984 resultados para Space Vector Modulation


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A novel dodecagonal space vector structure for induction motor drive is presented in this paper. It consists of two dodecagons, with the radius of the outer one twice the inner one. Compared to existing dodecagonal space vector structures, to achieve the same PWM output voltage quality, the proposed topology lowers the switching frequency of the inverters and reduces the device ratings to half. At the same time, other benefits obtained from existing dodecagonal space vector structure are retained here. This includes the extension of the linear modulation range and elimination of all 6+/-1 harmonics (n=odd) from the phase voltage. The proposed structure is realized by feeding an open-end winding induction motor with two conventional three level inverters. A detailed calculation of the PWM timings for switching the space vector points is also presented. Simulation and experimental results indicate the possible application of the proposed idea for high power drives.


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A constant switching frequency current error space vector-based hysteresis controller for two-level voltage source inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drives is proposed in this study. The proposed controller is capable of driving the IM in the entire speed range extending to the six-step mode. The proposed controller uses the parabolic boundary, reported earlier, for vector selection in a sector, but uses simple, fast and self-adaptive sector identification logic for sector change detection in the entire modulation range. This new scheme detects the sector change using the change in direction of current error along the axes jA, jB and jC. Most of the previous schemes use an outer boundary for sector change detection. So the current error goes outside the boundary six times during sector change, in one cycle,, introducing additional fifth and seventh harmonic components in phase current. This may cause sixth harmonic torque pulsations in the motor and spread in the harmonic spectrum of phase voltage. The proposed new scheme detects the sector change fast and accurately eliminating the chance of introducing additional fifth and seventh harmonic components in phase current and provides harmonic spectrum of phase voltage, which exactly matches with that of constant switching frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulse width modulation (VC-SVPWM)-based two-level inverter-fed drives.


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This paper proposes the development of dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector diagrams from cascaded H-Bridge inverters. As already reported in literatures, dodecagonal space vector diagrams have many advantages over conventional hexagonal ones. Some of them include the absence of 6n±1, (n=odd) harmonics from the phase voltage, and the extension of the linear modulation range. In this paper, a new power circuit is proposed for generating multiple dodecagons in the space vector plane. It consists of two cascaded H-Bridge cells fed from asymmetric dc voltage sources. It is shown that, with proper PWM timing calculation and placement of active and zero vectors, a very high quality of sine-wave can be produced. At the same time, the switching frequency of individual cells can be reduced substantially. Detailed PWM analysis, one design example and an elaborate simulation study is presented to support the proposed idea.


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A three-level inverter produces six active vectors, each of normalized magnitudes 1, 0.866, and 0.5, besides a zero vector. The vectors of relative length 0.5 are termed pivot vectors.The three nearest voltage vectors are usually used to synthesize the reference vector. In most continuous pulsewidth-modulation(PWM) schemes, the switching sequence begins from a pivot vector and ends with the same pivot vector. Thus, the pivot vector is applied twice in a subcycle or half-carrier cycle. This paper proposes and investigates alternative switching sequences, which use the pivot vector only once but employ one of the other two vectors twice within the subcycle. The total harmonic distortion(THD) in the fundamental line current pertaining to these novel sequences is studied theoretically as well as experimentally over the whole range of modulation. Compared with centered space vector PWM, two of the proposed sequences lead to reduced THD at high modulation indices at a given average switching frequency.


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This paper describes the different types of space vector based bus clamped PWM algorithms for three level inverters. A novel bus clamp PWM algorithm for low modulation indices region is also presented. The principles and switching sequences of all the types of bus clamped algorithms for high switching frequency are presented. Synchronized version of the PWM sequences for high power applications where switching frequency is low is also presented. The implementation details on DSP based digital controller and experimental results are presented. The THD of the output waveforms is studied for the entire operating region and is compared with the conventional space vector PWM technique. The bus clamped techniques can be used to reduce the switching losses or to improve the output voltage quality or both.. Different issues dominate depending on the type of application and power rating of the inverters. The results presented in this paper can be used for judicious use of the PWM techniques, which result in improved system efficiency and performance.


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This study proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vectors by the cascaded connection of two-level and three-level inverters. By the proper selection of DC-link voltages and resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors whose tips lie on three concentric dodecagons, are obtained. A rectifier circuit for the inverter is also proposed, which significantly improves the power factor. The topology offers advantages such as the complete elimination of the fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages and an extension of the linear modulation range. In this study, a simple method for the calculation of pulse width modulation timing was presented along with extensive simulation and experimental results in order to validate the proposed concept.


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In this paper, a multilevel flying capacitor inverter topology suitable for generating multilevel dodecagonal space vectors for an induction motor drive, is proposed. Because of the dodecagonal space vectors, it has increased modulation range with the absence of all 6n +/- 1, (n=odd) harmonics in the phase voltage and currents. The topology, realized by flying capacitor three level inverters feeding an open-end winding induction motor, does not suffer the neutral point voltage imbalance issues seen in NPC inverters and the capacitors have inherent charge-balancing capability with PWM control using switching state redundancies. Furthermore, the proposed technique uses lesser number of power supplies compared to cascaded H-bridge or NPC based dodecagonal schemes and has better ride-through capability. Finally, the voltage control is obtained through a simple carrier-based space vector PWM scheme implemented on a DSP.


