147 resultados para Sonografía prostática transrectal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This report describes the exteriorisation of the urinary bladder in two dogs as a result of a laceration of the rectum from a traumatic pelvic fracture. Clinical examination and contrast radiography of the bladder were used as diagnostic tools. Both patients were treated with exploratory laparotomy, where traction of the bladder was utilised to pull the bladder through the traumatic rectal laceration allowing the organ to return to its normal anatomical position. This procedure was followed by surgical reconstruction of the rectum, resulting in effective resolution of each case.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To assess the pain intensity of patients administered midazolam and fentanyl citrate before undergoing transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. This was a study in patients with different indications for prostate biopsy in whom 5 mg of midazolam and 50 µg of fentanyl citrate was administered intravenously 3 minutes before the procedure. After biopsy, pain was assessed by use of a visual analogue scale (VAS) in three stages: VAS 1, during probe introduction; VAS 2, during needle penetration into prostate tissue; and VAS 3, in the weeks following the exam. Pain intensity at these different times was tested with stratification by age, race, education, prostate volume, rebiopsy, and anxiety before biopsy. Pain was ranked according to the following scores: 0 (no pain), 1-3 (mild pain), 4-7 (moderate pain), and 8-10 (severe pain). Statistical analysis was performed by using Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon two-tailed tests with a significance of 5%. Pain intensity was not influenced by any risk factors. The mean VAS 1 score was 1.95±1.98, the mean VAS 2 score was 2.73±2.55, and the mean VAS 3 score was 0.3±0.9, showing greater pain at the time of needle penetration than in other situations (VAS 2>VAS 1>VAS 3, p=0.0013, p=0.0001, respectively). Seventy-five percent of patients reported a VAS pain scale of less than 3.1 or mild pain. Intravenous sedation and analgesia with midazolam and fentanyl citrate is a good method for reducing pain caused by prostate biopsy, even during probe insertion.


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Postoperative pelvic abscesses in patients submitted to colorectal surgery are challenging. The surgical approach may be too risky, and image-guided drainage often is difficult due to the complex anatomy of the pelvis. This article describes novel access for drainage of a pelvic collection using a minimally invasive natural orifice approach. A 37 year-old man presented with sepsis due to a pelvic abscess during the second postoperative week after a Hartmann procedure due to perforated rectal cancer. Percutaneous drainage was determined by computed tomography to be unsuccessful, and another operation was considered to be hazardous. Because the pelvic fluid was very close to the rectal stump, transrectal drainage was planned. The rectal stump was opened using transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) instruments. The endoscope was advanced through the TEM working channel and the rectal stump opening, accessing the abdominal cavity and pelvic collection. The pelvic collection was endoscopically drained and the local cavity washed with saline through the scope channel. A Foley catheter was placed in the rectal stump. The patient's recovery after the procedure was successful, without the need for further intervention. Transrectal endoscopic drainage may be an option for selected cases of pelvic fluid collection in patients submitted to Hartmann's procedure. The technique allows not only fluid drainage but also visualization of the local cavity, cleavage of multiloculated abscesses, and saline irrigation if necessary. The use of TEM instrumentation allows safe access to the peritoneal cavity.


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Pregnancy diagnostics in equine reproduction are routinely performed using transrectal ultrasonography, although it is also possible to visualize the fetus by transabdominal ultrasound examinations from the 90th day of gestation onward. We hypothesized that ultrasound examinations may stress the mare and that the gestational stage status and lactation may influence the mare's stress reaction. To investigate the stress reaction, 25 thoroughbred mares of different age, pregnancy and lactational status underwent a transrectal examination. In pregnant mares, an additional transabdominal examination was performed. Salivary cortisol concentration, mean heart rate, and heart rate variability of mares were assessed to evaluate the reactions of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and of the autonomic nervous system. Significant differences were observed between lactating and nonlactating mares; with a lower responsiveness to stress in lactating mares. The transrectal ultrasound examination in nonlactating mares induced a significant increase in salivary cortisol (P < 0.05), and in the heart rate variability parameter, ratio of low to high frequencies (P < 0.05). This reflects an activation of the HPA axis and a shift to more sympathetic dominance. In contrast, a transabdominally performed pregnancy check did not induce an activation of the HPA axis over basal level but increased the mean heart rate and low to high frequency ratio. The results of this study indicate that checks of advanced pregnancies can be easily performed by transabdominal ultrasonography. With regard to animal welfare, this technique should be preferred during midgestation in nonlactating mares.


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A 61-year-old man presented with high fever, and severe back and abdominal pain following transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy. Diagnosis of spondylodiscitis and psoas abscesses was made based on MRI images of the lumbar tract of the spine. Six-month broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment and immobilization with a girdle overcame the disease without any relapse at the 1-year follow-up. Spondylodiscitis after TRUS-guided prostate biopsy is a rare event, which is not yet included as a major complication of the procedure. It is probably due to the presence of fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria in faeces. It is, therefore, important to highlight this possibility and to stress the use of targeted antibiotic prophylaxis after rectal flora swabbing with selected antibiotics at sufficient concentrations to be effective.


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A hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) é a doença na qual a próstata demonstra um crescimento anormal e sua prevalência aumenta com o envelhecimento. Leptina, a adipocina mais notável, tem um importante papel na regulação do sistema reprodutivo. Esse trabalho tem por fim avaliar o papel da leptina no tecido prostático humano, utilizando a cultura de tecido in vitro, avaliando a proliferação celular e a expressão dos genes do fator de crescimento do fibroblasto 2 (FGF2), da enzima aromatase e dos genes apoptóticos. De 2009 a 2011, amostras de tecido hiperplásico humano foram obtidas pela prostatectomia transvesical em quinze pacientes com próstatas de volume aumentadas. Cada amostra foi dividida em quatro partes simétricas, mantidas no meio RPMI suplementado com soro fetal bovino a 10%, e 1ng/mL de gentamicina, adicionados a 16 ng/mL de leptina (Leptina) ou não (Controle). Após três horas a expressão dos genes de FGF2, aromatase, Bax, Bcl-x e Bcl-2 foram avaliados por RT-PCR em tempo real. A proliferação celular foi avaliada por imunohistoquímica para PCNA. O tratamento com leptina levou a um aumento na expressão de Bax (C=0.40.1; L=0.90.2; p<0.05), enquanto as expressões de Bcl-2 (C=19.95.6; L=5.61.8; p< 0.05) e Bcl-x (C=0.20.06; L=0.070.02; p<0.05) foram significativamente reduzidas. Não houve alteração significativa na expressão de FGF2, enquanto a expressão da aromatase foi significativamente (C=1.90.6; L=0.40.1; p<0.04) reduzida. A leptina também levou a um aumento na proliferação celular (C=21.80.5; L=64.80.9; p<0.0001). Dessa forma, concluímos que a leptina tem um importante papel na manutenção do crescimento fisiológico da próstata, desde que estimula tanto a proliferação celular como a apoptose, com diminuição na expressão do gene da aromatase.