956 resultados para Somatosensory cortex


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The segregation of thalamocortical inputs into eye-specific stripes in the developing cat or monkey visual cortex is prevented by manipulations that perturb or abolish neural activity in the visual pathway. Such findings show that proper development of the functional organization of visual cortex is dependent on normal patterns of neural activity. The generalisation of this conclusion to other sensory cortices has been questioned by findings that the segregation of thalamocortical afferents into a somatotopic barrel pattern in developing rodent primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is not prevented by activity blockade. We show that a temporary block of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in rat S1 during the critical period for barrel development disrupts the topographic refinement of thalamocortical connectivity and columnar organization. These effects are evident well after the blockade is ineffective and thus may be permanent. Our findings show that neural activity and specifically the activation of postsynaptic cortical neurons has a prominent role in establishing the primary sensory map in S1, as well as the topographic organization of higher order synaptic connections.


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Electrophysiological and neuroanatomical methods were used to determine the extent to which neonatal forelimb removal altered the organization of the cuneate nucleus and representations of the fore- and hindlimbs in the primary somatosensory cortex of adult rats. Neonatal forelimb removal resulted in invasion of the cuneate nucleus by sciatic nerve primary afferents and development of cuneothalamic projection neurons with split receptive fields that included both the hindlimb and forelimb stump. Mapping in the primary somatosensory cortex of the neonatally manipulated adult rats demonstrated abnormalities, but the major change observed in the cuneate nucleus was demonstrable at only a few (5%) cortical recording sites in the remaining stump representation and there were none at all in the hindlimb representation. These results suggest that lesion-induced brainstem reorganization may be functionally suppressed at either the thalamic or cortical level.


