connected European lake system, by using palaeolimnological diatom and selected geochemistry data from Lake Ohrid “DEEP site” core and equivalent data from Lake Prespa core, Co1215. Driven by climate forcing, the lakes experienced two adaptive cycles during the last 92 ka: "interglacial and interstadial" and "glacial" cycle. The short-term ecosystems reorganizations, e.g. regime shifts within these cycles substantially differ between the lakes, as evident from the inferred amplitudes of variation. The deeper Lake Ohrid shifted between ultra oligo- and oligotrophic regimes in contrast to the much shallower Lake Prespa, which shifted from a deeper, (oligo-) mesotrophic to a shallower, eutrophic lake and vice versa. Due to the high level of ecosystem stability (e.g. trophic state, lake level), Lake Ohrid appears relatively resistant to external forcing, such as climate and environmental change. Recovering in a relatively short time from major climate change, Lake Prespa is a resilient ecosystem. At the DEEP site, the decoupling between the lakes' response to climate change is marked in the prolonged and gradual changes during the MIS 5/4 and 2/1 transitions. These response differences and the lakes' different physical and chemical properties may limit the influence of Lake Prespa on Lake Ohrid. Regime shifts of Lake Ohrid due to potential hydrological change in Lake Prespa are not evident in the data presented here. Moreover, a complete collapse of the ecosystems functionality and loss of their diatom communities did not happen in either lake for the period presented in the study.
Una de las cuestiones que más me ha interesado durante el tiempo que he estado cursando estudios en el Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Madrid, y posteriormente en mi actividad educativa, es la posible relación entre la condición, la capacidad o el rendimiento físico o deportivo y la capacidad del rendimiento intelectual, así como las matizaciones posibles dentro de este amplísimo y complejo tema. Muchas veces he tenido que escuchar de compañeros en las tareas educativas, afirmaciones rotundas sin ninguna base científica acerca de la relación positiva o negativa, aunque casi siempre negativa, entre la capacidad física e intelectual, muy a menudo hechos en base a un sujeto que suspende prácticamente todas sus asignaturas y sin embargo obtiene sobresaliente en su calificación de Educación Física. No siendo este un caso muy frecuente, a estos educadores no se les ha ocurrido pensar en que la causa de esa diferencia tan destacada en el nivel de calificaciones, pueda ser la motivación y no la capacidad, tampoco piensan aun en el caso de que lo que hiciese la diferencia fuese una cuestión de capacidades, el que se produzca en algún caso aislado no implica ni que tenga que ocurrir siempre ni que a nivel general exista una relación negativa. La observación directa de los niños componentes de los equipos de baloncesto del colegio en el que imparto mis clases, me ha hecho ver que la mayor parte de ellos obtienen buenos rendimientos académicos, pocos mediocres, y muy pocos realmente bajos. Estos niños han sido seleccionados para formar parte de los equipos fundamentalmente por su buena condición física, lo cual podría hacer pensar en una posible relación, aunque no necesaria, entre condición física y rendimiento académico. Sin embargo gran cantidad de factores aparte de la inteligencia pueden influir en el mencionado rendimiento. Llegando el momento de plantear la realización de mi trabajo fin de carrera, en gran parte mediatizado por todo lo expuesto anteriormente, decidí centrarlo en la posible relación entre los diversos factores de la condición física, ésta misma y la inteligencia general. Teniendo en cuenta que estos son los factores más primarios y por consiguiente los que menos se van a ver influenciados por otros.
Se realiza un estudio detallado del episodio cálido MIS 5 en la zona sureste de la Península Ibérica. Se realiza la reconstrucción paleoambiental a partir del estudio polínico y biomarcadores de un sondeo perforado en la costa de Almería. La cronología se estableció a partir del método de racemizaciónd e aminoácidos.Landwards of a MIS5 bar, a borehole core (SRA) was analyzed to establish the relationship between the lagoonal record and the raised beach deposits in the surroundings of the Antas river mouth and to reconstruct the Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental evolution 5 of the southern Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. 63 samples were recovered for amino acid racemization dating, 86 samples for sedimentological and paleontological determination, 37 samples for pollen identification and 54 for biomarker analysis. AAR revealed that the borehole record contains MIS11, MIS6 and MIS5 deposits, the latter extensively represented. During the end of MIS6 and MIS5, a sand 10 barrier developed and created a shallow lagoon with alternating terrestrial inputs this process being common in other Mediterranean realms. Litho- and biofacies allowed the identification of distinct paleoenvironments through time, with the presence of a lagoonal environment alternating with alluvial fan progradation. Biomarkers indicated constant input from terrestrial plants, together with variable development of aquatic 15 macrophytes. The palynological content allowed the reconstruction of the paleoclimatological conditions during MIS6 and 5, with evidence of seven scenarios characterized by alternating arid and relatively humid conditions
New surface water records from two high sedimentation rate sites, located in the western subtropical North Atlantic near the axis of the Gulf Stream, provide clear evidence of suborbital climate variations through marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 persisting even into the warm peak of the interglaciation (substage 5e). We found that the amplitude of suborbital climate oscillations did not vary significantly for the whole of MIS 5, implying that ice volume has little or no influence on the amplitude of suborbital climate variability in this region. Although some records suggest that longer suborbital variations (4-10 kyr) during MIS 5 are linked to deepwater changes, none of the existing records is of sufficient resolution to assess if a linkage occurred for oscillations shorter than 4 kyr. However, when examined in conjunction with published data from the Norwegian Sea, new evidence from the subpolar North Atlantic suggests that coupled surface-deepwater oscillations occurred during the penultimate deglaciation. This supports the hypothesis that during glacial and deglacial times, ocean-ice interactions and deepwater variability amplify suborbital climate change at higher latitudes. We suggest that during the penultimate deglaciation the North Atlantic deepwater source varied between Nordic Sea and open North Atlantic locations, in parallel with surface temperature oscillations.