993 resultados para Spleen cell


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular bacterium which infects macrophages and causes rhodococcal pneumonia and enteritis in foals. Recently, this agent has been recognized as an opportunistic pathogen for immunocompromised humans. Several murine experimental models have been used to study R. equi infection. High (H IV-A) and Low (L IV-A) antibody (Ab)-producers mice were obtained by bi-directional genetic selections for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). These lines maintain their phenotypes of high and low responders also for other antigens than those of selection (multispeciflc effect). A higher macrophage activity in L IV-A mice has been described for several intracellular infectious agents, which could be responsible for their intense macrophage antigens (Ag)-handling and low Ab production. Due to these differences, L IV-A mice were found to exhibit a better performance to trigger an effective immune response towards intracellular pathogens. The objective of this work was to characterize the immune response of Selection IV-A against R. equi. H IV-A and L IV-A mice were infected with 2.0 × 10 6 CFU of ATCC 33701 +R. equi by intravenous route. With regards to bacterial clearance and survival assays, L IV-A mice were more resistant than H IV-A mice to virulent R. equi. L IV-A mice presented a higher hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) and nitric oxide (NO) endogenous production by splenic macrophages than H IV-A mice. L IV-A expressed the most intense cellular response, available by the Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction, which activated macrophages and produced more H 2O 2 and NO. The three times higher specific antibodies titres in H IV-A indicated that Selection IV-A maintained the multispecific effect and the polygenic control of humoral and cellular responses also to R. equi.


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In this study we investigated the effect of β-glucan derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on fungicidal activity, cytokine production and natural killer activity. Spleen and peritoneal cells from female C57BL/6 mice, previously injected (24 or 48 h) with 20 or 100 μg of glucan by i.p. route, were assayed. In vivo β-glucan administration primed spleen cells for a higher production of IL-12 and TNF-α when S. aureus was used as a stimulus. In addition, β-glucan increased NK spleen cells activity against YAC target cells. Some immunomodulatory activities not yet described for β-glucan were observed in this work. © 2005 Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


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It is known that the invasin molecule of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis stimulates human peripheral B cells in vitro. In this work we evaluated the in vivo role of invasin as polyclonal activator of B lymphocytes in the mouse experimental model, by comparing strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis expressing invasin and isogenic inv mutants. Swiss mice were infected intravenously with two strains expressing invasin (YpIII pIB1 and an isogenic virulence plasmid-cured strain, YpIII) and with two invasin mutant strains (Yp100 pIB1 and Yp100, plasmid-cured). Spleen cells were sampled on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after infection. Immunoglobulin (Ig)-secreting spleen cells were detected by protein A plaque assay and specific antibodies were detected in sera by ELISA. The virulent strain YPIII pIB1 (wild type) did not provoke polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes in vivo. In general, fewer Ig-secreting spleen cells of all isotypes were found in the infected animals than in the control animals. Specific IgG antibodies were detected in the sera of animals infected with all strains. The peak response occurred on the 21 st day post-infection, and the Yp100 strain provoked the highest level of these antibodies. We concluded that invasin is not a polyclonal activator of murine B cells.