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Il tatto assume un'importanza fondamentale nella vita quotidiana, in quanto ci permette di discriminare le caratteristiche fisiche di un oggetto specifico, di identificarlo e di eventualmente integrare le suddette informazioni tattili con informazioni provenienti da altri canali sensoriali. Questa è la componente sensoriale-discriminativa del tatto. Tuttavia quotidianamente il tatto assume un ruolo fondamentale durante le diverse interazioni sociali, positive, come quando abbracciamo o accarezziamo una persona con cui abbiamo un rapporto affettivo e negative, per esempio quando allontaniamo una persona estranea dal nostro spazio peri-personale. Questa componente è la cosiddetta dimensione affettiva-motivazionale, la quale determina la codifica della valenza emotiva che l'interazione assume. Questa componente ci permette di creare, mantenere o distruggere i legami sociali in relazione al significato che il tocco assume durante l'interazione. Se per esempio riceviamo una carezza da un familiare, questa verrà percepita come piacevole e assumerà un significato affiliativo. Questo tipo di tocco è comunente definito come Tocco Sociale (Social Touch). Gli aspetti discriminativi del tatto sono stati ben caratterizzati, in quanto storicamente, il ruolo del tatto è stato considerato quello di discriminare le caratteristiche di ciò che viene toccato, mentre gli aspetti affettivi sono stati solo recentemente indagati considerando la loro importanza nelle interazioni sociali. Il tocco statico responsabile dell'aspetto discriminante attiva a livello della pelle le grandi fibre mieliniche (Aβ), modulando a livello del sistema nervoso centrale le cortecce sensoriali, sia primarie che secondarie. Questo permette la codifica a livello del sistema nervoso centrale delle caratteristiche fisiche oggettive degli oggetti toccati. Studi riguardanti le caratteristiche del tocco affiliativo sociale hanno messo in evidenza che suddetta stimolazione tattile 1) è un particolare tocco dinamico che avviene sul lato peloso delle pelle con una velocità di 1-10 cm/sec; 2) attiva le fibre amieliniche (fibre CT o C-LTMRs); 3) induce positivi effetti autonomici, ad esempio la diminuzione della frequenza cardiaca e l'aumento della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca; e 4) determina la modulazione di regioni cerebrali coinvolte nella codifica del significato affiliativo dello stimolo sensoriale periferico, in particolare la corteccia insulare. Il senso del tatto, con le sue due dimensioni discriminativa e affiliativa, è quotidianamente usato non solo negli esseri umani, ma anche tra i primati non umani. Infatti, tutti i primati non umani utilizzano la componente discriminativa del tatto per identificare gli oggetti e il cibo e l'aspetto emotivo durante le interazioni sociali, sia negative come durante un combattimento, che positive, come durante i comportamenti affiliativi tra cui il grooming. I meccanismi di codifica della componente discriminativa dei primati non umani sono simili a quelli umani. Tuttavia, si conosce ben poco dei meccanismi alla base della codifica del tocco piacevole affiliativo. Pur essendo ben noto che i meccanorecettori amilienici C-LTMRs sono presenti anche sul lato peloso della pelle dei primati non umani, attualmente non ci sono studi riguardanti la correlazione tra il tocco piacevole e la loro modulazione, come invece è stato ampiamente dimostrato nell'uomo. Recentemente è stato ipotizzato (Dunbar, 2010) il ruolo delle fibre C-LTMRs durante il grooming, in particolare durante il cosiddetto swepping. Il grooming è costituito da due azioni motorie, lo sweeping e il picking che vengono eseguite in modo ritmico. Durante lo sweeping la scimmia agente muove il pelo della scimmia ricevente con un movimento a mano aperta, per poter vedere il preciso punto della pelle dove eseguire il picking, ovvero dove prendere la pelle a livello della radice del pelo con le unghie dell'indice e del pollice e tirare per rimuovere parassiti o uova di parassiti e ciò che è rimasto incastrato nel pelo. Oltre il noto ruolo igenico, il grooming sembra avere anche una importante funzione sociale affiliativa. Come la carezza nella società umana, cosi il grooming tra i primati non umani è considerato un comportamento. Secondo l'ipotesi di Dunbar l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs avverrebbe durante lo sweeping e questo porta a supporre che lo sweeping, come la carezza umana, costituisca una componente affiliativa del grooming, determinando quindi a contribuire alla sua codifica come comportamento sociale. Fino ad ora non vi è però alcuna prova diretta a sostegno di questa ipotesi. In particolare, 1) la velocità cui viene eseguito lo sweeping è compatibile con la velocità di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo e quindi con la velocità tipica della carezza piacevole di carattere sociale affiliativo (1-10 cm/sec)?; 2) lo sweeping induce la stessa modulazione del sistema nervoso autonomo in direzione della modulazione del sistema vagale, come il tocco piacevole nell'uomo, attraverso l'attivazione delle fibre CT?; 3) lo sweeping modula la corteccia insulare, cosi come il tocco piacevole viene codificato come affiliativo nell'uomo mediante le proiezioni delle fibre CT a livello dell'insula posteriore? Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quella di testare l'ipotesi di Dunbar sopra citata, cercando quindi di rispondere alle suddette domande. Le risposte potrebbero consentire di ipotizzare la somiglianza tra lo sweeping, caratteristico del comportamento affiliativo di grooming tra i primati non umani e la carezza. In particolare, abbiamo eseguito 4 studi pilota. Nello Studio 1 abbiamo valutato la velocità con cui viene eseguito lo sweeping tra scimmie Rhesus, mediante una analisi cinematica di video registrati tra un gruppo di scimmie Rhesus. Negli Studi 2 e 3 abbiamo valutato gli effetti sul sistema nervoso autonomo dello sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore su una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una tipica situazione sperimentale. La stimolazione tattile è stata eseguita a diverse velocità, in accordo con i risultati dello Studio 1 e degli studi umani che hanno dimostrato la velocità ottimale e non ottimale per l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs. In particolare, nello Studio 2 abbiamo misurato la frequenza cardiaca e la variabilità di questa, come indice della modulatione vagale, mentre nello Studio 3 abbiamo valutato gli effetti dello sweeping sul sistema nervoso autonomo in termini di variazioni di temperatura del corpo, nello specifico a livello del muso della scimmia. Infine, nello Studio 4 abbiamo studiato il ruolo della corteccia somatosensoriale secondaria e insulare nella codifica dello sweeping. A questo scopo abbiamo eseguito registrazioni di singoli neuroni mentre la medesima scimmia soggetto sperimentale dello Studio 2 e 3, riceveva lo sweeping a due velocità, una ottimale per l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs secondo gli studi umani e i risultati dei tre studi sopra citati, ed una non ottimale. I dati preliminari ottenuti, dimostrano che 1) (Studio 1) lo sweeping tra scimmie Rhesus viene eseguito con una velocità media di 9.31 cm/sec, all'interno dell'intervallo di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo; 2) (Studio 2) lo sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore sulla schiena di una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una situazione sperimentale determina una diminuzione della frequenza cardiaca e l'aumento della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca se eseguito alla velocità di 5 e 10 cm/sec. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità minore di 1 cm/sec o maggiore di 10 cm/sec, determina l'aumento della frequenza cardiaca e la diminuzione della variabilità di questa, quindi il decremento dell'attivazione del sistema nervoso parasimpatico; 3) (Studio 3) lo sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore sulla schiena di una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una situazione sperimentale determina l'aumento della temperatura corporea a livello del muso della scimmia se eseguito alla velocità di 5-10 cm/sec. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità minore di 5 cm/sec o maggiore di 10 cm/sec, determina la diminuzione della temperatura del muso; 4) (Studio 4) la corteccia somatosensoriale secondaria e la corteccia insulare posteriore presentano neuroni selettivamente modulati durante lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità di 5-13 cm/sec ma non neuroni selettivi per la codifica della velocità dello sweeping minore di 5 cm/sec. Questi risultati supportano l'ipotesi di Dunbar relativa al coinvolgimento delle fibre CT durante lo sweeping. Infatti i dati mettono in luce che lo sweeping viene eseguito con una velocità (9.31 cm/sec), simile a quella di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo (1-10 cm/sec), determina gli stessi effetti fisiologici positivi in termini di frequenza cardiaca (diminuzione) e variabilità della frequenza cardiaca (incremento) e la modulazione delle medesime aree a livello del sistema nervoso centrale (in particolare la corteccia insulare). Inoltre, abbiamo dimostrato per la prima volta che suddetta stimolazione tattile determina l'aumento della temperatura del muso della scimmia. Il presente studio rappresenta la prima prova indiretta dell'ipotesi relativa alla modulazione del sistema delle fibre C-LTMRs durante lo sweeping e quindi della codifica della stimolazione tattile piacevole affiliativa a livello del sistema nervoso centrale ed autonomo, nei primati non umani. I dati preliminari qui presentati evidenziano la somiglianza tra il sistema delle fibre CT dell'uomo e del sistema C-LTMRs nei primati non umano, riguardanti il Social Touch. Nonostante ciò abbiamo riscontrato alcune discrepanze tra i risultati da noi ottenuti e quelli invece ottenuti dagli studi umani. La velocità media dello sweeping è di 9.31 cm / sec, rasente il limite superiore dell’intervallo di velocità che attiva le fibre CT nell'uomo. Inoltre, gli effetti autonomici positivi, in termini di battito cardiaco, variabilità della frequenza cardiaca e temperatura a livello del muso, sono stati evidenziati durante lo sweeping eseguito con una velocità di 5 e 10 cm/sec, quindi al limite superiore dell’intervallo ottimale che attiva le fibre CT nell’uomo. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito con una velocità inferiore a 5 cm/sec e superiore a 10 cm/sec determina effetti fisiologici negativo. Infine, la corteccia insula sembra essere selettivamente modulata dallo stimolazione eseguita alla velocità di 5-13 cm/sec, ma non 1-5 cm/sec. Quindi, gli studi sul sistema delle fibre CT nell’uomo hanno dimostrato che la velocità ottimale è 1-10 cm/sec, mentre dai nostri risultati la velocità ottimale sembra essere 5-13 cm / sec. Quindi, nonostante l'omologia tra il sistema delle fibre CT nell'umano deputato alla codifica del tocco piacevole affiliativo ed il sistema delle fibre C-LTMRs nei primati non umani, ulteriori studi saranno necessari per definire con maggiore precisione la velocità ottimale di attivazione delle fibre C-LTMR e per dimostrare direttamente la loro attivazione durante lo sweeping, mediante la misurazione diretta della loro modulazione. Studi in questa direzione potranno confermare l'omologia tra lo sweeping in qualità di tocco affiliativo piacevole tra i primati non umani e la carezza tra gli uomini. Infine, il presente studio potrebbe essere un importante punto di partenza per esplorare il meccanismo evolutivo dietro la trasformazione dello sweeping tra primati non umani, azione utilitaria eseguita durante il grooming, a carezza, gesto puramente affiliativo tra gli uomini.


