990 resultados para Spatial econometrics


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To identify the relevant product markets for Swedish pharmaceuticals, a spatial econometrics approach is employed. First, we calculate Moran’s Is for different market definitions and then we use a spatial Durbin model to determine the effect of price changes on quantity sold off own and competing products. As expected, the results show that competition is strongest between close substitutes; however, the relevant product markets for Swedish pharmaceuticals extend beyond close substitutes down to products included in the same class on the four-digit level of the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical system as defined by the World Health Organization. The spatial regression model further indicates that increases in the price of a product significantly lower the quantity sold of that product and in the same time increase the quantity sold of competing products. For close substitutes (products belonging to the same class on the seven-digit level of the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical system), as well as for products that, without being close substitutes, belong to the same therapeutic/pharmacological/chemical subgroup (the same class on the five-digit level of the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical system), a significant change towards increased competition is also visible after 1 July 2009 when the latest policy changes with regards to pharmaceuticals have been implemented in Sweden.


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Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to estimate the determinants of the retail space rent in Shanghai.
Design/methodology/approach – Hedonic model and spatial regression models are used in the paper. The problem of spatial autocorrelation is tested by Moran’s I statistics, and the root mean square error (RMSE) test is performed to find out the best model.
Findings – The significant explaining variables are the age, the area of retail space, the distance to the Jing An CBD centre, the type of the retail and the district of the property. A new classification of district in retail research context is suggested in this paper, and it is proved to be better than the districts set up by government to explain the retail rent variation.
Originality/value – This paper presents the first empirical study about the retail rental market in Shanghai. The research helps retail property investors and retail tenants deepen their understanding of the retail market in Shanghai. Spatial econometrics techniques are first introduced into the empirical retail rent research to produce a more precise estimation.


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This paper presents a methodology to estimate and identify different kinds of economic interaction, whenever these interactions can be established in the form of spatial dependence. First, we apply the semi-parametric approach of Chen and Conley (2001) to the estimation of reaction functions. Then, the methodology is applied to the analysis financial providers in Thailand. Based on a sample of financial institutions, we provide an economic framework to test if the actual spatial pattern is compatible with strategic competition (local interactions) or social planning (global interactions). Our estimates suggest that the provision of commercial banks and suppliers credit access is determined by spatial competition, while the Thai Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives is distributed as in a social planner problem.


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O fim do ano de 2014 marcou o segundo aniversário da Resolução 13/2012 (R13) do Senado brasileiro. Grosso modo, R13 constituiu-se de um normativo do Senado cujo objetivo era o de por um fim na Guerra Fiscal dos Portos (FWP), uma competição fiscal entre os estados que se dá através da concessão de benefícios fiscais sobre operações interestaduais com mercadorias importadas de modo a atrair empresas importadoras para o território do estado concedente. R13 diminuiu o nível da tributação sobre tais operações, esperando com isso diminuir os lucros auferidos e a propensão das firmas de aceitarem tais regimes especiais de incentivação fiscal. Nada obstante, R13 gerou uma grande discussão sobre se os benefícios da atração de investimentos para um estado em particular superariam ou não os custos que esse estado incorreria em renunciar receitas tributárias em razão concessão desses benefícios fiscais. O objetivo do presente trabalho é o de dar uma contribuição a essa discussão, testando se um comportamento de interação estratégica entre estados, tal como aquele que supostamente ocorre no contexto da FWP, de fato emerge dos dados de importação coletados de janeiro de 2010 a maio de 2015, e, também, testando se a R13 de fato afetou tal comportamento de interação estratégica. Utiliza-se aqui um modelo de econometria espacial, no qual se especifica uma matriz de pesos que agrega o nível de importação das jurisdições concorrentes, organizando os dados em um painel de efeitos fixos. Os resultados sugerem que existe um comportamento de interação estratégica entre os estados e que a R13 de fato impactou tal comportamento.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work aims to estimate an empirical model for three kinds of crime in Sao Paulo city: homicides, robberies and car thefts. It uses as geographical units the areas belonging to each police districts and takes in account spatial effects among the variables. The results show important differences when we deal with crime against people and crime against property.


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Issues concerning deforestation have become a crucial theme in the environmental world debate. In this picture, Mato Grosso State has become an unfavorable example because it represents 36% of the accumulated deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In order to investigate the relationship between deforestation and income growth, this paper estimates an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for 139 cities of Mato Grosso through spatial econometrics. Using data for the year 2006, we estimate an EKC for the deforestation per capita against income per capita and other variables controlling the spatial effects. The preliminary results indicate that an EKC exists in a reversed U shape, i. e., the income growth reduces environmental effects from the maximum point. However, introducing a cubic term for the income, the economic growth would not reveal any relationship with the deforestation in the Mato Grosso State.


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The fall of the Berlin Wall opened the way for a reform path – the transition process – which accompanied ten former Socialist countries in Central and South Eastern Europe to knock at the EU doors. By the way, at the time of the EU membership several economic and structural weaknesses remained. A tendency towards convergence between the new Member States (NMS) and the EU average income level emerged, together with a spread of inequality at the sub-regional level, mainly driven by the backwardness of the agricultural and rural areas. Several progresses were made in evaluating the policies for rural areas, but a shared definition of rurality is still missing. Numerous indicators were calculated for assessing the effectiveness of the Common Agricultural Policy and Rural Development Policy. Previous analysis on the Central and Eastern European countries found that the characteristics of the most backward areas were insufficiently addressed by the policies enacted; the low data availability and accountability at a sub-regional level, and the deficiencies in institutional planning and implementation represented an obstacle for targeting policies and payments. The next pages aim at providing a basis for understanding the connections between the peculiarities of the transition process, the current development performance of NMS and the EU role, with particular attention to the agricultural and rural areas. Applying a mixed methodological approach (multivariate statistics, non-parametric methods, spatial econometrics), this study contributes to the identification of rural areas and to the analysis of the changes occurred during the EU membership in Hungary, assessing the effect of CAP introduction and its contribution to the convergence of the Hungarian agricultural and rural. The author believes that more targeted – and therefore efficient – policies for agricultural and rural areas require a deeper knowledge of their structural and dynamic characteristics.


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En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.á Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20 al 80) y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción) sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial


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En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.á Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20 al 80) y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción) sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial


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En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.á Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20 al 80) y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción) sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial


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By using three indicators of the standard of living (income per capita, the Human Development Index and the Physical Quality of Life Index), this article provides new information regarding the evolution of the differences in well-being between the Spanish provinces throughout the 20th century. The results reveal that the disparities were enormous at the beginning of the century, after which a highly significant process of convergence took place, which was comparatively lower in terms of income per person than it was with respect to the HDI or the PQLI. Another noteworthy finding is that, irrespective of the indicator used, the well-being of each province is significantly influenced by that of its neighbours throughout the whole of the period analysed.


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R&D investments are seen has having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of regions and perhaps on regional convergence (or divergence) too. The aim of the paper is to study both the localization of R&D investments and regional income distribution among the NUTs 3 regions of Portugal to conclude if these variables are related or not. To study the spatial convergence (approximation) of per capita income (GDPpc) and R&D investments in the regions of Portugal, we use a standard methodology of spatial econometrics. We conclude that regions with higher GDPpc are not the same with the highest concentration of R&D investments, with the exception of the northern coastline. The R&D investments are geographically linked to the network of higher education institutions, especially in the interior regions of the country. The northern regions reveal more dynamic in terms of R&D, which apparently is not felt in the population's standard of living measured by GDPpc.


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Este artículo comprueba la existencia de autocorrelación espacial al considerar la proporción de personas que viven en situación de miseria en los municipios del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Para ello se utiliza el test I de Moran y se propone un algoritmo para descartar la posibilidad de que la dependencia espacial sea espuria. Los resultados demuestran la necesidad de tener en cuenta la econometría espacial para determinar la asignación óptima del gasto social, destinado a intervenir en forma efectiva la situación de miseria en los municipios del departamento de Antioquia


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Unemployment is related to economic, political and social aspects. One of the least analysed political aspects is the relationship that, from a partisan or ideological perspective, should exist between the election results and the aging level of the voters, which is to be reflected in different electoral costs of unemployment. This chapter updates previous work on the subject, using a spatial econometrics methodology to estimate the relationship between the levels of aging and the election results that were obtained in the most recent elections that took place in Portugal, i.e. the October 2015 legislative elections. The results confirm the hypothesis that the level of unemployment involves a higher (resp. lower) electoral cost the less (resp. more) aged is the electorate.