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Th1 cells, in cooperation with activated macrophages, are required to overcome Yersinia enterocolitica infection in mice. The pathway macrophages utilize to metabolize arginine can alter the outcome of inflammation in different ways. The objective of this study was to verify the pattern of macrophages activation in Y. enterocolitica infection of BALB/c (Yersinia-susceptible) and C57BL/6 (Yersinia-resistant) mice. Both strains of mice were infected with Y. enterocolitica O:8 WA 2707. Peritoneal macrophages and spleen cells were obtained on the 1st, 3rd and 5th day post-infection. The iNOS and the arginase activities were assayed in supernatants of macrophage cultures, by measuring their NO/citrulline and ornithine products, respectively. TGFβ-1 production was also assayed. The Th1 and Th2 responses were evaluated in supernatants of lymphocyte cultures, by IFN-γ and IL-4 production. Our results showed that in the early phase of Y. enterocolitica infection (1st and 3rd day), the macrophages from C57BL/6 mice produced higher levels of NO/citrulline and lower levels of ornithine than macrophages from BALB/c mice. The infection with Y. enterocolitica leads to an increase in the TGF-β1 and IL-4 production by BALB/c mice and to an increase in the IFN-γ levels produced by C57BL/6 mice. These results suggest that Y. enterocolitica infection leads to the modulation of M1 macrophages in C57Bl/6 mice, and M2 macrophages in BALB/c mice. The predominant macrophage population (M1 or M2) at the 1st and 3rd day of infection thus seems to be important in determining Y. enterocolitica susceptibility or resistance.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a produção de IFN-γ, IL-12 e IL-4 entre camundongos jovens (5, 12 e 19 dias de idade) e adultos (30 dias de idade). As avaliações foram feitas por estimulação, in vitro, de células esplênicas com Concanavalina A (ConA) , Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) e lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). Diferentes concentrações de cada estímulo foram testadas e os sobrenadantes das culturas foram coletados após 48 horas de incubação e as concentrações de IFN-γ, IL-12 e IL-4 determinadas por ELISA. Células de camundongos jovens e adultos produziram níveis igualmente elevados de IFN-γ após estímulo com ConA. Somente animais adultos produziram IFN-γ em resposta ao estímulo com S. aureus. Em culturas estimuladas com LPS, a produção desta citocina foi baixa e similar nos animais jovens e significativamente elevada nos animais adultos. Somente células de animais adultos estimuladas com S. aureus foram capazes de produzir IL-12. O único estímulo capaz de induzir níveis detectáveis de IL-4 foi ConA, sendo que estes níveis foram mais elevados nos animais com 12 e 19 dias de idade em comparação com animais neonatos e adultos. A diminuição das doses ótimas dos estímulos não mudou o perfil de produção de cada citocina nos animais jovens. Estes resultados permitem concluir que a idade afeta a produção de citocinas: ocorre maior produção de IL-4 em camundongos jovens e maior produção de IL-12 e IFN-γ em animais adultos. Estas informações são importantes devido ao papel destas citocinas na polarização das respostas imunes nos sentidos Th1 e Th2. Palavras-chave: camundongo; citocina; interferon-gama; interleucina-4; interleucina-12.


