909 resultados para Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue


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Purpose: It is recognized that chronic inflammation can cause cancer. Even though most of the available synthetic meshes are considered non-carcinogenic, the inflammatory response to an infected mesh plays a constant aggression to the skin. Chronic mesh infection is frequently the result of misuse of mesh, and due to the challenging nature of this condition, patients usually suffer for years until the infected mesh is removed by surgical excision. Methods: We report two cases of squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the abdominal wall, arising in patients with long-term mesh infection. Results: In both patients, the degeneration of mesh infection into SCC was presumably caused by the long-term inflammation secondary to infection. Patients presented with advanced SCC behaving just like the Marjolin's ulcers of burns. Radical surgical excision was the treatment of choice. The involvement of the bowel played an additional challenge in case 1, but it was possible to resect the tumor and the involved bowel and reconstruct the abdominal wall using polypropylene mesh as onlay reinforcement, in a single stage operation. He is now under adjuvant chemotherapy. The big gap in the midline after tumor resection in case 2 required mesh bridging to close the defect. The poor prognosis of case 2 who died months after the operation, and the involvement of the armpit, groin and mesenteric nodes in case 1 shows how aggressive this disease can be. Conclusion: Infected mesh must be treated early, by complete excision of the mesh. Long-standing mesh infection can degenerate into aggressive squamous-cell carcinoma of the skin. © 2013 Springer-Verlag France.


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A case of primary squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the thyroid which had been initially diagnosed as an anaplastic carcinoma (ATC) is described: female, 73 years old, with a fast-growing cervical nodule on the left side and hoarseness for 3 months. Ultrasonography showed a 4.5 cm solid nodule. FNA was compatible with poorly differentiated carcinoma with immunoreactivity for AE1/AE3, EMA. Thyroidectomy was performed. Histopathological examination showed a nonencapsulated tumor. Immunohistochemistry disclosed positivity for AE1/AE3, p53,p63, and Ki67. The diagnosis was ATC. A second opinion reported tumor consisting of squamous cells, with intense inflammatory infiltrate both in tumor and in the adjacent thyroid, with final diagnosis of SCC, associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis. No other primary focus of SCC was found. Patient has shown a 48-month survival period. Clinically, primary SCCs of the thyroid and ATCs are similar. The distinction is often difficult particularly when based on the cytological analysis of FNA material.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) is a member of a receptor tyrosine kinase family of enzymes involved in cell cycle control and proliferation. A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Gly388Arg variant has been associated with increased tumor cell motility and progression of breast cancer, head and neck cancer and soft tissue sarcomas. The present study evaluated the prognostic significance of FGFR4 in oral and oropharynx carcinomas, finding an association of FGFR4 expression and Gly388Arg genotype with tumor onset and prognosis. Patients and Methods: DNA from peripheral blood of 122 patients with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas was used to determine FGFR4 genotype by PCR-RFLP. Protein expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) on paraffin-embedded tissue microarrays. Results: Presence of allele Arg388 was associated with lymphatic embolization and with disease related premature death. In addition, FGFR4 low expression was related with lymph node positivity and premature relapse of disease, as well as disease related death. Conclusion: Our results propose FGFR4 profile, measured by the Gly388Arg genotype and expression, as a novel marker of prognosis in squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth and oropharynx.


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Heterogeneity of hyaluronidase (HYAL) expression has been identified in tumors and shows promise as an indicator of disease progression. The expression profile of alternatively spliced forms of HYAL was evaluated in tumors and normal lung tissue from 69 resected tumors of patients with adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. HYAL1-wild-type (wt) and variants 1 to 5, HYAL2-wt, and HYAL3-wt, and variants 1 to 3 were identified by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing. Different proportions of the 3 HYAL-wt and variants were expressed in tumor and normal lung tissues. HYAL1-wt was associated with a poorer prognosis and HYAL3-vl with a better prognosis. HYAL splice variants are associated with histology and outcome, suggesting that strategies aimed at modulating their levels may be effective for lung cancer treatment. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin of the trunk and extremities may present lymph node metastasis with difficult disease control and poor survival. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for lymph node metastasis and outcome. Patients/Methods Retrospective review of 57 patients with locally advanced SCC of the trunk and extremities was performed and several clinical variables including age, gender, ethnicity, previously injured skin (burns, scars, ulcers and others), patient origin (rural or urban), anatomic site and treatment were studied. Results Fifteen patients presented with previous skin lesions. Thirty-six were classified as T3 tumors and 21 as T4; 46 were N0, and 11, N1. Eleven N0 patients presented lymph node metastasis during follow up. Univariate analysis identified previous skin lesions (ulcers and scars) as risk factor for lymph node metastasis (p = 0.047). Better survival was demonstrated for T3 (p = 0.018) classification. N0 patients who presented lymph node metastasis during follow up (submitted to lymphadenectomy) had similar survival to patients without lymph node recurrence (p = 0.219). Conclusion Local advanced tumors are at risk of lymph node metastasis. Increased risk is associated to previous lesions at tumor site. T4 classification have worse prognosis. Lymph node recurrences in N0 patients, once treated, did not affect survival. For these patients, we propose close follow up and prompt treatment of lymph node metastasis. These results do not support indication for elective lymphadenectomy or sentinel node mapping. Further prospective studies must address this issue.


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An 84-year-old woman underwent hysterectomy due to a friable endometrial mass infiltrating almost half way through the myometrial wall. The tumor consisted of papillary structures with thin fibrovascular cores covered by several layers of pleomorphic cells. The deeply located neoplastic cells were ovoid with a pale eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling urothelial cells. A diagnosis of papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium with transitional cell differentiation was made. Although she recovered well after surgery, she died one year later because of disseminated disease. In an attempt to obtain new insights into the physiopathology of this very rare tumor, an immunohistochemical panel with 32 markers was performed. The neoplastic cells were positive for cytokeratin 5, vimentin, p63, p21, VEGF, Ki67, BAG1, and bcl-2. The expression of BAG-1 and bcl-2 may suggest that anti-apoptotic stimuli are preponderant in this neoplasm.


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Taking intraoperative frozen sections (FS) is a widely used procedure in oncologic surgery. However so far no evidence of an association of FS analysis and premalignant changes in the surgical margin exists. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of FS on different categories of the final margins of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and lips.


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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. The overall 5-year survival after therapy is about 16% and there is a clear need for better treatment options, such as therapies targeting specific molecular structures. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), as the largest family of cell surface receptors, represent an important group of potential targets for diagnostics and therapy. We therefore used laser capture microdissection and GPCR-focused Affymetrix microarrays to examine the expression of 929 GPCR transcripts in tissue samples of 10 patients with squamous cell carcinoma and 7 with adenocarcinoma in order to identify novel targets in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). The relative gene expression levels were calculated in tumour samples compared to samples of the neighbouring alveolar tissue in every patient. Based on this unique study design, we identified 5 significantly overexpressed GPCRs in squamous cell carcinoma, in the following decreasing order of expression: GPR87 > CMKOR1 > FZD10 > LGR4 > P2RY11. All are non-olfactory and GRAFS (glutamate, rhodopsin, adhesion, frizzled/taste2, secretin family) classified. GPR87, LGR4 and CMKOR1 are orphan receptors. GPR87 stands out as a candidate for further target validation due to its marked overexpression and correlation on a mutation-based level to squamous cell carcinoma.


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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the maxillary sinus is a relatively rare disease. As the reported incidence of regional metastasis varies widely, controversy exists as to whether or not the N0 classified neck should be treated electively. In this review, the data from published series are analyzed to decide on a recommendation of elective treatment of the neck in maxillary SCC. The published series consist of heterogeneous populations of different subsites of the paranasal sinuses, different histological types, different staging and treatment modalities used and different ways of reporting the results. These factors do not allow for recommendations based on high levels of evidence. Given this fact, the relatively high incidence rate of regional metastasis at presentation or in follow-up in the untreated N0 neck, and the relatively low toxicity of elective neck irradiation, such irradiation in SCC of the maxillary sinus should be considered.


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Retinoid therapy has been successful for the treatment of skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A suppression of the predominant retinoid X receptor expressed in skin, retinoid X receptor α (RXRα), has been reported in skin SCC. These observations have led to the hypothesis that retinoid receptor loss contributes to the tumorigenic phenotype of epithelial cancers. To test this hypothesis, the RXRα gene was mapped in order to generate a targeting construct. Additionally the transcriptional regulation of the human RXRα a gene in keratinocytes was characterized after identifying the transcription initiation sites, the promoter, and enhancer regions of this gene. The structure is highly conserved between human and mouse. A nontumorigenic human skin-derived cell line called near diploid immortalized keratinocytes (NIKS) has the advantage of growing as organotypic raft cultures, under physiological conditions closely resembling in-vivo squamous stratification. We have exploited the raft culture technique to develop an in-vitro model for skin SCC progression that includes the NIKS cells, HaCaT cells, a premalignant cell line, and SRB 12-p9 cells, a tumorigenic SCC skin cell line. The differentiation, proliferation and nuclear receptor ligand response characteristics of this system were studied and significant and novel results were obtained. RXRs are obligate heterodimerization partners with many of the nuclear hormone receptors, including retinoic acid receptors (RARs), vitamin D3 receptors (VDR), thyroid hormone receptors (T3 R) and peroxisome proliferator activate receptors (PPARs), which are all known to be active in skin. Treatment of the three cell lines in raft culture with the RXR specific ligand BMS649, BMS961 (RARγ-specific), vitamin D3 (VDR ligand), thryoid hormone (T3R ligand) and clofibrate (PPARa ligand), and the combination of BMS649 with each of the 4 receptor partner ligands, resulted in distinct effects on differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. The effects of activation of RXRs in each of the four-receptor pathways; in the context of skin SCC progression, with an emphasis on the VDR/RXR pathway, are discussed. These studies will lead to a better understanding of RXRα action in human skin and will help determine its role in SCC tumorigenesis, as well as its potential as a target for the prevention, treatment, and control of skin cancer. ^


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Two molecular epidemiological studies were conducted to examine associations between genetic variation and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). In the first study, we hypothesized that genetic variation in p53 response elements (REs) may play roles in the etiology of SCCHN. We selected and genotyped five polymorphic p53 REs as well as a most frequently studied p53 codon 72 (Arg72Pro, rs1042522) polymorphism in 1,100 non-Hispanic White SCCHN patients and 1,122 age-and sex-matched cancer-free controls recruited at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. In multivariate logistic regression analysis with adjustment for age, sex, smoking and drinking status, marital status and education level, we observed that the EOMES rs3806624 CC genotype had a significant effect of protection against SCCHN risk (adjusted odds ratio= 0.79, 95% confidence interval =0.64–0.98), compared with the -838TT+CT genotypes. Moreover, a significantly increased risk associated with the combined genotypes of p53 codon 72CC and EOMES -838TT+CT was observed, especially in the subgroup of non-oropharyneal cancer patients. The values of false-positive report probability were also calculated for significant findings. In the second study, we assessed the association between SCCHN risk and four potential regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of DEC1 (deleted in esophageal cancer 1) gene, a candidate tumor suppressor gene for esophageal cancer. After adjustment for age, sex, and smoking and drinking status, the variant -606CC (i.e., -249CC) homozygotes had a significantly reduced SCCHN risk (adjusted odds ratio = 0.71, 95% confidence interval = 0.52–0.99), compared with the -606TT homozygotes. Stratification analyses showed that a reduced risk associated with the -606CC genotype was more pronounced in subgroups of non-smokers, non-drinkers, younger subjects (defined as ≤ 57 years), carriers of TP53 Arg/Arg (rs1042522) genotype, patients with oropharyngeal cancer or late-stage SCCHN. Further in silico analysis revealed that the -249 T-to-C change led to a gain of a transcription factor binding site. Additional functional analysis showed that the -249T-to-C change significantly enhanced transcriptional activity of the DEC1 promoter and the DNA-protein binding activity. We conclude that the DEC1 promoter -249 T>C (rs2012775) polymorphism is functional, modulating susceptibility to SCCHN among non-Hispanic Whites. Additional large-scale, preferably population-based studies are needed to validate our findings.^