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Background The somatosensory cortex has been inconsistently activated in pain studies and the functional properties of subregions within this cortical area are poorly understood. To address this we used magnetoencephalography (MEG), a brain imaging technique capable of recording changes in cortical neural activity in real-time, to investigate the functional properties of the somatosensory cortex during different phases of the visceral pain experience. Methods In eight participants (4 male), 151-channel whole cortex MEG was used to detect cortical neural activity during 25 trials lasting 20 seconds each. Each trial comprised four separate periods of 5 seconds in duration. During each of the periods, different visual cues were presented, indicating that period 1=rest, period 2=anticipation, period 3=pain and period 4=post pain. During period 3, participants received painful oesophageal balloon distensions (four at 1 Hz). Regions of cortical activity were identified using Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) and by the placement of virtual electrodes in regions of interest within the somatosensory cortex, time-frequency wavelet plots were generated. Results SAM analysis revealed significant activation with the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortices. The time-frequency wavelet spectrograms showed that activation in S1 increased during the anticipation phase and continued during the presentation of the stimulus. In S2, activation was tightly time and phase-locked to the stimulus within the pain period. Activations in both regions predominantly occurred within the 10–15 Hz and 20–30 Hz frequency bandwidths. Discussion These data are consistent with the role of S1 and S2 in the sensory discriminatory aspects of pain processing. Activation of S1 during anticipation and then pain may be linked to its proposed role in attentional as well as sensory processing. The stimulus-related phasic activity seen in S2 demonstrates that this region predominantly encodes information pertaining to the nature and intensity of the stimulus.


