985 resultados para Specific volume


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The results of an investigation on the limits of the random errors contained in the basic data of Physical Oceanography and their propagation through the computational procedures are presented in this thesis. It also suggest a method which increases the reliability of the derived results. The thesis is presented in eight chapters including the introductory chapter. Chapter 2 discusses the general theory of errors that are relevant in the context of the propagation of errors in Physical Oceanographic computations. The error components contained in the independent oceanographic variables namely, temperature, salinity and depth are deliniated and quantified in chapter 3. Chapter 4 discusses and derives the magnitude of errors in the computation of the dependent oceanographic variables, density in situ, gt, specific volume and specific volume anomaly, due to the propagation of errors contained in the independent oceanographic variables. The errors propagated into the computed values of the derived quantities namely, dynamic depth and relative currents, have been estimated and presented chapter 5. Chapter 6 reviews the existing methods for the identification of level of no motion and suggests a method for the identification of a reliable zero reference level. Chapter 7 discusses the available methods for the extension of the zero reference level into shallow regions of the oceans and suggests a new method which is more reliable. A procedure of graphical smoothening of dynamic topographies between the error limits to provide more reliable results is also suggested in this chapter. Chapter 8 deals with the computation of the geostrophic current from these smoothened values of dynamic heights, with reference to the selected zero reference level. The summary and conclusion are also presented in this chapter.


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The sum of wheat flour and corn starch was replaced by 10, 20, or 30% whole amaranth flour in both conventional (C) and reduced fat (RF) pound cakes. and the effects on physical and sensory properties of the cakes were investigated. RF presented 33% fat reduction. The increasing amaranth levels darkened crust and crumb of cakes, which decreased color acceptability. Fresh amaranth-containing cakes had similar texture characteristics to (he controls, evaluated both instrumentally and sensorially. Sensory evaluation revealed that replacement by 30% amaranth flour decreased C cakes overall acceptability scores, clue to its lower specific volume and darker color. Amaranth flour levels had no significant effect on overall acceptability of RF cakes. Hence, the sum of wheat flour and corn starch could be successfully replaced by up to 20% amaranth flour in C and up to 30% in RF pound cakes without negatively affecting sensory quality in fresh cakes. Moisture losses for all the cakes were similar, approximate to 1% per day during storage. After six days of storage, both C and RF amaranth-containing cakes had higher hardness and chewiness values than control cakes. Further experiments involving sensory evaluation during storage are necessary to determine the exact limit of amaranth flour replacement.


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The giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) is constituted by Subunits containing heme groups with molecular masses (M) in the range of 15 to 19 kDa, monomers of 16 kDa (d), and trimers of 51 to 52 kDa (abc) linked by nonheme structures named linkers of 24 to 32 kDa (L). HbGp is homologous to Lumbricus terrestris hemoglobin (HbLt). Several reports propose M of HbLt in the range of 3.6 to 4.4 MDa. Based on subunits M determined by mass spectrometry and assuming HbGp stoichiometry of 12(abcd)(3)L(3) (Vinogradov model) plus 144 heme groups, a Value of M for HbGp oligomer of 3560 kDa can be predicted. This Value is nearly 500 kDa higher than the unique HbGp M Value reported in the literature. In the current work, sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) experiments were performed to obtain M for HbGp in oxy and cyano-met forms. s(20,w)(0), values of 58.1 +/- 0.2 S and 59.6 +/- 0.2 S, respectively, for the two oxidation forms were obtained. The ratio between sedimentation and diffusion coefficients supplied values for M of approximately 3600 100 and 3700 100 kDa for oxy and cyano-met HbGp forms, respectively. An independent determination of the partial specific volume, V(bar), for HbGp was performed based on density measurements, providing a value of 0.764 +/- 0.008, in excellent agreement with the estimates from SEDFIT software. Our results show total consistency between M obtained by AUC and recent partial characterization by mass spectrometry. Therefore, HbGp possesses M very close to that of HbLt, suggesting an oligomeric assembly in agreement with the Vinogradov model. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste trabalho buscou-se avaliar o efeito de parâmetros operacionais do processo de extrusão no desenvolvimento de biscoitos de polvilho com fibras, utilizando como matérias-primas o polvilho azedo e o farelo de mandioca. O processamento foi realizado em um extrusor mono-rosca, sendo considerados parâmetros variáveis: temperatura na 3ª zona de extrusão, umidade e porcentagem de fibras na mistura. Para analisar o efeito combinado das variáveis independentes nas características tecnológicas dos extrusados, utilizou-se o delineamento 'central composto rotacional' para três fatores. Os resultados obtidos mostraram efeitos significativos da umidade e porcentagem de fibras sobre o volume específico, sendo que a temperatura afetou os índices de solubilidade e absorção de água dos produtos extrusados. Condições de baixa temperatura (65 °C), baixa umidade (12%) e baixo teor de fibras (<4%), nas condições de processo utilizadas, produzem biscoitos com boas características tecnológicas.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of operational conditions of the extrusion process (temperature, moisture and protein content) in production of cassava snacks added of casein, aiming to provide information to the cassava processing industry. The cassava flour and casein were characterized as their chemical components and color. The experimental design followed the central composite rotational design with three factors. The obtained products were characterized as for rate of expansion, specific volume, color and hardness. Data analyses showed that the lower moisture, protein and temperature conditions provided desired expanded products with light color attributes, high expansion and low hardness.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da umidade, temperatura de extrusão e rotação da rosca na produção de produtos extrusados expandidos com a utilização do polvilho doce e da polpa de laranja desidratada como matéria-prima. O processo seguiu delineamento central composto rotacional com três fatores, totalizando 15 tratamentos (oito pontos fatoriais, seis pontos axiais e um ponto central com seis repetições). Os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados quanto ao índice de expansão (IE), ao volume específico (VE), ao índice de solubilidade em água (ISA) e à cor (L*, a* e b*). Os resultados mostraram efeito das condições operacionais do processo sobre as características físicas dos produtos, e produtos claros com maior expansão e menor solubilidade em água foram obtidos nas condições mais elevadas de temperatura (80-90°C), condições intermediárias de umidade (16%) e rotação da rosca (218rpm).


