1000 resultados para Sport Pedagogy


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Over the last one of two decades, researchers within the physical education (PE) and sport pedagogy research frequently use the concept ‘the material body’. An initial purpose of this article is to explore what a concept of a ‘material body’ might mean. What other bodies are there? Who would dispute the materiality of bodies? I suggest that the use of a concept as ‘the material body’ suggests a hesitation before the radicalism of the linguistic turn in the sense that the concept ‘discourse’ does not include a material dimension. In this way ‘the material body’ relates to an interpretation of ‘the socially (or discursively) constructed body’ as void of matter. A further purpose with the article is to re-inscribe matter in the concept of ‘discourse’. This is done by way of discussing what theorists like Michel Foucault and, in particular, Judith Butler, has to say about the materiality of the body. In their writings, discourse should not be limited to spoken and/or written language. Rather, discourse is understood in terms of actions and events that create meanings—that matters. One conclusion of the article is that it is important to problematise the mundane view of discourse as ‘verbal interchange’ because it reinforces the promise of an objective knowledge that will eventually shed light on the ‘real’ body and the mysteries of sexual difference, what its origins are, what causes it. Another conclusion is that the PE and sport pedagogy research should pay less attention to the body as an object (what it ‘is’), and pay more attention to how the body matters, and e.g. how movements make bodies matter.


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The study deals with the pedagogical possibilities of text books as a resource for Physical Education (PE) classes based on sports, specifically team sports. It started from a bibliographical review on the cited terms and after that we advanced our studies in order to propose a didactic text book on Team Sports for PE classes considering two benchmarks: one technical-tactic and the other social-educational. In order to do so, we used methods from linguistics, and the development of a Didactic Sequence allowed the selection and distribution of the contents to be presented in the book in an orderly and judicious way. The focus in Team Sports is justified by its social-cultural insertion and by the need to transform recent studies into new pedagogical procedures for practicing them. The didactic text book, as well as the adequate preparation of the professionals who will use it, is pointed out as facilitator in the process of teaching, experiencing and learning team sports.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the last few years, studies in sport pedagogy have supplied data on the learning conditions provided to young athletes during training sessions and games. From the results of these studies, we learned that, in general, the coach spends most of his/her time observing and organizing rather than teaching. Results also show that the motor engaged time of a participant represents only one third of the training session. Based on the data available, training programs for coaches is one way to improve the learning conditions of youth sports.


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In the last few years, studies in sport pedagogy have supplied data on the learning conditions provided to young athletes during training sessions and games. From the results of these studies, we learned that, in general, the coach spends most of his/her time observing and organizing rather than teaching. Results also show that the motor engaged time of a participant represents only one third of the training session. Based on the data available, training programs for coaches is one way to improve the learning conditions of youth sports.


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A ocupação dos tempos livres assume grande importância para a vida das crianças e dos jovens pela formação pura e simples dos tempos de lazer, através da prática desportiva, numa estrutura pensada a partir da escola. Estas práticas ajudam-nos a indagar as rotinas dos mais jovens e a valorizar comportamentos associados ao bem-estar geral. Questionamos, assim, o lugar do lazer na escola atual, considerando-o como uma dimensão na formação desportiva. A educação para o lazer é, impreterivelmente, forjada na escola, promotora da formação nos tempos livres, e cabe à escola, na figura dos seus atores, a caracterização do processo de personalização do tempo de lazer. Analisamo-lo a partir de uma visão tripartida: práticas, aspirações/interesses e representações. A partir deste triângulo, revelamos o modo como a formação para o lazer está a ser feita na escola, assim como os fatores que influenciam a consecução dessas atividades e que podem ser importantes para o desenvolvimento de políticas de educação. Os resultados descrevem: a escola como um espaço privilegiado para a formação desportiva ao promover atividades para além das componentes letivas; as práticas de lazer como criadoras de cultura de escola; as práticas de lazer na formação desportiva como alavanca para o sucesso.


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O treino desportivo representa uma vertente cada vez mais importante na evolução da formação desportiva, proporcionando aos atletas o desenvolvimento das suas capacidades motoras e, paralelamente, contextos que visam estimular a tomada de decisão com vista à obtenção do sucesso nas diferentes modalidades desportivas. Com efeito, esta importância remete para o cuidado redobrado quando no domínio do treino de jovens, pelas especificidades que esta faixa etária apresenta, não apenas numa dimensão física ou tático-técnica, mas igualmente nos fatores psicológico e social. O presente estudo revela a perceção dos treinadores sobre a influência dos diferentes recursos na qualidade da condução do treino de jovens atletas de 3 modalidades desportivas. Identificaram-se 6 recursos que designamos de: materiais, espaciais, temporais, humanos, logísticos e financeiros. Para tal, utilizaram-se como instrumentos de recolha de dados um questionário, construído e previamente validado para o efeito, assim como uma entrevista semiestruturada. Participaram no estudo 51 Treinadores e 3 Coordenadores Técnicos pertencentes a clubes que treinam escalões de formação dos 8 aos 12 anos de idade, nas modalidades de Basquetebol, Futebol e Andebol, no Distrito de Viseu. Da simbiose entre as análises de índole quantitativa e qualitativa, os resultados revelaram influência relevante dos recursos materiais, espaciais e temporais, apontados pelos Treinadores e descritos como essenciais para a qualidade do processo do treino. Por seu lado, os recursos logísticos apresentam-se aquém das expetativas dos inquiridos, podendo aumentar a motivação e tempo dedicado ao treino, caso existisse maior apoio da estrutura organizacional. No que concerne aos recursos humanos, verificou-se diferença significante nas perceções dos inquiridos uma vez que existe, igualmente, uma discrepância relativa ao número e qualidade deste recurso, de acordo com os diferentes contextos desportivos. Não obstante, a heterogeneidade nas respostas é mais acentuada no referente ao fator financeiro.


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Recently, a constraints- led approach has been promoted as a framework for understanding how children and adults acquire movement skills for sport and exercise (see Davids, Button & Bennett, 2008; Araújo et al., 2004). The aim of a constraints- led approach is to identify the nature of interacting constraints that influence skill acquisition in learners. In this chapter the main theoretical ideas behind a constraints- led approach are outlined to assist practical applications by sports practitioners and physical educators in a non- linear pedagogy (see Chow et al., 2006, 2007). To achieve this goal, this chapter examines implications for some of the typical challenges facing sport pedagogists and physical educators in the design of learning programmes.


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This special issue features the growing field of Sport for Development. Importantly few questions have been raised about the educative quality of sport for development programs or the pedagogies by which they are delivered. This seems to be something of an oversight since; by definition development infers some sort of learning or educative process. This introductory paper provides an editorial commentary and summary on the papers included in this issue. We also comment on Sport for Development as a growing field of research and identify what might be some fruitful areas of research direction based on the papers included in the issue. Our reading of the papers suggest that there are important concerns related to pedagogy and educational practices in sport for development projects that stem from a dominance of neoliberal agendas, unintended though this may be. At the same time however, it is apparent that this challenge is being met head on by a growing number of researchers, and reports of this progress can be found in this issue.


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Egon Brunswik proposed the concept of “representative design” for psychological experimentation, which has historically been overlooked or confused with another of Brunswik’s terms, ecological validity. In this article, we reiterate the distinc­tion between these two important concepts and highlight the relevance of the term representative design for sports psychology, practice, and experimental design. We draw links with ideas on learning design in the constraints-led approach to motor learning and nonlinear pedagogy. We propose the adoption of a new term, repre­sentative learning design, to help sport scientists, experimental psychologists, and pedagogues recognize the potential application of Brunswik’s original concepts, and to ensure functionality and action fidelity in training and learning environments.