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Several brain regions, including the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII, respectively), are functionally active during the pain experience. Both of these regions are thought to be involved in the sensory-discriminative processing of pain and recent evidence suggests that SI in particular may also be involved in more affective processing. In this study we used MEG to investigate the hypothesis that frequency-specific oscillatory activity may be differentially associated with the sensory and affective components of pain. In eight healthy participants (four male), MEG was recorded during a visceral pain experiment comprising baseline, anticipation, pain and post-pain phases. Pain was delivered via intraluminal oesophageal balloon distension (four stimuli at 1 Hz). Significant bilateral but asymmetrical changes in neural activity occurred in the beta-band within SI and SII. In SI, a continuous increase in neural activity occurred during the anticipation phase (20-30 Hz), which continued during the pain phase but at a lower frequency (10-15 Hz). In SII, oscillatory changes only occurred during the pain phase, predominantly in the 20-30 Hz beta band, and were coincident with the stimulus. These data provide novel evidence of functional diversity within SI, indicating a role in attentional and sensory aspects of pain processing. In SII, oscillatory changes were predominantly stimulus-related, indicating a role in encoding the characteristics of the stimulus. We therefore provide objective evidence of functional heterogeneity within SI and functional segregation between SI and SII, and suggest that the temporal and frequency dynamics within cortical regions may offer valuable insights into pain processing.


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Gamma oscillations have previously been linked to pain perception and it has been hypothesised that they may have a potential role in encoding pain intensity. Stimulus response experiments have reported an increase in activity in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) with increasing stimulus intensity, but the specific role of oscillatory dynamics in this change in activation remains unclear. In this study, Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to investigate the changes in cortical oscillations during 4 different intensities of a train of electrical stimuli to the right index finger, ranging from low sensation to strong pain. In those participants showing changes in evoked oscillatory gamma in SI during stimulation, the strength of the gamma power was found to increase with increasing stimulus intensity at both pain and sub-pain thresholds. These results suggest that evoked gamma oscillations in SI are not specific to pain but may have a role in encoding somatosensory stimulus intensity. © 2013 Rossiter, Worthen, Witton, Hall and Furlong.


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Recent studies have revealed striking differences in pyramidal cell structure among cortical regions involved in the processing of different functional modalities. For example, cells involved in visual processing show systematic variation, increasing in morphological complexity with rostral progression from V1 through extrastriate areas. Differences have also been identified between pyramidal cells in somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortex, but the extent to which the pyramidal cell phenotype may vary between these functionally related cortical regions remains unknown. In the present study we investigated the structure of layer III pyramidal cells in somatosensory and motor areas 3b, 4, 5, 6 and 7b of the macaque monkey. Cells were intracellularly injected in fixed, flat-mounted cortical slices and analysed for morphometric parameters. The size of the basal dendritic arbours, the number of their branches and their spine density were found to vary systematically between areas. Namely, we found a trend for increasing complexity in dendritic arbour structure through areas 3b, 5 and 7b. A similar trend occurred through areas 4 and 6. The differences in arbour structure may determine the number of inputs received by neurons and may thus be an important factor in determining function at the cellular and systems level.