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A current-error space-vector-based hysteresis current controller for a general n-level voltage-source inverter (VSI)-fed three-phase induction motor (IM) drive is proposed here, with control of the switching frequency variation for the full linear modulation range. The proposed current controller monitors the space-vector-based current error of an n-level VSI-fed IM to keep the current error within a parabolic boundary, using the information of the current triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector lies. Information of the reference voltage vector is estimated using the measured current-error space vectors, along the alpha- and beta-axes. Appropriate dimension and orientation of this parabolic boundary ensure a switching frequency spectrum similar to that of a constant-switching-frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) (SVPWM)-based IM drive. Like SVPWM for multilevel inverters, the proposed controller selects inverter switching vectors, forming a triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector stays, for the hysteresis PWM control. The sector in the n-level inverter space vector diagram, in which the tip of the fundamental stator voltage stays, is precisely detected, using the sampled reference space vector estimated from the instantaneous current-error space vectors. The proposed controller retains all the advantages of a conventional hysteresis controller such as fast current control, with smooth transition to the overmodulation region. The proposed controller is implemented on a five-level VSI-fed 7.5-kW IM drive.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal and dodecagonal voltage space vector structures have improved harmonic profile compared to two level inverters. Further improvement in the quality of the waveform is possible using multilevel octadecagonal (18 sided polygon) voltage space vectors. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel octadecagonal voltage space vectors, by cascading two asymmetric three level inverters. By proper selection of DC link voltages and the resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors, whose tips lie on three concentric octadecagons, are obtained. The advantages of octadecagonal voltage space vector based PWM techniques are the complete elimination of fifth, seventh, eleventh and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and the extension of linear modulation range. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is also proposed. Matlab simulation results and experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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The equivalence of triangle-comparison-based pulse width modulation (TCPWM) and space vector based PWM (SVPWM) during linear modulation is well-known. This paper analyses triangle-comparison based PWM techniques (TCPWM) such as sine-triangle PWM (SPWM) and common-mode voltage injection PWM during overmodulation from a space vector point of view. The average voltage vector produced by TCPWM during overmodulation is studied in the stationary (a-b) reference frame. This is compared and contrasted with the average voltage vector corresponding to the well-known standard two-zone algorithm for space vector modulated inverters. It is shown that the two-zone overmodulation algorithm itself can be derived from the variation of average voltage vector with TCPWM. The average voltage vector is further studied in a synchronously revolving (d-q) reference frame. The RMS value of low-order voltage ripple can be estimated, and can be used to compare harmonic distortion due to different PWM methods during overmodulation. The measured values of the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the line currents are presented at various fundamental frequencies. The relative values of measured current THD pertaining to different PWM methods tally with those of analytically evaluated RMS voltage ripple.


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Space-vector-based pulse width modulation (PWM) for a voltage source inverter (VSI) offers flexibility in terms of different switching sequences. Numerical simulation is helpful to assess the performance of a PWM method before actual implementation. A quick-simulation tool to simulate a variety of space-vector-based PWM strategies for a two-level VSI-fed squirrel cage induction motor drive is presented. The simulator is developed using C and Python programming languages, and has a graphical user interface (GUI) also. The prime focus being PWM strategies, the simulator developed is 40 times faster than MATLAB in terms of the actual time taken for a simulation. Simulation and experimental results are presented on a 5-hp ac motor drive.


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In this paper, a current error space vector (CESV) based hysteresis controller for a 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed, for the first time. An open-end winding configuration is used for the induction motor. The proposed controller uses parabolic boundary with generalized vector selection logic for all sectors. The drive scheme is first studied with a space vector based PWM (SVPWM) control and from this the current error space phasor boundary is obtained. This current error space phasor boundary is approximated with four parabolas and then the system is run with space phasor based hysteresis PWM controller by limiting the CESV within the parabolic boundary. The proposed controller has increased modulation range, absence of 5th and 7th order harmonics for the entire modulation range, nearly constant switching frequency, fast dynamic response with smooth transition to the over modulation region and a simple controller implementation.


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Special switching sequences involving division of active state time are used in space-vector-based generation of pulse width modulation (PWM) waveforms. This paper proposes a hybrid PWM technique which is a combination of the conventional and special switching sequences. The proposed hybrid PWM technique reduces the peak-to-peak torque ripple at high speeds of an induction motor drive. Supporting simulation and experimental results are presented from a closed-loop controlled motor drive.


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This paper presents an experimental procedure to determine the acoustic and vibration behavior of an inverter-fed induction motor based on measurements of the current spectrum, acoustic noise spectrum, overall noise in dB, and overall A-weighted noise in dBA. Measurements are carried out on space-vector modulated 8-hp and 3-hp induction motor drives over a range of carrier frequencies at different modulation frequencies. The experimental data help to distinguish between regions of high and low acoustic noise levels. The measurements also bring out the impact of carrier frequency on the acoustic noise. The sensitivity of the overall noise to carrier frequency is indicative of the relative dominance of the high-frequency electromagnetic noise over mechanical and aerodynamic components of noise. Based on the measured current and acoustic noise spectra, the ratio of dynamic deflection on the stator surface to the product of fundamental and harmonic current amplitudes is obtained at each operating point. The variation of this ratio of deflection to current product with carrier frequency indicates the resonant frequency clearly and also gives a measure of the amplification of vibration at frequencies close to the resonant frequency. This ratio is useful to predict the magnitude of acoustic noise corresponding to significant time-harmonic currents flowing in the stator winding.


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This paper proposes a technique to suppress low-order harmonics for an open-end winding induction motor drive for a full modulation range. One side of the machine is connected to a main inverter with a dc power supply, whereas the other inverter is connected to a capacitor from the other side. Harmonic suppression (with complete elimination of fifth- and seventh-order harmonics) is achieved by realizing dodecagonal space vectors using a combined pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control for the two inverters. The floating capacitor voltage is inherently controlled during the PWM operation. The proposed PWM technique is shown to be valid for the entire modulation range, including overmodulation and six-step mode of operation of the main inverter. Experimental results have been presented to validate the proposed technique.