946 resultados para Soviet Union -- History -- Allied intervention, 1918-1920.
The International Brigades are typically viewed as a fighting force whose impetus came from the Comintern, and thus from within the walls of the Kremlin. If the assumption is essentially correct, the broader relation between Stalin’s USSR and the IB has received little attention. This chapter constitutes an empirically-based study of the Soviet role not only in the formation of the IB, but of the Red Army’s collaboration with IB units, and Moscow’s role in the climax and denouement of the brigadistas’ Spanish experience. This study’s principal conclusion is twofold: First, that the creation and sustenance of the IB was part of Stalin’s goal of linking the Loyalist cause with that of the Soviet Union and international communism, a component of a larger geo-strategic gamble which sought to create united opposition to the fascist menace, one which might eventually bring Moscow and the West into a closer alliance. The second conclusion is that the IB, like the broader projection of Soviet power and influence into the Spanish theater, was an overly ambitious operational failure whose abortive retreat is indicative of the basic weakness of the Stalinist regime in the years prior to the Second World War.
Rusia sufrió grandes cambios tras la desintegración de la URSS en 1991. No obstante, con la llegada de Vladimir Putin al poder, los intereses geoestratégicos de Rusia sobre el espacio postsoviético revivieron con nuevo ímpetu debido a una mayor cantidad de recursos a disposición del Estado. La República de Moldavia es un claro ejemplo del resurgir de la política exterior rusa hacia el espacio postsoviético, siendo incluso, una región clave en la lucha de la Federación Rusa por recuperar su zona de influencia.
Fossil pollen data supplemented by tree macrofossil records were used to reconstruct the vegetation of the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia at 6000 years. Pollen spectra were assigned to biomes using the plant-functional-type method developed by Prentice et al. (1996). Surface pollen data and a modern vegetation map provided a test of the method. This is the first time such a broad-scale vegetation reconstruction for the greater part of northern Eurasia has been attempted with objective techniques. The new results confirm previous regional palaeoenvironmental studies of the mid-Holocene while providing a comprehensive synopsis and firmer conclusions. West of the Ural Mountains temperate deciduous forest extended both northward and southward from its modern range. The northern limits of cool mixed and cool conifer forests were also further north than present. Taiga was reduced in European Russia, but was extended into Yakutia where now there is cold deciduous forest. The northern limit of taiga was extended (as shown by increased Picea pollen percentages, and by tree macrofossil records north of the present-day forest limit) but tundra was still present in north-eastern Siberia. The boundary between forest and steppe in the continental interior did not shift substantially, and dry conditions similar to present existed in western Mongolia and north of the Aral Sea.
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka hur Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente drabbades av spanska sjukan under 1918-1920. Det har även jämförts hur detta regemente drabba¬des i jämförelse med Dalarnas och Västmanlands regementen under 1918. Frågeställning¬arna som besvarats handlar om hur många som insjuknade och dog, hur regementets ansva¬riga agerade samt vilka åtgärder som vidtogs när epidemin hade nått regementet. Det huvudsakliga materialet jag har använt mig av är förste provinsialläkarens årsberättelser och regementets inkomna och utgående skrivelser. Studiens resultat visar att Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente med sina cirka 500 sjuk¬domsfall och fyra dödsfall under epidemins första period, 1918 drabbades i hög grad i jämfö¬relse med Dalregementet, men i liten grad i jämförelse med Västmanlands rege¬mente. Anledningen till att regementet på Gotland klarade sig relativt lindrigt från spanska sjukan kan bero på att en fungerande sjukvård snabbt kunde sättas in samt att man vidtog andra åt¬gärder såsom inskränkningar på permissioner, striktare personlig hygien och renlighet i loka¬lerna samt skyddsympning.
ARAÚJO, M. M. ; MEDEIROS, M. D. . AS minundências da Biblioteca Olegário Vale (Caicó - RN, 1918-1920). Educação em Questão, v. 31, p. 186-208, jan./abr. 2008