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ABSTRACT : The whisker-to-barrel pathway of rodents is formed by a series of somatotopic projections from the mystacial whisker follicles to the layer IV of the primary somatosensory cortex such that each follicle corresponds to a cluster of cortical neurons called barrel. Barrels are present in layer IV but form part of functional columns that comprise the entire depth of the somatosensory cortex. Interestingly, the cortex of the barrelless mouse strain (BRL) is organized such a manner that thalamocortical afferents do not remodel their projections in layer IV and barrels fail to appear. Nevertheless, functionally, a columnar organization persists, indicating that functional columns are not only provided by thalamocortical projections and layer IV cells. Since in the visual cortex of cats, layer VI cells contribute to the response properties of layer IV neurons, we wonder whether layer VI pyramidal cells could contribute to the columnar organization of the primary somatosensory cortex of mice. To address -this question, we morphologically analyzed the distribution of intracortical axon collaterals of layer VI neurons after in-vivo juxtacellular injections of biocytin in the C2 barrel column. Injected hemispheres were tangentially serial cut and intracortical collaterals of individual layer VI neurons were reconstructed at the light microscopic level. The position of axonal boutons was recorded to evaluate the distribution of presumed synaptic contacts. In normal (NOR) mice, cluster analysis shows that layer VI pyramidal cells can be classified in four statistically different clusters of neurons. Moreover, we assume that two classes are formed by cortico-cortical neurons and two classes are formed by cortico-thalamic neurons. Looking at the direction of the main axon in the white matter, we noticed that its orientation correlates perfectly with the type of neuron: cortico-cortical neurons send main axon medially whereas cortico-thalamic neurons send main axon laterally. Performing the same study in the BRL strain, we showed that the BRL mutation affects layer VI pyramidal cells tangentially and radially: the effects of the mutation are illustrated by a significant decrease of the index of colurnnarization and a significant decrease of percentage of boutons in granular and supragranular layers comparing to NOR neurons. In spite of these differences, the same four classes of layer VI neurons have been found in BRL mice. Using a tangential analysis of the boutons distribution, we showed that putative synapses are distributed mainly in the C2 barrel column. This was observed for each layer, type of neuron, cluster or strain, indicating that layer VI pyramidal cells could participate to the functional columnar organization of the barrel cortex. To determine post-synaptic partners of layer VI neurons in layer IV, we conducted an ultrastructural analysis of layer VI-to-IV contacts. We showed that synapses principally occur on spines and spiny dendritic shafts, supposed to belong to excitatory neurons. We furthermore showed that pre-synaptic elements are significantly different between en passant and terminaux contacts, which support hypothesis that terminaux boutons should show longer duration of facilitation than en passant boutons. RÉSUMÉ : Le «whisker-to-barrel pathway» des rongeurs est caractérisé par une série de projections somatotopiques depuis les follicules des moustaches ('whiskers') jusqu'à la couche IV de l'aire somatosensorielle primaire, de telle façon que chaque follicule corresponde à un groupe de neurones corticaux appelés tonneaux (`barrels'). Les tonneaux sont seulement présents en couche IV mais font partie de colonnes fonctionnelles qui s'étendent sur toute la profondeur du cortex somatosensoriel. Chez les souris mutantes barrelless (BRL), le cortex somatosensoriel est organisé de façon telle que lés afférences thalamocorticales ne remodellent pas leurs projections en couche IV et que les tonneaux n'apparaissent pas. Fonctionnellement, pourtant, une organisation en colonnes persiste, ce qui indique que les colonnes fonctionnelles ne sont pas uniquement produites par les projections thalamocorticales et par les cellules de la couche IV. Puisque les cellules de la couche VI contribuent à influencer les réponses des cellules de la couche IV dans le cortex visuel du chat, nous nous sommes demandé si ces cellules ne pourraient pas aussi contribuer à l'organisation en colonnes du cortex somatosensoriel primaire de la souris. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons analysé de façon morphologique la distribution intracorticale des collatéraux axonaux de neurones de la couche VI. Suite à des injections juxtacellulaires de biocytine in-vivo dans la colonne C2, les hémisphères cérébraux ont été tangentiellement coupés en série et les collatéraux intracorticaux des neurones de la couche VI ont été reconstruits en microscopie optique. La position des boutons axonaux a aussi été enregistrée pour évaluer la distribution des contacts synpptiques potentiels. Chez les souris NOR, une analyse multivariée montre que les cellules pyramidales de la couche VI sont distribuées en quatre classes. Deux de ces classes sont probablement formées de neurons cortico-corticaux, alors que les deux autres sont probablement formées de neurones corticothalamiques. En observant la direction de l'axone principal dans la matière blanche, nous avons noté que son orientation est parfaitement corrélée avec le type supposé de neurone : les neurones corticocorticaux envoient leurs axones principaux médiallement, alors que les neurons cortico-thalamiques envoient leurs axones principaux latéralement. En menant la même étude chez les souris BRL, nous avons montré que la mutation affecte les cellules pyramidales de la couche VI de façon tangentielle, mais aussi radiaire : les effets de 1a mutation se traduisent par une diminution significative de l'index de « columnarization » et de la connectivité en couches granulaire et supragranulaire. Malgré ces différences, les quatre mêmes classes de neurones ont été retrouvées. En utilisant une analyse tangentielle de la distribution des boutons, nous avons montré que les synapses potentielles sont distribuées principalement dans la colonne C2. Cette observation a été faite dans chaque couche, chaque type de neurones, chaque classe de neurones et chaque souche de souris, indicant que les cellules de la couche VI participent certainement à l'organisation en colonne du cortex somatosensoriel. Pour déterminer les partenaires post-synaptiques des cellules de la couche VI en couche IV, nous avons conduit une analyse ultrastructurelle de ces contacts. Nous avons montré que les synapses interviennent principalement sur les épines et sur les dendrites supposés appartenir à des cellules excitatrices. Nous avons aussi montré que les éléments pré-synaptiques de ces synapses sont significativement differents selon le type de bouton, en passant ou terminal, ce qui supporte l'hypothèse que les boutons terminaux seraient capables d'une plus longue facilitation.


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To analyze the neural basis of electric taste we performed electrical neuroimaging analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded while participants received electrical pulses to the tongue. Pulses were presented at individual taste threshold to excite gustatory fibers selectively without concomitant excitation of trigeminal fibers and at high intensity evoking a prickling and, thus, activating trigeminal fibers. Sour, salty and metallic tastes were reported at both intensities while clear prickling was reported at high intensity only. ERPs exhibited augmented amplitudes and shorter latencies for high intensity. First activations of gustatory areas (bilateral anterior insula, medial orbitofrontal cortex) were observed at 70-80ms. Common somatosensory regions were more strongly, but not exclusively, activated at high intensity. Our data provide a comprehensive view on the dynamics of cortical processing of the gustatory and trigeminal portions of electric taste and suggest that gustatory and trigeminal afferents project to overlapping cortical areas.


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In humans, touching the skin is known to activate, among others, the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex on the postcentral gyrus together with the bilateral parietal operculum (i.e. the anatomical site of the secondary somatosensory cortex). But which brain regions beyond the postcentral gyrus specifically contribute to the perception of touch remains speculative. In this study we collected structural magnetic resonance imaging scans and neurological examination reports of patients with brain injuries or stroke in the left or right hemisphere, but not in the postcentral gyrus as the entry site of cortical somatosensory processing. Using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping, we compared patients with impaired touch perception (i.e. hypoaesthesia) to patients without such touch impairments. Patients with hypoaesthesia as compared to control patients differed in one single brain cluster comprising the contralateral parietal operculum together with the anterior and posterior insular cortex, the putamen, as well as subcortical white matter connections reaching ventrally towards prefrontal structures. This finding confirms previous speculations on the 'ventral pathway of somatosensory perception' and causally links these brain structures to the perception of touch.


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In Alzheimer disease (AD) the involvement of entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and associative cortical areas is well established. Regarding the involvement of the primary motor cortex the reported data are contradictory. In order to determine whether the primary motor cortex is involved in AD, the brains of 29 autopsy cases were studied, including, 17 cases with severe cortical AD-type changes with definite diagnoses of AD, 7 age-matched cases with discrete to moderate cortical AD-type changes, and 5 control cases without any AD-type cortical changes. Morphometric analysis of the cortical surface occupied by senile plaques (SPs) on beta-amyloid-immunostained sections and quantitative analysis of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) on Gallyas-stained sections was performed in 5 different cortical areas including the primary motor cortex. The percentage of cortical surface occupied by SPs was similar in all cortical areas, without significant difference and corresponded to 16.7% in entorhinal cortex, 21.3% in frontal associative, 16% in parietal associative, and 15.8% in primary motor cortex. The number of NFTs in the entorhinal cortex was significantly higher (41 per 0.4 mm2), compared with those in other cortical areas (20.5 in frontal, 17.9 in parietal and 11.5 in the primary motor cortex). Our findings indicate that the primary motor cortex is significantly involved in AD and suggest the appearance of motor dysfunction in late and terminal stages of the disease.


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Environmental enrichment paradigms in adult laboratory animals, consisting of physical, perceptual, and social stimulation, have been shown to affect synapse and cell morphology in sensory cortex and enhance learning ability, whereas enrichment, which is in harmony with the animal's natural habitat may have even greater implications for plasticity. Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that whisker stimulation induced the formation of synapses and spines in the corresponding barrel. In the present study adult C57/Bl6J female laboratory mice at 6 weeks of age were placed during 2 months in a protected enrichment enclosure in a forest clearing at the Chisti Les Biological Station, Tvier, Russia. We analyzed neuropil ultrastructure in the C2 barrel using serial-section electron microscopy on a total of eight mice (n=4 enriched, n=4 standard cagemate controls). Quantitative analyses of volumes of neuropil showed a significant increase in excitatory and inhibitory synapses on spines and excitatory synapses on dendritic shafts in the C2 barrel in the enriched group compared with standard cagemate controls. These results demonstrate that naturalistic experience alters the synaptic circuitry in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex, the first cortical relay of sensory information, leaving a lasting trace that may guide subsequent behavior.


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There is increasing evidence that glial cells, in particular astrocytes, interact dynamically with neurons. The well-known anatomofunctional organization of neurons in the barrel cortex offers a suitable and promising model to study such neuroglial interaction. This review summarizes and discusses recent in vitro as well as in vivo works demonstrating that astrocytes receive, integrate, and respond to neuronal signals. In addition, they are active elements of brain metabolism and exhibit a certain degree of plasticity that affects neuronal activity. Altogether these findings indicate that the barrel cortex presents glial compartments overlapping and interacting with neuronal compartments and that these properties help define barrels as functional and independent units. Finally, this review outlines how the use of the barrel cortex as a model might in the future help to address important questions related to dynamic neuroglia interaction.


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Studying body representations in the brain helps us to understand how we humans relate to our own bodies. The in vivo mapping of the somatosensory cortex, where these representations are found, is greatly facilitated by the high spatial resolution and high sensitivity to brain activation available at ultra-high field. In this study, the use of different stimulus types for somatotopic mapping of the digits at ultra-high field, specifically manual stroking and mechanical stimulation, was compared in terms of sensitivity and specificity of the brain responses. Larger positive responses in digit regions of interest were found for manual stroking than for mechanical stimulation, both in terms of average and maximum t-value and in terms of number of voxels with significant responses to the tactile stimulation. Responses to manual stroking were higher throughout the entire post-central sulcus, but the difference was especially large on its posterior wall, i.e. in Brodmann area 2. During mechanical stimulation, cross-digit responses were more negative than during manual stroking, possibly caused by a faster habituation to the stimulus. These differences indicate that manual stroking is a highly suitable stimulus for fast somatotopic mapping procedures, especially if Brodmann area 2 is of interest.


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We used biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) to anterogradely label individual axons projecting from primary somatosensory cortex (S1) to four different cortical areas in rats. A major goal was to determine whether axon terminals in these target areas shared morphometric similarities based on the shape of individual terminal arbors and the density of two bouton types: en passant (Bp) and terminaux (Bt). Evidence from tridimensional reconstructions of isolated axon terminal fragments (n=111) did support a degree of morphological heterogeneity establishing two broad groups of axon terminals. Morphological parameters associated with the complexity of terminal arbors and the proportion of beaded Bp vs stalked Bt were found to differ significantly in these two groups following a discriminant function statistical analysis across axon fragments. Interestingly, both groups occurred in all four target areas, possibly consistent with a commonality of presynaptic processing of tactile information. These findings lay the ground for additional work aiming to investigate synaptic function at the single bouton level and see how this might be associated with emerging properties in postsynaptic targets.