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Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito das condições de extrusão sobre as propriedades físicas de produtos extrusados. Foi utilizado o delineamento central composto rotacional com quatro variáveis independentes (2(4)) e a metodologia de superfície de resposta para avaliar os resultados de índice de expansão, volume específico, índice de absorção de água, índice de solubilidade em água e cor, de acordo com as variações de temperatura de extrusão, rotação da rosca, porcentagem de farelo de mandioca e porcentagem de farinha de soja. Os resultados indicam que é possível produzir novos produtos extrusados com boas propriedades físicas a partir de misturas de farinha de soja, fécula e farelo de mandioca.


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Considerando a importância do amido de mandioca para as indústrias brasileiras, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de parâmetros de extrusão sobre as características físicas e propriedades de pasta do amido de mandioca extrusado. Foi utilizado o delineamento fatorial do tipo central composto rotacional com três variáveis independentes (2³) e a metodologia de superfície de resposta para avaliar os resultados de índice de expansão, volume específico, índice de absorção de água, índice de solubilidade em água, cor e propriedades de pasta, de acordo com as variações de umidade, temperatura de extrusão e rotação da rosca. A temperatura de extrusão influenciou o índice de expansão, volume específico, índice de absorção de água, todos os parâmetros de cor e a viscosidade inicial, pico e viscosidade final. Já a umidade teve influência sobre o volume específico, parâmetros de cor, viscosidade final e tendência a retrogradação. A rotação da rosca teve efeito no índice de absorção de água, nos componentes de cor bem como viscosidade final e na tendência à retrogradação do amido extrusado. Nas condições operacionais de elevada umidade inicial da matéria-prima, baixa rotação da rosca e temperatura de extrusão no nível intermediário ocorreu menor degradação do amido, o que é desejável em amidos pré-gelatinizados.


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Density of binary solutions and combinations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, pectin, and inorganic salts were measured with an oscillating tube density meter in the temperature range from 10degrees to 60degreesC, at varying concentrations. Density can be predicted with accuracy better than 5 x 10(-5) g cm(-3) using predictive equations obtained by fitting the experimental data. Available literature values agreed well with experimental data. Relations for the excess molar volume of these solutions were derived in terms of mole fraction and temperature. A thermodynamic model for the volumetric analysis of multicomponent aqueous solutions containing electrolyte and non-electrolyte compounds was also proposed. These models can be used for prediction of density of liquid food systems, specially fruit juices and beverages, based on composition and temperature, with high accuracy and without elaborate experimental work.


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Effect of extrusion parameters was studied on the expansion index, specific volume, water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) of expanded yam snacks. The central composite design was used to study the parameters effect. It was verified three levels of temperature in the barrel (100, 115 and 130°C), three levels of screw speed (163, 204 and 245 rpm) and three levels of flour moisture (12, 15 and 18%). The results showed that expansion properties (expansion index and specific volume) depend on flour moisture and extrusion temperature. The WSI was dependant of three parameters. Higher levels of temperature and screw speed increase the water solubility index (WSI). The studied parameters did not influence the water absorption index (WAI).


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Kraft pulp produced from juvenile and mature wood from thirty-two-year-old Corymbia citriodora trees was evaluated. The stem was subdivided into regions of juvenile and mature wood, and then it was transformed into chips. These materials were then cooked in the Laboratory of Pulp and Paper at São Paulo State University (UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil) and the physico-mechanical properties of the pulps were determined. The results showed that: (1) the pulp yields of mature wood were up to 4.4% greater in comparison to the juvenile wood, (2) the juvenile wood pulp required a shorter refining time than mature wood to reach the same Schopper-Riegler degree, (3) the juvenile wood pulp presented lower specific volume, and (4) the mature wood pulp presented greater air resistance, tensile, tear and burst index values, stress-strain factor, and stretch than the juvenile wood pulp.


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Thermophilic fungus Thermoascus aurantiacus (CBMAI 756) on solid-state fermentation using corncob as a nutrient source produces an enzyme pool with the potential to be used in bread making. In this paper, the use of this enzyme cocktail as a wheat bread improver was reported. Both products released by flour arabinoxylan degradation and bread quality were investigated. The main product released through enzyme activity after prolonged incubation was xylose indicating the presence of xylanase; however, a small amount of xylobiose and arabinose also confirmed the presence of xylosidase and α-L- arabinofuranosidase, respectively. Enzyme mixture in vitro mainly attacked water-unextractable arabinoxylan contributing to beneficial effect in bread making. The use of an optimal enzyme concentration (35 U xylanase/100 g of flour) increased specific volume (22%), reduced crumb firmness (25%), and reduced amylopectin retrogradation (17%) during bread storage. In conclusion, the enzyme cocktail produced by T. aurantiacus CBMAI 756 can improve wheat bread quality. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)