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Background: Protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) is the most common type of malnutrition. PCM leads to immunodeficiency and consequent increased susceptibility to infectious agents. In addition, responses to prophylactic vaccines depend on nutritional status. This study aims to evaluate the ability of undernourished mice to mount an immune response to a genetic vaccine (pVAXhsp65) against tuberculosis, containing the gene coding for the heat shock protein 65 from mycobacteria. Methods: Young adult female BALB/c mice were fed ad libitum or with 80% of the amount of food consumed by a normal diet group. We initially characterized a mice model of dietary restriction by determining body and spleen weights, hematological parameters and histopathological changes in lymphoid organs. The ability of splenic cells to produce IFN-gamma and IL-4 upon in vitro stimulation with LPS or S. aureus and the serum titer of specific IgG1 and IgG2a anti-hsp65 antibodies after intramuscular immunization with pVAXhsp65 was then tested. Results: Dietary restriction significantly decreased body and spleen weights and also the total lymphocyte count in blood. This restriction also determined a striking atrophy in lymphoid organs as spleen, thymus and lymphoid tissue associated with the small intestine. Specific antibodies were not detected in mice submitted to dietary restriction whereas the well nourished animals produced significant levels of both, IgG1 and IgG2a anti-hsp65. Conclusion: 20% restriction in food intake deeply compromised humoral immunity induced by a genetic vaccine, alerting, therefore, for the relevance of the nutritional condition in vaccination programs based on these kinds of constructs. © 2009 Ishikawa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The development of various types of cancer results from the interaction among endogenous, environmental and hormonal factors, where the most notable of these factors is diet. The aim of the present study was to determine the antigenotoxic, anticarcinogenic, phagocytic and immunomodulatory activities of Agaricus blazei. The test antigenotoxicity (Comet Assay) and anticarcinogenic (Test of Aberrant Crypt Foci) assess changes in DNA and/or intestinal mucosa that correlate to cancer development. Tests of phagocytosis in the spleen and differential count in blood cells allow the inference of modulation of the immune system as well as to propose a way of eliminating cells with DNA damage. Supplementation with the mushroom was carried out under pre-treatment, simultaneous treatment, post-treatment and pre-treatment. +. continuous conditions. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the mushroom did not have genotoxic activity but showed antigenotoxic activity. Supplementation caused an increase in the number of monocytes and in phagocytic activity, suggesting that supplementation increases a proliferation of monocytes, consequently increasing phagocytic capacity especially in the groups pre-treatment, simultaneous and pre-treatment. +. continuous. The data suggest that A. blazei could act as a functional food capable of promoting immunomodulation which can account for the destruction of cells with DNA alterations that correlate with the development of cancer, since this mushroom was demonstrated to have a preventive effect against pre-neoplastic colorectal lesions evaluated by the aberrant crypt foci assay. According to these results and the literature, it is believed that supplementation with A. blazei can be an efficient method for the prevention of cancer as well as possibly being an important coadjuvant treatment in chemotherapy. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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Epidemiological and experimental studies support the idea that helminth infections can induce a protective effect against the development of autoimmune and allergic diseases. In this study we characterized the immune response induced by Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in C57BL/6 mice and then evaluated the effect of a previous contact with this helminth in the outcome of type 1 diabetes. Animals were initially infected with 2000 L3 larvae from S. venezuelensis and euthanized 22. days later. An acute phase, identified by a high amount of eggs per gram of feces, was established between days 7 and 9 post-infection. Recovery from infection was associated with a Th2 polarized response characterized by a significant level of serum IgG1 specific antibodies and also a significant production of IL-5 and IL-10 by spleen cells stimulated with S. venezuelensis soluble antigen. Immunization with soluble S. venezuelensis antigen associated with complete Freund's adjuvant followed by infection with S. venezuelensis protected mice from diabetes development induced by streptozotocin. Protection was characterized by a higher body weight gain, lower glycemic levels, much less severe insulitis and preserved insulin production. Together, these results indicate that S. venezuelensis contributed to protect C57BL/6 mice against experimental diabetes induced by streptozotocin. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an artificially induced demyelination of the central nervous system (CNS) that resembles multiple sclerosis in its clinical, histopathological, and immunological features. Activated Th1 and Th17 cells are thought to be the main immunological players during EAE development. This study was designed to evaluate peripheral and local contribution of IL-17 to acute and chronic EAE stages. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with MOG plus complete Freund's adjuvant followed by pertussis toxin. Mice presented an initial acute phase characterized by accentuated weight loss and high clinical score, followed by a partial recovery when the animals reached normal body weight and smaller clinical scores. Spleen cells stimulated with MOG produced significantly higher levels of IFN-γ during the acute period whereas similar IL-17 levels were produced during both disease stages. CNS-infiltrating cells stimulated with MOG produced similar amounts of IFN-γ but, IL-17 was produced only at the acute phase of EAE. The percentage of Foxp3+ Treg cells, at the spleen and CNS, was elevated during both phases. The degree of inflammation was similar at both disease stages. Partial clinical recovery observed during chronic EAE was associated with no IL-17 production and presence of Foxp3+ Treg cells in the CNS. © 2013 Sofia Fernanda Gonçalves Zorzella-Pezavento et al.


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This study was undertaken to understand how Lentinula edodes modulates in vivo mutagenesis induced by alkylating agents in bone marrow and peripheral blood as described in our previous article. Male Swiss mice were pretreated for 15 consecutive days with aqueous extracts prepared from L. edodes, after which, the number of circulating blood cells, normal erythroid bone marrow cell cycling, and phagocytosis of micronucleated reticulocyte (MNRET) and activation of spleen macrophages were assessed. The results indicate that the antimutagenicity seen in bone marrow and peripheral blood is exerted by distinct compounds with different actions. The antimutagenic effect in bone marrow is exerted by compounds subject to degradation at deep-freeze storage temperature of -20 C. On the other hand, compounds responsible for antimutagenicity in peripheral blood are not subject to degradation at -20 C. The results also indicate that the antimutagenic action in peripheral blood leading to the reduction of circulating MNRET occurs in the spleen primarily through a phagocytic activity due to higher macrophage numbers and probably not due to the enhanced activation state of individual cells. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR