1000 resultados para Spanish-Portuguese border


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The Spanish spoken in the city of Malaga, as Andalusian Spanish in general, was in the past often times considered an incorrect, low prestige variety of Spanish which was strongly associated with the poor, rural, backward South of Spain. This southern Spanish variety is easily recognised because of its innovative phonetic features that diverge from the national standard, even though in the past years in the case of some features a convergence to the standard could be observed. Despite its low prestige the local variety of Spanish is quite often used on social network sites, where it is considered as urban, fashion and cool. Thus, this paper aims at analysing whether the Spanish used in the city of Malaga is undergoing an attitude change. The study draws on naturally occurring speech, data extracted from Facebook and a series of questionnaires about the salience, attitude and perception of the local variety of Spanish. The influence of the social factors age and gender is analysed, since they are both known to play a crucial role in many instances of language change. The first is of special interest, as during the Franco dictatorship dialect use was not accepted in schools and in the media. Results show that, on the one hand, people from Malaga hold a more positive attitude towards non-standard features used on social network sites than in spoken language. On the other hand, young female users employ most non-standard features online and unsurprisingly have an extremely positive attitude towards this use. However, in spoken Spanish the use and attitude of some features is led by men and speakers educated during the Franco dictatorship, while other features, such as elision of intervocalic /d/, elision of final /ɾ/, /l/ and /d/ and ceceo, are predominantly employed by and younger speakers and women. These features are considered as salient in the local variety and work as local identity markers.


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Valproic acid (2-propyl pentanoic acid) is a pharmaceutical drug used for treatment of epileptic seizures absence, tonic-clonic (grand mal), complex partial seizures, and mania in bipolar disorder [1]. Valproic acid is a slightly soluble in water and therefore as active pharmaceutical ingredient it is most commonly applied in form of sodium or magnesium valproate salt [1].However the list of adverse effects of these compounds is large and includes among others: tiredness, tremor, sedation and gastrointestinal disturbances [2]. Ionic liquids (ILs) are promising compounds as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)[3]. In this context, the combinations of the valproate anion with appropriate cation when ILs and salts are formed can significantly alter valproate physical, chemical and thermal properties.[4] This methodology can be used for drug modification (alteration of drug solubility in water, lipids, bioavailability, etc)[2] and therefore can eliminate some adverse effect of the drugs related to drug toxicity due for example to its solubility in water and lipids (interaction with intestines). Herein, we will discuss the development of ILs based on valproate anion (Figure 1) prepared according a recent optimized and sustainable acid-base neutralization method [4]. The organic cations such as cetylpyridinium, choline and imidazolium structures were selected based on their biocompatibility and recent applications in pharmacy [3]. All novel API-ILs based on valproate have been studied in terms of their physical, chemical (viscosity, density, solubility) and thermal (calorimetric studies) properties as well as their biological activity.


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6th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium, Lisboa, de 18 a 20 de Julho de 2012 (Poster Communication).


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6th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium, Lisboa, de 18 a 20 de Julho de 2012 (Poster Communication).


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6th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium, Lisboa, de 18 a 20 de Julho de 2012 (Poster Communication).


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química.Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental


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Este artigo analisa as características específicas e os processos de indexação e classificação realizados em bibliotecas escolares para tratar e recuperar as informações de suas coleções. Também se analisam as linguagens como ferramentas documentais específicas utilizadas em bibliotecas escolares portuguesas espanholas, portuguesas e brasileiras. Para atingir este objetivo, o modelo de biblioteca escolar é estudado de forma crítica, se analisa o conceito de biblioteca escolar de forma crítica, se estudam suas funções e se examinam as técnicas e os instrumentos que permitem organizar a informação. Entre outras ferramentas, estudam-se listas de cabeçalhos de assuntos como os Cabeçalhos de assuntos para livros infantis e juvenis e a Lista de Cabeçalhos de assuntos para as bibliotecas; sistemas de classificação, como a Classificação Decimal Universal (edição de bolso) ou a classificação por centros de interesse e tesauros especializados como o Tesauro da Educação UNESCO-OIE e o Tesauro Europeu da Educação, entre outros.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: Se define lesión renal aguda inducida por contraste (CIAKI), al deterioro de la función renal en las 48 horas posteriores a la administración de radiofármacos. Para prevenir este evento se han estudiado diversas intervenciones clínicas, como la administración de N-Acetilcisteina (NAC), previa al procedimiento diagnóstico. Meta-análisis anteriores comparan diferentes intervenciones clínicas para prevenir CIAKI sin resultados concluyentes. El presente meta-análisis analiza la evidencia de la eficacia la administración de NAC previa al procedimiento diagnóstico para prevenir CIAKI en pacientes con nefropatía previa. METODOLOGÍA: Se analizaron por 3 revisores independientes estudios ECCA, en población con nefropatía, en inglés, español, portugués, italiano, alemán y francés tanto publicados como de literatura gris, en donde se comparara NAC versus hidratación o placebo. RESULTADOS: Los estudios encontrados fueron publicados entre el año 2000 y 2010. Se analizaron 37 reportes con 6.022 pacientes. La correlación intraclase para tres observadores fue kappa r=0.97 [IC95% 0.93-0.99]). Los pacientes con nefropatía a quienes se les administró NAC previo al procedimiento tuvieron un 34% menos de probabilidad de hacer falla renal aguda, con OR ajustado por sesgo de publicación de 0.66 [IC95% 0.50-0.88] con un p de 0.002. Al realizar análisis de sensibilidad por la escala de Jadad, se encuentra que los resultados en los estudios con baja calidad no son significativos (p=0.202). CONCLUSION: Los resultados soportan la asociación entre el tratamiento preventivo con N-Acetilcisteina y una menor frecuencia de lesión renal aguda inducida por medio de contraste en pacientes nefrópatas.


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Establishing metrics to assess machine translation (MT) systems automatically is now crucial owing to the widespread use of MT over the web. In this study we show that such evaluation can be done by modeling text as complex networks. Specifically, we extend our previous work by employing additional metrics of complex networks, whose results were used as input for machine learning methods and allowed MT texts of distinct qualities to be distinguished. Also shown is that the node-to-node mapping between source and target texts (English-Portuguese and Spanish-Portuguese pairs) can be improved by adding further hierarchical levels for the metrics out-degree, in-degree, hierarchical common degree, cluster coefficient, inter-ring degree, intra-ring degree and convergence ratio. The results presented here amount to a proof-of-principle that the possible capturing of a wider context with the hierarchical levels may be combined with machine learning methods to yield an approach for assessing the quality of MT systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigates variable noun phrase number agreement (VNA) in two second language varieties of Portuguese, spoken in Maputo, Mozambique and in Mindelo, Cape Verde. Quantitative VARBRUL analysis is carried out based on recordings made in Maputo and Mindelo 2007 and 2008. Previous quantitative studies on VNA in varieties of Brazilian Portuguese (Guy, 1981; Lopes, 2001; Andrade, 2003) as well as on VNA in first and second language varieties of Portuguese from São Tomé (Baxter, 2004; Figueiredo, 2008, 2010) indicate contact between Portuguese and African languages as the main origin of this phenomenon. VNA in Brazilian Portuguese is, however, interpreted by Scherre (1988) and Naro & Scherre (1993, 2007) as the result of language internal drift. Varieties of Portuguese from Mozambique and Cape Verde are particularly interesting to contrast in order to investigate influences from African languages on VNA, as in Mozambique Bantu languages are first languages of the vast majority of Portuguese speakers, whereas in Cape Verde, practically all Portuguese speakers are first language speakers of Cape Verdean Creole, whose substrates are West African, and not Bantu, languages. Comparison is also made with previous studies from Brazil and São Tomé. The results of this study comment previously postulated explanations for VNA in Portuguese in various ways. The analysis of the variables onset age and age stratum indicates that VNA in the analyzed varieties is a phenomenon linked to the acquisition of Portuguese as a second language and/or language contact rather than the result of internal drift. The fact that all the compared varieties tend to mark plural on pre-head components contradicts Bantu transfer as an explanation for this pattern, and raises the need to also consider more general explanations based on language contact. The basic structural similarity between the compared varieties suggests the existence of a grammatical restructuring continuum.


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This work investigates the phenomenon of transitivity in the conversation. We examined the behavior of complements in Brazilian Portuguese speech, and then compared the results with previous researches in the English language by Thompson and Hopper (2001) and in the Spanish language by Vázques (2004). In Brazil, there are no researches that treat this phenomenon in the discursive conversation, for that reason it justifies and reveals the importance of this research that aims to answer questions related to the transitivity of ordinary conversations. Thus, we describe, explain and analize the transitivity based on concrete linguistic data, provided by native speakers of Portuguese language, specifically, spontaneous talk of people from Natal-RN. We have used as theoretical assumptions the Functional Linguistics usage-based (LFCU), which gathers academics of North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Chafe (1979), Hopper and Thompson (1980), Thompson and Hopper (2001), Givón (2001), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2009, 2011), among others, as well as Cognitive Linguistics, presented by Langacker (1987), Taylor (1995), Tomasello (1998) and Goldberg(1995), among others. This data consists in conversations extracted from the corpus Banco Conversacional de Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA). The results obtained from this work confirm the assertions defined by prior conducted studies on the transitivity in the conversation. The research showed that these three idioms, Spanish, Portuguese and English, despite the differences, they present a uniform behavior regarding their transitivity in the conversation. We intend, by this work, to contribute, in some way, to the comprehension of the focused linguistic phenomenon, likewise to build a finer scenario around of the transitivity in the Brasilian Portuguese


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Due to factors such as globalization and the demography of Hispanic countries, the Spanish language has influenced worldwide, especially since the last decade of the 20th century, mainly countries which are geographically close to Spanish American countries, such as Brazil. In this context, it is necessary to think of the linguistic variation of the Spanish language, in which we emphasize the lexical variation. As any language, Spanish has a colossal and wealthy lexicon with different varieties related to the characteristics from each region: history, culture, customs etc. This diversity influences the development, the amplification and the renewal of a language, as well as the teaching-learning process. Thus, we proposed to analyze the lexicon varieties of Spanish language entries in some Spanish-Portuguese bilingual dictionaries for Brazilian learners. In order to achieve this goal, we selected some examples of lexical variety in a corpus organized with texts of different textual genres and we verified if these lexical items are registered in the dictionaries chosen. As the corpus is organized from texts present in didactic manuals used in Brazil, our goal is to verify if the vocabulary which the Brazilian learner has contact in formal education is registered in the analyzed dictionaries.